Tommy: A Bad Boy Motorcycle Romance (11 page)

BOOK: Tommy: A Bad Boy Motorcycle Romance
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I sat on the couch next to Tommy, putting my arm around his waist and resting my head on his shoulder.

so special about me?” I asked.

Tommy kissed me on the forehead and breathed in, softly smelling my hair.

“I wish there was an easy answer,” he said. “I can’t put my finger on it, but whatever it is, it’s one of a kind. I’ve been searching my whole life for you and I didn’t even realize it.”

I squeezed Tommy tightly, smelling the cologne as it wafted off of his chest.

“And I you,” I said. “And I you...”


~And Chelsea and Tommy lived happily ever after. They spent their days living free, outside of the law and of any of the oppressions of society. They were true rebels; happy, free and not taking orders from anyone~

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