This Is Forever (21 page)

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Authors: S.A. Price

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smiled at him and he was at her side in a second. “You know, in any other situation these chains would be kinda hot.”

“I knew you were going to
perv this up.”

He grinned. “You’re going to be ok right? I mean you…” he looked down and then back at her again.

She nodded.  Xxieda walked over to Dante to talk, leaving Winter a moment alone with the woman he loved. “I feel responsible for this, had I not been an ass…”

She shook her head. “I don’t. Shit happens. It sucks but
it’s getting taken care of. We know better for the future right?”

He leaned in and kissed her. “I love you Nat,” he whispered against her lips.
“Past my dying breath. I will love you until the world ends.”

She nipped his bottom lip.
“Ditto baby.” She winked.

“Shall we begin Lola?”

She looked up to Astrid who was standing at the foot of the bed.

“Yes, but call me Natasha, okay?”

Astrid gave her a smile and nodded. “Places everyone. Cookie, Toro, Dante, please restrain Winter.”

gave them an incredulous look.  “That necessary?”

Astrid nodded. “If shit goes south we
can’t have you going to her.”

“I’m good… I’m not fucking this up.
And what the fuck, I thought you needed an old priest and a young priest.”

Astrid pointed to herself and to Xxieda. “Check and check.”

“You can’t be much older than me Astrid.”

“Old in power
Winter. Now if you please?”

answered, and the guys took up spots around him.

Astrid started chanting, and the room got cold, cold enough that everyone saw their breaths. Fallon leaned in. “She’s channeling both her goddess and Cash…
he’s going to be pissed.” The glee in his voice was hard to miss.

Voice raised
, Astrid called to the powers. “Goddess, those that dwell deep, aid me this eve in banishing one who should not be on this plane.”

The power and the room fluctuated, the pressure getting thicker.
Winter watched as Natasha panted then calmed as it evened out. Astrid looked at Xxieda.
“Let that mother fucker out.”




Natasha gasped as she felt the barrier break, like a bubble popping over her skin. Prickles of power were everywhere, almost electric. She breathed fighting as a wave of vertigo hit her. She knew without a doubt it was Shesha.

Suddenly she was in the background, her consciousness secondary to the pressure that invaded her. She held on, powerless to do anything but keep her own consciousness grounded in the body she was fighting for control of.

“Your name!” she heard Astrid command in a power filled voice.

Her eyes, not of her own accord, trained on the small witch and both she and the entity
were treated to an awe-inspiring sight. Invisible wind whipped the witch’s hair in a deep, ominous cloud around her, and her eyes were a mixture of blues that Lola knew was not natural at all. She crawled with power, seethed with it.

The entity sharing
Natasha’s body snarled, distorting her vocal chords “Legion… For…”

Astrid cut it off.
“Silence! I know what you are, parasite. Your name or I will rip you from the girl with a thought!”

“You don’t have that kind of power!” it raged,
twisting Natasha’s arms and legs against the chains. “Release me!”

“Oh I’ll release you…” Astrid said and narrowed her eyes.

“Shesha!” it screamed, and
Natasha felt her vocal chords go numb. Lord it was going to take her with it. The motherfucker would not take her livelihood!

She fought to the fore, struggling higher, but only high enough to
reign the entity in. She wouldn’t let it destroy her physical body. Her eyes settled on Winter, who was standing there, his hands in fists at his side. Shesha saw him and turned their mouth into a sly smile.

“Ooh there he is…
Beautiful. Tell me half breed, will you still want this body when I have taken control. I haven’t had a male beneath me in a long time…”

“Do not answer it!”

The Natasha heard her voice come out of her body. “Baby… Please…. Help me…”

lunged and Fallon grabbed him around the torso, pulling him back.

“Your real name!”
Astrid growled and the power in the room doubled.

felt it as the entity dislocated her shoulder. In her own head she cried out and the entity laughed.

“I will kill her before I give this body up!”

“The hell you will!” Winter struggled, now against the hold of both Fallon and Dante.

“Last chance, your name, or I will pull you out and cast you the fane darkness.”

The entity knew what this was even though Lola didn’t. Images of dead trees, and craggy outcroppings jutting in a bleak darkness invaded the mind they both shared and she knew it was a dead plane, one nothing ever came back from. It was a fate worse than being obliterated.

Roku….” It said and Natasha knew it was telling the truth. Names have power, and instead of it getting sent to fane darkness, it chose to let Astrid have power over it.

Roku! Leave this girl, return to your prison between!” Astrid’s voice rang like a bell as the ethereal winds in the room started to pick up.

She felt the entity lift, helpless to obey now that Astrid called its name. She was going to be free…

“Don’t trust it…” Rhys called. “I can see it… Fuck!” he screamed and moved forward. “Astrid rip the fucker out its squeezing Nat’s heart!”

Rhys was
right, she was feeling constriction in her chest, a weight like a anvil pressing down on her.

“Natasha don’t you fucking leave me!” she heard
Winter roar as the entity laughed.

She scraped through
, trying like hell to fight it, willing all her might into expelling it.

Then… blackness…




familiar, comforting scents of honeysuckle, magnolia and lavender assailed her senses as she took a deep breath and opened her eyes. She blinked, trying to get adjusted to the brightness of her surroundings. As she gained focus, blinking away the haze, details were realized with clarity.

Her bedroom in Louisiana.
The purple and silver striped wallpaper ahead of her, the large lime green ornate mirror hanging on it were hers. The framed pictures to the right, the French doors, thrown open to the sunny day beyond, the wicker furniture, gleaming white in the sunlight, the railing beyond were part of her room.

She blinked again, her eyes resting now on the lime green inflatable couch to her far right, on the other side of the French doors, under the large window, also framed in lime green.

She looked down, saw her body, covered in
sheets, the posts of the bed coming into start relief. And to her left, head bowed, the hair there being munched happily by Rococo, Winter sat, holding her hand.

“Bad bunny.”
She said, her voice like a croak. It burned, and she swallowed and then groaned.

“Na…Natasha?” She heard
Winter’s voice, soft. She looked over to him to see him watching her. She blinked and gave him what felt like a weak smile.

.. Am I dead?”

He shook his head and squeezed her hand. “Nat…” he started and then shot up, scaring the shit outta Rococo, who had it coming, seeing as he was still munching on
Winter’s hair, and kissed her on her forehead. “Three weeks…” he mumbled, “Three weeks. They said you would wake…”

She tried to sit up and frowned.
Sore in so many places. She frowned as everything came rushing back, the pain in her body an aftermath from the torture it went through in Austin.

Hold on…” he said and let go of her hand, and helped her to sit up. When she was comfortable, he sat back in his chair, and Rococo hopped up to her, to greet her.

“What… what happened.”

He shook his head. “Don’t talk. You’re not completely healed. Here,” he offered her a bottle of water with a straw. “Small sips.”

She took a pull on the straw and almost moaned in bliss. The water was cool on her tongue, sweetened it seemed.
Honey, and something else. He answered her inner question. “Its honey water with something Fiona mixed in to help with the healing. You scared the shit outta me baby.”

Next to her on the bed
as always sat a small notebook. She watched as Rococo pulled it off the table and proceeded to molest its pages. She grabbed it and slowly scribbled on the top page and showed it to Winter.


What happened?


He got up and then paced, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. “Shit…” he said and sat back down, only this time it was next to her on the bed. “I… you died.”


She scribbled furiously.  I WHAT!?!


“The asshole squeezed your heart. Astrid went full on power bitch and literally ripped it from you. Everyone saw it, it was fucking bad ass, and she banished it to the fane darkness. They let me go and I ran to you. Seconds later Murphy was standing next to me with Fiona. I don’t even know how he got there. I… shit you’re going to be pissed…”


Her eyes went wide. What happened Winter!?


“Astrid and Xxieda asked if I loved you enough to be bound to, that it was the only way to save you. I said yes. They did the spell. We…” he looked away and then down. “We are part of each other now Natasha. I’m sorry for taking the choice from you, and…”

She watched as water gathered in his eyes.

“I couldn’t lose you. If you hate me, I’ll let you go but please don’t hate me.”

Natasha slowed her breathing trying hard to process the information. He had bound his life force to hers, to bring her back to life. And here he was scared as shit that she would reject him? Was he crazy?

She pulled him to her and hugged him, feeling the twinge in her shoulder. “You silly man,” she whispered in his ear. “You silly, silly man. You saved me. You have me forever now…” she said and kissed his cheek, the feel of the days old stubble a comfort.

“You have no idea how true that is…” he murmured.

“What do you mean?” she said softly as he pulled away and handed her the drink again. She took a few more sips and he waited for her to swallow. When she motioned for him to continue he gave her a sheepish grin.

“Well, we are bound now, soul bound. Murphy gets two for one, but not souls. Since you and I are two halves of the same whole…” he lifted his arm and she noticed the beautiful ornate tattoo was gone.

Had he given up his powers for her?

When he lowered it he lifted his shirt and along his upper hip part of the original design. She gave him a quizzical look and he reached down and pulled back the sheet covering her. She realized that the same design was now tattooed on her hip, making a beautiful co
ntrast to her peacock feathers, the vivid green startling against her skin.

Did he bargain her as well?

“How?” she said and felt her voice getting stronger. Whatever Fiona put in the drink was potent stuff.

“We don’t know. Best Murphy can figure is that since you share my essence now, you share my powers.” He grinned. “And lifespan.”

She frowned. “Which is?”

He sat in front of her again and kissed her softly.
“As close to forever as an immortal can get?”

She blinked. “Are you kidding?”

He shook his head and grinned. “I promise to make you never regret me.”

Her heart hurt from the look in his eyes. He really thought she would reject him.
“I never have Winter.”

He seemed to relax a bit, as if her admission was the final piece to a puzzle he was trying to discern.
“Good. I got something for you, for when you woke up.”

He dug something out of his pocket and coaxed the rabbit over to him. After a few seconds, then rabbit came around his body and thumped toward her. She smiled at it, and it climbed onto her stomach. She frowned. Damn it did she have to pee.

She went to pet him when he dropped something in her hand. She blinked. And blinked again, making sure she was seeing what she was seeing correctly.

A diamond solitaire
, in a plain setting sat in her palm. She looked up at Winter.

Blushing, he got down on one knee. “I know its overkill, I mean your mine forever, but I want you to choose to be mine. Marry me Natasha Cavendish, because I can’t live without you.”

She looked at Rococo, whose little bunny nose was twitching in annoyance, and then back at Winter, who was waiting, love apparent in his eyes. The naked emotion got her. She knew it didn’t matter that they were bound; he would have asked her anyway. She always belonged to him, was always meant to be the other part of this whole.

“Are you crazy?! It has always been and will always be
yes Winter, yes because I love you, and yes because you are the only man I have ever loved.”

He got off his knee and gathered her, gingerly, to him. The bunny hopped off her bladder and towards the forgotten notebook to munch again.

“I seriously didn’t know what you were going to say.” He murmured into her hair. “I thought you would resent me for not giving you the choice.”

“There was never a choice
Winter. Never. We belong together.”

He nodded and kissed her softly.

“Now, do you think I can get up and brush my goddamn teeth and pee?”



The Plantation house was abuzz with activity. She had emerged from her room soon after they had gotten engaged, showered and refreshed, but walking slowly.
Winter had carried her down the stairs to the kitchen where both bands were hanging out, along with Xxieda, Dante, her parents, Murphy, Fiona and Astrid and Fallon. Everyone has invaded her parents home since they cut the tour short, waiting on her reawakening.

Apparently, it had been chaos after she blacked out, and apparently died. After the witches had bound the two together Fallon had teleported them to her parents house and gone back for Astrid. The rest dealt with the closing down of the tour, and the subsequent media blitz, then made their way to Louisiana two days later to wait for her to wake.
The official word was that she and Winter were in a car accident, and while fine, they would have to reschedule the dates. At first the reporters had tried to follow them to the property, but having witches on the premises ensured deterrent spells were in place and the media was held at bay by Xxieda’s gatekeeper, her assistant Swann.

Her parents had freaked when she was carried in by
Winter, but Murphy and Astrid had calmed them down, and talked to them. Natasha was surprised to find out that Murphy had revealed himself to them, what he was and who he was citing “Hey they are family now.” They seemed to be handling it well, but she supposed having three weeks to come to terms with the fact that your daughter would have died otherwise really cemented the reality of the situation with them.

When she had showed them
the ring and her mother screamed like a banshee, and started going on and on about a wedding at the plantation. The girls all were starry eyed, as she was the first to be proposed to, though Natasha was sure she wouldn’t be the last. When asked about a date Winter simply said it would be as soon as tour was over. Natasha loved the idea, and her mother was wild for it. She had told her daughter, “Winter is the one we always wanted for you love, congrats.”

There was much talk and hugs for her from everyone, especially congratulations on the engagement, and plenty of  teasing threats to Winter’s person for starting the domino effect. Soon after Astrid and Harmony, Lola’s mother, had piled the table with more food than she had ever seen in the kitchen. They called it their ‘engagement brunch’, and everyone tucked in for a family meal. Natasha was surprised to find she was ravenous, and Astrid told her that the entity suppressed her appetite. It felt good to be free.

When Natasha had asked about the fallout from the tour being postponed, Dante was the first to answer.

“Your former recor
d company was not happy about all this nonsense, assholes didn’t even ask about you…” he said as he handed her a steaming cup of tea when Winter had settled her in one of the chairs around the large table.

“Fuck them,” Xxieda said and motioned to her band mates. “Toro and the boys and I were talking. If it’s amendable to you, I want to offer Strange Angels a spot on Will
It. Same contract; nothing changes, except the address the checks come from. Your family after all, you should be with family.”

agreed and thanked Xxieda for her generosity, which the other woman waived off. “Family. Always family.”

“The tea will help.” Fiona has said from her right. “It’s incubus tea. It helps in healing. I’m so happy you are joining the family.” She kissed Lola on the cheek. “It’s good to have people around you like you know?”

did know. She loved all these people. Toro had given her a look, and she had smiled and mouthed, Later. She knew he wanted to know how Winter proposed. She would tell him everything, he was going to be her Man of Honor after all.

The party broke up around twilight, everyone citing having to return to their respective homes and it was a flurry of goodbyes and promises. Astrid had hugged her long and hard before leaving and had whispered to her. “He never left your side in three weeks. He begged the gods to let you wake, swore if you didn’t he would find a way to bring you back. There are few men in the world that love that strongly. Never let him go.”

Fallon had kissed her hand, winked at her and blinked both Astrid and himself from the house to the surprised gasps of her parents and her band. “Half demon,” Xxieda said. “Teleport.”

Murphy and Fiona had left soon after but not before he had told her that he was happy to have another shining light as part of his court, and that she and
Winter would have to come for the new year ball. She wasn’t sure how that was going to happen, the demon world being on another plane of existence, but she didn’t say anything.

A half hour later it was just her parents,
Winter, Toro and Rococo left at the house, and Winter, relinquishing his guarding duty finally to shower, left her in her room with Toro, cuddling on the bed.

“So, how did he do it?” her best friend asked and admired the ring.

She told him, his eyes shining with unshed tears. He hugged her. “It’s like a fairy tale. A fucked up one with demons and ghosts but at least it didn’t end like the Grimm ones.”

She considered this as she sipped another cup of tea. In the houses since she had the first her voice had come back, and was getting stronger. “Yeah there was no blood.”

“Nope, but there was death. Scared the shit outta all of us. Try not to do that again ok? I’m not going to be hot with premature grey.” He smirked and then continued. “I have never seen Winter so distraught. Gods he loves you. In a scary beautiful way.” He sighed, sounding wistful. “Lucky bitch.”

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