Tommy: A Bad Boy Motorcycle Romance (6 page)

BOOK: Tommy: A Bad Boy Motorcycle Romance
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I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and then took a quick look in the mirror, adjusting my dress over my breasts. Then I took a deep breath, attempting to calm my nerves.

“Okay...” I whispered. “Let’s get this over with.”

Tommy smiled and then hopped up from the bed. He stepped behind me and placed his hands around my stomach, pulling me in close and kissing the back of my neck.

“You’re going to do great,” he whispered. “And when this is over, you’ll be ten thousand dollars richer and I’ll have enough money to take you to Jamaica or something. How does that sound?”

I smiled, as I reached above me and placed my hand on Tommy’s face, feeling the thick stubble of his beard underneath my fingertips.

“Sounds amazing,” I said.

Tommy’s hands slid down my stomach, grazing over the soft material of the dress. His touch made me feel safe and I found myself beginning to really trust him, even though he was basically a complete stranger.

“This is going to be easy,” he said. “Just remember, this Brass Knuckle Gang is no joke. They shouldn’t even be there, but keep your eye out just in case. And if anything happens, I’ll be right around the corner.”

I nodded as I listened to him, feeling anxiety creep into my chest.

“Okay, I’m ready,” I said. “I can’t think about it any more. We just need to go.”

Tommy grabbed my hand, leading me out of the room and across the house. We stepped into the garage and hopped on the motorcycle. I wrapped my hands around his waist as he backed out and started it up, the loud roar of the engine cutting through the morning silence.

“You’re going to be just fine,” Tommy shouted over the loud rumbling. “I promise.”

I squeezed him tight and place my head on his shoulder.

I hope you’re right, Tommy.

Chapter 10


t only took twenty minutes to get to the other side of town and when we got there, a sinking feeling came over me. The entire area was completely dilapidated and unkempt. Half of the street signs were missing and there was graffiti on the side of nearly every building. There wasn’t a single person in sight and I assumed that most of the businesses that lined the main street were shut down, or at least they appeared that way.

Tommy slowed the bike down and I glanced to my left, where a small, shady-looking motel was located on the side of the street. He drove around the corner and parked the bike, killing the engine immediately.

“You saw that motel, right?” he asked. “That single-story one?”

I silently nodded in agreement, as I did my best to swallow my nervousness.

“The car is parked in that parking lot,” he said. “It’s an old, blue sedan and the front doors are different colors than the rest of it. You can’t miss it. The keys should be in the ignition. As soon as you start it up, just drive it back here and then follow me the rest of the way.”

I stepped off of the bike, still in my dress, which immediately made me feel vulnerable in this type of neighborhood.

“And why am I the one who has to do this?” I asked.

Tommy reached his hand around me and pulled me in close.

“Two reasons, really,” he explained. “I’ve had some issues with the Brass Knuckle Gang and they’ve had my number for a while. They think I’m dead and if they knew otherwise, then they’d be coming after me in swarms. And also, the police around here have been on the lookout for me for a while. If they saw me snooping around some car in an abandoned motel, they’d know I was up to something.”

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I had come too far to turn back.

Okay, Chelsea,
I thought to myself.
Let’s just do this. It won’t be that bad.

Placing my hand on Tommy’s forearm, I squeezed it firmly.

“You’d better be right,” I said. “This better be as simple as you’re making it sound.”

Then, before he could respond, I turned away and began making my way across the street to the motel. As I glanced around, a chill shot through my spine. There was nobody in sight. Not even the sound of a passing car or kids laughing and playing on the corner. It was dead silent, making the sound of my footsteps on the pavement seem loud.

When I got to the motel, I walked around the back and saw a single car in the parking lot. It fit the description that Tommy had given me. Blue, with the two front doors more of a grey color.

Okay...that’s it. Just get in the car and drive out of this place.

I took a long, deep breath and walked as fast as I could to the car. It was parked in the middle of the parking lot, immediately making me feel exposed and vulnerable.

After taking a quick glance around, I placed my hand on the door handle and quietly pulled it open.

The pace of my breathing increased immediately and I could feel my heart beating inside of my chest. My palms were sweating and my limbs began to tremble from nervousness.

With the car door fully opened, I took another deep breath and began to climb inside. Suddenly, though, I felt a pair of strong hands grab my wrists and hold them behind my back. I let out a loud squeal.

“Who in the fuck are you?” I heard a voice growl from behind me.

I turned my head to look over my shoulder, but the man grabbed me by my ponytail and forced me to look straight ahead.

“I asked you a fucking question,” he said, as he quickly jerked me away from the car.

“” I stuttered, unable to think straight with the massive influx of adrenaline that was pumping through my veins, burning like battery acid.

“You working for the fucking Siblings?” he asked, as he pulled my hair even harder and began to drag me toward the motel.

I tripped over my feet as he used his powerful body to manipulate me, pulling me around like a helpless rag doll.

“No...” I said. “I don’t work for the Siblings.”

My voice was wavering as I spoke.

“Don’t fucking lie to me,” he growled, as he neared the door of one of the motel rooms. “This drop was supposed to be for Tommy, not some fucking chic in a tiny dress. Although, clearly Tommy isn’t a real fucking man, so he may has well have shown up in a dress himself.”

I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t tell this man the truth, otherwise it seemed like he would have just gotten even angrier. And I couldn’t lie to him for the same reason. So, I decided to just stay quiet and hope that Tommy would hear the commotion and come and help me.

“Let’s get a room, shall we?” the man growled.

We neared the door of one of the motel rooms and the man pulled me to the side so that I was facing the parking lot. Then I heard a loud crash, as he kicked open the door and pulled me into the room.

Immediately, he closed the door and put in a chair in front of it to keep it from being opened. The room was dark, with only a sliver of light coming in from between the curtains on the window.

“Sir...” I begged. “I don’t know what’s going on right now. I just saw that old, abandoned car and I thought I’d see if maybe there was some information in it. I wanted to see if maybe I could buy it and fix it up...”

The man chuckled and then turned me around to face him, keeping my wrists firmly in his grip. In the dim light, I could see his silhouette. He was wearing a leather riding vest, with blue jeans and boots. I could see that he had a thick and long beard, but besides that, there was nothing distinguishable.

“Oh, so you just wanted to buy that old car, huh?” he asked.

He knew that I was lying through my teeth, but I was still too scared to tell him that I was working for Tommy.

“Well, we’ll just have to figure out another way to get some answers from you, won’t we?” he whispered in my ear, as he pulled me close to him.

I could smell whiskey on his breath. It reminded me of being at the hospital and the alcohol smell that saturated all of the sterile rooms.

I struggled a bit, but he just gripped my wrists even tighter.

“Little Tommy is going to have to come find you,” he said.

“What are you talking about?” I shouted, as I started to become agitated. “I don’t know anybody named Tommy.”

The man chuckled and then forced me to sit on the bed. Then he quickly straddled over me, using his body weight to hold me down.

“Don’t you get it, sweetheart?” he whispered. “This entire exchange was a setup to get Tommy...that piece of shit owes more money to my club than you can imagine. He thought we were doing a simple little business exchange. You know, some drugs for some money. I guess he figured it would be safer if he used you to do the deal. Typical Tommy, too much of a goddamned pussy to do his own work. Oh well...I guess it worked out for me, didn’t it?”

Then he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. I pulled away, but he just continued pressing forward.

Goddammit...what in the fuck have I gotten myself into?

Chapter 11


he stranger kissed me for a second and then pulled his face away, chuckling as he held my wrists above my head and tied them to the bedposts using two bandanas that he had in his pockets.

“A pretty little thing like you shouldn’t be out doing a man’s work,” he said, as he gripped my legs and forcefully spread them apart.

“What in the fuck are you doing?” I shouted, hoping my cries would be loud enough for Tommy to hear, even though he was over a block away. “I don’t know anything!”

The man continued to laugh as he pulled my dress up, revealing my panties. Then he touched the inside of my thighs, letting his fingers slide up my sensitive skin. I closed my legs, bringing my knees together, but the man just opened them back up using his powerful arms.

“I think Tommy owes this to me,” he said, as he lightly kissed the inside of my knees. “I mean maybe once I have my fun with you, I’ll lower his debt a little bit. Maybe that’s he wanted.”

Oh, God...Please tell me he’s joking. Did Tommy set me up? Did he send me to do this, knowing that this would happen? Is Tommy trying to use me to clear his debt?

The man breathed heavily, his hot air blowing up the inside of my thigh toward my pussy. I pulled on the bandanas that held me in restraint, but it was useless. They were far too tight. The combination of my wrists being tied and this heavy-set man holding my legs open was rendering me motionless.

“What do you want from me?” I asked. “You want money? I have money. I can give you money.”

The man laughed quietly.

“No, I don’t want your fucking money,” he said.

Then he kissed the inside of my knee again, and inch by inch, began making his way down the inside of my thigh. A tingle shot through my body, as he neared my sex.

This can’t be happening.

I felt his beard graze my skin as he moved downward, inching closer to my womanhood.

Oh, this a joke? What in the fuck is going on?

“Goddammit,” I said. “Okay...I work for Tommy. Is that what you want to hear?”

The man stopped and I could see his silhouette as he looked up at me. Then he reached down in his pocket and pulled out another bandana.

“I already knew that,” he said. “And I don’t really want to hear anything else.”

Then he reached up and wrapped the bandana around my mouth, causing me to shut up immediately. He tied it tightly around the back of my head and then resumed his position below me, kissing his way up my thighs.

Fuck...Tommy...why did you do this to me? Why did you send me here?

The man got close to my pussy, his tongue dragging along my skin toward my crotch. I took a breath as I anticipated the sensation he was about to instill on me. But when he got to my pussy, he stopped suddenly. Before I could react, I felt as the man grabbed the waist of my panties. Then he crawled to his knees so that he was hovering over me, gripping the waist strap firmly with his hand.

“You’re going to love this,” he growled.

Then he jerked his hand back quickly, pulling my panties away from my body. They ripped immediately, tearing off of with ease. I squealed, startled from the sudden movement.

“Oh, fuck,” I said, as my pussy and ass were instantly exposed to someone whose name I didn’t even know.

The man held the torn panties up in the air and brought them to his face, smelling them. Then he stuck out his tongue, letting it drag along the cloth.

“You know, I’d say you were more excited about this then you let on,” he said, as he tossed the panties across the room, letting them hit the wall and fall to the floor.

I didn’t respond, I just sat there and watched as he unbuttoned his leather vest, revealing his chest. I couldn’t see much in the dark, but it was clear that he was big and muscular, his powerful torso twisting and contorting with his movements.

With his vest fully open, he stood up and quickly unbuckled his belt, letting his leather pants fall to the floor around his ankles. Then he pulled his underwear down, his large cock exposed, but barely visible, in the dim light.

“You ready, darling?” he asked, with a slight Southern accent.

He immediately crawled back on the bed and opened my legs again. This time, though, I didn’t struggle against him and I wasn’t sure why. Maybe it was a combination of the adrenaline, or his power, or just the fact that I was mad at Tommy for even putting me in this situation, but for some reason, I was actually beginning to feel turned on.

The man shuffled close to me, stroking his cock as he brought it near my opening. Then he bucked his hips forward, causing his large tip to slowly part my tight lips. I let out a moan, my cries muffled by the bandana.

Fuck it. Just go ahead and fuck me. What do I care? Fuck me like a worthless little rag doll. Make me your bitch. You might as well.

I closed my eyes and I had all but decided to just let this stranger have his way with me, when suddenly I heard the sound of motorcycles coming from outside in the parking lot. It was a low, quiet rumble at first but progressively got louder with each passing second.

I slowly opened my eyes and watched as the man looked toward the door. Then he quickly stood up and picked his pants up off of the ground, pulling them back over his fully erect cock.

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