Tinker Belles and Evil Queens: The Walt Disney Company From the Inside Out (53 page)

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Authors: Sean Griffin

Tags: #Gay Studies, #Social Science

BOOK: Tinker Belles and Evil Queens: The Walt Disney Company From the Inside Out
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AIDS Project Los Angeles (APLA), 191, 192

“wish songs” and, 149–152

AIDS quilt, xii, 135–136

Aspects of the Novel
(Forster), 55

(1992), xi, xiii, 141, 143–152, 187,

criticism, 138–143, 176, 205

191, 192, 195, 196, 202, 205, 207–210, 219,

Autopia, 127

221–222; TV campaign for, 189, 194

Avery, Tex, 40–41

Algar, James 42

“Alice Comedies,” 6–10, 17, 63;
Alice Gets

Babbitt, Art, 99

in Dutch
(1924), 7;
Alice in the Jungle

Babuscio, Jack, 51, 69

(1925), 7;
Alice Rattled by Rats
(1925), 7;

Bakhtin, Mikhail, 7

Alice’s Egg Plant
Alice’s Orphan

Bale, Christian, 162–164

(1926), 8;
Alice’s Tin Pony
(1925), 7;

Balik, Tammy, 108, 141

the Jail Bird
(1925), 7, 8

Ballard, Kaye, 87

Alice in Wonderland
(1951), 41, 63

Ball-Rokeach, Sandra, 207

(1993), 162

(1942), ix, 29–30, 31, 38, 42

All My Children
, 188

Band Concert, The
(1935), 21

ALLIANCE, 111, 116, 131

Barefoot Executive, The
(1971), 103

Almost Angels
(1962), 82

Barrie, J. M., 63, 68

Amazon Awakens, The
(1944), 42

Basic Instinct
(1992), 97, 111, 133

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination

(1989), 157

Committee, 208

Beauty and the Beast
(1991), 99, 134–136,

American Broadcasting Company (ABC),

138, 142, 143–146, 149–152, 178, 196–197,

98, 177, 178–180, 187–188, 202

202, 207–208, 210

American Family Association (AFA), 111,

Bedknobs and Broomsticks
(1971), 87–88,

174, 216, 220, 223, 224

103, 169

American Psychiatric Association, 67, 95

Bell, Andy, 154

Amesley, Cassandra, 68, 73

Benshoff, Harry, 17, 135




Berube, Allan, 48

Chouinard Art Institute, 19

Bettelheim, Bruno, 62, 67–68

Christian fundamentalism, xiii-xiv, 216–225

Betty Boop, 25, 70, 71

Christopher Street,

Beverly Hills 90210,

(1950), 41, 149, 169, 188, 228

Biehn, Michael, 167

Circle-Vision theatre, 130

Big Business
(1988), 155–159, 169, 194–195

Citizen Kane
(1941), 140

Birthday Party, The
(1931), 14

Clarabelle Cow, xiii, 14

bisexuality, xvi

Clark, Danae, 204–205, 106

Black Hole, The
(1979), 103

Cleanliness Brings Health
(1945), 34–35

Black Panthers, 94

Clinton, Bill, 198

Blair, Preston 40

Clock Cleaners
(1937), 169

Bobby Bumps, 70

Clemente, Ron, 143

Bon Voyage
(1961), 46

(1988), ix

Bono, Chastity, 179–180

Cocteau, Jean, 144–145

Boone, Joseph, xi, 191, 195

Cohen, Karl, 37, 220

Boothe, Powers, 167

Cohl, Emile, 57

Bouse, Derek, 43

Collard, James, 225–226

Box-Car Bertha, 48

Collins, Joan, 158

Boy Scouts of America, 119–120

Columbia, 187.
See also
Sony Entertain-

Boys with Arms Akimbo, 72

ment Corporation

Brent, Dennis, 130

Computer Wore Tennis Shoes, The
(1970), 85

Bristow, Patrick, 173–174

Conreid, Hans, 76

Bronski, Michael, 62–63, 68, 199

Cookie Carnival, The
(1935), 17, 58

Browning, Frank, 72

Co-ordinator of Inter-American Affairs

Bryant, Anita, 201

(CIAA), 31–32, 33–35, 42

Buchanan, Pat, 213

Country Cousin, The
(1936), 16

Bugs Bunny, 40–41

Crafton, Donald, 9, 41

Burton, Richard, 145

Craig Murray Productions, 194

Butler, Judith, 4, 70–71, 73, 120, 228

Craig, Phyllis, 26

Buzzi, Ruth, 87

Cruise, Tom, ix, 148

(1979), 97

Calvin Klein, 193

Crying Game, The
(1992), 153

camp, xi, 68–77, 134, 145–147, 157, 168

(1995), 78

capitalism, xvii-xviii, 197–207

Culhane, Shamus, 9

Captain EO
(1986), 118

Cuomo, Chris, 87–88

Carnal Knowledge
(1971), 103

Curry, Tim, 162

carnivalesque, 6–11, 14–16, 17–18, 217

, 203. See also

Carpenter, Carlton, 99

Carroll, Pat, 146

Daffy Duck, 41

Cartwright, Lisa, 34

Daisy Duck, 169

Casselotti, Adriana, xii

Davis, Brad, 98

Cat from Outer Space, The
(1978), 103

“Davy Crockett,” 45, 82, 99, 186

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
(1958), 184

Dawidoff, Robert, 79, 171

Celluloid Closet, The
(Russo), 48, 75, 155

de Certeau, Michel, xxii, 49–51, 228

Celluloid Closet, The
(1995), 50, 166

de Wolfe, Billy, 85

Chain Gang, The
(1930), 11

Deacon, Richard, 83, 99

Chauncey, George, 52, 199

Dead Poets’ Society
(1989), ix, 160–162,

Chicks in White Satin
(1992), 133, 153, 216

163–164, 169, 189, 205

China Shop, The
(1934), 17, 64

Defense Against Invasion
(1943), 34

Chip and Dale, 169

“Defense of Marriage” Act, 227



DeGeneres, Ellen, 172–181, 202, 205–206,



108, 141, 171–181, 182–183, 202, 205,

Deja, Andreas, 108, 141–142, 143, 146, 148,

219, 223

195–196, 202

“Ellen’s Energy Adventure,” 122

Delaney, Janice, 35–36

Elliott, Shawn, 126

DeLaria, Lea, 206

Emmy Awards, 173, 181, 186

D’Emilio, John, 200

Empire of the Sun
(1987), 162

DeMille, Cecil B., 140

Entertainment Weekly,

198. See also

EPCOT Center.
Walt Disney World

Depression, 12, 24–25

Erasure, 154

Detective, The
(1968), 97

Erb, Cynthia, 134–135, 142, 144, 150, 151

Dick Tracy
(1990), x, 141

Escape from Witch Mountain
(1975), 84–85

Digital Queers, 216


Disney, Roy, 28, 185; after Walt’s death, 102

Etheridge, Melissa, 176

Disney, Roy Jr., 102, 104–105

E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial
(1982), 103

Disney, Walt: anal humor and, 8, 59–62,

EuroDisneyland, 119, 122

65; attitudes towards homosexuals, 99;

Evans, Linda, 158

FBI file for, 37; image of “Uncle Walt,”

Ewen, Stuart, 197, 201, 206

45–46; 1930s public relations for, 22–24

Exler, Andrew, 126

“Disney Afternoon,” 188–189, 211

Exorcist, The
(1973), 103

“Disney Look, the,” 121–122


Disney Stores, 116, 223, 224–225

Disney University, 109, 120

Faderman, Lillian, 52

45, 82, 186, 188, 189

153, 215

Disneyland, 45–46, 172, 135, 149, 150, 186,

“family values,” xii-xiii, xvi-xvii, 3–6,

202; benefits at, 129–130; conservative

11–21, 29–30, 41–47, 102–103, 104–105,

environment surrounding, 117–119, 123;

106–107, 121–122, 216, 218

“Gay Nights” at, xi, 122, 190–191, 192,

(1940), 29, 30, 38, 54, 59, 99

198, 203, 223; homosexual employees,

Fantasyland, 127

116–130, 205; “parade boys,” 127–128;

Feild, R. D., 29

part-time labor, 124–125, 128–130; strike

Felix the Cat, 9, 18, 170

at, 129–130

Ferdinand the Bull
(1937), 64–65, 66

Divine, 146

Fisher, Joely, 173

Doane, Mary Ann, 73, 206

“Fisherman and His Soul, The,” 144

Doctor Dolittle
(1967), 101

Fiske, John, xxii

Donald Duck, xiii, 21, 31, 41, 60–62, 70,

Flaming Creatures
(1963), 145

169; anal humor and, 61–62

Fliescher, Max, 9, 25

Doty, Alexander, xxi, 50, 170, 172

Flower, Joe, 102, 118

Down and Out in Beverly Hills

Flowers and Trees
(1932), 17, 18, 19, 64

106–107, 154–155, 157, 158, 162

Flying Mouse, The
(1934), 16–17, 20–21, 29

drag culture, xvi, 69–75, 158, 160

Fone, Byrne R. S., 161

Driscoll, Bobby, 78, 82

Forman, Henry James, 12

(1941), 29, 41, 64

Forster, E. M., 54–55, 56, 59

Dyer, Richard, 139, 205


Dynasty, 158–159

Foster, Jodie, 86–87, 103, 169

Foucault, Michel, xx, 4, 140, 184, 198, 201,

Eisenstein, Sergei, 54, 56–57, 59


Eisner, Michael, ix, xv, xxii, 105–108,

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The

109–110, 118, 183, 187, 215, 223

(1921), 11

Electra Lite
(1993), 153

Four Methods of Flush Riveting
(1940), 31



Frankfurt School, 188

Hammond, Mike, 162

Freaky Friday
(1977), 86–87, 8, 103, 169

Hanks, Tom, 153

Freebie and the Bean
(1974), 97

Hannah, Darryl 104–105

Frontierland, 186

Happiest Millionaire, The
(1967), 101


“Hardy Boys, The,” 82, 100

Fulger, Holly, 173

Harpers’ Bazaar,

Fun and Fancy Free
(1947), 38, 169

Harris, Barbara, 86

Funicello, Annette, 83–84, 100

Harris, Elise, 226–227

“Funny Gay Males,” 205

Harris, John E., 213

Haunted Mansion, 122

Galland, Antoine, 209

Hawke, Ethan, 160, 162

Gallopin’ Gaucho
(1928), 10, 18

Hays, Will, 12

Garland, Judy, 29, 51

Hayward, Todd, 213

Gay Activists Alliance, 94

Hell’s Bells
(1930), 15

Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against

Henry V,

Defamation (GLAAD), 97, 133, 179–180

(1997), 142, 183

Gay Divorcee, The
(1934), 49

Herold, George, 130

Gay Liberation Front, 94

Herrmann, Edward, 155

Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles, xi

Hibler, Winston, 43, 44

“gay window advertising,” 193–195, 197

Hicks, Garrett, 108–109, 111, 116, 117, 133


Hitchcock, Alfred, 140, 183

Geo. Borgfeldt and Company, 185

Hockey Homicide
(1945), 41

Gerroll, Daniel, 155

Hocus Pocus
(1993), 157

Gerson, Betty Lou, 74

Hollimann, Elaine, 133, 153

Getty, Estelle, 170

Hollywood Pictures, ix, 108, 141, 153,

Gibson, Mel, 202, 210


Ginsburg, Allan, 94

Hollywood Records, 116

Glyn, Elinor, 13

Hollywood Supports, 98, 99, 110

Gold, Stanley, 105

Home Box Office (HBO), 187

Goldberg, Whoopi, 210

Hommel, Alana, 224

Golden Girls, The,
170–171, 181

homophobia, 218

Golden Touch, The
(1935), 16

homosexuality: adolescence and, 77–87;

Goldfarb, Brian, 34

associating “gay” with, 95, 200; the

Goldsworth, Jay, 208

“clone look” and, 85, 96; fantasy and,

Goliath II
(1960), 64

62–77; “gay agenda” and, xiv-xvi, xxii-

Gomery, Douglas, 31

xxiii, 192, 218–219; “gay community”

Good Housekeeping,

and, xv-xvi; “gay gene” and, xviii-xix;

Good Morning, Vietnam
(1987), ix

“post-gay” and, 225–228; race and,

Goofy, 21, 40–41, 169

114–115, 205–213; “social construction-

Graham, Donald, 19, 26–27

ism” and, xviii-xxii, 51–53, 139–140,

Grasshopper and the Ants, The
(1934), 16

198–214; “trade” and, 199–200

“Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln,” 46

Honey, I Shrunk the Kids
(1989), ix

Great Mouse Detective, The
(1986), 143

Hopper, Hedda, 25, 100

Growing Up Gay,
205, 218–219, 221

Horton, Edward Everett, 49, 156

Guillaume, Robert, 210

House of Tomorrow, 121

Gulf & Western, 106, 187

How to Play Football
(1944), 41

(1976), 103

Human Rights Campaign (HRC), 202

Hunchback of Notre Dame, The
(1996), 157,

Hall of Presidents, The, 122


Hall, Stuart, 49, 228

Hyperion Press, 205, 218



IKEA, 198

LEAGUE/Anaheim and, 116–130, 131;

Il Fiore delle Mille e Uno Notte
(1974), 145

“Women of LEAGUE,” 114

“illusion of life.”

“lesbian chic,” 198, 206

I’m No Fool,

lesbianism: “butch/femme” roles and,

Imagineering, 104, 119–120

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