Tommy: A Bad Boy Motorcycle Romance (8 page)

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I brought my gaze to Tommy’s face, watching his jaw flex as he gritted his teeth. His dark brown hair was still messy from the motorcycle ride and the stubble on his face was beginning to look more like a full grown beard.

He’s such a man. I love it.

As Tommy continued fucking me hard, I brought my hands forward and placed my fingers lightly over his chest. Then I moved them down toward his abs, sliding easily along his sweat-soaked skin.

Fuck, Tommy. You’re amazing.

Tommy looked up at me, as though he had heard what I had been saying to myself. Then he smiled and gently grabbed my wrists, placing them over my head. He continued pounding me hard, grunting with each deep thrust.

“You’re going to make cum already,” he said.

I shook my head and bit my bottom lip.

“Not yet,” I whispered.

Tommy stopped for a second and took a few deep breaths, attempting to regain himself.

“Let me ride you,” I said.

Tommy didn’t hesitate at the offer. He crawled next to me on the bed and laid on his back. His cock stood straight up in the air, covered in my thick juices. The white, milky lubrication was coating every inch of his shaft, all the way around. I couldn’t remember the last time that I had been that wet.

Tommy put his hands behind his head, which accentuated his ripped abdominal muscles and chest. It only turned me on more. I quickly crawled on top of him, straddling over his manhood.

“You’re so perfect,” Tommy said, as he looked me up and down. “So beautiful.”

I pulled my dress up to my waist and held it there. Then I slowly bucked my hips forward, dragging my open flower along his tip. His pre-cum mixed with my juices, lubricating his crown even more.

As I moved, Tommy slowly thrust upward, sliding his tip back into my pussy. My mouth dropped, as pleasure shot through my body once again.

“Oh, fuck,” I whispered.

Then I slowly began to let my body weight down, causing his shaft to plunge inside of me once again. Tommy let out an animal groan.

“Fuck yes, baby,” he said, as my pussy wrapped tight around his manhood, all the way to his balls.

I placed my hands on Tommy’s chest and began moving my body up and down, riding him hard. My ass slapped against the top of his thighs as our bodies rocked against each other’s. The waves of pleasure were back, but this time even more intense, because I could control exactly where I wanted the pressure of his dick to be. The more I leaned forward, the harder his mushroom-shaped crown would rub my g-spot on each plunge. I found myself quickly rising to orgasm.

“Shit, Tommy...” I moaned. “I’m coming.”

I continued my pace, rocking my body up and down on his and feeling his cock fill me up each time. Tommy brought his hands up and squeezed my tits, only making the pleasurable sensation even more intense.

“Cum for me,” Tommy said.

I closed my eyes and began to increase my speed, bouncing up and down on him firmly, my tits bouncing underneath Tommy’s fingers.

“Oh, God...” I whispered, as the waves of pleasure began to hit me even harder.

“Yes,” Tommy said. “Cum all over my cock.”

It was all that I could do to keep my pace. Sweat began to cover my skin, causing my body to slide against his with each bounce. The moist heat coming from my pussy increased, along with my juices that were flowing out onto his shaft.

“Yes!” I cried.

I gripped Tommy’s pectoral muscles, digging my fingernails into his flesh. The waves of ecstasy poured over me and suddenly, my pussy clamped tight around his shaft as a final, pleasurable wave entered my body.

“Oh, fuck,” I said, as my hands and legs trembled.

My pussy quivered over his dick, as I rode over the peak of orgasm. I immediately collapsed onto Tommy’s chest, unable to hold myself up any longer.

Tommy reached forward and grabbed one of my ass cheeks with each hand. Then he bent his knees, propping me up against them. I was still trying to catch my breath when Tommy began thrusting upward quickly.

My orgasm had caused more of my juices to pump out onto his dick, lubricating it even further and allowing it to slide inside with ease. Tommy’s pace quickened, his ass bouncing up and down on the bed as he thrust his cock deep inside.

Suddenly, I heard the pace of his breathing increase.

“I can’t hold it any longer,” he said, in between breaths.

I smiled as I lifted myself up, pressing against his chest.

“That’s okay,” I said. “I want you to cum.”

Tommy closed his eyes and I watched as his face began to blush. Then his mouth turned into a grimace, his expression freezing in a state of ecstasy.

Cum for me, Tommy.

Tommy let out a loud grunt, exhaling his breath quickly. His cock swelled inside of me and then immediately after, I felt a sensation that I had never felt before. A hot splash poured out of his tip and into my pussy, filling me up completely. Tommy continued pounding me, his cock trembling once again and releasing another load of his seed.

Tommy sighed and a contented smile slowly crossed his face. He continued thrusting inside of me, but slowed his pace down significantly. I sat up on him, his cock still in my pussy. I then looked down to see the white liquid slowly dribbling out of my opening and down his shaft, all the way to his balls.

I took a few breaths and then leaned forward, bringing my lips to his and kissing him deeply. After a moment, I slowly pulled away and then crawled off of him, letting his cock fall out of me.

I can’t believe he came in me...I told him last night that I wasn’t on birth control...

I decided that I wouldn’t bring it up right then, though. There was really no point. What was done was done and I had decided to just remind him next time to pull out.

Tommy smiled at me and then motioned for me to come closer. I laid next to his body, feeling the heat as it radiated off of him. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close, bringing my face to his chest.

As we cuddled, I slowly traced his tattoos with my fingers, trying to figure out what each one of them meant.

“Tommy,” I said. “When am I going to find out who you are?”

Tommy brought his hand to the back of my head and gently stroked my hair.

“What are you talking about, Chelsea?” he asked. “You know who I am.”

I looked up at him and playfully rolled my eyes.

“You know what I mean,” I said.

Tommy chuckled and then brought his hand to my shoulder, pulling me gently against him.

“We have all the time in the world,” he said. “You’ll get to know me.”

All the time in the world?

I had only known Tommy for a day. My entire life was in Utah. My sister, mom and Justin were probably all wondering where I was and here was Tommy, already talking as though I wasn’t ever going to leave.

“Tommy, I don’t want to leave,” I said. “But there’s stuff that I need to take care of at home first.”

Tommy nodded in agreement.

“I totally understand that,” he said. “But that’s what phones are for. And you can’t leave right now anyway, because I know a certain girl who’s going on a shopping spree tonight.”

Then he leaned forward and kissing the top of my head, before continuing.

“I don’t want you to go home, Chelsea,” he said. “You’re the best thing that has ever come into my life and I need you here.”

I smiled as I closed my eyes, relaxing on his chest. He was the best thing that had ever happened to me as well and as much as I hated to admit it, I needed him too.

“Well, I can’t make any promises yet,” I said. “I need to make some phone calls and see what the hell is going on back at home before I agree to staying here.”

Tommy gently stroked my back as I spoke.

“Fair enough,” he responded. “I have a gift for you, by the way.”

Tommy then sat up on the bed and walked across the room to the dresser. He opened the top drawer and pulled out a small box.

“I’ve been waiting years for the right person to come along,” he said.

Oh, God...

“Tommy, no, it’s too soon,” I said. “I don’t even know you. We can’t get married.”

Tommy wrinkled his eyebrows and looked at me like I was a crazy person.

“Are you insane?” he asked. “This isn’t a wedding ring, silly.”

Relieved, I sat on the edge of the bed. Tommy handed me the box and I began to open it. A feeling of excitement came into me and I suddenly felt like a little kid on Christmas morning.

I pulled off the top of the box and set it next to me on the bed. Inside was a small, silver necklace with a medallion on it. It looked similar to the one that Tommy wore around his neck.

“For me?” I asked.

Tommy nodded.

“That’s not a member medallion,” he said. “It’s a female’s medallion. Each member gets one to give to one girl and one girl only. I haven’t met anyone thus far that I felt deserved it. And then I met you.”

I pulled the necklace out of the box and held the medallion in the air. It was adorned with the same skull emblem that was embroidered on Tommy’s and the rest of the gang’s jackets. It felt heavy in my hand.

“You’re my girl now,” Tommy said. “And that means you’ll never have to worry about anything, ever again. You’re safe with me and I’m committed to you.”

A tingle shot through my body. In all of my years with Justin, he still wouldn’t commit to me over his church. And here was Tommy, telling me that he would be my man after only knowing me for one day.

“Tommy,” I said, as my face blushed. “You’re amazing.”

Tommy took the necklace from my hands.

“Hold your hair up,” he said.

I reached back and grabbed a handful of my hair, pulling it back into a ponytail and exposing my neck for him. He wrapped the necklace around my neck and clasped it in the back, letting the medallion fall just above my cleavage.

“It looks great on you,” he said.

I smiled as I let my hair fall back down.

“Thank you, Tommy,” I said, as I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.

“You’re welcome, baby,” he responded. “Now what do you say we go for a ride to the mall and start that shopping spree? I’ve got plenty of room in my closet that you’re welcome to fill up.”

I ran my fingers through his hair and then down his face, feeling his thick beard.

“That sounds amazing,” I said.

Tommy smiled and then began to get dressed. I stood up from the bed and walked to the other side of the room to check myself out in the mirror that was hung above the dresser. The shiny medallion swayed over my chest, reflecting the daylight coming from inside of the window.

And as I admired the beautiful, silver emblem that hung on my neck, my life back home flashed into my mind. It had only been a few days since I had left, but my entire world was changing before my eyes. But I couldn’t leave it all behind without tying up some of my loose ends. There was one major thing that I needed to do before I completely committed to my life with Tommy.

I need to call Justin...

Chapter 13


ust twenty-four hours spent with Tommy and I had already lived more than I had in my entire life. I had gone from Bishop’s girlfriend to a young woman on the run, dabbling in illegal activities and wondering where my next adventure would take me.

What are you getting yourself into, Chelsea?
I asked myself, while Tommy was in the other room getting changed.
Has this gone too far?

I placed my hands on the edge of the dresser, causing the silver medallion that Tommy had just given me to swing forward away from my chest. It spun in circles, the polished outline of the skull reflecting the light of the room. I closed my eyes and took a long deep breath, a part of me thinking that when I opened them, I would wake up in my bedroom back home, still with Justin.

This has to be a dream...

After a few seconds, I opened my eyes. The medallion had stopped spinning and in the reflection of the mirror, I saw the engraved skull looking back at me. It was like a sign, telling me that I was on the right track in my life, despite my unsure feelings toward it.

Still naked, I stepped away from the dresser, causing the medallion to fall to my chest, directly above my cleavage. The cold metal sent a chill down my spine.

Well, this is it. I guess this is my life now...

My gut was telling me one thing and one thing only: to leave my old life behind and start anew; become reborn. Throw away my past and my old life with my boring boyfriend and jump in with both feet into the unknown and dangerous life of being with a biker club leader. It was absolutely crazy and I knew that. It went against everything that I was raised to believe. My mother and sister would surely disapprove, but eventually they would understand. I decided that I would wait to call them, though, since there would plenty of time to break the news. But there was one person that I felt I needed closure with. I had one phone call to make before turning my back on where I was from. I had to call Justin and tell him it was over.

Tommy was still in the other room. I heard some shuffling around as he got dressed and ready to take me out shopping to buy some new clothes, since the only attire I had was the dress I had worn to the bar with the night before.

I took a long, deep breath and then stepped to the other side of the room, pulling my cell phone out of my purse.

Here goes nothing...

A wave of anxiety shot through me as I scrolled through my contact list and called Justin. I hadn’t spoken to him in days, ever since he had asked me to move out, telling me that the church disapproved of us living together.

The phone began to ring, each one sending another burst of adrenaline through my body. Finally, on the third ring, Justin picked up.

“Oh, my God, Chelsea...” he said, in a panic. “Where in the hell have you been? I’ve been worried sick about you. I’ve been calling everybody I know, including the police. They’re looking everywhere for you.”

The fucking police? Typical Justin...

“Justin, I’m fine,” I said, already losing my patience with him. “Why in the fuck did you call the police? I just went for a road trip to see my sister. Relax.”

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