Through the Dom's Lens (2 page)

Read Through the Dom's Lens Online

Authors: Doris O'Connor

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Interracial, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Through the Dom's Lens
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was the low rumble of a deeply masculine voice that raised the fine hair on her
body with the steely command she sensed, even muffled as it was, the slam of
the door, and then the
of stilettos behind her.

jumped at the screech into her ears, before this particular stick insect
traipsed down the steep stairs.

knew this was a waste of time." The man's voice dripped over her senses
like molten chocolate, and Sally lost her grip on the clip board. It fell to
the floor with a clang, and she winced at the unnaturally loud sound it made in
the quiet room. Before she could pick it up,
there and did it for her.

not, Master J."
She smiled at Sally, and she could see
in her peripheral vision as she handed the clipboard
to the tall man leaning against the wall. Sally got a glimpse of faded denim
jeans, topped with a silk shirt, and a firm jaw, before she hastily looked
forward and interlinked her fingers to hide their shaking.

was it. Game over. He would take one look at her chart, and then her, and laugh
her out of here, Sally was sure.

was the rustle of paper as Master J studied them, and a murmured conversation
in what she assumed was Japanese, and then silence.

footsteps approached, and then Sally was staring at muscular thighs. They
strained the denim of his jeans, and her mouth went dry at the bulge in his

didn't dare look up, all too aware of his silent scrutiny that heated her skin.
Her breath hitched, and her nipples firmed against the silk of her dress, and
if she grew any wetter than she would leave a wet stain to complete her humiliation.

couldn’t even begin to explain why she was this turned on, but there was a
tangible presence surrounding this man.
An air of authority
and leashed power that called to something deep inside of her.
His scent
surrounded her as he stepped right into her personal space.

at me, girl."

had to look a long way up, and when her gaze connected with his, her heart rate
went into overdrive.

thick brows drew together, and his black eyes seemed to see straight into her
soul. It was an entirely too airy fairy notion, but that was the only way to
describe it, and when he spoke again, his deep, slightly accented voice, held
her captive.



Chapter Two


Frederikson wasn't often lost for words, but seeing the pretty blush spread
across this rather delicious little
robbed him
of his ability to string a coherent sentence together. By all rights he ought
to be furious at her deception, but she looked so utterly ashamed and downright
terrified that she raised every one of his protective instincts instead, and
other things besides.

pretty little thing was not Maddison Wood, but she had to be related. She had
the same almond shaped eyes that had first captivated him when he'd met
at a BDSM club in Montreal several years ago now.
Back then she'd just been finding her feet in the model industry, and he'd had
fun showing her the ropes, so to speak. A few well-placed phone calls had given
the young
a much needed boost, and that had
been his responsibilities taken care of.

been surprised when her agent had put her forward for this photo shoot. She was
not the body shape he'd been looking for, but this young woman was, and she had
the same vulnerability that had first drawn him to a young

sorry, I told her this would never work."

almost didn't catch the breathy whisper, so low was her voice, and he gave in
to instinct and cupped her chin to force her to look at him.

steeled himself against the misery in the depth of her warm chestnut gaze, and
firmed his voice.

told who?" he asked.

… she's my sister."

this just got better by the minute, but that certainly explained the

would your sister send you here, pretending to be her?"

younger version of
blinked rapidly and tried
her best to wriggle away, but he firmed his hold on her chin, and slid his
other hand to her throat. Her eyes widened, and she stopped fidgeting when he
squeezed just hard enough to get her attention.

, I suggest you answer me. And tell me the truth, before I start our
first session with a punishment."

didn't miss the involuntary shudder that went through her, or the sharp intake
of breath. Her heartbeat thundered under his fingertips, and he hid his smile.
This disastrous day was beginning to look up after all.

… punishment?"
Her huge eyes sought his and then
dropped to his mouth and stayed there. "I-I'm not here to be punished. I
was helping
out, that's all. This is supposed
to be just a photo shoot. I'm sorry if I'm such a disappointment. I'll just go,
and we can forget all about this." She tried to rise, and he tightened his
hold on her neck, keeping her in place.

I say you were a disappointment?" he asked.

her expressive gaze darted to his, and his cock hardened to the point of pain
when she licked her lips. It wasn't a conscious act, more a nervous gesture,
that told him how out of her depth she was. The check list she'd dutifully
filled out, told him the rest. Here was a natural submissive keen to experience
a taste of the lifestyle, and he was just the man to give her that. Junsako
hadn't been looking for a new sub, but there was something about
sister that drew him like the moth to the flame,
and now that he had her here, he had no intention of letting her go again.

must be. I've seen the other models that—"

dismissive growl in answer cut her short, and she bit into her plump lip.
Fascinated he watched her little white teeth leave indents in the soft flesh,
and he rubbed his thumb over the moist area.

do that. The only marks I want to see on your beautiful skin are the ones I put
there." Her pulse jumped under his fingers, and Junsako let out the breath
he hadn't been aware of holding. He was reading her right then. "I had
very specific terms for this assignment, and none of those models were the body
shape I require for this set of pictures. I want to show off the beauty of a
woman's body. I want to enhance the soft flesh bound with my ropes. For that I
need a real woman—like
." Her soft gasp was music to his ears.
"I want to make you fly. To see your skin flushed with arousal and need,
to run my hands all over the abundant curves I can see under your dress.
With your permission, of course."

released her and took a step away to give her space, mindful of the fact that
this had to be her decision. Mindful, also, of the strong attraction shimmering
between them, that inexplicable pull of chemistry that he hadn’t felt with
anyone in far too long.

he had had it briefly, but it hadn't been strong enough for him to want to keep
her with him. Once trained, she had remained as his assistant only. As though
she was following his thought processes,
fingered her collar and smiled at him over
sister's head, and he nodded just once.

the first time since
had accepted her new
Master's collar, and expressed her wish to leave Junsako's protection, the
apathy plaguing him had left. Anticipation fizzed through his veins, and the
heavy fog of desire brought his dominant side to the fore. He wanted this woman
with every fiber of his being.

you want to do all that with me?" The hopeful tones of her whispered
question made him smile.

I do. Will you let me, sister of


had to be dreaming. That had to be it. Things like this did not happen to her,
ever. Instead of throwing her out like he would have every right to, this drop-dead
gorgeous man smiled down on her. The white of his teeth was a startling
contrast to the ebony hue of his skin, as was the outstretched hand now closing
around her fingers. She could no more ignore that invitation than she could
stop breathing. Blood rushed in her ears, and the lazy circles his thumb made
over the back of her hand sent tingles of awareness up her arm.

my name is Sally."

pulled her up, and she would have stumbled had he not put an arm round her
waist and pulled her close. With her heels she just came up to his
and she focused her attention on the movement of
his Adam's apple as he spoke.

it suits you. Now, be a good girl for me, and follow
She'll get you ready for the photo shoot, and answer any questions that you
might have."

hand lingered on the curve of her hip for just a fraction too long, and it gave
her the courage to ask.

? But you said…"

smile deepened, and he tapped her nose with one long finger.

know what I said, and I meant every word of that, but I also need a model for
the shoot, and you, my sweet Sally, are it. That's what you came here for,
after all."

was a teasing light in the black depths of his commanding gaze, and Sally
swallowed hard.

of course, I did."

spun her around to face
, and then dropped a
kiss on her neck. It was a mere brush of hot, firm lips against her damp skin,
and yet it felt like a brand.

need to phone
, and just clarify some things.
I'll be there soon.
, you know what to


blinked in the numerous spotlights and held the ends of the fine silken Japanese
had given her to replace her dress, as
though her life depended on it. With her face scrubbed clean of any artful make
up and her long hair left to tumble in all its unruliness down her back, she
felt extremely vulnerable. She curled her toes under and wished with all her
had never persuaded her to do this.
Junsako had been gone ages, and what was there to talk about? He'd made it
sound as though he knew
, but that didn’t make
any sense at all. Why would her sister send her into the lion's den?

door opened, and she didn't need to turn around to know it was him. His scent
alone alerted her to his presence. The subtle shift in the ambience of the room
that meant her whole body tightened in need. The fine hair on her arms rose,
and her heart was trying to give itself a cardiac arrest. Never had Sally been
this affected by any man before. She was no innocent, but no man had ever made
her slick her panties just by his presence.

your head into the light for me, pet."

She responded
to the silken command in those velvet tones immediately, and she could hear the
laughter and approval when he added.

girl. You're beautiful without all the war paint. I don't ever want to see you
wear it again when you're with me, is that clear?"

Master J."

me Sir, pet. I haven't earned the right to demand you call me your

way he said
sent a rush of heat through her body. It had a
possessive quality to it that she yearned to see more of. It was a direct contrast
to her last so-called boyfriend, who had taken possessive to a whole new level
of abusive. She pushed those thoughts away. Sally hadn't thought about him in
ages, and she would not let unwelcome memories spoil this moment.

watched her patiently, and she took a deep breath.

… Sir."

smile in answer sent the warmth of his approval through her veins, and he
nodded and grew serious.

your robe off your shoulders and let me see you."

complied, heat filling her cheeks at the thought of being that exposed to him,
especially as all of his concentration was now on her. He murmured his
instructions as he took pictures, and she had no choice but to follow those
quiet demands. Only the click of the camera, the rustle of his clothes, and
their combined breathing could be heard in the stillness of the room.

my girl. Don't hide from me. Let me see those curves."

what seemed like ages Sally twirled this way and that, whilst he took picture
after picture, until finally he stepped into her view and put the digital
camera down on a tripod.

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