Timebound (44 page)

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Authors: Rysa Walker

BOOK: Timebound
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“You’re incredibly observant for an eight-year-old,” I said. “Are sure you aren’t a grown-up in disguise?”

It was a lame attempt at humor, but he obliged me with a little laugh. I gave him a big hug and kiss on the forehead. “You saved my life, you know.”

“I wouldn’t be so quick to jump to that conclusion,” Katherine said, “given our current predicament.”

She then removed something from the pocket of her skirt. The glowing interface of a CHRONOS diary popped up a few seconds after she opened it.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“I’m calling HQ for an emergency extraction. They can come in through the third-floor stable point and—”

“No,” I said, snatching the diary.

“Do you have any better ideas?” she countered, attempting to grab the diary back from me. “Holmes will return eventually and I don’t think he’s planning an ice-cream social for the evening’s entertainment.”

“I told you no one at CHRONOS can know about this, Katherine. Have you thought about what happens to me if you pull in HQ? Or to Kiernan? Do you think CHRONOS will be willing to let him go, no questions asked, given what he’s seen and heard?”

“He’s only
me open a diary, Kate, and
a conversation that he doesn’t understand in the slightest. And if you’d shut up and hand the book back to me, we can end that conversation so that he—”

“It’s not the firs’ time I seen one of those things, Miss Kate,” Kiernan interrupted. “It’s like the one of me dad’s, the thing I used to send a message to—”

I yanked his arm a bit and he took the hint, but it was too late. Katherine reached into the handbag and pulled out the CHRONOS key I’d been wearing earlier. The glow from the key lit the room with pale blue and I mentally kicked myself for not thinking of using it as a flashlight earlier.

“What color is this?” Katherine asked, holding the medallion close to Kiernan’s face.

“I canna really see it in the dark, ma’am,” he answered, glancing up nervously at me.

Katherine’s eyebrow shot up. “You’re a smooth little liar, kid, but you’re not fooling me.” She grabbed his free hand and pressed it against the center of the medallion. The display wasn’t clear—it was really little more than static, with the occasional visible word or button, but it provided her with the answer she needed.

“How?” she asked me. “How is he able to do that? They don’t even start training kids this young.”

“I can’t really tell you that,” I said. “It’s part of what we’re trying to correct.”

That was a blatant lie and I hoped that my poker face was better than Kiernan’s, at least in the dim light. A truthful response would have been that I was asking her to go back and start the very chain of events that would lead to Kiernan, myself, and who knew how many others being able to activate that equipment. But that chain of events was the one that I knew and the only one that seemed to promise any hope, however small, of stopping the Cyrists.

“So what do you suggest, Kate?” she asked, tucking the medallion back inside her dress. “I don’t think there’s any way out of this room, and our only other option is to sit here and wait for Holmes to return. It would be three against one, but one of us is pretty small, and I think the gun puts the odds slightly in his favor.”

a way for
of us to get out of here,” I said. “And it only takes one person to open that bolt and get us all out. Your return trip may be restricted to the stable point on the Wooded Island, but mine isn’t. I can jump to any stable point from here. Didn’t you say there’s one on the third floor?”

“Yes, but how can you—”

“I can’t explain any further, Katherine.” It was, admittedly, a bit of a kick to be the one restricting
knowledge on a need-to-know basis, but we really didn’t have the time for a detailed discussion on the matter. And each bit of information I gave her was another string that she’d be tempted to pull, potentially unraveling the events that needed to transpire over the next few months.

“I only familiarized myself with the stable points inside the fair and near the entrances,” I said, removing my CHRONOS key from the inner pocket and handing it to her. “I knew there were others, but—well, I didn’t have a lot of time to prepare. If you can pull the location up on the key so that I can see it and lock it in, I should be able to make the jump and get back here in a couple of minutes. I’m just not sure how we’re going to get out the front door with both Holmes and Minnie lurking at the bottom of the stairs.”

“Miss Kate?” Kiernan said, tugging my arm. “Maybe we don’ hafta take the stairs. Maybe we could take the ladder?”

“What ladder? There’s a fire escape?” I hadn’t even considered that possibility—I mean, really, what homicidal maniac would include fire escapes in the design plan for his torture castle?

“I don’ know if you’d call it a fire escape, but there’s a ladder from a window on the top floor, goin’ down to the roof of the buildin’ next door. I saw it when I was waitin’ all that time in the alley.
of goin’ home.”

I couldn’t help but grin at the note of sarcasm in his voice on the last sentence. If Katherine noticed, however, she didn’t let on. She just reached over and took my hand, placing the activated medallion in my palm.

“The kid and I will put our heads together while you’re gone,” she said, “and try to see if we can figure out which window is most likely to lead to the ladder.”

Positioning herself so that we could both see the interface clearly, she visually sorted through the various categories and then halted when a dark space came into view.

“Are you sure that’s it?” I asked. “It’s totally black.”

“Yes,” she answered a bit testily. “It’s a linen closet. And it is nighttime. What do you expect?”

“I’m just not sure how you can tell this closet from some of the other dark closets you zoomed past. I could end up in Des Moines.”

“I’ve never
to Des Moines. I’ve been here, however. Your first left and then your second left should get you from the closet to the staircase. And from there, you just need to retrace our steps back to this room.”

I nodded and positioned my fingers over the controls, replacing hers. The display wavered for a moment and then sputtered out.

Katherine snorted in annoyance and pulled it up again. “Focus this time, okay?”

“Fine,” I said. “I like you better as an old lady. You need time to mellow.” It was true, but I reminded myself that it had been a pretty stressful day for her as well. She’d just learned she was pregnant and that the father probably wasn’t what he was pretending to be, and she was smart enough to realize that her world was about to change in major ways. That was a lot to digest, even without threats from a serial killer.

The display flickered again briefly when Katherine moved her fingers to make way for mine, but I was able to pull the image back.

“Okay. I’ve got it. Thanks, Katherine.

“Kiernan,” I said, keeping my eyes locked on the display, “I’ll be right back. Only a couple of minutes. Katherine’s really not as nasty as she seems.”

“I’ll be all right,” he said. “Be careful, Miss Kate.”

“And Katherine?” I added in a lower voice. “If something happens, I’m trusting that you’ll
get him out
of here. I know for a fact that he is not meant to meet his end in this hotel. You’ll tell CHRONOS he saw nothing and he knows nothing.”

“My God, Kate. What do you think I am?” she hissed. “The kid has been a major pain in my backside today, but I wouldn’t
him with that monster.”

“So I have your word on that? You’ll do everything you can to get him to safety if I don’t make it back?”

make it back, since you seem so convinced that the fate of the world depends on it. But yes—you have my word. Would you just

I focused on the very middle of the black rectangle that Katherine claimed was the third-floor linen closet and blinked.

I’m not a fan of small, dark spaces, so I was relieved that the arc of blue light from the medallion illuminated most of the closet. Apparently CHRONOS hired only very thin historians, however, because the stable point was a tight fit even for my slight frame. My shoulder collided with a shelf as I turned, tumbling a large stack of linens to the floor. The stench of chemicals and something more earthy and pungent underneath assaulted my nose.

Out of habit, I bent down and started to pick up the sheets that I knocked over, but the smell was stronger near the floor. Fighting back a wave of nausea, I decided I really didn’t want to know what was under the stack of linens and pushed the door to my right. It wouldn’t budge and there was no handle on the inside.

I moved back two steps to see if I could get enough room to kick it in. That’s when I felt something round and hard poking my spine.

I bit back a scream. Then, after a few seconds of nothing happening, I glanced behind me and saw that my attacker was the doorknob to another, larger door. Relieved, I opened it and escaped into the hallway. I had no clue where the first door led, and given that the smell was stronger in that direction, I was very glad that I didn’t have to find out.

The light from the medallion was again very useful, since the gas lamps in the third-floor hallways weren’t lit. The corridors were confusing enough without having to feel my way along the walls in the dark. The entire floor seemed deserted, but I couldn’t shake
the memory of the things that had happened behind some of these doors.

Of course, Katherine’s instructions were
The first left did take me to a main hallway, but the second left along that corridor was one of Holmes’s amusing little dead ends.

Coming back toward the main hallway, I passed a door that, like the second-floor room where Katherine and Kiernan were waiting for me, had a bolt on the outside.

I knew Katherine would screech that I was violating the timeline—and she was undoubtedly correct that anyone in there probably wasn’t supposed to escape—but I really didn’t think much of the CHRONOS ethical guidelines on that front. I yanked the bolt back and opened the door.

I heard a scuffling sound from inside, but it could very easily have been a mouse and I didn’t have time to stop and investigate. “If there’s anyone in there, the door is open,” I whispered. “Holmes has a gun, though, so be careful.”

I didn’t wait for an answer, just turned right at the main corridor, and then tried the next left. Thankfully, that one did lead me to the stairs.

I paused at the top of the open stairwell to listen. The muted noise of an argument drifted upward, but it didn’t sound like the man from the bank.

“… not leaving you here with…” That voice was clearly Minnie. I couldn’t make out the entire response, but the other voice was low and calm, and I was pretty sure it was Holmes. I picked up the phrase “back at the flat,” and “business” as I moved slowly down the stairs, but that was all I heard.

When I hit the second floor, I took off quickly through the hallway. No wrong turns this time and the gas lamps were easier to travel by than the dim light of the CHRONOS key. It was still a confusing maze of twists and turns, but I reached the room a
few minutes later. I unbolted the door, and a very relieved-looking Katherine and Kiernan rushed out.

As we hurried back toward the stairway, I took all of the cash that I could find at the bottom of the handbag and crammed it down the front of Kiernan’s shirt. It was at least ten times the salary we’d agreed upon and he started to protest.

“You’ve earned it, kiddo. And,” I said softly, “if we get separated, you may still have a job to do. Get Katherine back to the Wooded Island—the spot near the cabin.”

“I know how to get back to the Expo, Kate,” Katherine said. “I’ve spent plenty of time here.”

“Yes, but I’ll wager you don’t know the back ways as well as he does. And based on what I’ve seen, he’s friends with half the people who work at the Expo. I’m willing to bet they’d help him—no questions asked.

“Kiernan,” I added, “take every back alley you know and keep an eye out for the guy you were following earlier. The pudgy one. He’s still looking for Katherine, probably on the Midway.”

“What about you?” he asked.

“I’ll be okay—I can jump straight home from here—but I won’t see either of you again for a long while.”

Katherine had just turned a corner. I held Kiernan’s arm to keep him back so that she couldn’t hear our next exchange.

“If you get out, you don’t come back, okay? I’ll be fine.” I tapped the medallion hanging from my neck and spoke quickly. “Is yours at the cabin?”

He nodded, and after a moment’s hesitation, I slipped the spare medallion around his neck and tucked it into his shirt. “Never take it off, okay? Never. Prudence is going to demand your dad’s key at some point, and I think there’s a good chance you won’t remember any of this if she does. You might not even remember why you don’t trust her, and I really don’t think that’s fair, do you?”

His eyes were solemn. “No, Miss Kate. I don’ think that’s a bit fair.” The chain was very long on him, well below his waist, and he rearranged it as we turned the corner, wedging it into the waistband of his trousers.

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