Read Ti Amo Online

Authors: Sienna Mynx

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Sagas, #Collections & Anthologies

Ti Amo (36 page)

BOOK: Ti Amo
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Mira stopped. She turned and looked at Giovanni. “What have you decided regarding Domi and Catalina?”

“Let’s not discuss it now.”

“Giovanni, please. We’ve all been through so much. It’s time for us to be a real family. To heal. Can’t you forgive them?”

“Is she pregnant?” Giovanni asked.

Mira bit down on her bottom lip to resist the urge to lie. She threw her hands up in defeat. “No. She’s not.”

“I didn’t think so.”

“You can make this a beautiful Christmas if you forgive Domi and Catalina. It’s our first Christmas together. We should all have a fresh start after the year we’ve had. Don’t you agree?”

Eve turned and ran back toward them, her eyes large with fright. Something in the grass had scared her. Giovanni laughed and caught his daughter. He lifted her up in his arms and then threw her higher, catching her in his hands. Eve squealed. Mira sighed. Had he even heard her? He was such a stubborn man. But she believed he had a heart, compassion. He could be forgiving. She would make sure to remind him of these things. She would try. After their stroll, they went inside to a meal prepared by the women in the family. Catalina appeared, and though she said she didn’t care for her cousin Aurora, they seemed to get along okay while hanging lights through the lower rooms of
. The place was so decorative not a face in the house was caught without a smile.

Mira, however, kept thinking of the box upstairs. It was easy to slip away. The family either vied for Giovanni’s attention or fawned over Eve who now took to Zia as if she were her second mother. Not many made conversation with her. Mira tried to escape to her room. Giovanni would of course catch her and make a request, anything from her fixing him a plate of food or getting him another glass of wine. She didn’t mind, but her anxiety over the test kept her distracted and jumpy.

Eventually she abandoned the thoughts of the pregnancy test. Dominic and Lorenzo returned, and the men began to sing. Rocco performed some foot dance that kept everyone laughing. Mira settled next to Giovanni on the sofa and relaxed.


The snoring in her ear woke her. Mira blinked in the dark. He slept so close his tall frame covered her. His large muscular arm was thrown over her and so was his thigh. She ached between her legs from the workout he gave her just hours before. Gently she moved his arm and tried to ease from the bed.

“Where are you going?” he groaned pulling her back under him.

Mira smiled. “I have to use the toilet sweetheart. Be right back.”

Giovanni released her and rolled away. Their room was exceptionally cold at night. She found her slippers first and then slipped on his robe, which felt like it was several sizes too big. She peeked in at Eve. Her daughter kicked away her blanket but slept peacefully with her pacifier plugged in her mouth. Mira made sure to cover her. She pressed a kiss to her fingers and then pressed her fingers to Eve’s cheek before she smoothed back silky curls from her face. In a few hours she would wake to more toys than one child could manage. And she couldn’t wait to share the moment with Giovanni.

Eve’s nightlight and the moon rays from the balcony outside of her bedroom provided the only light through the silent darkness filling the adjoining rooms. She crept back inside to the bathroom and locked the door. She had hid the pregnancy box in her vanity bag under the sink. Mira found it and read the instructions in the dark. Quickly she opened the package and squatted on the toilet. She peed on the wand and then placed the plastic stick on the edge of the sink. Mira sat there patiently waiting. She hadn’t brought her watch inside to time the wait. So minutes dragged on and she resisted the urge to peek.

“Mira?” Giovanni called out, his voice loud enough to wake Eve.

“I’m coming sweetheart.” She answered. If he woke his daughter, she’d kill him. Wiping and flushing, she washed her hands and sucked down a deep breath to calm her nerves. If she was pregnant, it wouldn’t be a surprise. He would be thrilled, and she would be a mother again. She stared at her reflection. How was it that just two years ago her only dreams were to take over the fashion world? Motherhood wasn’t anything she’d ever fathomed. And was she a good mother? After all, she brought her daughter here based on love not sensibility. The Battaglia’s were a complicated, dangerous family, and Eve would grow up behind these walls influenced by all she’d learn and see. Mira closed her eyes and pushed down her surfacing doubts. She remembered her promises to Giovanni and herself. Love did matter. It would change things. It would change all of them. And this baby could do so as well, if she was pregnant.

Mira opened her eyes. She reached for the wand and paused as her heart and mind registered the truth. A plus sign meant another
or bambino for the family. They were pregnant.

“Mira? What are you doing?” Giovanni called out again.

“Good grief.” Mira groaned. The man acted like it was unnatural for her to use the bathroom. She wrapped the wand in a tissue and stuck it back in her vanity bag. Washing her hands once more, she finished and returned to bed.

“What were you doing in there?” he asked, a bit of irritation in his voice.

“Giovanni! I was using the bathroom!”

“Oh?” he said as if it didn’t dawn on him that she might have to do more than tinkle. He moved over her, kissing her face. She put a hand to his chest to slow him down. “Wait.”

“I missed you,
,” he groaned as he slipped inside of her. Mira bit her tongue to withstand the pleasure rush of warmth flooding her channel when he buried himself deep inside of her. His mouth captured hers, and he kissed away her news. The long strong frame of his body lifted, and he slowly withdrew then slammed down into her channel. The lovely thrusting he performed made her body quake under its force. Before long her orgasm was so close she could practically taste it. All thoughts of her pregnancy faded. The world narrowed down to the pleasure between them. It was nothing but pleasure from her head to her feet. And he kept moving, kissing her face, and neck, his thrusting cock tunneling and stretching her. Mira arched up into him. Her vision blurred so her lids fluttered shut. Intense pressure coiled in her pelvis and a climatic wave shocked her system as her body shook, racked with the intensity of her orgasm. Exhausted after making love to him, she snuggled him and closed her eyes. Christmas morning she had the best surprise for him. One he’d never forget. A soft groan escaped her lips, and she slipped into bliss.




“Say it again.”

“Maywee… Maywee… Chrispma!”

“Say Christmas. Merry Christmas.”


Giovanni opened one eye. He squinted at the hovering face above his. Eve leaned further out of her mother’s arms. She grabbed his cheeks and covered his nose with her mouth. Giovanni chuckled and pulled her down to him. “
Buon Natale Eve

Mira plopped down on the bed. She had changed into a red satin floor length nightgown and matching robe. Her face was scrubbed free of makeup but her hair was neatly groomed. Had he overslept?

“It’s time babe. We need to go downstairs. Everyone is waiting for you.”

Giovanni yawned. He sat Eve on his chest and tried to fully wake. He’d gone to bed late after fielding updates from New York. Kei Hyogo was arrested, and with the confession from Cheung Bojing, the charges kept piling on. He didn’t share this news with his Bella. He couldn’t help but rejoice silently at the irony of his victory. It didn’t take violence on his part to end the business between him and the China man. The fucker had hung himself on his twisted vine of lies.

“I need to brush my face and wash my teeth.”

Mira laughed. She crawled over him and lay on his chest. “You mean brush your teeth and wash your face?”

“I do.” He smirked.

“I’m so happy baby.”

He stroked her head. Happiness was something he could get used to. Mira rose and pulled Eve from his arms. She grabbed his robe and tossed it to him. “We’ll wait for you Papa but not for long. So hurry! Hurry!” she said as she breezed out of their room into Eve’s. His daughter waved at him from over her mother’s shoulder.

Giovanni waited until he was alone. He slipped out of bed, located his pajama pants and put them on. He went to the drawer to retrieve the gift he’d wrapped for her. He shoved it down deep into his pocket and put on his robe. Quick about his actions Giovanni went through the motions of washing his face and brushing his teeth. When he returned to the room he picked up his watch and read the time. It was three in the morning. “Bella?”

“Yes?” Mira said walking back into the room holding Eve’s hand.

“It’s three in the morning! No wonder I couldn’t wake. We just went back to sleep.”

“You’re a father now sweetheart. Christmas morning always starts early. Now let’s go. Zia said she’s got the rest of the family up.”

Eve walked over to him and he lifted her into his arms. “Your mother is special.” he chuckled.

“I heard that.”

When Giovanni and Mira arrived in the parlor everyone was gathered in anticipation. Giovanni felt both shocked and emotionally overwhelmed that the family had gathered for his daughter. Even the extended family members seemed genuinely excited for Eve’s first Christmas. As soon as Eve was placed on her feet she ran over to the red tricycle. Everyone clapped. She sat on it and moved the handlebars; her feet barely reached the pedals. Giovanni gave her a push around the floor, and some of the family cheered Eve on. It was like she had her own little private pep team.

“Let’s open presents!” Mira said. She went under the tree and started calling out names. She told him that she and Catalina had been sure to get a gift for every man on staff and every family member visiting. While she acted as Santa Clause, Giovanni helped his daughter steer and pedal around the floor a few minutes longer then sat with her by the tree helping her rip into packages. Catalina captured a picture for every doll and toy Eve uncovered. Soon Eve caught on to the custom and wouldn’t let her father open the presents. She wanted to do so. She’d rip into the package squeal and clap then reach for the next gift. When hers ran out, she wanted to open the presents for everyone else. The family chipped in breaking into boxes and packages of toys so Eve could play with them. Giovanni took a seat on the long sofa alone to let them have at it.

“For you big brother.” Catalina said, she held out a gift for Giovanni. He stared at the box in red foil wrapping paper with a silver bow. His gaze lifted up to his sister’s. She smiled sweetly down at him. “I’m so sorry for everything, Gio. I love and respect you so much. Please take it.”

He accepted the gift. After unwrapping the foil and opening the box he found a watch he hadn’t seen in years.

“It’s Papa’s.” Catalina told him. “I took it from the casket when he died. I’ve always kept it.”

“You kept this?” Giovanni stared at the watch with shock.

“I had it fixed for you. I know you loved that watch but wouldn’t take it for yourself.”

He reached for her wrist and pulled her down to the sofa. She sat next to him and immediately reached to put her arms around his neck. The embrace left her weeping with the side of her face pressed to his. Those that noticed probably guessed her pain was over her husband’s recent murder. Giovanni held her. His gaze connected with Mira and Dominic who both knew better. They looked away and encouraged Eve to play with her toys. When Catalina settled down, he let her go, wiping her tears from her cheeks. “
Tia amo mia Catalina

“I lied to you, I’m not pregnant, Giovanni,” Catalina said shaking visibly.

“I know,” he replied.

“I love him. I know it’s a sin in your eyes, but it’s my heart, Gio. Please don’t hurt him. I’m so scared you’re going to hurt him. Please.”

“Shhh, enough talk. It’s Christmas.” He lifted her chin and forced her to look into his eyes. “Do you think me a monster?”


“Good.” He kissed her nose. “Enjoy Christmas with our
. We will talk again after the holiday.”

She nodded. After a moment of her sitting next to him with her arm fastened around his waist and her head resting on the inside of his arm, she again told him how much she loved him then rose to join the family. Alone with his thoughts Giovanni observed everyone in silent contentment. And then Dominic approached. He presented Giovanni with a gift, and Giovanni tossed it aside barely acknowledging it. Dominic bowed his head in silent respect and left. Giovanni knew Mira would be disappointed over his behavior, but it was as much as he could stomach.

Two hours into the gift exchange people started to drift out and back to bed.  Zia agreed to take an exhausted Eve upstairs. Giovanni kissed his daughter and tried to wake her so they could play some more, but Eve began to cry and he reluctantly let her go.

“You’re disappointed?”

“Never!” he said grabbing her by the hips and bringing her with him on the sofa. She straddled his lap hiking her nightgown up her thighs but keeping her robe loose and open to cover her legs. Giovanni dropped his head back. He smiled up at her. With her robe open he could see how lovely the lace cupped and lifted the bodice of her gown with it’s deep v that revealed a suggestive sample of her cleavage. “It’s time for your Christmas present. Reach in my pocket Bella.”

BOOK: Ti Amo
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