To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC) (2 page)

BOOK: To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC)
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Short of breath, all I can do is gasp into Tabby’s neck. As I lay with my head resting on his shoulder, I hear the front door open and the voices of my siblings as they returned. By the time everyone has piled into the kitchen, Tabby had straightened my clothing and I was finishing my own sandwich. Dec’s speculative eyes were on us, a knowing grin spread across his face, as mine turns scarlet.


“Where’s Ivy?”


“She’s with your Momma, helping her settle in.”


Shit, with a guilty look, thinking that at any time Ivy could have walked in on us, I glance towards the back door, expecting to find her standing there. A breath of relief left me when I saw that the door is both closed and empty of anyone. Only then do I notice the time.


“Tabby shouldn’t you be at Tie Me Down?”


Dec’s laughter and Tabby’s slow


“Yeah, I’d best get going.”


Has me turning a deeper red if it was possible. With the move, Tabby has given me the night off. I may be pregnant with his baby, but he still expects me to work at Tie Me Down.


Chapter 2.



When I arrive at the club, I am greeted by Silver, whom I have promoted to oversee the girls and as Tie Me Down’s chief host. When Silver received her promotion, she had stepped down from the stage, although she continued to provide private dances to her favorite customers. I was also planning more changes now that Rayven was going to be a part of my family. After the birth of our child, I was going to show Rayven the ropes of running the club in my absence, with Silver as our third.


From my position at the main entrance, I am satisfied to see the club is busy. On the stage, Amber and Pearl are performing a dance duet to the audience’s appreciation.


“Inferno and the others are waiting for you in your office.”


This piece of information causes me to change direction and instead of taking my place in the VIP section, I went to the club’s office. 


“Hey, I thought you guys would be out front watching the show.”


Fudge fist thumps me as I passed him, his long body settling back into one of the chairs near my desk. Dec, who had arrived shortly before me, was standing by the window, concentrating on the night skyline. Linc was perched on the edge of my desk, while Inferno sits in the only other spare chair. A movement at the rear of the office caught my attention and it was then that I saw Twiggy.


The last time anyone had seen him was on the day that Kent had wound up in hospital and he and Trax had taken off to look for Jimmy-Joe and Sandy. A further search of the room shows the absence of both Trax and Kent. Once I finish my surveillance, I sink into my chair behind the desk, placing my feet onto the table and waited. A wait that was not too long.


“We found the bastards. I’ve left Fraggle watching them.”


A task, which has taken us nearly two months.


“How’s Trax handling it?”


“How you would expect. He wants to lay his hands on them now. Yet Linc think’s it’ll be best if we play with them for a while. Let them think we don’t plan to do anything.”


“OK, what about the bastards who put Kent in the hospital?”


This time it was Linc, who spoke up.


“Tabby, we’re going to destroy Black County and we’ll do it without leaving a body count. Jimmy-Joe and Sandy’s markers are up, this was already agreed.”


Linc’s solution leaves me unhappy. I want the same kind of justice for Kent as we are handing out for Trax’s attack. Kent may only be a prospect, but he is in a wheelchair because of club business.


“We get the club to vote on this Inferno.”


Inferno looks up from fiddling with his fingernails.


“We’ll bring it to church on Wednesday.”


With nothing that I can do until after church, I turn towards Dec, whose eyes have been on me the whole time. His stare not giving anything away.


“And Kent how does he feel about this.”


“He’s angry and this could be more at himself than at Black County.”


Twiggy came further into the room as he spoke. His face tired after being on the road for so long.


“Twiggy why don’t you go and make use of a couple of girls. Pearl’s new and rumor has it she gives terrific head.”


“Sounds like you haven’t fucked the whore.”


Ruefully I give a shake of my head. I have not had sex in five months. Not since the night, I spent with Rayven, and just as I reckoned we might repeat the experience, either Crabby had been around, or Rayven rebuffed me.


“Another time, maybe.”


A sharp laugh from Dec has me turning my head in his direction as I raise my eyebrow.


“Wait Twiggy, Fudge, and I will join you. Let’s leave these three domesticated cats to talk shop.”


Dec’s little dig does not bother me and with a wave of my hand, I watch as the three bikers leave.


“How’s Silver working out?”


“It’s a wise move placing her in charge of the girls. She knows what’s expected and she can handle the in-house fighting.”


An hour later, we are ready to relax and watch the show as it finishes. The last of the stragglers soon clear out and the bar staff and waitresses soon have the room clear, ready for the cleaners who will come in in the morning.


As eager as I am to see Rayven, I take the bike for a spin through Comfort Springs. On Monday, the boys and I will be heading off on a four-day run. This should give Rayven plenty of time to become comfortable in her new surroundings and hopefully, now that the little bird is in my bed, it will not be long before we are fucking. The instant I had set eyes on Rayven’s blazing blue eyes I had wanted that piece of that skirt. It had taken nearly three years before opportunity to taste the haven, which I knew would be found there, had risen.


In the long nights, it is the memory of our time together that I jacked off too. The Harley was not the only thing the girl had been capable of wrecking. Over the years she has worn away at my libido, making me question my own abilities to get a hard on. A question that proves to be mute each time she walked into the room.


The day Rayven discovers that I am putty in her hands terrifies me. Fuck knows what the girl will do with that kind of power. A power that grows stronger each day she carries my child. After a long talk and at Rayven’s insistence we decided to hold back on finding out the sex of our baby.


The chime of the local church bell, brought it to my attention that it was five in the morning, turning the bike in the direction of my home, I wondered if Rayven would reciprocate my actions from earlier and give me either a hand or blow job.


When I pull up outside the house, it is to discover it in darkness. Inside a new family is living there, bringing new life to the place. I had bought the house a couple of years ago on a whim and rarely stayed here.


Quietly, so as not to disturb anyone I turned towards the room that Rayven and I are sharing. However, when I went to push the door open, it would not budge. Another nudge with my shoulder and it still did not move.


Fuck? What the hell has she done now? And what the hell is blocking the door?


“Rayven open this door.”


A giggle drifted in the night air, accompanied by a soft “No.”


Another nudge against the door and still there was no give.


“Fuck it Rayven, if you don’t want me to wake the household. Open this door.”


The sound of feet quietly crossing the carpeted floor tells me that Rayven has approached the door, just before her voice came through the woodwork.


“I’ve put bedding on the couch, go sleep there.”


“Rayven when I get into the bedroom I’m going to paddle your butt. Now open the fucking door.”


Another giggle is followed by. “No, go away.”


With one final push against the door, I hear wood snapping as I fall into the bedroom.


“Is everything OK?”


Luke, the gentle, caring one of the family, was standing at his bedroom door, his hair tousled from sleep.


“Get back to bed Luke, everything is fine.”


With one last look in my direction and failing to see into the bedroom. A view, which I have blocked with my large body. Luke gave a nod before turning back to his room, shutting the door behind him. A gentle click of another door closing, tells me Luke was not the only one disturbed. Satisfied that everyone has settled, I turned back to my prey.


Only to find her curled against the pillows, the quilt pulled up under her chin. Big blue eyes were staring at me. When I see the broken object that had kept me out of my room, a laugh escapes from my throat as I bend down to retrieve the broken kitchen chair. A chair Rayven must have jimmied under the door handle.


With a firm push, I close the door behind me, and lean against the wood paneling.


“How did the chair get up stairs Rayven?”


“I carried it upstairs.”


“Liar. Don’t ever lock me out of this room again Rayven. You will not like your punishment.”


“You don’t scare me Connor Gallagher.”




At this stage, I am crawling up the bed, and yank the covers back. While making a grab for a squealing Rayven.


“What the fuck are you wearing?”


I was not sure what I had been expecting her to wear in bed, but I sure as hell was not expecting this romper outfit that had a cap with some sort of animal ears attached to it.


“Damn it girl, that outfit’s a passion killer.”


“Good, I’ll go out and buy a dozen more.”


“You just do that and I’ll enjoy ripping each and every one of them up.”


It took a while, but I eventually got my laugher under control and Rayven was sprawled across my knee. Her fine rump in the air waiting for my hand. Perhaps the outfit was not such a passion killer after all, as my cock began to stir underneath the body spread over it.


“Don’t you ever lock me out again Rayven.”


With each word, I deliver a smack to the pert ass.


“You big brute. I’m going to report you for abuse.”


“Rayven, if you weren’t wearing that awful outfit, I bet if I was to put my hand between your legs, I’d find you wet.”


One of the things I have discovered while getting acquainted with the girl who is standing in front of me. Is that she gets off, having her bottom spanked.


“Well the baby didn’t like it.” This is said with her nose in the air. Since meeting Rayven, when we are in the same room, all I do is grin. 


“Come on Rayven, get back into bed. It’s been a long night and I’m tired.”


As though she is sizing up the odds, Rayven finally relents and climbs on to the edge of the bed.


“Closer Little Bird.”


My request is met with a disdainful toss of her hair, which I grab and use to pull Rayven onto my body.


“You are a bully Tabby, do you know that?”


Undoing the lower buttons on the awful romper suit, I slid my hand over her stomach, cupping the baby in my large hand. A sigh escapes Rayven as the baby settles down.


“Ha Rayven you may not want or like my touch, But our baby sure does.”


“Shut up and go to sleep.”


“Not without a goodnight kiss.” 


“No sex Tabby.”


“Little Bird you wound me. All I asked for was a kiss.”


A deep defeated sigh escaped from Rayven as she turned her head towards my cheek and placed a kiss there.


“Not that sort of kiss. A grown up kiss.”


This time when Rayven’s lips touch mine, I am ready and I pull the lower lip into my mouth, sucking on the tender pink flesh. The hand, which has been stroking the baby, moved up to her full breast and I began to play with the nipple, flickering it with my thumb, before pressing it between my finger and thumb.


Rayven does not protest, instead she takes the kiss deeper, biting on my upper lip. A groan of pleasure escapes from her mouth, gently caressing the flesh of my upper lip. For a while, I continue with the kiss.


“Rayven we have to quit, I’m fast approaching the stage of no return.”


The gentle nod of her head and the way she reluctantly lets go of my lips tells me Rayven was just as caught up as I was.

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