Three Days of Rain (27 page)

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Authors: Christine Hughes

BOOK: Three Days of Rain
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The ambulance pulled in front of the emergency room doors but there was no longer any emergency. Jake hopped out of the back and watched as the two paramedics gently lifted Lily out. He stood rooted as they wheeled her through the doors. Billy came running up from the parking lot.

“Jake, what happened? Are you guys okay? Someone at the bar told me you two were in an accident. Where’s Lily?”

Jake couldn’t look him in the eye. Hands shoved in his pockets and shoulders slumped, the answer radiated from him. He could do nothing but stand there staring at the ground.

He heard Billy run into the hospital screaming for someone, anyone to bring him to his niece.

“Jake, what are you doing here?”

John Olsen walked up to him with Abby. Jake lifted his gaze and saw that they had been crying. He pointed to the emergency room.

“Are you here because of Madison?”

“Madison’s here?”

“Yes. We found her on the floor and the ambulance brought her here.”

A brick landed in Jake’s stomach as he thought to the accident and the ambulance.

“The ambulance?”

“Yes. That’s why we’re here. Did you see her come in?”

Sitting on the bench, Jake tucked his head between his knees and covered his face with his hands. He hoped he was wrong.

“I didn’t see her. Lily and I were in an, Lily was...Oh my God.”

“What happened, Jake?”

“Lily’s...Lily’s dead. We got into an accident with an ambulance on the way here.”

Abby clutched her chest and ran into the building looking for her daughter. John stared at Jake with sadness for a moment before following his wife inside.

Jake had no idea how long he’d been sitting on the bench when his father sat down next to him. Fresh tears began to fall just when he thought he had no more to shed.

“I’m sorry about Lily. She was an amazing girl.”

Jake’s head dropped farther down.

“I brought you some water.”

Jake took the bottle and gripped it tightly.

“John and Abby wanted me to tell you that Madison is in the ICU. It wasn’t her ambulance you hit. It was a ninety year-old woman who was on her way out. Madison should recover, though she’s in very guarded condition. I didn’t know she had a brain tumor.”

Silence filled the night as Andy tried to pull some of the grief from his son. No one should feel what he was feeling. Though he saw relief blink for a moment when he told Jake about Madison, there was nothing he could do to ease the pain of losing Lily, of losing the baby.

“Come on.”

Jake’s eyes followed his father and he stood up. With his arm around his son, Andy led Jake into the building.

Danny was sitting in one of the chairs in the waiting room with Megan and Billy.

“Jake,” Megan was the first to break the silence as she stood.

Fatigue threatened to overtake him and he grabbed his father’s arm for support. Once he was seated, Andy walked over to talk to a nurse. Within a few minutes, a doctor came out into the waiting room and sat across from Jake. He nodded to Billy as he’d already had this conversation once before.

“Jake, I’m Dr. Maxwell. I’m sure you understand Lily passed away before you arrived at the hospital. Between the bleeding from the miscarriage, the head wound and the shock, her heart couldn’t take it and stopped working. The paramedic did everything he could but in the end, there was nothing he could do. I am sorry. We’ve already called her parents. Is there anything we can answer for you?”

The truth rested heavy on Jake’s shoulders, and he asked if he could see her. The doctor agreed and walked him back to the room where Lily’s body was lying. She was covered with a sheet and the doctor explained they were going to bring her body to the morgue within the hour. Jake could take his time and say whatever goodbyes he needed to. He pulled the sheet down to her neck and Jake was surprised to notice how peaceful she looked. She didn’t look dead, just sleeping. It didn’t seem right that he wouldn’t be able to stroke her hair until she woke up like he had only days before. I wasn’t fair that he wouldn’t be able to watch her eyes try to focus in those first few minutes after she woke.

The chair screeched across the floor as he pulled it up. Icy chills stung his hand as he placed it on top of hers and squeezed. She looked peaceful, but her skin was firmer than usual, not as bright. It was her but not the same. Resting his head on her stomach he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

It was an hour later when Andy walked into the room and woke his son.

“Jake, we need to go.”


“They need to take her.”

“Can I have five more minutes?”

“Five minutes, son. I’ll let the doctor know.”

Andy walked out of the room leaving Jake to say goodbye.

“I am so sorry this happened to you. There’s so much I want to say, I just can’t figure out the words.

“You are the best and brightest thing that ever happened to me. You showed me that I could live again without drowning in the past. I was so lost, so ordinary, and you helped me find my way. If it weren’t for you, I’d probably still be stuck living with my ghosts.”

A smile crept to his mouth and he laughed softly. “When I first met you I thought you were so pushy, always putting your foot in your mouth. God, I just wanted you to go away. And then I got to know you. I didn’t want to ever be without you. And the baby. Why didn’t you tell me? I know you wanted to be sure but you shouldn’t have had to go through all that stress by yourself. I could’ve helped, taken some of the anxiety away. You were always so open. Why did you hide

“I can only assume you didn’t think I’d take it well. You were probably right. But I swear to God I would’ve taken care of you and our baby. I would have moved to Atlanta, Connecticut, wherever you wanted to go. I’d have followed you anywhere. But where you are now, I can’t follow. I can only hope that you’ll watch over me and help me do what’s right. I’m gonna love you forever Lily Burns. I know I couldn’t promise you much, but I would have been all you needed to get by.”

He touched his lips to hers for a moment before straightening up. Wiping the stray tears from his face, he kissed her walked out the door.



Jake walked out of Lily’s room and into the waiting room.

“Can I see Madison?”

Megan took him by the hand and led him to the elevator. They rode up in silence. She let him step onto the floor alone. He stood in the silence of the ICU floor not sure where to go or who to talk to. It wasn’t until he saw Abby Olsen at the end of the hall talking to a doctor that he found a direction.

He waited patiently for the doctor to finish before he spoke. “How is she, Mrs. Olsen?”

She embraced him. “Oh, Jake. I heard about Lily. I am so sorry. If there is anything I can do...”

Her voice trailed off as she looked into her daughter’s room.

“Thank you. I can’t really talk about that right now. It’s too much. I just came to check on Madison. See how she was doing.”

“She’s doing as well as can be expected. She had a small stroke and a seizure. Somehow she banged up her head, bit through her tongue, and tore out a few fingernails. Other than that, they are monitoring her. She should be fine. Most of the functionality of her one side has come back so they think none of the damage is permanent. She’s just going to have to be looked after until, well, until the tumor takes over.”

She began to weep softly, and Jake put his arms around her. Part of him was relieved Madison wasn’t in the ambulance he’d hit earlier. The other part of him, the hidden part, wondered why Lily had died and Maddie was expected to make a full, if brief, recovery. Life had never been coy with him. It had always laid out its cards and begged to be called out on a bluff.

“Don’t worry, Mrs. Olsen. We’re all here for her. Let me know of anything I can do.”

“Oh, sweetie. I can’t ask any of that from you. Just you saying it makes all the difference. I appreciate it.”

Jake gave her one last hug and started back toward the elevators.

“Lily brought you back, you know.”

Turning and looking back at her, he smiled, punched the button, and stepped onto the elevator.

Andy was the last one waiting for him.

“Let’s go home, Dad.”

“You okay?”

“Not now, I’m not. But I will be. I have to be.” New tears streamed down his face.

“For the first time, I believe you’re right. That Lily had a way of making people better, didn’t she?” Andy responded with fresh tears of his own. His son had been dealt a lousy hand in life and all he could hope for was healing.

“Yeah, Dad. She did.”

Jake knew that even though Lily was gone, she’d remain with him. He knew that because of her, a new life, an eyes-wide-open life, waited for him on the other end of grief.



Two months later

Jake stepped off the boat at the end of the day. Cold and wet, he made his way to the locker room. He was alone. The feeling wasn’t as uncomfortable as it once was. Gone were the days of ghosts and regret. Gone were the feelings of aimless wandering and the inability to let go of what drowned him. Lily had taught him to look for something more. Taught him to believe he was more than the sum of his past.

After showering and quickly getting dressed, he hopped into Lily’s Jeep. Billy had made sure it was given to him. Jake hadn’t asked for anything. Just the fact that Lily had been in his life was enough for him but Billy had convinced her parents to give him the Jeep and her camera. He’d taken pictures almost daily, trying to see the world, as Lily must have, through the perfection of a lens.

After a few quick stops, he pulled up to the front of the cemetery. Lily wasn’t here. Her parents had her buried in Connecticut about a week after she died. Andy and Billy drove up with him. The ceremony was beautiful and her parents were gracious enough to allow them to stay at their house. While there, Jake took to sitting on the floor of Lily’s room, soaking in everything that was her.

Photographs littered the walls. It was like being surrounded by everything she ever found beautiful, and he lost himself in it. It was that day her parents gave him the camera and expressed that they’d hoped he’d find the same beauty in the world that she did.

He hadn’t been back to Connecticut since her funeral and wasn’t sure if he’d ever be able to go back. Saying goodbye was the most difficult thing he’d ever had to do. He didn’t want to look back and remember her in sadness. Instead, he took comfort in all the ways she’d made his life better in the short time they’d known each other. It was almost impossible for him to believe that in the span of less than three months, he found, fell in love with, and lost the most amazing person he’d ever met.

Pushing her from his mind momentarily, he stepped out of the Jeep and walked through the rows of headstones until he came to his son’s grave. Kneeling beside it, he placed a bouquet of fresh flowers against the stone. Then he looked to his left, at the freshly dug grave with a layer of not yet rooted sod carpeted on top. A beautiful wreath and dozens of roses littered the ground. The headstone had not yet been placed but Jake’s ultimate decision to allow Madison to be laid to rest next to their son was one he wouldn’t regret.

In the end, Madison’s past mistakes wouldn’t define her. It was important to her in her last few months to right the wrongs, and that included forgiveness from Jake. He remembered one night, a few weeks before she died, they had their first actual conversation of substance. They’d spent years together but he couldn’t remember one meaningful exchange until that night...


Madison had called earlier that day and asked Jake to come over and talk. He’d been over to see her a number of times since she was in the hospital, but she was usually asleep or so knocked out on pain killers, he’d usually just sit in the chair next to her bed and watch television or play his guitar. But that day, when she called, she was unusually coherent.

Pulling up to the Olsen’s house just after dinner, Jake walked up with his guitar strapped to his back. When Madison was awake, she enjoyed listening to him play. He barely knocked when the door flew open and Madison was standing there, freshly showered and dressed comfortably in old jeans and a sweatshirt. This was a far cry from the bed-ridden girl of the past month or so.

He fell back a few steps when she jumped out the door to hug him.

“Hey. You look great. Feeling better, I guess?”

“Yeah, I don’t know. I woke up this morning, and I wasn’t tired, my head didn’t hurt, and I’ve taken like ten showers today, by myself, just because I could!”

Her laugh was infectious and Jake smiled at her exuberance. “That’s awesome. So happy for you.”

“Come in, come in. You brought your guitar? Good.”

He walked into the house. John and Abby were sitting on the couch, watching television. Megan was cleaning up the dishes from dinner. They all had smiles on their faces.

“Hey Jake.” Megan kissed his cheek while drying a dinner plate.

John stood and shook Jake’s hand. “It’s a good day today, Jake. Glad you could make it.”

“I’m glad too Mr. Olsen. When she called earlier, she sounded so, normal I guess. Definitely different than the last time I was here.”

“Are you hungry, dear? We have some leftover meatloaf. Megan made it.”

“No thanks, Mrs. Olsen. I stopped at Billy’s and had a burger after work.”

“Well, if you get hungry, let me know and I’ll heat something up for you.”

“I will, thank you.”

“Come on, Jake. Let’s go to my room so we can talk.” He stopped short when he saw her wiggle her eyebrows. “Oh my God! Look at your face!” she said, laughing. “I’m just kidding. I promise. We’ll just talk.”

Deliberately placing one foot in front of the other, Jake made his way to the back of the house and sat in the chair next to her bed while she sat cross-legged on her comforter. He’d grown comfortable with her since the accident. He was no longer repulsed by her, and he’d all but quit asking God why he took Lily instead of Madison.

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