This Is Forever (19 page)

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Authors: S.A. Price

BOOK: This Is Forever
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You weren’t that hot without supernatural intervention. Though the same could be said for Astrid.

“But enough about my scrumptious fiancée.
I have information for you. I looked up that location you were in for that photo shoot, did some research into the area. Tell me, who picked the house?”

Lola settled back in her chair.
“A boyfriend at the time. He was a DJ, he did a guest on the song we were shooting the video for. It was a prime location, met all the needs of the video.”

Astrid frowned. “That house is a half way. I don’t know who the DJ is, or if he knew it, but it’s a cross roads, built on a nexus, where things pass through.”

Lola leaned forward. “What does that mean?”

“What it means is it’s a place where the more nefarious entities wait for a body to inhabit. The dead, the evil, have nothing but time on their hands, and they are patient.”

“That sounds unpleasant.”

Fallon laughed.
“Understatment, kitten.”

Astrid pressed on. “
I think that you were targeted because you weren’t whole. Xxieda told me you went and did the video after some altercation in New Orleans involving Winter Tulane?”

Lola sighed and nodded.

“Care to explain?”

Lola closed her eyes. “Short version is
Winter and I broke up a while before. When we came from our first tour, I was read to get back together with him. He was seeing some slutty thing named Carrie. He was still hurt I broke things off in the first place. Didn’t wanna see me. So I got housed with Rhys. Then spent the next hour after that throwing up in his bathroom. Then on him, and myself. Winter found us in Rhys’ room later on, Rhys half naked, me putting my clothes back on from being laundered and jumped to conclusions. Words were said. He thought I hooked up with Rhys,” she shuddered, “As if. Love the kid but he’s like my brother. Anyway I left the next night, Mad, hurt and broken hearted.”

“That was the short version.” Fallon intoned from his place on the couch. Astrid threw a wadded up tissue at him.

Lola grinned, despite how she was feeling. Even insulting her, the man had the sexiest voice.

“Near as I can figure then,
you walked into that house shining like a beacon. Holes in your aura are easy to slip through, and whatever is squatting inside you, that fucking parasite, got in there and is looking to wear you down, and do you harm.”

“No offense, but no shit. What the fuck
am I supposed to do about it?”

Astrid cocked her head. “Well this is where it gets tricky. See, you are only whole when the person that broke you mends you. In order for you to get rid of this asshole, you need to be back with
Winter Tulane.”

Lola blinked.

“And I take it that’s not as easy as it sounds.” Astrid sighed. “What happened?”

Lola told her everything, from the barrier to
Winter’s admission two weeks before.

“And you have a problem with him being a demon.” Astrid said at length. “That’s what this is all about? Sweetheart, I’m sorry to say this but, you fucked up.”

Lola frowned and then rested her head in her hands.

“There is nothing wrong with him being a demon. Demons are not evil, not inherently. Look at Fallon? Does he seem like he’s evil?”

“No, he’s sex on legs” Lola murmured.

“Too right.”
Fallon said and grinned. “I like her.”

“Agreed, but has he been malicious? Would he be in love and marrying a woman that is helping you?”

Lola shrugged. “I don’t know him.”

Astrid sighed. “Ok. Is
Winter Evil? Or Murphy, Winter’s sovereign?”

Lola shook her head.

“Winter did this for you right? Did you bother to find out why?”

Again she shook her head.

“I think love, you should ask him.” Fallon said and placed his hands on his flat stomach.

“You will need to mend this between the two of you Lola. You cannot be helped without him.”

“I don’t understand why though. He’s a boy.”

Astrid reached for
Lola’s hand. “He is
boy Lola. Only a love that strong could tear two people up like this, ruin an aura. If you and Winter can come to rights, then I can exorcise this fucker from you. But Lola,” she said and lowered her voice.  “You need to accept what he has done. You won’t be whole till your aura mends.”

And isn’t that what the girls had told her in Vegas?
And it wasn’t like she didn’t want to make up with Winter. She did. She missed him like crazy, the tour sucked without him, and she was apparently vulnerable when he wasn’t part of her life. And that made sense, really. Since the beginning of their restarted courtship he was there to be with her, and reinforce the barrier. When she left being with him it all started again.

But she didn’t think she could get past the fact that he did to himself willingly what was forced on her in a respect.

Fallon sat up and swung his legs around so his feet were planted on the floor.
“Advice? Don’t let this tear you both apart, okay? People make mistakes, thinking they are the right reasons. Remember that. No one is infallible.”

Astrid smiled at her fiancée. “Truer words…” she trailed off and then stood. “If you and
Winter reconcile soon, the small tears will mend and will hold it at bay a while longer. Your next date is in Austin right?”

Lola nodded and stood.

“Then we will see you in Austin. I’ll text you the address of my house there, where we will do the exorcism. And I will let Xxieda know.” She moved closer to Lola and took both her hands, holding them out in front of the them both and cocked her head looking at something that seemed to be just out of the realm of conscious vision.

When Astrid shook her head Lola frowned. “What?”

“It’s powerful. Pissed that you have kept it squatting like a toad inside you. It wants out. Make up with Winter, tell him everything.” She hugged Lola and then smiled. “Ooh I’m quite excited about this…”

Fallon shook his head and offered his hand again. “It was a pleasure.” He said and winked. “Now if you will excuse us…” he wrapped himself around Astrid, who giggled.

“See you in a few days.”

And in a blink, both the demon and his witch were gone. Lola sighed. “People come and go so quickly around here…”
She murmured to herself before she looked at herself in the mirror. She looked like hell. But it didn’t matter. She needed to do what needed doing, and this was just the catalyst she needed to go running back to him. Her pride was pricked, yes, but not so much that she couldn’t see the forest for the trees. She needed him on so many levels and she was going to get him back.




The set was brutal. Winter had played hard, gone nuts, trying desperately to lose himself in the experience, in the music. Ninety percent of the set was their heavier stuff, and Winter was grateful. He needed a distraction from his mind swimming back to Lola giving him that sidelong glance, and what it could mean. He didn’t want to hope. Hopes got dashed when you fucked up royally.

And when he got off stage, she was nowhere to be found.
Which sucked worse. He had no idea why Astrid was in the area, and it wasn’t like he could ask anyone. Saffron was harried with the disappearance of two of Chandlers drums, and Rhys was dealing with the Meet and Greet with Nyx and Tosh. He was free and free sucked.

Realizing he only had two choices, join the band at the meet and greet, or go back to his hotel room, he chose the latter. The meet and greet would be filled with girls trying to hook up with him and in his present state of mind he didn’t know how that would end up.
And really, all he wanted to do was go back to his room and pass out after a bottle of jack.

Thankfully he got back to his room quickly, slipping out of the back before the Feathers and the wannabe groupies congregated. A short cab ride later he was walking through the lobby of his hotel and then pressing the button for his floor. He texted Nyx to let her know he was back at the hotel and he would see them in the AM, then stepped through the doors to his floor and was down the hallway and at his door seconds later.

Lights where on in his room and he shrugged. Turn down was all part of the service here so he didn’t think anything of it. But when he heard splashing in the bathroom he frowned. It wasn’t unheard of to come back to your hotel to find a bunch of Feathers had paid off the desk clerk to get into your room. Hell mend whoever let feathers into his room…

He walked towards the alcove that lead to the bathroom and stopped dead in the doorway. Lola was sitting in a bubble bath, watching him. He frowned, and looked around. Was he in the wrong
room? He turned around and made sure it was indeed his room and then walked back in, a quizzical look on his face.

“Just… how did you get in?”

Lola leaned forward, the bubbles bunching around her. “You’re not the only one that knows how to talk to desk clerks.” She said and then leaned back. “Wanna join me?”

Fuck yeah he did.
But… “Am I dreaming?” he muttered and stepped further into the room. If indeed he was he wasn’t going to waste it.

She shook her head. “No. I… Shit… I’m an asshole and I’m sorry.
I thought this would be okay, you know for you to find me here.” She said and gave him a wan smile. “We need to talk.”

nodded and stripped out of his clothes quickly, then stalked over to her and climbed in, which there was no way to do gracefully, sitting close to her but not touching. The water was hot, the tub big enough for two but with the bubbles they seemed miles apart.

As he settled she sighed and closed her eyes.  “So what did you want to talk about Nat?” he asked quietly, scared about what she was going to say. If this was a goodbye, a real goodbye, he didn’t think he could handle it.

“I wanna talk about what happened between us, and the way I reacted. I’m sorry Winter, I didn’t give you the benefit of the doubt with all this, I freaked out.”

He narrowed his eyes at her. “Why now?”

She gave him a small laugh. “I had a long talk with someone that made me realize I was being a total hypocrite.”

“What does that mean? Don’t tell me you bargained a demon as well.”

She shook her head. “No, but well,” she frowned. “I have my own secrets, ones that have impacted me in a similar way yours impacted you.”

“I don’t follow. Aside from your little freak out, I
haven’t been impacted by my decision. It wasn’t one I made lightly Nat, I assure you.”

She was quiet a moment and then softly said. “Why did you do it?”

Winter looked at her. She watched him, her eyes holding an emotion he wasn’t sure he could place.

“You sure you wanna know?” he asked and she nodded. “
Okay. I missed you, I hated myself for losing you, and for being an asshole and not realizing how much I needed you in my life. I wanted to be something more for you Nat, wanted to be a better man, not the insensitive asshole with jealously issues that you left, and I wanted to be able to do things for you no other man could, so I could get you back and stay with you.”

She cocked her head. “So you sold your soul for the power over time, for what, drawn out orgasms? You gave up your eternal soul to satisfy me?” she asked, her tone incredulous.

He shrugged. “Our relationship has always been physical Nat. It was only recently we started becoming friends and lovers. I did what I thought would keep you.”

“I don’t really know how to respond to that
, Winter. I mean it’s kinda on the crazy side…”

He nodded. “Since I did it, I have looked at it.
I’m not stupid, I know what power should cost. I don’t use it unless I need to, and really the only time I have consciously used them have been small or to help a friend out. Or to pleasure you.” He gave her a sheepish grin. “I honestly though you would have liked it more.”

She scoffed. “Oh I fucking loved it, but it was the aftermath… what it meant that freaked me out.”

“Okay, but why?” he asked and sifted bubbles through his fingers.

She sighed and then closed her eyes again. “So it’s my turn to tell a story?”

He nodded, his stomach starting to tumble into knots.

“Once upon a time…” she started like he did and looked at him. “There was this girl that was heartbroken. She missed the one person in the world she felt she could count on to love her no matter what. So in a bid to hurt him, she started seeing someone she didn’t actually care for.”

Winter nodded. “Cosmos…”

She mimicked him.
“Cosmos.” All pretense of the storytelling out the window she pressed on. “He had guested on the album, and the record company wanted us to do a video for the song. So Cosmos found the location, an old house out in Massapequa, on Long island.  It was perfect for the shoot…”

“But…” he asked and frowned. He didn’t like where this was going.

“But something happened while there. I don’t know what exactly, but I was told tonight that because of my broken heart I got possessed.”

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