To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC) (6 page)

BOOK: To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC)
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“Come on Tabby. Rayven is not here. And Pearl and I, can give you whatever it is you want.”


“Thanks for the offer Amber, but I’m going to pass. Dec’s in need of some female company and I’m sure he’ll not turn you both down.”


“You’ll be missing out on a great show.”


“He said no. Now move your fat ass.”


Both Amber and I turn, as Rayven’s voice descends around us. Fuck, where the hell has she come from? In my rush to stand, I sent Amber flying to the floor, which resulted in Rayven smiling like a Cheshire cat. A smile that was not reaching her eyes. Fuck.


“Rayven, I thought you said you weren’t coming in?”


“So I see. And you thought you’d play?”


“You said it yourself Rayven. You heard me turn her down. Now sit down and enjoy the show.”


A look of awe spreads over Rayven’s face, as I point to the seat for her to take.


“Watch the show Tabby? Why would I want to watch the show?”


An idea occurs to me as I see Amy walk on to the stage. A rapid scrutiny of the room brings Silver to my attention, and beckoning her over; I whisper what I want. Silver looks towards Rayven, before shaking her head and rolling her eyes.


“It was nice knowing you, boss.”


Soon afterwards, Silver returns, informing me that everything is in place.


“Rayven you and I need a chat. Come on; let’s see if one of the private rooms is empty.”


When Rayven rose from her seat without arguing. It brought to home, that even after working at Tie Me Down for as long as she has. In some ways, she was still very innocent. As soon as we are in the private room. I turned the key, the slight click indicating that I have locked the door.


“Okay Tabby. What do you want to talk about?”


“Relax Rayven. Come and sit on my knee.”


“Said the spider to the fly. Do you think I’m an idiot?”


“No Rayven, I believe you’re a very beautiful girl, and I want to hold you.”


Tentatively, Rayven came to where I was sitting, and parks her ass across my knee. This is not the position I wanted her in. Carefully, I turn her round until her back is cradled into my front, spreading my legs slightly, to part hers.






Silver has thoughtfully placed a bottle of champagne next to the chair, filling the two glasses. I pass one to Rayven, ignoring the dagger looks she sent my way, as she attempts to scramble into a different position.


“Keep still the shows about to start.”


Rayven’s body jerks forward, spilling some of the bubbly. “What show?”


“Shush, sit back and enjoy.”


Not wanting to frighten Rayven too much, l leant back in the chair and looped my hands over her stomach, crossing the fingers. As soon as I am settled, in walks Pearl and Amy.


“Hi boss.”


“Hi girls.”






The only lights on in the room are two spotlights facing towards the stage. Before long, the room fills to the sound of the slow straining beat of White Stripes, Ball and Biscuit. As the music fills the room, the two girls on the stage commence to dance together. Their bodies swaying in unison. It is not long before Amy instigates the first move, and undoes the buttons on Pearl’s blouse. As she leans forward, to kiss the girl fully on her lips. A kiss, she continues while pushing the blouse off Pearl’s shoulders, exposing her upper body. By now, Pearl has thrust her leg in between Amy’s. Who starts to hump against the flesh, as they deepen the kiss. Their moans filling the room.


As the girls continue to kiss, Rayven begins to wiggle on my knee. As I trail kisses across her neck, Rayven attempts to close her legs.




“Watch them Rayven. Watch how Amy goes down on Pearl.”


I denied myself this pleasure for so long, that I knew with Rayven, it was going to be hot. When I turn my attention back to the stage. My head is in the crock of Rayven’s neck, ensuring that her gaze is on the two girls. I allow my hands to slip down her thighs, pulling up the skirt of her dress. The sharp shallow breaths Rayven is taking, tells me, my girl is not unaffected by the sight of Pearl.


Who has removed Amy’s skirt and G-string, and is kneeling at the junction of the dancer’s legs. Her tongue snaking out as she suckles on the other girl’s pussy. Amy has her head thrown back in pleasure. Encouraged by this, I trailed my hand into Rayven’s panties. Delighted to discover that her pussy is wet. I continue to suck on Rayven’s neck as I slowly insert a finger into her pussy. Soon I am mimicking the actions Pearl was doing with her tongue. Rayven’s hands grip me by my hair, as she thrust her lower body, against my fingers.


“That’s it baby, push against me, Take my fingers in and clamp on them tight.”


I do not know what caused Rayven to suddenly scramble off my knee. One moment she was enjoying my ministrations, the next she was clambering over me, pulling the skirt of her dress down. Her, “I hate you Tabby. How could you.” Was followed by the bottle of champagne being poured over my crotch, before Rayven stormed out of the room.


Bewilded, I chase after Rayven, throwing a “Sorry girls,” over my shoulder. Before locating Rayven with Crabby. Fuck for a pregnant woman she could move. A few minutes later, I have caught up with her.




“I’m not a whore.”


“I know you’re not.”


“Then why did you do, what you did?”


“Because I thought you’d enjoy it.”


“You thought I’d enjoy being fingered in front of two strippers while they made out?”


“You were enjoying it Rayven, You were wet.”


“Fuck off.”


With that, Rayven stormed out of the room. This was not going to end like this, and I followed Rayven, before dragging her into the office.


“Look Rayven I’m sorry. Okay. I’ll not do it again. Well not without asking you first.”


This time a stapler went flying pass my ear. “Fuck it Rayven, I said I’m sorry. And don’t you throw heavy objects like that. Not unless you have a desire to end up over my knee.”


“Go to hell Tabby. I quit.”






“I’m sorry Okay.”


A small nod of her head is all she gives me.


“The girls. They’ll not say anything, will they?”


Unable to conceal my smile, I check that there are no more missiles, which can be aimed in my direction.


“Rayven you announced to the whole club what we were doing.” As her blush rose, I felt a warmth in my heart.


“Come here.”




“Will you stop questioning everything that I say? And come here.”


Rayven may have been reluctant at first, but she is soon in my arms. Her arms round my waist as she lays her head against my heart.


“Am I forgiven?”


It was a moment or two before I felt the nod of her head against my chest. A movement, combined with her presence, sends blood pooling to my dick. Which began to twitch against Rayven’s stomach.


“We go on our run early. So I’ll not be home tonight.”


“Will you be going to one of the other women?”


“No Rayven. I want you too badly. I want to put my dick in your pussy. And for that to happen, you’ve got to trust me.”


“All right. Oh, Tabby.”




“What does your family eat?”


“Anything. I’ll be in contact, Okay?”




“Want me to walk you to the SUV?”


“No. I can manage.”


When Rayven left the room, I made for the security monitors, and watched as she made her way to the SUV. I do not take my eyes away from the camera, until the vehicle is no longer in view. A rap on the door brought my eyes up towards the paneling, as I watched Crabby and Sundance enter.


“You’re a twerp at times Tabby.”


“Yeah I know. Why aren’t you two watching the show?”


“We found out who jumped Kent.”


At this news, my body stills.


“Does Inferno know?”


“Not yet. We came to you first.”


There are no secrets in the brotherhood, and as tempted as I was to keep this information between the three of us. I have no choice but to tell Inferno. Devils’ Comfort may be destroying Black County. I, however, was going to destroy the scum who had put Kent in the hospital.


“What do you want us to do?”


“Let Inferno and Linc know. After the run. We deal with it.”





Chapter 9



I have not seen Tabby since Sunday evening. Yet, my body is still having hot flashes of arousal whenever I remember what occurred in the private room. Sure, I knew Tabby enjoyed girl on girl action. There have been plenty of times, when I walked in on the strippers, as they talked about the sex, they were having with the biker. What I had not expected, was for Tabby to have me watch as he nearly brought me to my own orgasm.


The hot flush I was experiencing has me reaching for a glass of water. Hormones. That is what it must be. The doctor has warned me that during my pregnancy, I might find my libido higher than normal.


“Rayven that’s the sweet potatoes ready. What would you like me to do next?”


“That’s fine Momma, Luke prepared the fish earlier, and Emily did the vegetables. I’ll finish off while you have a nap.”


“Is there enough?”


“Yes Momma.”


The meal may not be cooked, but at least it was prepared. An inspection of the kitchen has me grinning, as I refuse to clean up. A job, which I was leaving for Tabby, which should keep him busy for a couple of hours. Satisfaction at Tabby’s predicament has me humming.


A light kiss and, “You’re in a good mood little bird.” Has me jumping out of my skin. I was so deep in my thoughts of revenge that I missed hearing Tabby arrive.


“I talked to your Momma yesterday; she said they’d be here at about seven thirty. Only they’ll not be bringing your Pa. She believes it’ll be too much for him.”




“I thought we’d eat outside. You know with Kent using the dining room as a bedroom now.”


“Sure, no problem.”


Tabby’s vague answers as me looking up from the floor to find him checking the pans.


“What are you doing?”


“I’m starved and I was seeing if there was anything ready to eat.”


“Sit down and I’ll make you a sandwich.”


It didn’t take me five minutes to make a cheese sandwich and pass it over to Tabby along with a bottle of beer. After handing him the sandwich, Tabby lifted the top slice and sniffed it.

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