To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC) (23 page)

BOOK: To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC)
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“Married. Aren’t you supposed to ask first?”


“Do I need to Rayven?”


For a moment, I keep Tabby in his torment.


“Are you sure this is what you want. What about your wild sex nights with more than one person?”


“I don’t need any of that anymore. I have you. And you Mrs Gallagher to be, are damn wild in the bedroom.”


Still unable to believe that Tabby wants us to get hitched, I step back from the bike and study the tough biker.


“I can’t give you everything. What about the way you enjoy watching the other strippers as they make out.


“Make out. That’s very quaint Little Bird. We have movies for that. I don’t ever want you to be uncomfortable in the bedroom and I’m more than satisfied with you.


“Tell me you love me.”


“I love you Rayven Winters Gallagher.”


I liked the sound of that, “I’ve just fed Kavan, and he’ll sleep for a couple of hours.”


“Lead the way.”


As I walk towards our bedroom, I remove my vest and drop it on the ground. Which is then, followed by my shorts and now I am standing in front of Tabby, in just my underwear.


“Fuck Little Bird; let me get Little Man in his crib.”




“Sorry Little Bird when what?”


Tabby has now joined me in the bedroom and is switching on the CD player. The low strains of a blue’s song, fills the room.


“When did you fall in love with me?”


“Dance for me.”


Raising from the bed I begin to move to the music, closely watching Tabby as he sits in the spanking chair. As he makes himself comfortable, my pussy came to life as my heart rate went up.


“Probably the first moment I saw you. All I know is that you were never far from my mind, no matter what or where I was.


“Did you fantasize about me when you were fucking the whores?”


“Remove your bra and play with those beautiful tits.”


Unclipping the front fastening, I let the bra fall open, but did not remove it. In time to the soulful tune that fills the room, I lift my breasts and pull on the nipples.


“Now suck on the bud.”


Hesitantly, I lift my breast as I lower my mouth; I draw on the nipple, sucking the bud while my hips still swayed.


“Treat the other one to the same treatment Little Bird.”


“Fuck you’ve got my dick hard watching as you suckle yourself. Nip the bud Little Bird.”


Damn I was having difficulty staying in rhythm with the music as my pussy pulsed and my panties stuck to me as they became wet with my juices.


“Yes Little Bird, I’d fantasize that it was you that one of the other girls would be fucking, and as one of them ate you out, I’d fuck you.”


Tabby’s statement has me fumbling and letting go of the breast in my mouth as I stare at him.


“It’s okay Little Bird; I don’t think I’d want anyone touching you but me.”


“Why are you still dressed?”


“I’m waiting for you to undress me.”


Taking that as my cue. I sashayed over to Tabby and remove his cut, then his T-shirt. When his hands are free, Tabby cups my breasts and sucks them into his mouth. Slowly I lower my body over Tabby until I am straddling him in the chair. The coarse material of his jeans rubbing against my pussy, is causing me more friction and I let out a low moan.


In my eagerness to get Tabby’s cock in me, I undo his fastening and without letting go of my breasts, Tabby lifts his ass a fraction of the chair to shimmy out of his pants. Suddenly the imbalance of our weight causes the chair to topple backwards, breaking as we all fell to the floor.






“Are you okay?”


“I’d love to say yes, but these pieces of wood are cutting into my back.”


Scrambling off Tabby and biting on my lip to prevent the laughter, I grab Tabby’s hand.


“I think we’ll be better on the bed.”


Tabby’s forlorn look at the chair is my breaking point and my giggles finally escape.


“I’ll have to buy you a new chair Little Bird.”


“Love me first Tabby.”


Tabby shucks his jeans off as I climb onto the bed and pull my panties off.


“Damn it Little Bird I love your pussy. Use your fingers and open it up for me.”


Laying back against the pillow I spread my pussy lips open for Tabby, who is crawling up my legs. As he reaches the junction, his tongue swipes out, licking me fully. His tongue pressed against my wet flesh as he sucks my cream, before sliding his tongue into me.


“I love your tongue Tabby but I want your cock in me.” That earns me a hard push and lick,


Tabby’s large body looms over me as he places his body in between my legs and his fingers stroke my pussy, before gently he pushes himself into me.


Tabby’s loving is slow and deliberate. Each thrust heightening my arousal while denying me my orgasm.


“Faster Tabby.”


And, still he went slow and steady.


“Kiss me Little Bird.”


Moving my mouth to Tabby’s, I latch on to his lips and thrust my tongue into his mouth. Playing with his tongue. Finally, Tabby gets the message and his thrusting becomes a heavy, deep pounding that has me flying, just as Tabby finds his own release.


“I love you Connor Tabby Gallagher. And I love knowing that whatever I want to be you’ll be there supporting me.”



























“Nick, you’re quiet?”


“What do you want from me Ellie?”


“Right now I want you to talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong.”


“Fuck buddies don’t talk. They fuck. The clue is in the label.”


Disgruntled I throw the covers back on Ellie’s bed as I climb out, to search for my jeans. I do not bother to look in Ellie’s direction as I fasten them, whilst hunting down my boots. Which I find under the bed. As soon as I have my boots on, I look in Ellie’s direction. The hurt on her face squeezes at my heart.


“Fuck Ellie, how the hell did we end up like this?”


“I was in need of sympathy and you took it to the next level.”


“It takes two baby.”


“Go to the club Nick. Fuck one of the whores, and don’t bother coming back.”


In my frustration, I rub the back of my neck.


“Fuck Ellie, I’m sorry.” Turning back to the war widow


“It’s been one hell of a day... Shit Ellie it has been a hell of a couple of years. Crabby was sent down today and now he’s doing three to five years for self-defense. He saved a fucking girl's life and that’s his reward. Trax has gone from a sweet boy to a cold-blooded killer. Fuck knows how many men have been killed over the last couple of years. And that includes brothers of Devils Comfort.”


“So what are you going to do about it?”


“I don’t know… Ellie.”




“What’s going on between you and Adam?”


Fuck, Ellie is dating a fucking cop and I have just told her we have a killer in our club.


“There’s nothing going on between Adam and me. We dated a couple of times and nothing panned out.


“Did you fuck him?”


“No Nick, I didn’t fuck him. Unlike you, I only fuck one guy at the time. And at the moment that happens to be you.”


“You knew what you were getting yourself into Ellie. I never wanted commitment.”


“Your right Nick I did. And I deserve more than this.”


“Fine I’ll see you around.”




Outside the street is empty; the only light is the soft glow of the street lamp. Usually I would push my hog to the end of the street before starting it. But not tonight. Tonight I need to get out of Comfort Springs and away from Devils Comfort.


Fuck, when I had heard the rumors about Ellie dating Adam a shaft of jealousy had gone through me. For as long as I can remember, I have been on my own. That was the way I wanted it. No commitments no ties. That was my life. Revving the hog I check my wallet to see how much cash I had on me. A quick call to the garage is needed, and then I was hitting the road.


Everything is quiet at Devil’s Comfort and I need to sort myself out. I also had not been honest with Ellie. This morning I had received news that my father had died and now all links to my pass were nearly broken.




At the sound of Ellie’s soft voice, I turned towards the door. The house is in darkness and I can just make out the silhouette of her body.




“Take care.”


With a salute to the woman, I had unwilling come to care for. I rode off down the street, heading for New Orleans.


As the miles passed, the open roads soothed my frayed nerves. Getting out of Comfort Springs while Ellie tested her wings in the dating scene was what I needed. I do not think I could have bared to watch as she dated other men. Wondering if she had taken any of them to her bed.


The irony of it was not lost on me. Ellie had been right I had carried on fucking the whores at the club and when I was at a loose end or needed someone to talk to. I fucked her.


Shaking Ellie from my head. I thought of the man who was my father. The father who had died in a state federal prison after killing my mother over a quarter of a century ago. Fuck, he should have been dead a long time ago. He should have received the death penalty. Instead, he got life, and I swapped one hell, for another, until I had moved to Comfort Springs.


When I arrive in New Orleans, I find myself in the French Quarter. Middle class suburbia. The house that I had once called home was now dilapidated. The garden overrun with weeds and barren bushes. It had been nearly twenty years since I left this place. After tonight, I will not be back.


The noise of the engine must have woken the occupant, because no sooner had I dismounted, then the door opened and there stood the old witch. My Grand’Mere. My torture. The reason why ma mere is dead.






Love Letters from Emily to Crabby.



Darling Crabby.


I came home from hospital today and I wish you were here. I am desperate for someone to talk to.  This morning I was given some distressing news and I don’t know who to share it with.


I have so much I want to tell you. How I would like to thank you for saving my life. I knew if anyone would find me. It would be you. I will never forget what you have done for me.


We are kindred spirits My Crabby, and it upset me greatly to be told that you have been arrested for saving my life.


Momma told me this morning that Baby Blu and I share the same father. I hate Momma and I want to run away.  The only thing that keeps me in Comfort Springs is you My Crabby.


Again I thank you for saving my life


All my love Emily.


To follow Emily and Crabby in their correspondence follow me on FB – Brair Lake, where each week a letter will be published. This letters will not contain sex as I neither condone nor endorse underage sex. These letters are just a rites of passage as Emily becomes a woman. B Lake.



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