To Love Twice (23 page)

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Authors: Heather McCoubrey

BOOK: To Love Twice
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“Has he been bothering you?” Edward asked her.

“He did, but a few days ago I started avoiding him. 
And I sent Mary to Georgie’s for the weekend.  I was hoping the guy would
go away since you were getting back.”

“I’ve got Jason on it now.”  He ran his hands through
his hair in frustration.  “I’m so sorry, Kate.”

Kate put her arms around him in comfort.  “It’s
okay.  We’re okay,” Kate soothed.  “I wasn’t expecting it to happen
here,” Kate said softly.

“Yeah, I know.  Me either.”

Shaking off the stress of the reporter’s presence, Kate
grinned at Edward.  “What are you doing here?”

Returning the grin, Edward kissed her lips.  “I missed

“I’m so glad you’re here.  Mary is going to freak!”

“Are you really?” Edward asked.  “Glad I’m here, I

“Oh Edward, I am.  Truly.  The intrusion was
tolerable and required me to change my comings and goings.  It wasn’t
something I can’t live with.”

“But you had to send Mary away, that can’t have been easy
for you.”

“Well, it wasn’t and I didn’t
to send her
away.  I
to because I thought she’d have more fun over there
this weekend, than being cooped up here in the apartment.  Besides, she
hasn’t spent a lot of time with them since we got back.  I’ve been working
a lot and Georgie really wanted some quality time.  I even thought about
joining them tomorrow, for a change of pace.  But, you’re here now and
that really does make my heart happy.”

They snuggled on the couch for awhile, catching each other
up on their lives over the past six weeks.  When Edward’s stomach growled,
Kate glanced up at him.  “Hungry?”

“Starved.  I think I had breakfast, at least that’s the
last meal I remember.”

Kate jumped up.  “Why didn’t you say anything? 
Let’s go get some dinner, then!”

Edward grabbed her hand and led her to the bedroom. 
“Let’s get gussied up and go somewhere fancy,” he suggested.

“Edward, I don’t need fancy.”

Placing his hands on either side of her face, he gently
brushed a kiss across her lips.  “I know.”  He kissed her
again.  “But I love you, and I want to take you out.  Please?” 
He kissed her again.

Kate sighed against his mouth.  “Alright, Edward.”

Smiling, Edward reached for her hand and continued to the
bedroom.  They got dressed quickly and while Kate was putting the final
touches on her makeup, Edward called down for a limo. 

“Ready,” Kate twirled as she walked into the living
room.  “How do I look?”

“Stunning,” Edward smiled appreciatively.  “Absolutely

Grinning, Kate picked up her purse.  “So, where are we

“It’s a surprise,” Edward said mysteriously.  Winking
at her, he opened the front door and motioned her forward.  “You take my
breath away,” Edward whispered against her ear as she walked by him.

Shivers raced down Kate’s spine.  She stopped short and
leaned into Edward.  She raised her lips and sank into a kiss that made
her heart race with excitement.  “Are you sure you want to go out?” Kate
asked with a smirk.

“Ah, you tempt me,” Edward said against her lips.  “But
I have something special planned.  Come on, let’s go.”

They snuck out the back of the building in case the reporter
had made his way back to the lobby.  Settling themselves into the limo,
Kate snuggled up to Edward.  He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her
softly against her temple.

“So,” Kate whispered.  “What is this something special
you have planned?”  She felt Edward smile against her skin.

“It’s a surprise, my love.”

It was dark outside and the street lights were
twinkling.  The weather had turned brisk the past few days and Kate could
imagine snow gently falling along the streets.  She loved the snow and
thought it would make this evening perfect.

She was definitely surprised when they pulled up in front of
her favorite Italian restaurant, Emilio’s.  She hadn’t been paying
attention and while Emilio’s was only a couple of blocks from her apartment, it
seems the driver had taken them on a long cut to get here.  She smiled to
herself, it was thoughtful of Edward to do that.  She hadn’t exactly been
shy in her appreciation of the limo he’d gotten her and Mary in London. 

The driver came around and opened their door.  Edward
exited the limo and reached in to help Kate out.  She smoothed her dress
and clasped Edward’s hand.

The familiar aromas of Emilio’s wrapped themselves around
Kate as they walked inside.  She breathed deeply and wasn’t surprised when
her mouth immediately watered.

“Kate!  So happy to see you!”  Nan said as she
kissed Kate’s cheek.

“Hello Nan!  You remember Edward?”

“Of course, Edward!” Nan kissed his cheek as well and then
gestured into the restaurant.  “I have your table ready,” she said as she
picked up their menus.  Nan led them to their table and then quickly

Kate gasped quietly as she took in the scene.  A dozen
red roses sat in the center of the table.  A bottle of champagne was
chilling by the table.  Two white candles were flickering next to the

Heart melting, she gazed up at Edward and smiled
hugely.  “This is so lovely, Edward.”  She rose up on tiptoes and
brushed a kiss against his mouth.  “Thank you,” she whispered.

“You are most welcome,” Edward said as they both sat

Kate leaned forward and smelled the flowers.  “So
beautiful,” Kate remarked.

Gazing intently at her, Edward smiled.  “I was just
thinking the same thing, but not about the flowers.  You put them to

Kate reached for his hand and linked her fingers with
his.  “I feel like I should pinch myself.”

“No need, love.  I promise you this is real.”

Nan returned and poured their champagne.  Kate picked
up her glass.  “To real life,” she said.

“And forever,” Edward finished.

Raising her glass to her lips, she closed her eyes as the
champagne slid down her throat.  It was cool, crisp and slightly
fruity.  Taking another sip, she slowly opened her eyes to find Edward
kneeling next to her.  He held a small black box with a beautiful diamond
and sapphire ring nestled inside.

“Kate, you are my love and the only woman I want to spend
the rest of my life with.  I want to watch Mary grow up into a wonderful
woman, I want to sleep beside you every night and I want to grow old with
you.  Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?”

Kate felt tears sliding down her cheeks at the same time her
face lit up in a smile.  Nodding her head and reaching for Edward, she
crushed him into a tight hug.  “Yes, yes, yes!  I love you, Edward.”
She said against his ear.

Still holding the ring, Edward wrapped his other arm around
her to return the hug.  “I love you, Kate.”  Edward pulled back a
little and slid the ring on Kate’s finger.

“Oh Edward, it’s so beautiful!  Thank you!”


The ringing of Kate’s phone interrupted the moment. 
She glanced questioningly at Edward.  “Go ahead.  Answer it,” he

Kate pulled it out of her purse.  “It’s Georgie,” Kate
said before flipping it open.  “Hello?”

“Oh my God, Kate!” Georgie dissolved into hysterical sobs.

“Georgie!  What’s wrong?  What’s happened?”

Kate could hear Tim yelling Mary’s name in the
background.  “Georgina!” Kate exclaimed as she jumped to her feet. 
Grasping the phone tight to her ear, she yelled into the phone.  “What has
happened?  Where’s Mary?”

Edward stood up and reached for Kate’s phone.

“Georgie, it’s Edward.  What’s going on?”

“She’s gone.”

“What do you mean?  Where?”

“I don’t know,” Georgie sobbed.  “She was right here,
between Tim and I and now she’s gone.”

“Where are you?”

“At the convention center,” she said before dissolving into
hysterical sobs again.

“We’ll be right there,”  Edward said.  He grabbed
Kate’s hand and started toward the door.

She watched as he made a quick call on his cell and as he
took care of the bill with Nan by passing her his credit card as they rushed
through the restaurant.  “Edward, what’s going on?”  She asked as
they raced through the door. 

He didn’t answer her until they were out on the
sidewalk.  He swept his eyes up and down the street and then settled them
on her.  He took her hands in his and very gently told her what was going
on.  “Mary is missing.”

It took a moment for the words to sink in.  “What?”
Kate asked as tears coursed down her cheeks.  “What did you say?” 
Kate yelled as she pushed out of Edward’s arms.

“Georgie said Mary was standing between her and Tim and now
she’s gone.”

“My baby,” Kate whispered.  She bent over at the waist,
gulping in huge amounts of air.  “I can’t breathe,” she gasped.

The limo stopped at the curb and Edward scooped her up and
set her down on the seat.  He told the driver where to go and then pulled
Kate into his arms.  “We’ll find her, Kate.  I promise.”

The drive to the convention center was the longest of Kate’s
life.  She trembled the entire way, her mind racing with hundreds of
unpleasant possibilities. 

Kate was out the door before the limo came to a stop. 
She raced to the doors and was stopped by a security guard.  “I’m sorry
ma’am.  You can’t come through here.  No one in or out.”

“Let me through,” Kate screamed at him.  “It’s my
baby!”  She tried to push past him, but the security guard held her

“I’m sorry, ma’am.  I can’t let you through.”

Edward caught up to Kate and took her hand.  “Look,
Georgie is across the way,” Edward pointed.

“Georgie!”  Kate yelled when she saw her sister.

“Kate!”  Georgie and Tim ran toward Kate, with what
looked like cops following behind.  After a quick exchange of words, Kate
and Edward were finally admitted through the doors.

“What happened?” Kate asked brokenly, as she walked into
Georgie’s arms.

“We aren’t sure,” Tim said.  “She was standing between
us.  We were watching the clowns do a football routine.  Georgie
reached down to take Mary’s hand and ask her if she could see.  She wasn’t
there.  We’d only been standing there for a minute or two.  I don’t
know if she wandered off and got lost, or if someone took her.”

“Security guards were alerted right away?” Edward asked.

“Yes,” Tim nodded.  Georgie was screaming for Mary and
a guard came right over as we were looking around for her,” Tim pointed to one
of the two people who had followed them over.  “He called the police and
started the security procedures or whatever.  The cops came minutes

“What do we do now?” Kate asked the group.  “How do we
find Mary?”

The other man stepped forward.  “I’m Officer Finney,”
he said.  Then he looked at Kate and Edward.  “I need to speak with
Ms. Walker.”

The officer led Kate and Edward a few feet from Georgie and
Tim.  Edward held Kate’s hand, giving her as much support as he could.

“I wasn’t here.  I don’t know what I can tell you,”
Kate said.  “I just want my baby girl back.”

“Ms. Walker, I understand you were at dinner with Mr. Kent?”

“Yes.  What does that have to do with anything?”

“Is it normal for your sister to care for your child?”

“Excuse me?” Kate said icily.  “Are you suggesting
Georgie did something to Mary?”

“I’m just asking questions, ma’am.”

“Yes, it is normal.  Georgie usually takes Mary for an
overnight or a whole weekend, once a month.  I’m a single mother and they
can’t have children.  It’s a win-win situation, sort of.  I get a
break and they get to spend some quality time with their niece.”

“Have they taken Mary to the circus before?”

“Yes, they go every year.  It’s their special thing.”

“Does anyone else know about this annual event?”

“Of course.  I know, my parents know, some of our
friends know.  Edward knows.”

“Would any of the people who know have a reason to take

“What?” Kate exclaimed.  “No!  Why are you

“Ma’am, this was found on your sister’s chair.  Do you
recognize the handwriting?”

Kate looked at the note and gasped.  There was a
blurred photo of Mary and Kate at the airport in London.  Beside the
photo, a note was written in neat, small block letters.  “Five million
dollars will ensure her safe return.  Details to follow.”

Kate handed the note back to Officer Finney and shook her
head.  “I don’t recognize the handwriting.” 

Memories from the past months flooded Kate’s mind. 
Flashes of light while she and Edward dined.  People just on the edge of
her vision, quickly disappearing when she would try to focus on them.  The
grainy picture of them kissing in the magazine Edward had shown her.  The
journalist camped in her lobby the past two weeks.

Slowly she turned to Edward.  “It’s because of you,”
she whispered, trembling.  Red-hot rage was quickly replacing her fear and
she welcomed it. 

“Kate?” Edward asked in confusion.

She was no longer able to hold back her emotions.  She
raised her fists and beat them on his chest.  “It’s because of you that
Mary is gone!” She screamed in his face.  “This note proves it!”  She
flipped her hand toward the note that Officer Finney held.  “That’s us in
London, Edward, when Mary and I were on our way back to the States.” Kate continued
her assault on Edward’s chest.  “No one would care about us if you weren’t
THE Edward Kent.”

Edward grabbed a hold of her wrists.  “Kate, please!”
he implored.

“Don’t touch me!” Kate screamed at him as she wrenched her
wrists from his grasp.  “It’s your fault she’s gone!”  Kate turned on
her heel and walked away from Edward.  When she got to her sister’s side,
her knees buckled and she collapsed in a heap on the floor.  Giant sobs
wracked her body. 

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