To Love Twice (20 page)

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Authors: Heather McCoubrey

BOOK: To Love Twice
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“Really, Izzy is coming down?”

“Well, she said she was.  Nothing is ever in stone
where she’s concerned.  If she doesn’t it’s no big deal,” Edward said
glancing at Kate in question.

“Right.  I’m in London every few weeks.  It’s nice
to just enjoy the peace of the countryside,” Kate said.

“Mum, are you staying the week?”

“Only if it’s not an intrusion.  I’d love to get to
know your girls and relax myself before heading back up to help your Aunt or
over to Meaghan’s to help there.  I’m sure Rufus is pulling out what’s
left of his hair.”

“It’s never an intrusion, Mum.  I had Mrs. White fix up
your room, in case you wanted to stay,” Edward said.

“Thank you, dear.”

“How about a walk in the gardens?” Kate suggested. 
“Mary is finished with her snack and after such a long nap, she’ll never sit still
for long.”

“Perfect, I could use some fresh air,” Charlotte said.


Dinner that evening was a fun affair.  The cook had
prepared tacos for dinner after finding out it was Mary’s favorite
dinner.  Charlotte had informed them all that it was her first time eating
a taco.  She had quickly fallen in love with the food.

Mary was seated next to Charlotte.  The two of them had
bonded so quickly during the walk in the garden.  Charlotte had taken time
to introduce Mary to all the different flowers in the garden and then allowed
Mary to pick a small bouquet for her room.  After the walk, the two of
them retreated to the kitchen to trim the stems and put the flowers in a
vase.  Then they’d gone up to Mary’s room to find the perfect place. 
They had settled on the bedside table.  Mary explained that she’d be able
to smell the flower smell better if it was next to her bed.

After that, Mary and Charlotte had spent time reading books
and playing games.  They all had retreated back to the sitting room in
much the same way they’d been when Charlotte had arrived.  Kate was laying
on the couch reading and Edward was watching a cricket game.  It had been
a lovely afternoon and it warmed Kate’s heart to see Mary interacting so well
with Charlotte. 

Kate’s own mother was fond of Mary, and Kate never doubted
her love for Mary.  But Barbara never got down on the floor to play with
Mary as Charlotte had done with the board games.

After dinner, Charlotte offered to give Mary her bath before
bed.  Kate couldn’t say no, the two of them were like peas in a pod. 
Their love of tacos cementing their new relationship.

“Come with me, Kate.  There’s something I’ve been dying
to do since you got here,” Edward said as Charlotte and Mary disappeared up the

“Where to, Edward?”

“It’s a surprise,” Edward said as he winked at her.

Shrugging, Kate nodded and followed Edward.  He led her
back into the sitting room.  He lowered the lights and picked up a
remote.  He pressed a couple of buttons and the soft music of Beethoven
filled the room.

“Dance with me?”  Edward said as he held his hand out
toward Kate.

Charmed, Kate placed her hand in his.  “I’d love to,”
Kate said. 

Edward pulled her close and Kate rested her head on his
chest.  They moved as one to the music.  The lights were dim, the
music just loud enough to envelope them in their own bubble.  Kate closed
her eyes and let the moment take her away.


Chapter Twenty-Two

“Edward!  You came!”

“Of course we came, Meaghan.  Kate’s been bugging me
all week to see you!”

Kate elbowed Edward as she made her way over to
Meaghan.  Grasping her hands, she kissed Meaghan’s cheek.  “It’s so
good to meet you,” Kate gushed.  “This is my daughter, Mary.”

“Hello, Mary!  How are you doing?”

“Good,” Mary smiled and placed her hand on Meaghan’s
stomach.  “Wow!  You’re belly is big, how many babies do you have in

Meaghan laughed, eyes twinkling.  “Well now, I’m glad
you asked.  They tell me there are two babies in my tummy!”

Gasping, Kate clapped her hands and Edward kissed his
sister’s temple.  “Congratulations, Meaghan!”  Kate exclaimed.

“That’s brilliant, Pip!  When did you find out? 
Does Mum know?”

“No, Mum doesn’t know, so please don’t tell her.  She
said she’s coming this weekend and I want to surprise her.  We found out

“I’ll do my best not to spill your beans, but you know how
Mum is,” Edward grinned.  “So, what have you been doing to keep yourself
occupied, Pip?”

“Whining.  Complaining.  Perusing the internet for
baby items.  Driving Rufus crazy,” Meaghan listed.

“Where is the old boy?” Edward asked.

“Knowing you were on the way, he escaped the madness to do
some shopping.  We’re out of just about everything,” she explained.

“It’s a beautiful day outside, Meaghan.  Are the lounge
chairs out on the patio?”

“They should be, but if they aren’t, they’ll be in the

“I’ll go check and bring them out if need be.  You
should get some fresh air.”

“I would adore it, thank you,” Meaghan beamed.

“Point me in the direction of your kitchen and I’ll get some
refreshments ready to bring out with us,” Kate offered.

“It’s down the hall to the left.  I doubt we have much,
but help yourself.  Rufus should be back soon with reinforcements.”

“I’ll be right back,” Kate said.  “Mary, will you keep
Ms. Meaghan company?”

“Sure, Mommy!” 

Kate helped Mary climb up on the bed and made sure they were
comfortable before heading to the kitchen.  She opened the fridge door and
was a tad surprised to find it mostly empty.  Meaghan had mentioned they
were out of most everything, but Kate hadn’t believed she’d been serious.

Next she went to the pantry and found a similar
situation.  Sighing to herself, she perused what was there and found
enough odds and ends to put a light snack together.  Buried deep on the
bottom shelf, she found some instant lemonade mix and pulled that out too.

Kate sliced up some apples, cut some cheese into squares,
laid out some crackers and made the lemonade.  By the time she’d finished
putting the food together, Edward had prepared the chairs outside.  He was
just lifting Meaghan to move her outside when she emerged from the kitchen.

“Perfect timing!” Kate said.  “Mary, can you get the
door for Edward, please?”

“Sure!”  Mary ran ahead and opened the door wide,
holding it until both Edward and Kate had gone through. 

“Thank you, Mary,” Meaghan said.

“You’re welcome,” Mary replied.

“Oh, Meaghan!  It’s beautiful out here!” Kate
exclaimed.  The grass was lush and went on forever.  The yard was
level and dotted with a few oak trees.  At the very end of the yard, at
least a quarter mile away, she could just make out the sparkling water of a
small pond. 

“Thank you!  Mum would love to get her hands on my yard
and fill it with flowers, like she’d done at Edward’s house.  But I keep
refusing her,” Meaghan sighed.  “Don’t get me wrong, I love flowers. 
But I don’t have the time or the love to devote to them.  Besides, I love
the peacefulness of just the grass and trees.”

“You know she’ll wear you down eventually, Pip,” Edward

“She can, but only if she’s going to oversee their care.”

“Mommy, can I run around?”

“Sure, just stay where I can see you.”

“Meaghan, is the tire swing still up?”

In the middle of taking a sip of lemonade, Meaghan just
nodded her head.

“Come on, Mary.  I’ll push you on the swing.”

Kate watched the two of them amble off, enjoying the view
and the special bond that had grown between them.

“They look cute together,” Meaghan observed.

Kate nodded.  “Mary really adores him.  My father
spends some time with her, but it’s my brother-in-law that really helps me out
with the “dad” stuff.  I don’t know what I’d do without Tim and my

“They don’t have children?”

“No, unfortunately.  They tried for years but nothing
came of it.  It’s sad because they both would make such amazing parents.”

“I know.  I was really worried that we’d never have
luck.  This was our last IVF, I still can’t believe it worked this time,”
Meaghan said.

“Would you have tried adoption if it hadn’t worked out?”

“Yes.  We both wanted to try everything we could to
have our own babies first.  But if it hadn’t worked out, we would
definitely adopt.  In fact, when these babies are older, we’ll probably
adopt.  Rufus and I have always wanted a big family.  He has four
brothers and three sisters.  And while our family is small in comparison,
we have a lot of cousins.  I’m sure Edward has mentioned Aunt Imogen’s
brood,” Meaghan laughed.

“Oh yes!”

“Well, I’ve always enjoyed the chaos that reigns there when
everyone is home.  It’s loud, boisterous and amazing.  The air is
thick with love and secrets and memories.  I want that for our family.”

“It sounds wonderful,” Kate said.

“It is,” Meaghan nodded enthusiastically.  “Do you want
more children, Kate?”

“I don’t know,” Kate said honestly.  “Mary just turned
six and I’m so far past the bottles, diapers, sleepless nights.  She’s
pretty independent now and I’m just not sure if I could go back,” Kate


“When Brad died, I never expected to be here again. 
Until recently, I planned to be on my own for the rest of my life, focused on
Mary.  I’d accepted it and was at peace with it.  I don’t know, I
guess we’ll see what happens.  If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be,”
Kate said.

“What’s this?  Serious conversations on such a bright
beautiful day?”

Kate and Meaghan whipped their heads around to the sound of
a new voice.  A girl stood framed in the door, her corn-flower blue eyes
twinkling.  She had pale blond hair cut in a pixie style.  She was
tiny and couldn’t have weighed more than a sack of flour.  She wore hot
pink capri pants, a black v-neck t-shirt and flip-flops with giant gerbera
daisies attached to the toe strap.  She was adorable.

“Izzy!  What are you doing here?”

“I’m not allowed to take a day off and visit my whale of a
sister?”  Izzy laughed, walking out onto the patio and leaning over to
kiss Meaghan’s cheek.

“Oh you brat,” Meaghan joked.  “I’m not a whale yet,
but I will be!”

“How big are you going to get?” she asked as she sat down at
the bottom of Meaghan’s lounge chair.

“Twice as big as normal,” Meaghan said.

“Twins?!  Are you having twins?” Izzy clapped and
covered her mouth.

“Yes!  Isn’t it fantastic?”  Meaghan asked

“Oh Meaghan!  I’m so thrilled for you,” Izzy leaned
over and gently hugged her sister. 

A huge smile lit up Izzy’s face and Kate thought she was

“You must be Edward’s Kate,” Izzy said as she turned her
head toward Kate.

“I am.  It’s so nice to meet you!”

Izzy glanced at Meaghan.  “Have you interrogated her

Meaghan smiled.  “No, not yet.  I didn’t think it
would be right to do it without you.”

Kate blinked.  “Interrogate me?  Are you the two
wicked sisters?”

Meaghan and Izzy laughed.  “No, but I think I like you
already,” Izzy said.

Meaghan and Izzy exchanged looks and then pinned Kate with
their twinkling eyes.

“Do you like shopping?” Izzy asked.

Kate laughed.  “Yes, of course.”

“Do you like shoes?” Meaghan asked.

Kate twisted her foot up for inspection.  She was
wearing black and white polka dot heels.  “I do.”

“Well, I do like her taste in shoes,” Izzy said to Meaghan.

“Do you like day trips to the spa?”

“Absolutely.  And I hear that you both have trained
Edward well.  He’s in favor of spa days!”

“It took a lot of work to bring Edward up to par.  We
want to make sure you don’t undo all our hard work!” Izzy said smiling.

“Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it,” Kate replied.

“Do you like the theater?” Meaghan asked, bringing them back
to the subject at hand.

“What I’ve seen of it so far, yes.”

“What do you mean?” Meaghan asked.

“Well, I’ve only seen two plays.  Both with
Edward.  And they’ve been amazing.  I’m sure with more ‘training’ I
could become quite attached,” Kate explained.

Meaghan and Izzy exchanged another glance and after a second
nodded their head slightly.

Izzy turned her bright eyes on Kate.  “Welcome to our

Kate smiled.  Oh, she was going to get along just fine
with his sisters. 

“So, where’s this little girl I’ve heard so much
about?”  Izzy asked.

“Mary and Edward are playing at the tire swing,” Meaghan
told her.

Izzy popped up and started walking.  “I’m going to
surprise him!”

Kate watched Izzy go and marveled at her energy and
enthusiasm for life.  “She’s amazing,” Kate breathed.

“That’s a word for it.  Usually I use ‘whirlwind’ when
I describe her,” Meaghan laughed.


They passed the day with lots of talking, enjoying the
sunshine and warm weather.  Kate and Edward took Mary down to the pond for
some fishing while Meaghan took a nap.  Izzy helped Rufus put the
groceries away and then they both made a wonderful dinner of grilled steaks,
baked potatoes and salad. 

No one wanted the day to end, but Izzy needed to get back to
school and Edward, Kate and Mary had an hour drive back to his house. 

“Thank you for coming out and spending the day with me,”
Meaghan said as they gathered around her bed to say their goodbyes.

“It was such a pleasure!  I promise to call you when I
get home,” Kate said.

“Good, our chats keeps me going.  And they give poor
Rufus a break!” Meaghan laughed.

“Can you call more often, please?” Rufus joked.

Laughing, Kate nodded her head.  “I’ll do my best.”

“Keep those babies safe,” Izzy said.  “I’ll call you
tomorrow after class.”

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