To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC) (18 page)

BOOK: To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC)
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“Anyway, Teddy would visit while you were all at school. He asked me to go live with him and I told him no. I told him to stay away and that he was to have nothing to do with Emily. I thought he would just go away. Only he didn’t Rayven. For weeks, he would come round and I would sit and ignore him, denying him Emily. One day he got the message and never came back.”




“Rayven I made a mess of my life and of my children’s. Don't you make the same mistake. What happened to Emily happened. We'll get through this somehow. Tabby may not be perfect or the ideal man. There really isn't one. But I think he’ll look after you and Kavan the best way he can.”




“Don’t Momma me. Tell me you weren’t thinking of running again. Because that’s what we do. We run instead of fighting for what we want.”


Momma’s story makes me sad and walking over to her, I gave her a hug. Momma was right, I was thinking of leaving again, and running never solved anything.


“I’m going to check on Emily. See how she is.”


“Take some lemonade with you.”





Emily was lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling with a piece of paper lying on her chest. Her eyes were vacant and sunk. The once lustrous dark curls pulled back in an ugly tight ponytail, stretching her skin across the bones of her face.


“Emily can I come in?”


Emily did not answer as she twists her body to face me.


“Will Crabby go to jail because of me?”


In such a short space of time, this young girl has been kidnapped, dosed up on crack, and discovered that the man she believed was her father is not. Yet her first thought is about Crabby.


“No, honey.”


Making my way into the room, I climb on the bed and lay down beside my sister as we both stared at the ceiling.




“I don’t know if he’ll go to jail for what he did. But it isn’t your fault.”


“I want to write him a letter and I don’t know what to say.”


Hesitantly, I slip the piece of paper she had been writing on, and read what she has written so far.






“Shit Emily. I don’t know what to say.”


“Did you speak to Momma?”


With a slight turn of my body, I hug Emily close to me. Something that I have not done in a long time.


“Yeah. And Emily no matter what. You’re my sister.”


“Rayven can you go? I want to be on my own.”


Reluctantly, I raise my body until I am in a sitting position, not wanting to leave Emily.


“Is there anything I can get you?”


“Can you arrange for me to visit Crabby?”


Emily’s request makes me frustrated with the girl, and deciding that I was not going to get anywhere with her, I nod my head as I close the door.


“Momma I’m going to the club and I’m taking Kavan with me. Call me if you need anything.”





As luck would have it, as I drew into the parking lot at Devil’s Comfort’s club I spot Baby Blu’s Camaro. The beat up car has seen better days, and no matter what Inferno says, Baby Blu would not part with it. I was not through the door before Dec has taken Kavan and his car seat out of my hands. I was going to have to watch Tabby and Dec carefully; otherwise, I was going to have one spoilt baby on my hands. It was easy to find Baby Blu in the morning crowd as she sat with Kent and Ivy drinking a coffee.




“Hi, want to join us.”




“How’s Emily?” Ivy’s query brought the room to silence and I could feel all eyes on me.


“She’s fine. More concerned about Crabby than herself. That’s why I’m here.”


“Rayven can I have word.”


“Sure.” As I am about to stand up Ivy and Kent leave the table, heading over to the pool table.


“This is more awkward than I thought it would be.”


“Baby Blu were friends, yeah.”


“What does that have to do with it?”


“Everything. Ask me anything you want.”


“Will it be okay for me to call in on Emily?”


“You don’t have to ask. Your Emily’s friend and now you’re a part of our family. Besides, you two will have plenty to talk about.”


“Thanks Rayven,” snatching her purse up, Baby Blu left me sitting at the table on my own.


“That was good of you Rayven.”


How can such large men, walk round so quietly, especially on these old floors.


“No, it wasn’t Inferno. I was being selfish. How’s Crabby and where is he?”


Inferno does not answer, as he watches the door as Tabby and Fudge walk in, both of them making their way to the bar to collect a bottle of beer each.


“He’s fine and still in jail in New Lyons.”


“Emily wants to visit him.”


“I don’t think that’ll be a good idea.”


Without taking my eyes of Tabby, I watch as he makes his way over to Inferno and myself.


“She’s written him a letter. If I drop it off, at Tie Me Down tonight. Will you see that he gets it?”


“Yeah.” Inferno is still watching Tabby and Fudge as they take a chair each. “Is it done?”


Not one of them will look at me and I begin to feel uneasy.
















Chapter 25



“Rayven I think we need a couple of days away. Just you and me.”


Since Crabby had been released on bail, Rayven has been quiet. Sometimes I would look up from whatever I was doing, and she would have that look on her face. Almost as if she was attempting to bore into my brain.


“What about Kavan.”


Instead of looking in my direction, her gaze went out of the window onto the back lawn.


“The grass needs cutting Tabby.”


“I’ll sort the grass out later. Ivy and your Momma have agreed to look after him.”


Still with her back to me, Rayven continues to wash the dishes, water slopping onto the floor as she slams the pans into the sink. 


“Why don’t you use the dishwasher and don’t fucking roll your shoulder at me. Damn it Rayven I’m fed up of the cold treatment. Now sit your fucking ass on this chair and talk to me.”


“I haven’t time to talk. The house needs cleaning.”


Exasperated at Rayven’s behavior I grab my jacket off the back of the door


“I’m going to the club. I’ll be back in a couple of hours make sure you’ve packed your stuff.”


“I’m not going.”


“Get over your strop Rayven. We leave when I get back.”


Once I am on the FatBoy, riding down the main street I change my mind about going to the club. With a swift turn of the bike, I find myself on the highway. Soon the miles are passing by. The wind whistling round my head and for the first time in weeks I feel free. Contented. My life is nearly back on track and this weekend should see the return of the old Rayven.


When I return to the house I find Rayven sat on the stoop. A weekend bag beside her. As the bike glides to a stop beside her, Rayven does not say a word, as she mounts the back of the bike after placing her bag in the pannier. Two hours later, we are in our room at the hotel recommended by Linc.


“Tabby what kind of place is this? Is this the hotel that Cassie and Linc use?”


“Want me to open the window to cool you down Little Bird?”


Rayven’s cheeks are bright red as she wanders round the room, examining the mirrors and the bed.


“Shut up.”


“Do you want to eat in or out?”




That suited me. I did not want to share Little Bird tonight.


“Okay, why don’t you take a bath while I order?”


Just as I finish on the phone, I find Little Bird stood at the bathroom door, wearing only her bra and panties and my dick begins to pound at the sight of her heaving breasts.


“Want to join me?” 


Fuck, I knew that girl was going to kill me. Reluctantly, I shake my head.


“Dinner first. Then I’m going to make a meal of you.” 


Little Bird is not to be defeated and as she turns back into the bathroom, she unclips her bra, dropping it outside the door as she closes it. Baited, I collect the bra from the floor, and lean against the bathroom door and listen as Little Bird hums while she washes. The image of Rayven’s naked body has me turning the door handle just as there is a knock on the door. Fuck.


“Hurry up. Little Bird dinner’s arrived.”


Quickly I let the server in as she places the trolley by the table near the window. A tip and she is gone just as Rayven came out of the bathroom, wearing the smallest nightie I have seen. Her pussy barely covered with the small triangle cloth, which can be seen clearly through the material. Her nipples proud and protruding against the fabric. The dark pink of her aureoles visible as her breasts gently bounced when she joins me at the table.


“Fuck Little Bird how am I supposed to eat?”


Tempted to ask what the change was about and why Rayven is behaving like this, I decide to bite my tongue and wait.


“The foods good Tabby. You should try some.”


Rayven’s siren act has my dick twitching to life as she lifts the spaghetti on her fork and places the prongs against my lips.


“It’s delicious Little Bird.”


When she has finished feeding me, Rayven leaves the table, and mutes the room’s lights as she switches a CD on. As the music fills the room, Rayven begins to move seductively to the music. Her hips swaying from side to side as she turns her back on me. The sight of Rayven’s semi naked body has me pushing the food to one side as I shuffle my chair round until I am facing the seductive dancer. My eyes greedily take in every movement she makes and every piece of bare skin I can see.


The nightie she is wearing soon falls pass her shoulders to stop at her elbows, before she drops her arms and the piece of cloth falls to the floor. The string of her thong no thicker than apiece of thread disappears into the crack of her ass.






“Lie on the bed.”


“I want to dance.”


“If you don’t want that pretty ass turning pink, lie on the bed.”


With a giggle, Little Bird climbs onto the bed, shaking her ass at me as she makes her way to the pillows.

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