To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC) (7 page)

BOOK: To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC)
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“What are you doing now?”


“Nothing. Rayven is everything okay?”


“Yes, why shouldn’t it be?”


“Oh I don’t know, maybe because the last time I saw you, it was at Tie Me Down and you didn’t exactly leave in a good mood.”


“The sandwich isn’t poisoned Tabby.”


The man was not worth doing time for. Oh no, my payback for Sunday evening was much sweeter. Tabby took another inspection of the sandwich, before he bit into it heartedly, swallowing a mouthful of beer along with it.


“Silver says you didn’t come into Tie Me Down this week.”


As I go on the hunt for dinner plates, I ignore Tabby for a minute.


“What the fuck. Rayven. If you want those plates down, ask. I can reach better than you.”


Resentfully, I stepped aside as Tabby made a grab for the plates. 




“Well what?”


“Why didn’t you go into work?”


“I couldn’t be bothered.”


I had not informed Tabby or my family that during the week I had experienced some spotting and the doctor had told me to rest. If I had done, everyone would have fussed and the meal would have been cancelled. And as much as I want to cancel the meal, I wanted to get it over with more.


“Well next time you can’t be bothered. Let me know. Silver had to manage on her own.”


“I’m sure she coped.”


“Rayven you’re still small enough to go over my knee.”


“You really need to stop threatening me with violence Tabby”


Tabby laughed against my lips, before taking them in a kiss, which curled my toes.


“If you kissed me like that more often, I wouldn’t have to.”


As he passed me, Tabby gave my ass a tender slap. 


“Besides Rayven, we’re both aware, that having your ass spanked turns you on.”


He might just be right. Simply talking about spanking is causing my clit to throb and my pussy to cream.


“Go have your shower Tabby while I start on dinner.”




“Thanks for staying Ivy.”


“Hey, I couldn’t have you serve dinner on your own… Are you coming out? Or do you plan to hide in the kitchen for the rest of the night?”


“I’ll be out shortly”


In need of a breather, I check on everyone through the window. The early evening has brought in a cool breeze. Yet it was still warm enough for us to dine outside. As I gaze round the yard, I observe how everyone has divided themselves. The men were watching the kids as they played ball and occasionally they would encourage the youngsters by shouting out pointers. Momma and Mary sat round the pool, listening to Bridge. As Ivy joined the group, she sat on the sun recliner. Tabby switched the CD player on and the heavy sounds of Deep Purple filled the airwaves. The loud blare, not appearing to faze the older generation.


Almost as if he could feel my eyes on him, Tabby looked up to the window, before saying something to Dec as they both turned towards the kitchen.


“Food’s ready.”


“Good, let’s get the mob fed”


Ten minutes later, everyone has seated themselves round the large table and the conversation is freely flowing. Emily was flirting with Daniel, Tabby’s eldest nephew. I had hopes that he would be able to deflect her attention from Crabby. Mary and Bridge were both tall women, however, while Dec and Tabby are redheads, Bridge has inherited her mother’s blond hair. All of them have the same green eyes.


“You must be excited about the baby Rayven?”


Mary’s question drew my attention to the two grand-Momma’s, who were both eagerly awaiting for my response. Although my baby was not to be Mary’s first grandchild, it would be Momma’s.


Tabby placed his hand over my stomach as I soothed the impatient baby. Almost as if Junior knew we were talking about him, he gave me a kick and with a rueful


“Yeah, just six weeks to go.”


“Tabby says you’ll continue working after the baby is born.”


Was that censor I hear in Mary’s tone? Uncomfortable with the question, I squirm in my chair.


“Yes, it’s evening work so it shouldn’t interfere too much with the baby’s schedule.”


“You mean Connor wants you by his side all the time. He’s a good lad Rayven, but you’ll need to keep him in line. Show him whose boss.”


“She already does Mama.”


After that, the conversation became more general and soon it was time for all to leave.


“Delicious meal dear. You have to let me return the compliment and come to my home for dinner next time.”


Exhausted, I sit back in the sun recliner as I watch my siblings and Ivy clear up. Masculine fingers link with mine and the. “Mama likes you.” Tells me that Tabby has joined me. Gently the recliner rocks as I stare at the stars, enjoying the silence.


“I like your family too.”


“Come on, let’s get you to bed.”


Now it was time for the fireworks. “I’ve moved into Momma’s apartment with her.”


“You’ve done what?”


“There’s no need to bellow. I told you I’ll be sleeping in Momma’s apartment.”


“The fuck you are.”


With a movement that leaves me gasping, Tabby has me swung up in his arms and was striding towards his room.


“Tabby hurry up I need the toilet.”


“You always need a piss Rayven.”


“Humph it’s not me. It’s Junior, he insists on sitting my bladder.”


Too tired to argue with Tabby over the sleeping arrangements. One more night cannot hurt; idly I waltz into the bathroom and begin to remove my clothing. As I remove my panties, I see the blood on the crotch.




“Yeah little bird.”


“I’m bleeding, and it’s too early for the baby.”


Tabby’s sleepy mode, is swiftly displaced as he becomes both focused and alert. Quickly he has the T-shirt back on and his jeans refastened.


“Fuck, Rayven where are the keys to the SUV?”


“In the kitchen.”


In amazement, I watch as Tabby grabs a blanket as he wraps me in it, before heading to the hospital.


Once we arrive at Comfort County, it is not long before the emergency staff see me. Who quickly decides that I need to be admitted overnight, while they monitor the bleeding. Tabby refuses to leave me, and as I lay in the bed, I watch the giant, whose body drowns the hospital chair.


“Everything’s going to be okay? Isn’t it?”


A gentle hand swipes the hair out of my face.


“Yes Little Bird, everything’s going to be fine. Close your eyes, and listen to the beeping. That’s our baby.”


“OK.” All through the night, I watched and listened to the monitor. Sometime during the early hours the spotting had stopped and there had been no show for the last couple of hours. The baby, who had been restless during the night had settled down and gone to sleep.


“You need to sleep Rayven.”


“Not till the doctors been.”


For the next couple of hours Tabby remained by my side as we waited.


“Morning Rayven. Another scare I see. What did I tell you on Tuesday?”


“To take it easy and I will, I promise.”


“What the fuck do you mean another scare? Has this happened before Rayven?”


Tabby’s hand is squeezing mine as he spoke. His complexion pale in the harsh hospital light.


“I had some light bleeding at the beginning of the week.”


“And you didn’t see fit to tell me.” Tabby’s face is now bright red, as he attempts to control his temper.


“You were away and there was nothing you could do.”




“People, calm down please. Connor, the last thing Rayven needs, is stress.”


“Fine. Tell me what she does need and I’ll see that she gets it.”


“Bed rest for the remaining six weeks. The bleeding has stopped for now, so she can go home. However, she isn’t to do anything or worry about anything.”


Unwilling to back down from Tabby’s accusing stare, I clamp my lips and wait. “Fine, bed rest, it is. Even if I have to tie her to the bed.”






















Chapter 10



“You haven’t told anyone where we are?”


Both Baby Blu and Cassie shake their head, while Ellie’s resounding “No.” Echo’s round the dinner.


“Rayven, it’s not that bad?”


“Humph. You try living with Tabby and my family and tell me it’s not that bad.”


Damn it was good to be out of the house, away from everyone and their fussing. The crazy thing is it had been fun sneaking out of the house. Since being on bed rest three weeks ago. I was bored and their constant popping into the bedroom to check on me was driving me insane.


Especially Tabby, who has used every opportunity that arises, to touch my body, by offering to give me a massage. If I complain of backache, he has me on my stomach. When I mention I have a creek in my neck, his hands are round my throat and shoulders. As for each time the baby moved, his hands are cradling my stomach.


For seventeen weeks, fourteen hours and thirty-eight minutes I have craved Tabby’s touch. The worst being at night, when we shared a bed. His large body, curved round mine, cocooning me in his warmth. Apart from when he is on the road for club business, he has not spent a night away from me.


Three weeks ago, when I had had a little spotting, the doctor put me on complete bed rest. Because of the baby’s size and that he/she appeared to be healthy, I was informed there was no imminent danger. However, I must rest. Thankfully, I am scheduled to have a C-section in a couple of days.


“Do you know he’s banned Crabby from coming round? This has upset Emily?”


Three sets of eyes look at me with pity as they each nod their heads in false sympathy. What would they know about a fourteen-year-old girl crushing on a bad biker?


“Then there’s Dec. Dam the man is never away from the house.”


This time I am greeted with three knowing smiles.


“He uses the pretext of checking on his niece or nephew to see Ivy, you know.”


Yet they continue to smile.


“Here have a bottle of water.”


Water, I don’t want water, I want something cold and alcoholic. But as not to upset Baby Blu, I take the bottle from her. A grateful smile on my face.

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