Authors: Heather McCoubrey
Sighing himself, the Captain nodded. “Welker!”
he called to one of his officers.
“Follow them back to Ms. Walker’s apartment. Stay with
them until I return.”
“Yes, sir.” Welker hurried off to his patrol car and
pulled it around behind Jason’s car.
The Captain walked over to Jason and Jolly and explained the
situation to them. A minute later the two of them got in the car and
within seconds they were on the way.
“Are we following the rules, here, Edward?” Jason
Jason nodded and drove them to Kate’s apartment.
Kate raised her head and blinked her eyes. She gave a
strangled cry and clenched her hands into fists.
“Kate?” Barbara asked, hurrying over to Kate’s side.
Holding her breath, Kate kept her eyes on the activity down
below. She could see reporters and people milling about, crowding around
a car and a cruiser that had just arrived.
She gasped when Edward emerged from the car holding Mary
tightly to his chest. “He did it, he brought her home,” Kate whispered.
“Oh Katie, look! It’s Edward and Mary,” Barbara
Barbara wrapped her arms around Kate and hugged her
tight. Unable to stop the tears, Kate pressed her face into her mother’s
Jason opened the door and Edward walked through. He
stopped just inside the entryway, eyes searching for Kate. She ran over
to him and gazed into his eyes. The tears hadn’t stopped and all she
could see of him was a blurry outline. “Thank you, Edward,” Kate choked
out as she reached for Mary.
Edward gently relinquished his hold on Mary, placing her
into Kate’s waiting arms. “She’s safe and unhurt, Kate. She fell
asleep on the way here.”
Kate’s eyes drank in the sight of her sleeping child.
Sitting down on the couch with Mary, Kate held her close and kissed her
head. She ran her hands along Mary’s body, checking for any signs she’d
been hurt. Other than some marks on her wrists that looked like rope burn
and some redness along her mouth, Kate could see that Mary was fine.
Kate’s gaze found Edward, who was being enveloped in a bear
hug from her mother. Her eyes roamed over his face ensuring he was also
“Excuse me for one minute,” Edward said gently working his
way out of her mother’s embrace.
Kate watched him walk to the kitchen and disappear through
the doorway. She had so much to say to him, so much to apologize for, so
much to thank him for. But she was glued to the couch, her fears
unwilling to allow her to move. The weight of her child’s body in her
arms was something she never thought she’d feel again. The roller-coaster
of emotions she’d been on for the past few hours made her feel exhausted and
wrung out. She knew she wouldn’t let Mary out of her sight for days and
would most likely make Mary sleep with her for the next little while.
Barbara came over and sat beside Kate on the couch.
She rested her hand on Mary’s head, brushing her hair back from her face.
“I’m so happy she’s home safe,” Barbara whispered.
Kate nodded. Her throat felt clogged with all the
emotions and she knew no words would be escaping anytime soon. All she
could do was sit on the couch and hold her precious child.
Barbara draped her arm around Kate and hugged her
close. “Now that Mary is home, I’m going to go to the station and help
out there,” Barbara said. She placed a kiss on Kate’s temple and slowly
rose to her feet. “You and Edward need some time and I don’t want to be
in the way. Call me if you need anything and I’ll come right back.”
Kate nodded and offered a small smile for thanks. She
watched her mother gather up her things. Barbara walked into the kitchen
to say goodbye to Edward and hugged Jason on her way out.
When the door clicked softly behind her mother, Kate let out
a sigh of relief. Her mother’s uncharacteristic display of affection and
unity had thrown Kate for a loop. She wasn’t used to this behavior from
her mother and wasn’t really sure what to do with it. Her decision to go
to the station now that Mary was home was more along the lines of what Kate was
used to.
Edward emerged from the kitchen moments later. He
walked over to Jason and spoke to him in quiet tones. Jason nodded and
retreated to the kitchen. Edward walked slowly over to the couch and sat
“My plane leaves in an hour,” Edward whispered. “I
have a few things to do before I leave, but I just wanted to make sure you’re
going to be alright.”
“Please don’t go, Edward,” Kate begged, her heart in her
throat and fear shining in her eyes.
“Don’t look at me like that, Kate.” Edward implored.
“I don’t know what else to do. I am who I am. And if something like
this were to happen again, I couldn’t bear it.”
Eyes brimming with tears that never seemed to end, Kate
rested a hand on Edward’s arm. “I’m so sorry, Edward. I’m so sorry
I took my fear and anger out on you,” she said quietly. “I overreacted
and had no business blaming you for Mary’s kidnapping.”
“But you did,” Edward said. “And I’m not sure I can
live with the threat of losing you over something that
Sobbing at the truth in his words, Kate shook her
head. “No, Edward. I was so wrong. At the first sign of
trouble, I flew off the handle and ran. And that’s not who I am. I
don’t want us to be over. I want to grow old with you and love you for
the rest of my life…”
“Kate, don’t toy with me,” Edward choked out.
“I swear to you, I’m not,” Kate said earnestly through her
tears. “I had a lot of time to think while Mary was missing. And I
realized that I’ve been so happy since I met you. Yes, this whole thing
scares me, but I’d rather be scared than alone. I need you, Edward.”
“Forever, Kate?”
Unable to say a word with the emotions clogging her throat,
Kate nodded.
Edward put his arm around her and pulled her close. “I
don’t want to be away from you, either of you, for one minute ever again,” he
said as he placed a hand on Mary’s head and a kiss to Kate’s temple. “I
love you and Mary and you’re stuck with me, forever.”
“Oh, Edward. I love you too. Please, please
forgive me,” Kate pleaded.
“I do, though there’s nothing to forgive.” He reached
into his shirt pocket and retrieved her engagement ring. “I believe this
is yours,” he smiled. Gently lifting her hand from beneath Mary’s legs,
he slid the ring back on her finger.
“Edward,” Kate breathed. “Thank you. Thank you
for forgiving me, for loving me, for loving Mary and for bringing her back to
me. I’m yours, forever.” Kate said fervently.
“Forever,” he promised as he brushed his lips over hers.
A month later…
“Is this the last box?” Edward asked as he hefted it in his
“I think so,” Kate said as she cast one last look around her
apartment. She walked over to the window in the living room and gazed out
for the last time. She would miss this little apartment. It had
been her home for six years and so many memories were made here. Sighing,
she walked over to stand beside Edward.
“I’ll take this down and give you a minute,” Edward offered.
“No, it’s okay. I’m ready,” she said as she followed
Edward into the hallway. “I’m ready to start our new life, with you.”
Brushing a kiss across her forehead, Edward smiled.
“Two more days.”
“I know. I’m so excited. Do you think your
mother has everything under control?” Kate asked worriedly.
“Are you kidding? She’s in heaven.”
Kate nodded. “Yeah, you’re right.” Stepping out
onto the sidewalk, she felt tears sting the backs of her eyes. Her mother
was hugging Mary tight and her father was overseeing the packing of the car.
“You’ll call when you get there, no matter how late?”
Barbara asked.
“Of course, Mom. But I’ll see you tomorrow,” Kate
“Are you sure you both don’t want to just fly over with us
today?” Edward asked.
“We’re sure. Georgie is being transferred to the
mental health hospital this afternoon. We want to be there,” William
“I understand,” Kate said. “Give her my love.”
Tears brimming in Barbara’s eyes, she hugged Kate
close. “I will.”
“Time to go,” Edward announced.
A flurry of hugs and ‘I love you’s’ and ‘see you tomorrows’
went around until they were finally seated in the limo. Kate waved to her
parents as they pulled away from the curb.
“Are you okay, Kate?” Edward asked.
Nodding, Kate took his hand. “I am. I still
can’t bring myself to see her, but Georgie is getting the help she needs.
I’m glad Tim is coming over with Mom and Dad tomorrow.”
Edward squeezed her hand. “We can come back anytime
you like, Kate.”
“I know and I’m grateful.”
“Mom, do I have to call Edward, Edward?”
“Well, what else would you call him?” Kate asked.
“Dad,” Mary said rolling her eyes.
Kate and Edward gasped and exchanged looks. Edward
cleared his throat. “Are you sure, Mary?”
Mary nodded. “You’re marrying my Mom in two
days. You’re going to be my Dad now. It just makes sense.”
Reaching over, he pulled Mary into his arms. “I would
be honored if you called me Dad,” Edward said gruffly.
Kate wiped the tears from her eyes. Life was as close
to perfect as she could imagine. She was marrying a good man who loved
her and Mary. They were moving to London. Edward had decided to
quit acting and start directing. His plan was to take on one or two
directing projects a year. He wanted to spend the majority of his days
taking care of Mary, and if Kate wasn’t mistaken, a new baby in eight
months. Kate was positively giddy at the thought!
Erin hadn’t wanted to lose Kate, so she created a position
for her in the London office. Kate would still be in charge of marketing
for the clothing lines, but she’d be focusing on the European market.
Kate was thrilled with this new challenge.
Yes, life was as close to perfect as it could get.
She reached for Edward’s hand and smiled up at him.
“To Fate,” she murmured.
“To Forever,” Edward replied as he leaned over and sealed
his promise with a kiss.