Tidal Wave: How Women Changed America at Century's End (52 page)

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Authors: Sara M. Evans

Tags: #Feminism, #2nd wave, #Women

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Confession, 125-26
Congressional Women’s Caucus, 136, 172, 181, 227
Consciousness-raising, 8, 10, 11, 21, 29, 30, 42, 44-46, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53-54, 55, 59, 82, 106, 126, 160, 212, 232, 233, 268n42
Conservatives, 6-7, 25, 112-13, 171, 186, 187, 211, 219, 224-25, 228.
See also
Cook, Blanche, 164, 16
Cook Joanne, 40
Coordinating Committee of Welfare Groups, 75
Coral Conspiracy, 101
Cornell University, 94, 134
Cornell University Medical College, 19
Court, Margaret, 96
Court decisions, 63, 64-65.
See also
Legal actions; Supreme Court, U.S.
Craver, Roger, 75
Credit, 69-70
Cuban-American feminists, 78
Cultural feminism, 8, 142-58, 209, 211, 260n22, 268n43
Daly, Mary, 204, 208, 231, 265n7
D’Amato, Al, 227, 228
Danforth, John, 198
Daughters of Lilith, 101
Daughters of Sarah, 196-97
Daughters of Sarah
(journal), 131-32
Davidica, Maureen, 105
Davis, Caroline, 24
Davis, Elisa, 217
Davis, Elizabeth Gould, 146
Dayton’s Department Store, 57
D.C. Women’s Liberation Movement, 99-104, 116, 123
DeCrow, Karen, 110
DeHart, Jane, 171, 178
De La Soul, 217
DeLauro, Rosa, 200
Delombard, Jeannine, 190
Democratic conventions, 72-73, 93, 189, 218
Democratic National Committee, 198, 227
Democratic Party, 63, 93, 111-12, 129, 136, 172, 190, 199, 200, 226
Denfeld, Rene, 231
Densmore, Dana, 98
Department of Education, U.S., 57, 68, 136, 178-79
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, U.S. (HEW), 100-101, 136, 138, 167
Department of Housing and Urban Development, U.S. (HUD), 81
Department of Labor, U.S., 26, 66, 83, 168
D’Eubonne, Francoise, 208
Dialectics of Sex, The
(Firestone), 106, 268n43
Diana Press, 148
“Dick and Jane as Victims” (NOW study), 69
Did You Ever
? (Goldsmid), 12-13, 239n8
Dill, Bonnie Thornton, 119, 205
Dionne, E.J., 187
Disabled women and girls, 138-39
Dixon, Alan, 226
Doctor’s project, 48
Donahue, Jesse, 189
Dornan, Robert, 142
Dowd, Maureen, 228
Driving into the Wreck
(Rich), 146-47
Dudley, Helen, 82
Duke University, 9, 85, 222
Dunbar, Roxanne, 105, 107
Dvorkin, Connie, 58, 59
Dworkin, Andrea, 204, 222
Eagle Forum, 142, 180
Earth Day, 100
East, Catherine, 25
Eastwood, Mary, 25
Echols, Alice, 31, 107, 142, 260n22
Ecofeminism, 100, 197, 208-10
“Eco-feminist Imperative, The” (King), 209
Education, 57-59, 68-69, 138-39.
See also
Tide IX of the Higher Education Act; Women’s Education Equity Act
Ehrenreich, Barbara, 162
Eichler, Margrit, 239n8
Electoral politics, 132, 135-36, 191, 226-28.
See also
Emily’s List; National Women’s Political Caucus; Voting
Emily’s List, 8, 197-200, 222, 226, 227-28, 279n62
Emma Willard Task Force, 57-58
Employment discrimination, 26, 42, 63-65, 81-90, 133-34, 234, 235.
See also
Sexual harassment; Tide VII of Civil Rights Act; Wage discrimination
Ensler, Eve, 222
Episcopal Church, 84-85, 131, 191
Epstein, Barbara, 165
Equal Credit Opportunity Act (EOCA), 70
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 25, 26, 41, 63-64, 67, 94, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138, 181, 194, 225, 226
Equality, 24-26
Equal Opportunity Act, 67
Equal Pay Act, 63
Equal Rights Advocates, 133
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 5, 6, 8, 39, 69, 83, 98, 110, 112, 129, 136, 139, 140, 141, 171-74, 193
attacks on, 113, 171
campaign mounted for, 65-67
defeat of, 176-78, 186, 210
movement divisions over, 25, 65
Equity feminism, 231
Esalen Institute, 59
Evers, Myrlie, 72, 75
Executive Order 11375, 25
Falk-Dickler, Florence, 55
Faludi, Susan, 181, 215
politics of, 53-56
work and, 234-36
Family values, 46, 176, 228, 236
Fan the Flames Feminist Bookstore, 148
Farenthold, Frances (Sissy), 75, 111
Farley, Lin, 134
Farley, Pamela, 164
Farm Workers’ Union, 86, 87
Faulkner, Shannon, 230
Federally Employed Women (FEW), 26, 82-83
Feit, Rona, 72, 75
Fellowship of Reconciliation, 164
Female Liberation Conferences, 145
Female Studies II
, 95
Feminine Mystique, The
(Friedan), 18-19
See also
specific sects
defined, 2
future of, 232-38
institutionalizing, 129-39
marginalization of, 6
origins of, 2-3
rebirth of, 4
Feminism: The Third Generation in Fiction
(anthology), 215
Feminist antifeminists, 220-22
Feminist Fatale
(Kamen), 215
Feminist Press, 56, 168
Feminists (organization), 31, 53, 55, 107, 108
Feminist Studies
, 165-66
Ferraro, Geraldine, 190, 227-28
Festivals, 150-54
*Finch, 101
Firestone, Shulamith, 106, 268n43
Fire with Fire
(Wolf), 221
“Firsts”, 84, 190-91
First Sex, The
(Davis), 146
First Wave feminism, 1, 5, 232
Flick, Rachel, 7
Foley, Avis, 74
Fonda, Jane, 8
Ford Foundation, 70, 133, 195, 201
Forer, Anne, 30
“Fourth World Manifesto”, 146, 269n49
Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth, 221
Franks, Lucinda, 109
Fraser, Arvonne, 66, 67-69, 73, 111, 214
Freedom trash can, 40
Freeman, Jo, 46, 124
Free space, 30, 241n10
Free universities, 94
Friedan, Betty, 18-19, 24, 25, 51, 55-56, 61, 71, 72, 73, 94, 109, 248n94, 261n31
Fuentes, Sonia, 64
Furies, 99, 103-4, 107, 122, 125, 145, 147-48
FURY (Feminists United to Represent Youth), 215
Gainesville Women’s Health Center, 129
Gates, Margaret, 70
Gay liberation movement, 50, 52, 53, 122, 134, 177.
See also
Homosexuals; Lesbian feminists
Giddings, Paula, 117
Gilder, George, 7, 187
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 20, 265n10
Gleaves, Francella, 77
Globalization, 237-38
Goddard College, 208
Golden years, 8, 61-97
Goldsmid, Paula, 9, 10, 239n8
Goodin, Joan, 90
Gordon, Linda, 83, 164, 165
Gorz, Andre, 161
Graham, Kathleen, 84, 132-33
Graham, Richard, 64
Gramm, Phil, 172
Granola lesbians, 207
Grant Park rally, 42
Griffin, Susan, 49, 53, 208, 209
Griffiths, Martha, 66
Group 22, 9-14, 56
Guerrilla Girls, 212, 217, 222
Guerrilla theater, 10, 41, 160
“Guidelines for Equal Treatment of the Sexes in McGraw-Hill Book Company Publications”, 91-92
Haener, Dorothy, 24-25
Hamer, Fannie Lou, 16, 61, 72, 75
Handy, Carolyn, 77
*Hanisch, Carol, 106
*Hanisch, Carole, 30
Haraway, Donna, 165
Harriet Tubman shelter, 156
Harris, Barbara C, 191
Harris, LaDonna, 72
Harrison, Barbara Grizzuti, 35-36
Hartmann, Heidi, 138, 164, 165, 168
Harvard University, 86
Hatch, Orrin, 173
Hate crimes, 183
Hatfield, Don, 57
Health care issues, 48, 100-101, 155, 160-61, 191-92
Heatherly, Charles L., 178
Heckler, Margaret, 136, 181
Heide, Wilma Scott, 53, 66, 72
Heidi Hartmann Institute for Women’s Policy Research, 195
Height, Dorothy, 37, 72, 79, 81, 135, 139
Helterline, Gerri, 56-57
Heritage Foundation, 178-79
Hernandex, Aileen, 26, 53, 64
HERS (health evaluation and referral services), 161
Higher Education Act, 67.
See also
Tide IX of the Higher Education Act
Hill, Anita, 9, 217, 225-26
Hispanic American feminists, 78-80, 117, 139, 169, 191.
See also
specific ethnic groups
Hoffman, Dustin, 185
Holtzman, Elizabeth, 136, 227-28
Homosexuals, 183, 208, 211
hooks, bell, 119, 206
Horowitz, Arlene, 68-69
Horowitz, Michael, 181
Hot Flashes
(newsletter), 217
Housewives, 115, 185
Housing discrimination, 81
Howe, Florence, 168
Hunt, Mary, 196
Hunter-Gault, Charlayne, 191
Hyde Amendment, 182
Iandolo, Maria, 19-20
Ideas and ideologies, 119-21
Identities, 121-23
Identity politics, 4, 115, 222, 224
Institute for Policy Studies, 99
Institute for Women’s Policy Research, 168
International Union of Electrical Workers (IUE), 26, 64, 89
International Women’s Year Conference, 8, 112, 129, 136, 139-42, 171
It Ain’t Me Babe
(journal), 31
Jackson State University, 98
Jane (organization), 47
“Jane Crow and the Law” (Murray), 25
Jay, Karla, 52
Jeanette Rankin Brigade, 27-28
Jeffrey, Millie, 75, 111, 136, 172-73
Jenny’s Secret Place
(Boyte), 12, 239n8
Johnson, Lady Bird, 72
Johnson, Lyndon, 23
Johnson, Sonia, 173-74, 177, 276n6
Jones, Beverly, 105, 144
Jordan, Barbara, 74-75
Jordan, June, 119
Joseph, Geri, 69
Jostens, 133
Joyner, Florence Griffith, 191

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