To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC) (22 page)

BOOK: To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC)
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“Well, she’s not you. But she can still be both bossy and fussy. And I don’t need any more of that.”


Happy with Emily’s response, I smile at her as I reach across the table and take hold of the hand that is still stirring her coffee.


“That’s because we still care.”


“Why are you asking anyway?”


“Tabby found Papa and I have his number.”


Two sets of eyes now hold my gaze.


“Are you going to ring him?”


Since the day, I told Tabby that I did not want anything to do with the man who has deserted us. I have lost count of how many times I have picked up this piece of paper. A paper that I no longer need as I have the number memorized. With one last look at the paper, I return it to the memo board.


“Not yet. Kent’s been in touch with him.”


“Oh, he never said.”


“Where’s Tabby?” Ivy’s out of the blue question pulls my attention away from my sister and I noticed the worried look on her face.


“I think he’s in the garage. Is everything okay?”


“Yep. Look, I need a quick word with Tabby. Then Emily and I will be gone.”


“Is Dec causing Ivy problems?”


Innocent blue eyes stare at me.


“Why would Dec cause problems for Ivy?”


“Emily, she’s a pretty girl and Dec’s single.”


“Humph, he’s a dog like the rest of Devils Comfort.”


Now that Crabby was no longer spending time with Emily, she has begun to distance herself from the club, declining to go to any of the cookouts they host.


“Look I’ve got to go. I’ll call you later.”




Removing the untouched coffees, I empty them down the sink and return to cooking this evening’s meal.





“What time is everyone arriving?”


“It’s not everyone Tabby. What was wrong with Ivy?”


“She’s looking for a new job and was asking if I had anything.”




“Because Laura and Kent no longer need her.”


“Thanks, Tabby.”


“What for this time?”


“Momma and Kent.”


“Strange lady now kiss me before our mama’s arrive.”


Despite his grumbling from earlier, Tabby was on his best behavior and entertained Momma and Mary. Keeping them amused with tales of Kavan and telling them what a prodigy he is. Bang went his theory that we would be the ones to bore him with knitting patterns.


“I’m taking the mama’s home Little Bird. You go and get ready for when I get back.”


My clit, which has been gently throbbing all evening, came to life and a pool of heat gathered in my pussy. Quickly I dispose of the dishes and left over food, feed Kavan and settled him for the night before checking all the windows. Satisfied with everything I hear the SUV pulling into the driveway and ran up the stairs.


Tabby loves my hair and I quickly let it fall from its bun, allowing the curls to tumble down my back. By the time, Tabby makes it to the bedroom I am dressed in one of the baby dolls he loves and he is naked.


“Damn Little Bird you’re sexy and I’m going to fuck you till you can’t walk.”


“Tabby where are your clothes.”


“I don’t need them. Now come over here and let me turn your ass red.”


Dimming the lights, so that the room is mainly lit by the moon, I turn on the CD player and make my way over to Tabby, who has settled himself on what I have now come to call, the spanking chair. Deliberately swaying my hips and allowing my eyes to watch his cock as it rose, hard and pulsating.


Tabby spreads his legs and pulls me closer, placing his hands on my hips as he kisses me.


“You know why you’re getting spanked.”


“Because you’re a bully and enjoy it.”


“Over you go Little Bird.”


The room tipped as I was tumbled forward and to steady myself I hold on to Tabby’s hairy calves. Cool air brushes against the base of my spine, as Tabby lifts the red negligee and pulls the frilly pants down.


“Frilly pants. Really Little Bird.”


The butterfly caress of his hand over my thighs and ass, sends a shiver through my body, and the pulse in my stomach wakes. The first slap lands, sending a jolt through me as his hand lands on the butt plug he had placed before dinner. Another slap follows, again to land on the butt plug.




“Are you enjoying yourself Little Bird?”


“Are you going to take the plug out?”


For three weeks, we have been using the butt plug. Tabby would leave it in for about an hour before removing it. The one I was wearing now is also larger than the first one Tabby had used. Slowly he has increased the size.


“Do you want me to?”




Another slap lands on my ass and this time, Tabby swipes his fingers through my pussy lips and wipes my juices in to my pussy hole.


“Fuck Little Rayven. You are soaking.”


When Tabby spanks me this time, he cups his hand as his palm lands on my pussy, forcing me against his cock, which is pressing against my stomach.




“Soon Little Bird.”


Tabby has moved his hand from my pussy and is pulling on the plug; slowly he withdrew it, only to push it back in. An action, which Tabby repeats several times. Blood is pounding in my ears as my clit throbs and my stomach clenches. Tabby is a born torturer and just as I am about to cum, he withdraws the plug for the final time and pushes me off his knee until I land on all four.




“It’s okay Little Bird. You’re ready for me.”


When Tabby swipes his fingers through my pussy to collect the cream, which is gathering, he returns to my asshole and pushes his finger in, lubricating my hole and stretching it slightly further.


“Yeah Little Bird your more than ready. Now remember, when I push forward you need to press back. We’ll do this nice and slow at your pace. Okay”




At the first touch of Tabby’s cock at my asshole, I froze and drew in a deep breath.


“Relax Little Bird. Yeah, that’s it; Take me in nice and slow.”


Tabby’s cock is not small and although the butt plug I had been wearing was larger than the first one, it was still a stretch to take him in. Once his cock is seated fully in me, I felt both full and stretched.


“You okay Little Bird.”


Wheezing for breath, all I can do is nod my head. Slowly Tabby withdrew slightly and pressed back in. Slow and steady, he went, pulling a little further back and going deep again.


“Tabby I need to cum.”


Fuck my legs were shaking and I was not sure if they would support me for much longer. At my request, Tabby’s thrust became deeper and faster. With one hand on my hip to steady himself. Tabby begins to play with my clit with his other hand.


“Fuck Tabby, pinch my clit.”


“Harder Tabby.”


Tabby’s grip on my clit and the thrusts of his cock has me spilling juice all over his hand as I cum. Drained I drop my head to the floor.


“Tabby you’re going to kill me.”


“Not if you don’t kill me first.”


Tabby gasps as he groans into the air, releasing his cum into my ass. Slowly Tabby withdrew from my ass, slapping it as he raised himself off the floor.


“Climb onto the bed Little Bird, while I fetch a cloth to clean us both.”
























Chapter 31



Tired from working at the Club in Tabby’s absence and then running the dance studio, I drag my body from the SUV and release Kavan’s car seat.


“How was class?”


At the sound of the voice, I have only heard on the phone for the last five days, excitement shot through my body and my tiredness was soon forgotten.


“Hey, you’re back. How was the ride?”


“Long, I missed you and the Little Man. Now come here and welcome me home properly.”


I had missed Tabby as well, and I willingly went into his arms, for a welcome kiss.


“Pass me the Little Man and close your eyes.”




“Because I want you to.”


Trepidation ran through my body. The last time Tabby had asked me to shut my eyes, was in his office where he had loved me until leaving me for his last road trip. Eventually I give in and close them. As Tabby takes a hold of my hand, together, we walk round the side of the house to the yard.


“Open them.”


In the garden there is a beat up old motorcycle.”


“It’s a classic in need of restoring. And that’s what you’re going to do Little Bird.”


“Tabby just when am I supposed to fix it. Between Tie Me Down, the dance studio, and Kavan, I’m shattered.”


“You want to learn to ride don’t you?”


My heart skipped a beat as I answered carefully.




“And what did I tell you?”


“That I had to learn all about bikes first.”


“Right. Together we’ll build the bike. And when it's up and running I’ll teach you to ride it.”


In that instant, I fell in love with the piece of scrap that was going to be mine. Lovingly I stroke the torn seat. Whatever I want, Tabby always gets it for me. It may not be in perfect condition, but I did not care.


“You love me.”


“Yes Little Bird I love you.”


As he came to stand next to me, Tabby placed a gurgling Kavan on to the ground.


“You see this bike. This bike is what we were when we both met. Beat up and broken. Over the years, we’ve healed each other. And as I teach you to repair the bike…”


“Yeah, I get it Tabby.”


Silently I continue to stare at the bike. Afraid to ask what was on my mind, but I took the bullet.


“Does this mean I’m officially your old lady?”


“You’re more than that, Little Bird and the sooner we’re married the more secure you’ll feel.”


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