This Is Forever (20 page)

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Authors: S.A. Price

BOOK: This Is Forever
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“I know it sounds crazy. Tonight one of Xxieda’s friends told me the house is a crossroads, and that Cosmos probably didn’t know it, but he took a spiritually weakened woman into a place where the dead prey on the living. When that happened, things started going funny for me.

“Cosmos and I broke up; I never wanted to marry him. He couldn’t handle my ‘mood swings’ anyway, which turned out weren’t me. I’m possessed by an entity that’s stuck on seeing me miserable and draining my life force.”

“What? How? How haven I not seen this happen?”

A tear slid down her cheek. “Before the tour, Xxieda warded me, like she did with Rhys, so I could try to be around you. She’s strong as hell Winter, but it was being around you that’s kept it away. Being near you has kept the warding strong, because up until the other night I didn’t have an episode.”

He was going to kill Cosmos.

“What happened?” he asked quietly.”

She shrugged. “I never know. I wake up with things written in a notebook, the guys are pissed
cuz I was a dick.” She gave him a humorless laugh. “The new tour manager left the tour because of something the entity did, and Oh yeah, we have lost our record company because I’m a freak.”

He watched the tears start to fall and couldn’t stay away from her anymore. He pulled her to him. And she cuddled to his chest, her arms wrapped around his waist as she sobbed. He held her, murmuring to her, trying to put her at ease.

She was being tortured and he didn’t even know. And he understood now why she freaked out about his bargain. He could understand how she wouldn’t be cool with something she held akin to her own situation. In less than five minutes she had laid everything bare, and he could kick himself. Not that he knew or could even guess any of this could happen, but he still felt responsible.

She kissed his chest, right over his heart and he held her tighter. “We will fix this Nat, I promise. Please don’t cry. I’m sorry. If I could take it back…” he thought about it and shook his head. “No, I’m lying. I don’t want to take it back, but my bargain would never hurt us. But you need to get well.”

“Astrid, Xxieda’s friend said she would do an exorcism, but there’s a catch…”

Wasn’t there always? “What is it?”

“I won’t be whole without you. I need you in my life.”

He chuckled. “Well that works because I’m not whole without you. You know someone could look at this situation and think,
she went back to him because it would save her, but I know that’s not all of it. Sure it’s part of it, but I know you love me Natasha Cavendish. I don’t wanna live without you anymore. It sucks having your best friend hating you. I need to be with you so this works for both of us.”

She looked up at him and he leaned down and caught her lips in a fierce kiss, groaning as he did. Gods it felt too good to have her back in his arms. She kissed him back, hungry for him. In seconds she was straddling his hips, and he sunk home, both of them moaning. She rode him softly, loving him as he loved her, and when they finally shattered, they did so together.

Later, cuddled in the bed together, Winter spooning the love of his life, things made sense again. He kissed her shoulder. “I didn’t tell you everything about my bargain.”

“It doesn’t matter.” She said sleepily. “
But go ahead.”

He nuzzled her throat. “I didn’t bargain my soul. I bargained me. At some point Murphy wants me, and my line, as a noble in his court. At some point, I will have full demon status. And the woman I love too.”

She stiffened. “Are you telling me you bargained your soul and humanity so that we can live together, seemingly forever?”

He laughed.
“Maybe. But that’s a long time off. Nothing to think about now. I just wanted to tell you, so you didn’t think I was hiding anything from you. I love you Natasha. Always and forever.”

He nuzzled her again but it didn’t matter, she had fallen asleep, and after weeks of drinking himself to oblivion, it was nice to know that he didn’t need to now. He closed his own eyes, inhaling the pure scent of her as he drifted off.





“Nice to see you back to normal,” Rhys offered as they were pulling into the hotel parking lot in Austin.

“Yeah yeah.”
Winter said as he started texting Lola. She was on her bus, traveling with her own band to the next date. They had a lot to talk about, especially with the issue of them no longer having a record company. They were at a cross roads. Winter hadn’t said anything to his band about it, but he was watching the situation closely on his end for Lola’s sake.


So what happened?
He texted to her as they stopped. 
And where are you guys?


Seconds later he got an answer.


Well they aren’t happy, needless to say. But we are going to probably take the six songs we recently did and make an EP.


That was smart. It would give them a way to get out there and show the industry that they were still a commodity.


Sensible. When you getting here?


She ringed in.
15 I think. You still want me to stay with you?


Winter grinned.
As if you are staying anywhere else but our room.


I love you.
She texted back.


Love you too. Did you get the text from Astrid yet?


No, still waiting. See you in a bit.


“Where are they?” Saffron asked as their driver set the hydraulics and the bus settled.

looked up. “Said about fifteen minutes out.”

“And you guys are ok now?” Nyx asked grabbing her bag.

“Yep. All five by five.”

This seemed to make everyone relax a bit. “Good,
cuz you doing your best impression of me was piss poor. But now that things are back to the status quo what is she planning to do about her little issue?”

sighed. “Astrid is going to handle it. Just waiting to hear from the witch.”

Saffron nodded and checked her phone. “Xxieda and Dante are on their way in.”

“Are you guys going to come?” Winter asked. He hoped so, the moral support would be good for his lady.

Rhys nodded. “I need to be there, Just in case.”

Everyone filed off the bus leaving Winter to grab his own stuff. Soon he was ensconced in his room waiting on Lola. It was as he got out of the shower that there was a knock at the door. He crossed to it, and opened it to see her standing there with her bag and a smile.

“Hey baby.” He said as she came in. She kissed him softly.

“Lose the towel.” She grinned and he did, standing there nude as she walked over to the bed and dropped the bag. “Astrid called.”


“She gave me the address. Xxieda and Dante are on their way there from the airport, we are to meet them in two hours.”

He nodded. “
Okay, and why did you want me without a towel?”

She grinned. “
Cuz you look fucking good naked baby.”

growled and stalked to her catching her in his arms as he reached her. She squealed as he rolled onto the bed with her. “Not as good as you. Get those clothes off.”



Astrid’s Austin house was more a compound then house, sitting almost five miles out of the city on a high plot of land
surrounded by a high brick wall with cameras. The Limo had picked up Winter, Lola, Saffron, Rhys, Nyx and Toro at the hotel and made it to the compound quickly, slinking through the gates quietly.

house was massive, easily two times as big as Lola’s Family’s plantation mansion, all hard angles and stucco and brick. It gave a slight ominous feeling broken up by the large fountain in the courtyard drive. The over large windows were all ablaze with light, cutting the ominous feeling further, making it seem much more welcoming.

Xxieda was standing outside the front the doors, a smile on her face. When the
group exited the limo she gave a wave.

“Hey boss,” Saffron said as she mounted the three large wide steps to hug Xxieda. “When did you get here?”

Xxieda hugged her tour manager back. “About two hours ago. Is this everyone?”

Saffron nodded. “Tosh has family in town and Chandler decided one home grown human was enough in the mix for this.”

The music mogul nodded. “Guys smart. Though I don’t think you…”

“My ass.
If Rhys is here, I support him.”

Xxieda seemed to like that answer.
“Fair enough. Lo? Baby you ready for this?”

Lola has just stepped out of the car and waved. “A little apprehensive, but…
Let’s do this.”

followed his girlfriend up the steps but was stopped by Xxieda. “You ok with this?” when he nodded she gave him a serious look. “Good, because this could get messy. Just remember, you love her, and you want

They walked through the foyer and into a huge, open concept room, circular, like a rotunda. The ceiling was all glass, the night sky above them winked stars as they looked up.

“It’s beautiful when all the lights are out.” Astrid said from beside a frescoed pillar. “Is the reason I bought the property. Sky land is what it’s called. All the bedrooms have glass ceilings as well.”

“This house is amazing.” Lola said and went to the curvy little witch and hugged her. “Thank you, for doing this.”

She waived it away. “No thanks needed. But, I wanted to tell you both; there is a small chance things could go wrong.” She looked towards Winter. “Are you sure your love is strong? Pure?”

went to Lola and wrapped himself around her. “As the driven snow. Do we have to wait for like midnight or something?”

Astrid shook her head.
“Fallon and Dante. They went to get booze for later. Now, Lola, Nyx, Saffron, and X, if you will come with me. We need to prepare Lola.”

Lola turned in
Winter’s arms. “Soon my love.” She kissed him.

He nodded and walked over to the couch Rhys had made himself at home on. They sat in silence for a few minutes before they heard bickering from the front hall.

“Mate, I told you, old Feyd was going to knock that stunning creature up didn’t I?”

“Not the issue, have you any idea who her father is?”

“Yes you keep mentioning this Afterburner chap, Really Fallon, I wasn’t aware you would be quaking in your panties over a boogey man.”

“Guys real…” Fallon
, presumably, looked around the corner and their conversation died. “So which one is the poncy fuck Feyd saw you with?”

Dante came through to the room proper with two bags in his hand and pointed to Rhys.
“Though I take back the poncy statement. He laid out Saffron’s ex a couple months back, broke all four knuckles.”

Fallon grinned at them. “Welcome to being a man
, kid.” He said and nodded.

“What the fuck man
? Just because I’m not a brawler I’m not a man? I’ll have you know I’m a lover not a fighter.”

Fallon sneered at him. “
You are looking at a lover
fighter, keep up kid.” He winked at Winter. “You must be Winter, Lola’s guy.”

nodded and stood up and shook his hand. “She’s a hot piece kid. Keep that on lock, Savvy?”

Toro, who was standing close to the doorway the girls went through looked up from his cell and almost choked.
Winter looked over at him and smirked. Figured he would notice the other man after her spoke. Fallon noticed him as well.

“And you, what do you have to say for yourself? Why are you dressed up like its Halloween?”

Toro blushed, and honest to god blush, and shook his head. “It’s my thing.” He said and arched a brow as he raked his gaze over Fallon, his eyes stopping twice at the other guy’s groin.

Fallon scoffed. “Keep dreaming kid, I don’t swing that way and my fiancée has gutted people for less.”

Winter blinked at the statement, how casually it was delivered. Sure Fallon was probably used to the leering, guy was good looking, but sweet little Astrid gutting people? He expected that from the guy talking, not the sexy as fuck witch. He decided that anyone Dante was associated with was not only dangerous, but mentally touched as well, which would explain a lot about the fire demon.

Any of you want a beer?” Dante asked.

Rhys shook his head.
“Gotta be clear.” He wiggled his fingers. “You know, incase…”

Dante rolled his eyes. “Incase what
, this turns into sodding
? Really kid.”

Fallon raised a brow in Dante’s direction and Dante answered. “Kid is a Medium.”

“Ah talk to the dead thing? Interesting. And cool, in a creepy as fuck kinda way. And you,” he motioned to Winter. “You’re one of Murphy’s right? Handpicked and everything?”


“Strigo are good people. Glad you’re not one of those lunatic
Celo. I can’t stand those illusion eaters.”

knew the stigma with the Celo. They had approached him a while before, but he had decided Strigo was the way to go.  “And you?”

Escensio.” He said and then popped the cap off a long neck. “And you?” he said to Toro. “When Jack Skellington is home who is he?”

Toro frowned.
“Human, through and through.” He answered seeming to challenge Fallon to say something derogatory.

Fallon seemed to approve of that
and nodded. “Where are the girls?”

“Getting ready?”
Winter offered and Fallon tipped his beer to his mouth.

“We are ready.” Astrid said to the four of them and then shook her finger at Fallon.
“Cookie, leave Rhys and Toro alone. Dante I’m going to tell X and she’s going to give you a spanking.”

scoffed. “More like the other way around.”

“Whatever. We are ready so if you please?”
She motioned for them to follow.



looked at herself in the mirror. Completely cleared of all makeup. No one but Winter and Toro had seen her clear of all her war paint in a very long time. Astrid had said that she needed to be as pure as possible for this to work with the quickness, as to ensure it doesn’t dig in. So makeup, piercings… Lola… gone.

She was wearing a long white night gown Astrid has given her. The witch had told her it was blessed by the Queen of the shifter demons, to help in the extraction process. Natasha was grateful for any extra help they were getting. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Astrid and Xxieda to do the job, but a little extra insurance was never a bad thing.

She sighed and went over what they told her. Xxieda was going to pull the barrier off her, and that would allow the entity to surge to the surface. Once that happened they had a limited window to get it out of her and destroyed. Astrid was already spoiling for a fight, sure that the entity was going to be difficult. So precautions had to be taken.

She looked over at the four poster bed she was about to
be chained to. Winter was either going to freak or smirk. She was of the first order, a little on edge at the fact that Astrid was going to do some form of spiritual battle with the entity and Natasha’s body was going to be the battlefield. But her resolve was clear. She needed clear of this bastard.

“Your anger will keep you fighting,”
Astrid said as she watched Lola walk around the bed. “It’s what is going to keep you here with us. Don’t let go of it.”

Lola gave her an arched look. “Isn’t the Dark side ruled by anger and aggression? Shouldn’t you be telling me to use my feelings or some junk.”

“Dark entities don’t work like that.” She said quietly. “You have to fight fire with fire when it comes to them. Calmness will be seen as complacency, and they will take root further. If you love your life, and that scrumptious man in there, you will fight for it and him.”

nodded. “I’m not too keen on the chains though.”

Xxieda shrugged. “We told you precaution. Incase this turns into a scene from the exorcist.”

“You will tell me if I accuse anyone’s mother of sucking cock in hell right?”

Xxieda grinned. “That’s my girl. You ready?”

She nodded and Astrid left the room as Saffron, Nyx and Xxieda positioned themselves on either side of the bed. “Okay,” Xxieda said. “Let’s get you strapped in.”



walked in to see Natasha chained to a giant bed, a haze of incense in the air. Xxieda was standing on one side of the bed, and he watched as Rhys went to stand where Saffron was posted, on the other side.

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