Tiny (26 page)

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Authors: Sam Crescent

BOOK: Tiny
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“It’s not true. I was
falling in that path.”

“You’re good, Tiny. In here
where it counts, you’re good,” she said, pressing her palm against his chest.
“I love you so much, and I know you wouldn’t let anything happen to me or your

She had faith in him where
everything else had failed.

“I was pleased to see him
dead, Eva.”

“I was pleased to kill him.”
She tapped his chest. “His blood is on my hands.”

“I wish I could take that
away from you.”

Eva gave him a sad smile.
“There’s nothing we can do about that. We’re together, and with time we’ll be

“You’re sticking around?” he
asked, smiling.

“Yeah, I’m sticking around.”

They made their way to the
compound, which was just a pile of ash. She felt
sigh against her.

“You’ll rebuild. It’ll take
time, and before you know it, you’ll be back to doing your runs, sweet-butts
getting naked—”

“And the bikers finding
their women?” he asked.


Tiny stroked her waist,
pulling her in close. “So, Evangeline Walker, what do you want for your perfect

Giggling, Eva shook her
head. “You’re not ready for that answer.” She rubbed her nose against his. “I
can give you a clue. None of you are wearing leather.”

He groaned, and she silenced
him with her lips.

Chapter Fourteen


Apart from Murphy, none of
The Skulls ended up in the hospital. Tiny made sure Murphy had the best care.
He would have the scars and the memories of what happened, which Tiny wished he
could erase. What Snitch did to all of them wouldn’t be soon forgotten, and
neither would Time or Gunn. Stink brought Sandy back, and the woman looked
happy to be putting all of them back together. Tiny wondered if she regretted
quitting work. If she did then he’d find some way to get her the old job back.
Sandy was a lovely woman, talented, and she didn’t deserve to lose any of it.
After he was patched up, Zero disappeared for a week. No one knew where he went
and Tiny didn’t mind as long as he was safe. Since the ambush, Tiny figured
they all deserved a fun break away from the club.

biggest fear was Eva and the plans she had for the
wedding. What scared him more was the fact his daughter was getting involved.
In fact, Tate was arranging everything. He wasn’t getting married in his club,
but a week after the confrontation with Snitch they started the rebuild of the
compound. The workers in Fort Wills were more than happy to work on the new
club for The Skulls.

The two men who lost their
lives were remembered, along with Gunn and Time, and Tiny arranged, paid for,
and attended the funerals of the men who were lost. All of The Skulls were
present, and the memorial lasted into the night with alcohol and food flowing.
Throughout it all, Tiny had his rock, Eva. She was more than he could have ever
asked for.

She brightened his world
even though she carried a wedding magazine around with her all the time. The
fear wasn’t of the magazine but of his daughter.

He kept in touch with Devil.
The other man was a hard nut but had come through for Tiny and the boys when it
was needed. No matter if their scores were settled, Tiny felt indebted to him
and Chaos Bleeds. Tiny knew that without them, he wouldn’t have his men back or
his town.

Ned gave his blessing, and
Gavin had no choice but to move on after Tiny kicked his ass in a one off visit
to Vegas. Alex moved back to Fort Wills. The Vegas lifestyle had lost its edge.
Tiny was happy for the company, and Alex got his own leather cut. Admittedly,
Alex preferred his business suits to the leather.

Three months later Tiny
stood in front of a mirror glaring at the bow tie wrapped around his neck
choking the life out of him.

“Dude, I thought my woman
was bad,” Lash said, walking into the room to slap him on the back.

Tate was the matron of honor
while Sophia, Kelsey, and Angel were bridesmaids along with Sandy. The other
woman had stuck around and lived with Stink in a platonic friendship. Tiny knew
Stink wished it was different. He couldn’t force women to give his men a chance
even though he wished it was the case. Killer was moping around because Kelsey
only wanted to be friends.

Killer was a good man and
had protected his women when Tiny couldn’t.

“Shut the fuck up. This is
what Eva wanted,” Tiny said, tugging on the tie around his neck. He felt
trapped with the tight clothing. Thinking about Eva and the happiness he’d see
made him stop tugging.

“I thought Tate was insane
with her baby shower and wedding, but this is too much,” Murphy said. One side
of his face was still bandaged after his latest hospital appointment.

“I’ll never forget all that
fucking pink,” Nash said, shuddering.

Angel, Sophia, and Tate were
all starting to show. Tiny was nervous to be a granddaddy. He didn’t feel old
enough to be a granddaddy.

Shaking his head, he stared
at his men feeling proud of what he’d created.

Eva demanded a church
wedding where all of his men wore proper suits with top hats and kept their
language to a minimum. This was the dream wedding she’d imagined as a child.
Ned had flown in to give her away.

“We’ve got to go. I can’t
stick around here waiting. I need to get there and hope she comes to me at the
altar.” Last night he’d dreamed she left him stood there, waiting for her to
collect him. Checking his cuffs, he headed outside to hear the guests talking.
Walking down the aisle he stood in front of the priest. He didn’t look behind
him, but he knew the two areas were separated. On one side were his men and
some of the townsfolk while on the other Eva’s father and his boys who were her
family also stood waiting for the event.

Ned had given him a warning
about hurting Eva, but Tiny wouldn’t be hurting the woman he loved.

“Sir, are you ready?” the
priest asked.

“We will be.” He nodded at
the priest and gave him a smile. Tiny had never been married in a church like
this with rose petals dotting the aisle. He’d married Patricia in a cheap
church in Vegas.

Silence fell on the room,
and the music started up.

“Tiny, you’re up,” Alex
said, standing beside his side. Alex was his best man and held the ring he
intended to use to claim his woman.

Turning toward his woman,
Tiny felt desire lurch inside him replacing anything else he was thinking. Eva
looked up at him and smiled. She wore a beautiful white gown that cupped her
breasts showing a generous curve of cleavage. The dress had no arms or shoulders,
and instead it billowed out making her look like a princess. The veil she wore
was down her back, her face exposed for him to see.

The moment he looked at her,
everything else fell away. This was what he wanted and who he wanted to spend
the rest of his life with.

Ned cleared his throat, and
Tiny thanked him, taking Eva from her father. “I’ll take care of her.”

“You better.”

Tiny was sure Ned threatened
to kill him as he walked away. He didn’t care. Eva was by his side, ready to
become his wife. Facing his woman, Tiny listened to the priest and said his

Soon he was sliding his ring
onto her finger, and Eva turned to Tate. His daughter moved forward. Her
stomach was nicely rounded showing her budding motherhood.

Eva slid a ring on his
finger, and the priest said those special words. They were drowned out as he
claimed her lips and the crowd erupted in whistles, cheers, and applause.

now, Eva. You can’t run from me.”

“I can run. It just means
when you catch me we can have a lot more fun.”

Sinking his hand into her
hair, he tilted her head back to slam his lips back on hers. There was nowhere
else he wanted to be other than in her arms feeling her lips on his. “I love
you,” he said.

“It’s time for photos,” Tate
said, squealing.

The rest of the day went by
in a blur as Tiny kept Eva by his side. The only time he released her was when
she danced with her father. He watched her never taking his eyes off her.

Sipping at his wine, Tiny
knew nothing else could go wrong. His love for Eva would get him through.


Seven months later

Eva groaned as
rubbed lotion into her skin. They’d been married for
seven months, and they’d only just got around to going on their honeymoon. She
didn’t want to leave the club as they were dealing with the compound rebuild.
Tate had given birth to a beautiful bouncing boy. Eva remembered the screaming
as Tate hadn’t made it to the hospital. She’d given birth at home. Angel did
better, giving birth to a son, but she’d made it to hospital. Lash stayed with
her in the room, holding her hand as his son was brought into the world. Sophia
was last giving Nash a daughter. Eva
about the look on Nash’s face when he realized he’d be raising a girl and
looking at Tate. The man had looked petrified. The last few months had been
magical even if she was now a grandma at the ripe old age of twenty-nine. She
didn’t mind at all.

With everything happening
she hadn’t given any thought to finding the time for a honeymoon. Only when his
men had sent them to the airport with their honeymoon booked did Eva think it
best to leave.

“Are you ready for me to
fuck you again?” Tiny asked, rubbing lotion against her legs. Alex had given
them three weeks at his private villa on his private island. Eva didn’t know
where as they’d not been disturbed by anyone. Also, she was lying on the beach naked
as a very naked Tiny was massaging oil into her skin.

Her body was on fire for

Tiny turned her over and
began to suck on her nipples.
“So fucking big and full.”
He kissed one breast and then the next.

His hands dropped down to
the curve of her stomach. They stared at each other, and Eva smiled. “Are you
feeling a bit possessive, Daddy?” she asked, leaning up to kiss his cheek.

She’d found the news out a
month ago. Eva was pregnant with his baby. Tiny had looked pale when she told
him the news. He’d then announced a party and celebration with the fact he was
going to be a father again.

Tate loved the news. She’d
always wanted a younger brother or sister to boss around.

“What do you think it is?”
Tiny asked, touching her stomach.

“I don’t know. Do you care?”

“No, not
Well, yes, if it’s a girl I think we’ve had enough
from Tate to last us a long time. A boy is even worse. Look at Nash and Lash,”
Tiny said.

Her arousal didn’t diminish.
Leaning up, she cupped his cheek and kissed his lips. “Tate is a woman to be
proud of. She’s got a Skull who loves her and a beautiful son. Lash and Nash
are both brilliant fathers. They’re good boys, and we’re going to have a son or
daughter who’ll make you proud.” She covered his hand over her stomach. “Now
shut up and fuck me.”

Tiny gave her everything she
needed and more. Seven months later, Tiny got more than he bargained for as Eva
gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl.



Killer stood beside his bike
waiting for Kelsey to get out of work. For the last year they’d rarely seen each
other between the successful rebuild of the compound, and with him going
between Vegas and Fort Wills, Killer hadn’t the time to visit her. He’d seen
Kelsey when she visited Tate at the club house. Beside the few glances, he
never got the chance to see her. He’d been the one nominated to go with Alex
whenever the need arose.

Tiny wouldn’t leave his wife
and twins, and none of the other boys wanted to go to Vegas.

He was back, the compound
was finished, and he was able to show Kelsey he was ready for a commitment.
After Snitch he’d avoided her looking at him. She knew he was the one
responsible for killing one of their men. He didn’t know if the knowledge
affected her, but he wasn’t prepared to take that risk.

Women left the dental
surgery, giggling as they saw him. He didn’t give them any of his attention.
Kelsey walked out, looking toward him. Her hair was longer, and she’d allowed
the cherry blonde color to seep out to the light brown of her normal hair

“Killer,” she said, smiling.

Her approach was awkward.
All he wanted to do was draw her into his arms. Killer hadn’t felt the pleasure
of another woman in such a long time.

How are you?”
he asked.

“I’m doing
. You’re back in Fort Wills?”

He reached out, taking her hand.

She didn’t pull away from
his touch as she looked him up and down. “I haven’t seen you around. I didn’t
get chance to ask Tate how you were doing.”

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