To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC) (4 page)

BOOK: To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC)
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Chapter 5



“Well junior you’re in a fine mood this evening. Was it hearing papa’s voice? Hey. Why don’t you settle down? Mamma’s got work to do.”


Lack of concentration and the baby’s constant wiggling, has me doodling on the notepad beside the phone.


“How did we end up like this junior? Your papa’s a bully and there’s no need for Sundance to take your Uncle Kent home. Uncle Luke and Uncle Georgie can help. Erm, why does your papa think we can’t manage without his help?”


Another kick has me stretching my body as I strain to comfort the restless child. Deep down, I know he will not settle until Tabby is with us.


“A daddy’s girl, is that what you are?”


Still comforting the baby, I forget about the paperwork I am supposed to be working on. A cat yowling has me swinging my chair round to look out of the window. Not that there’s much to look at. Apart from an eight foot plus brick wall, the yard itself was empty. Each night when I left I would remind myself to buy a couple of potted plants and each morning I would forget until I returned to Tie Me Down.


“Would you like a story junior? Will that settle you?”


If I was to tell anyone the best thing about being pregnant, it was that you could tell the wee bundle inside everything.


“Do you want to hear how your papa knocked me off my feet?”


“He was a raging giant. All fire and bluster. Mamma had inadvertently ran his prized Harley over. His green eyes were blazing flames at me and did Mamma back down? Hell no I did not. I may have been quaking underneath my bravado. But I did not let your papa see it. Are you listening junior. No matter how much your papa blusters at you. You stand your ground.”


“You should have seen them. Your Uncle Fudge and Papa trying to move the pick-up and Harley. Each time they pushed the pick-up forward, it only rolled back. In his frustration papa kicked the pick-up while sending killer looks my way. And do you know what I did junior. I giggled like a school girl.”


“Well, that was until your papa stepped in my direction and took the keys from the palm of my hands. Even now, I can still hear the crunch of metal as the pick-up is driven further into the yard and the look on your Uncle Fudge’s face when the Harley is finally free. If I had any sense Junior, I’d have run. Left Comfort Springs. Instead I stayed.”


“For two years I put up with your papa’s crap. I put up with men ogling my breasts. All thanks to that uniform, your papa insisted that I wear. Insulted and propositioned and what did I do junior. I smiled back graciously. And do you know why. Because of your damn papa.”


“Humph and the women were no better. All of them looking down their pert little noses at me as though I wasn’t good enough. Well, do you know what happened? Let me tell you.

All and every one of them complained to Papa, making me out to be the villain.”


Agitated by the memory, I rose from the chair and began to pace the room. The first time Tabby had called me into his office, he had roared at me.


“What the fuck have you been saying to upset everyone Rayven?”


Unable to answer at the accusation all I could do was sputter.


“Rayven, I know it’s tough, but you’ve got to be polite to the punters and to the girls.”


“Polite, do you know what some of them men asked for. They ask if I will give them a blowjob or a quickie in the cloakroom. I’m not a whore Tabby.”


A shudder ran through my body as I remember the look of pure hot anger as it came over Tabby. The way he scraped the chair back, the screeching sound it made as it filled the room. Then he had grabbed me by the arms.


“Who the fuck, are they?”


Not satisfied with asking, he then hauled me through to the club area, tearing me from table to table, until I have shown him the couple who were there that night.


Later that evening he had come in on the tail end of a conversation I was having with one of the dancers. And instead of finding out what had happened. He had summoned me into his office


“Rayven manners don’t hurt anyone and there’s no need to be rude to the other girls. They have a living to make and are not ashamed of their bodies.”


“I wasn’t being rude. I was simply defending myself. The bitch called me white trash and I’m not.”


He’d sat on the edge of his desk. His leg swinging, as he looked me up and down.


“Rayven I’ve watched you and I’ve seen the dirty looks you’ve given the girls. It has to stop.”


“Will you tell them to stop picking on me?”


“Rayven I doubt if any of the girls are picking on you. They’re a fair bunch. Look, I didn’t want to raise the issue. But a couple of the girls have been in to see me complaining about how you treat them. That you don’t pass messages on and may have cost the club a couple of clients.”


I stood there in disbelief as he delivered lie after lie about me. Unable to contain the frustration, which was growing inside me, I spotted the plant pot and threw it at Tabby. A shot, which landed on his shoulder before the wretched thing, landed on the floor. When Tabby had begun to head towards me. I had run behind his desk and picked up the bottle of JD and threw it at him.


This time his stride has more purpose in it as he grabs my arm, yanking my body up close to his, which stinks of whiskey. With a movement that should not have been possible for someone of his size. He has his ass in his chair and I was flung over his knee. The flat of his hand smacking against my ass.


Wildly I fling my legs, attempting to kick him and escape at the same time. All to no avail though. When this didn’t work, I tried to bite his thigh through the denim of his jeans. Which only went and earned me another spanking.


“Calm down Rayven.”


“Let go of me, you bastard.”


Another slap on my panty-covered ass, lands with a soft thud. Although, the spanking did not hurt, my pussy came to life for a different reason. A throb in my clit had begun. When Tabby raised his hand again, I attempted to close my legs, to ease the ache. However, he soon put a stop to that. Instead, he spread his legs a little wider and pushed my body further forward so that I was hanging lower down his legs. While exposing my ass over his thighs.


“You like that pretty girl?”


“No. Now let me up you oaf.”


Another slap lands on my cheeks and this time Tabby’s hand swipes between my legs. His thumb pressing against the material of my panties.


“I think you do Rayven. I do believe my little bird enjoys a spanking.”


Determined to get off his knee I wiggled some more. Only for Tabby to hold me firmly in place with the hand which he has placed in the crevice of my spine. Another spanking followed, this time with his thumb finding its way under my panties, brushing my clit. There was no way I could hide the evidence of my arousal, as my cream coated the thumb.


“Keep still Rayven and I’ll make this good for you.”


“Let me go.”


Tabby ignored me, his thumb now replaced by his finger, as he squeezes and rubs the flesh of my pussy


“Do you want me to stop Rayven?”


Tabby’s ministrations were sending me crazy and all I could do was shake my head as I clamped my lips onto his calf to stop myself from screaming. Several strokes later, Tabby has me pushed over the edge and I could not prevent my loud moans.


“Good Girl.”


With ease, Tabby pulls me on to his knee. The evidence of his arousal pressing into my ass. So help me, if he wanted to fuck me here and then I wouldn’t be able to say no. Thankfully Tabby had other ideas and he placed his lips against mine, gently laying a kiss on my lips.


“Now go back to the cloakroom and stay out of trouble Rayven.”


Tabby had not needed to tell be twice. Almost running from the room, thankful that I had not done something totally stupid.


“Oh junior, I’ve always been attracted to your papa. My Celtic warrior with his wild red hair and wilder heart.”


Halfheartedly I returned to the paperwork, which was waiting for my attention and picked up a bill. The numbers not making sense. Thankfully, I was interrupted, as someone rapped the door.


“Come in.”


“Hi Rayven, how’s it going?”


Crabby, my friend, was always there when I needed him. At five feet ten he is not as tall or as broad as Tabby. His soft blue eyes belie the emotions, which he holds at bay. He is also the bane of my life. My sister Emily has a crush on this man, and to her, he can do nothing wrong.


“Hi Crabby, are you not enjoying tonight’s entertainment?”


“I always enjoy the entertainment at Tie Me Down. It’s simply that there’s a prettier face backstage… How come you're stuck in the office?”


With ease, Crabby places his large frame in the chair on the other side of the table.


In response to his question, I point to my stomach and then the paperwork.


“Tabby thinks the cloakroom’s too much for me now. So I’ve been delegated to the darkest recesses of the club.”


“Shame, some of the punters has mentioned how they’re missing your pretty face.”


“Crabby Winston you sure are good for a girl’s ego.”


Crabby’s laughter warms my toes and I realize how easy it would be, for a girl to crush the man who is sitting in front of me.


“So this is a social visit then?”


A guilty look flashes across his face as a bashful smile appears.


“Nah, I need the keys to the SUV. Kent’s still out cold and I need to take him home.”


“Stay awhile.” I enjoy Crabby’s company and I do not want him to leave just yet. “If Kent’s passed out he’s not going anywhere is he?”


“You’re a minx Rayven Winters.”


Crabby kept me company for the following hour, making me laugh with his ridiculous jokes. To hell with paperwork, I’ll only have to come in an hour earlier tomorrow.


“Hey Crabby, if Tabby has me doing paperwork, do you imagine he’ll alter my hours so that I can come in during the day?”


A strange look enters his eyes as he gives me a negative shake.


“No doll. The man enjoys having you here in the evenings.”


After bestowing a kiss on my forehead, Crabby upt, and left.


“That’s your Uncle Crabby. You’ll love him Junior. After all the rest of our family does.”


The day I told Tabby I was pregnant, the oaf had denied that the baby was his. The words he used, had left me cold and alone.


“That baby’s not mine Rayven.”


If Crabby had not turned up when did, I would have been on my own. Instead of taking me straight home, Crabby rode over to his place, where I met his mother. Together they let me cry on their shoulders. Well I cried on Mrs Winston’s shoulders while Crabby went into the living room to watch the game.



For three weeks, Tabby ignored me. Each night I went to the club and stood in the cloakroom, watching out for him. Whenever I did see him, he always had his arms wrapped round either one or two of the whores. His tongue stuck down their throats.


The day Tabby ordered me to move in with him, he had denied having slept with anyone but me since our night. Deep inside a part of me wants to believe him.


“Oh Junior what are we going to do? Humph. Do you think your papa could ever love me?”


Chapter 6



“So what kind of bike is it?”


Little Bird is sitting on the swing, idly pushing her feet along the floor as she looks at the motorcycle. For a change, her hair is loose, tumbling down her back. Her summer dress has ridden up, leaving most of her legs bare and when she pushed herself forward, I would catch a flash of her panties.


“It’s a FatBoy.”


“Oh.” As I continue to clean the chrome work on the bike, I study Rayven from my kneeling position.


“How did you get into bikes?”


“When Dec and I were about three, Pa gave us a battery operated bike each, and we’d spend all our time on them. Ma didn’t mind, she said it was easier than pushing a buggy. And when we were seven Pa found an old dirt bike. He brought it home and taught Dec and me how to repair it. When we eventually had it up and running, we would go down to the lake, and make our own obstacle course. They were good times Rayven. I guess my love of bikes came from the old man.”


As she lifts the soda bottle to her lips, Rayven’s eyes remain on the bike. If I remain quiet, I can almost hear her mind ticking over, as she ponders on her next question.


“Are you still close to your Pa?”


“Pa’s got Alzheimer’s. My sister Bridge and her husband look after him.”


“Oh shit Tabby, I’m sorry. What about your Ma?”


“She’s alive, healthy, and looking forward to the baby.”


“You told her about the baby?”


“Yeah Rayven I did. And you’ll get to meet them all soon.”


“How come you’ve never mentioned your family before?”


“Perhaps because you’ve never taken interest before. Where the hell did you think Dec and I came from?”


When I saw the light come into Rayven’s eyes, I held my hand up “Don’t answer.”


The soft tinkle of Rayven’s laughter blended in the warm breeze of the sultry afternoon. Rayven is all Louisiana. Hot and sultry and making my dick hard. Rayven’s eyes lift from the bike to me. A hungry look in her gaze. Rayven’s facial expression has me wondering, if she is aware of the heated glances she keeps throwing my way.


“Rayven unless you want to spend the afternoon in bed, stop thinking whatever it is you’re thinking.”


I watch in delight, as a pink flush rose across her cheeks. To cover her embarrassment, Rayven took another swallow from the bottle. Unfortunately, this conjured up an image of her lips clinched around my dick. Fuck, I need to think of something else, otherwise I will be tempted to tempt the tiny devil to bed. With, what I hoped was a subtle maneuver; I rearrange my junk into a more comfortable position.


“What are they like?”


“What are who like?”


“Tabby get your mind out of the gutter and listen when I’m talking to you.”


“Don’t roll your eyes at me lady or I’ll tan your backside.”


With ease, I drop the cloth I am using and reach for my own soda, leaning against the FatBoy.


“So who are what like?”


“Your family.”


“Until Pa got caught up in the Alzheimer’s he was a mechanic. Ma stayed at home and looked after us kids. Dec you know.”


“No kidding.”


“Stop sassing. Bridget is a couple of years younger than me and when she’s not looking after Pa, she works at the local newspaper office. Iain her husband, runs his own business and they have three kids. Then there’s Joy, she’s the baby of the family, went to college at eighteen and never returned to Comfort Springs.”


“Is she married?”


“Divorced twice. She’s a lawyer and has a daughter to husband number two.”


By now, Rayven is quiet and when I glance in her direction, I see that she is peeling the label off her soda bottle.




“You ever been married?”




In three years, Rayven and I have never experienced a conversation like this. I liked that she wanted to know more about me. It has given me hope. And one day I will tell her about Liam, I simply was not ready to open this particular wound yet. The last thing I wanted off Rayven was pity.


“Family’s crazy isn’t it Tabby? Your Pa has Alzheimer’s; Momma is a paraplegic and Kent. Well, Kent’s Kent.”


“The club will sort Kent out and he’ll not be in the chair for long.”


“Yeah, what about his drinking?”


“Like I said the club will sort Kent out. Now come over here.”




“I wanna make out with my girl.”


“Am I your girl?”


“You’re carrying my baby aren’t you?”


The eager light died a little in Rayven as she slowly worked her way over to me. By the time she has reached me, my soda bottle is empty and I set it on the floor, taking Rayven into my arms. With a casualness, which belies how eager I am to have her body up close to mine, I loosely loop my arms round her body, cupping her ass with my hands. Rayven did not reciprocate the
instead her hands played with the buttons on my cut. It was not often Rayven touched me, and when she did, I would savor every caress.


“Touch my flesh Rayven,” ignoring me, Rayven continued to fiddle with the buttons.


“What happens when you move on to another girl Tabby?”


The crimson lips are too much of a temptation for me. As I lift her body closer to mine, I swoop down and kiss the tender flesh. Rayven’s legs wrap round my waist, and swing over the seat of the Fat Boy.


“No tomorrow’s Rayven. There’s only today.”


“We’ve got to move.”



Rayven’s confusion sends another shaft of desire to my dick, and as I thrust against her lower body, the bike rocks again.


“The bike, it’s gonna tip if we don’t move.”


Rayven’s head falls back, as she looks up at me through eyes clouded with her own arousal.


“That’s typical of you Tabby. Always thinking of your bike first.”


Rayven’s flippant remark has me swinging her high into the air, as I make for the sun recliner. Without letting go of the minx, we fall onto the soft furnishing. The gentle sway, adding to the rocking motion of Rayven’s hips.


“Touch my flesh Rayven.”


This time, she neither argues, nor hesitates. Instead, her hands slide under my T-shirt to skim over my stomach muscles, working their way up to my nipples. Nipples that Rayven insist on playing with. One hand splayed over the ridged bud, as she thrusts her lower body onto mine. Our teeth clash when Rayven takes the kiss deeper, forcing her tongue into my mouth, as we dual for power, for ownership of the kiss.


Fuck, the blood has drained to my dick, which is chomping against the zipper of my denims. Without wavering, I undo the button and zipper, freeing my dick from its confines. When it is free, it thrusts between Rayven’s spread legs, thrusting against the cloth-covered pussy.


“Shit Rayven, squeeze your legs together. Oh yeah, just like that.”


With each thrust of her hips, Rayven’s pussy clasps against my dick. The material rubbing the tender flesh. In need of more contact, I shoved my hands under the short dress, and with one tug, ripped her panties aside.




“Shush, it’s okay Rayven, we’re merely making out.”






“Take hold of my dick with your hand.”


Easily showing her what I want, I guide Rayven’s small hand down to my dick. Together we circle the ridged shaft and begin a slow pump. Each time our hands slide down the shaft, my hips thrust my dick further into the circle only to pull back.


“Tighter Rayven, squeeze my dick tight and twist your hand. Pretend you’re holding a dishcloth and you’re squeezing out the excess water. Fuck Rayven, yeah, just like that.”


One more twist of Rayven’s fist has me over the edge and I came all over her lower stomach and hand.


Short of breath, I continue to stroke Rayven’s outer thighs. The slam of the kitchen door draws my attention to the loudness of our breathing. When I look across the yard, I notice Crabby with a self-satisfied smirk on his face, as he stands by the rear door.


“Is it safe to come out?”


Rayven’s squeal and the way, she attempts to burrow her body into mine, turns my contentment into satisfaction.


“Fuck off Crabby.”


Crabby disregards my words as he saunters over to the FatBoy, picking up the open bottle of chrome polish. The knowing smile on his face growing.


“Stop being crass Crabby. How long were you stood there?”


My question has Rayven’s body stiffening in my arms. Fuck, this was becoming a habit. If it wasn’t at the club, it was here. Somebody was always walking in on us. Fuck, one day, if I ever get lucky, they may even walk in on us when I have my dick in her kitty.


“Not long.”


“Why are you here?”


“Kent rang; he wants a lift to the club.”


“Check with Ivy that he’s done his exercises first.”


“Catch you later Rayven.”


“Is he gone?”


Rayven’s soft whisper sends a shiver against my neck. In need of more contact, I tug her closer.


“Yeah, he’s gone.”


“Damn it Tabby. I‘ve got to go back into the house, and you’ve ruined my pants. What will everyone think?”


Junior’s kick, reminds me how we got it into this mess. Tenderly, I rub her stomach to emphasize my point.

“Hell Rayven it’s not like we haven’t had sex before. And besides, everyone knows we’ve done it at least once.”


“Now who’s being crass Tabby?”


Loath to let go of the nubile body, I slap her ass as I rose from the recliner.


“Come on Rayven, we’ve got to get ready for the club.”






































Chapter 7



Since the episode in the garden, a truce has built between Tabby and myself. I was still unhappy with our living conditions and whenever the opportunity arose, I would spend time looking for alternative accommodation. Accommodation that was proving difficult to find. With disgust at my lack of luck, I threw the paper to one side. I was enjoying the solitude of the house, finding a peacefulness, which was not going to last much longer.

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