Read Tomorrow Will Be Too Late Online

Authors: Ellen Wolf

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

Tomorrow Will Be Too Late (19 page)

BOOK: Tomorrow Will Be Too Late
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As if on cue, the road turned in
a gentle curve, the view that greeted them silencing her momentarily. The red brick, elegant Georgian stood nestled among blooming magnolia trees, the dramatic outdoor lighting bathing the elegantly trimmed hedges of ligustrum and boxwood
in golden glow
. A brick
paved path led to the large black door,
the white portico with classic columns inviting
to step inside. Lush bushes of blooming hydrangeas in white, pink
and magenta added a much
needed splash of color, the large globes of the profuse blooms glowing in the light of the lanterns lining the manicured lawn.
Metal fence and a two-winged, elaborate gate allowed a glimpse of the driveway on the side of the house, the attached garage hidden under the canopy of blooming crabapples. A riot of crimson petals added drama to the already perfect scenery, making her think of a movie set from the thirties.

‘Here we are

e pressed a small remote button and the wrought
iron gate swung open noiselessly
to let
them in. ‘Welcome to my kingdom, Kate.’ His eyes went to her face, some expression she couldn’t really read coming and going through his handsome features.

The car rolled to a stop on the driveway, the silence that fell after he turned of
the ignition broken by the sound of rolling thunder, a storm brewing
over Puget Sound. The leaves on the trees rustled in the rising wind, the dry, anxious sound matching the storm raging inside her frame. She watched him exit the car and come over to open her door, his old
fashioned politeness perfectly fitting in
century surroundings.


watched her step out, her hands almost automatically pulling down the hem of her dress. If he found her belated modesty odd, he didn’t show it, his polite smile never once wavering as they walked up the paved path to the door.

The first droplets of rain splattered against the stones, multiplying rapidly as the thunder rolled again, this time much closer.
A cool breeze brought in more moisture, the faint salty taste of the ocean mixed into the fine mist. Kate shivered and regretted not
anything warmer than her sleeveless dress and a finely spun
shawl that
offered little protection.

His nimble fingers made quick work of the buttons on his security panel, the green light replacing the red one almost instantly. The intricately art nouveau
style doorknob gave way under the pressure of his palm, the door swinging open and letting her get her first look
the interior.

The large, black
tiled foyer tied beautifully with the
Old World
beauty of the place. Illuminated by a low
hanging chandelier
it seemed made for entertaining, Kate thought as she stepped forward, her high heels clicking against the
. She let her eyes travel over the walls hung with numerous pictures and a large gilded mirror, the ambience of the room prevalent in each and every detail.
A s
weet, intoxicating fragrance infiltrated the air,
vaguely familiar and yet
difficult to

‘My aunt’s night jasmine,’ Justin explained wryly, pointing to the large,
urns filled with manicured miniature trees, dark glossy leaves studded with countless
, white blooms. ‘
loved her flowers
and quite frankly
I didn’t have the heart to sort them out yet. Still, they started blooming about a week ago
and by now I am more and more certain some of my friends should be blessed with green gifts before I lose my sense of smell.’

‘They’re gorgeous

walked to the blooms, her eyes delighted at the delicate beauty
of the snow white, five
stars. ‘I’ve never seen them
that big in
, though.’

Rose had a rather well
developed green thumb.’ He was much closer now, the heady scent of the flowers and the subtle
yet unmistakable
fragrance of his skin making her head spin.
His hand came to rest on her shoulder, the subtle pressure making it impossible to breathe freely. ‘How about
drink I promised you before?’

He wasn’t wasting any time, Kate thought almost
, not quite sure what she was expecting. A guided tour of the house, maybe? There was not much of a point in doing so, she had to admit. The relationship was meant to last only so long
and therefore he didn’t need to ease her into his personal affairs at all. It had no place in their arrangement, and she knew it
perfectly well. Still, it would feel nice to see more than his bedroom and the bathroom.


She hoped nothing
in her face betrayed her disappointment as she turned back to him
smile. ‘
Scotch with ice sounds great right now.’

She hated
cotch, she thought as he led her to a large family room, the marble floor replaced by warm, honey
colored wooden mosaic and oriental rugs dividing the large space into smaller, more intimate areas. She had never understood the appeal of strong alcohol, neither her stomach nor her head ready to deal with its taste and effects.
But it definitely eased the tension, taking off the edge that suddenly threatened her previous bravado. They were here, in his house, completely alone and about to make love. That was what she
offered and what he expected to happen, she thought as she allowed him to guide her to the cream
colored sofa, her legs
as if they were
made of jelly.

moved to th
e sideboard
, the massive, dark
wood piece of furniture refreshingly simple and modern. Kate watched him pour her and himself a rather generous helping
of Scotch
, the amber
colored liquid glistening in the beautifully cut crystal glasses. It seeped
the ice cubes, rivulets of gold against their diamond
like transparent beauty. It looked much better than it tasted, she had to think, her hand eager to take
glass he offered.

He sat on the other sofa, the space between them divided by a simple coffee table, a stainless steel cube. Plain and geometric,
it held a woven, silver basket filled with peaches
She watched him take a sip of his drink, his lips eagerly reaching for the rim of his glass. If she
hadn’t known
any better
she’d think he was nervous, the slight tremble of his fingers catching her attention. But it couldn’t really be, she scolded herself instantly, her imagination running away with her once again.
She was talking about
Justin McBryndon, for God’s sake! He didn’t get nervous or
uneasy, and most certainly not over something like that. She had made it extremely easy on him,
’t she?

She wanted him to sit next to her. It all seemed so much easier when he was nearby. To her great annoyance
it seemed that the alcoho
l had the exact opposite
effect from what she was counting on. Instead of providing the blissful veil of intoxication, she felt more and more sober with each cautious little sip she took. With
came the realization of how harebrained her plan really was. How impossible and
insane she really was thinking she could go ahead with it, throwing away everything she believed in in her greedy pursuit of happiness.

‘Would you like me to make
fire?’ His question saved her from the
spiral of
and she nodded, eager to distract herself from her gloomy thoughts. The house felt a bit on the cool side, she thought as
goose bumps
on the sensitive skin of her arms and neck. It wasn’t uncomfortably cold
by any means, but
the large, stone fireplace that created the focal point of the space
made perfect sense
. Justin seemed to think so, his relief almost palpable as he added some logs to the wide opening, arranging them in a neat pile and starting the
. The orange
flickered over the thick wood
a small, wild animal searching for a spot to hide.

‘I’m not around
during the day
so the
is set for a lower temperature,’ he explained
and she had to smile, remem
bering his ecological fervor. Of
course it was set on
saving mode
she wouldn’t have expected anything else
wanted to say
but restrained herself, afraid to sound cynical

Why did you prefer it for tonight
then? Wouldn’t it be better to stay at your apartment downtown?’
asked, too curious to stop herself in time. The question kind of slipped out on its own, before she
the chance to think it

‘I’d rather be somewhere more private.’ He didn’t mind her questioning, she realized as she watched him get up from his knees and come back to the sofas. Only this time he chose to sit next to her, the space between them no more than a foot. ‘You see, I don’t bring women to my flat downtown
it’s my number one rule. Never have and never will.’ He must have noticed her doubts, because he smiled a quick, wry smile before he continued. ‘
s my place for work, Kate.
I do stay there from time to time overnight, but usually prefer to come back here.
Especially with so much interest in my private life in recent years. The last thing I want is some overzealous journalist using this opportunity to write another sordid story about my apparently decadent lifestyle. It’s been done before, as you may remember?’

She did, of course. He used to be a popular target of the tabloid press, his good looks, money
and lack of interest
sharing his private life
an irresistible magnet for aspiring
in town.

‘Well, it
nice here,’ she said awkwardly, very aware of his strong, muscular thigh only inches from her legs.

She glanced at the coffee table, the pink
orange peaches distracting her from the tension that thickened between
with each breath she took. Leaning forward, she took one
of the fragrant
, velvety fruits. It kept her hands busy and allowed her to hide her face, offering a momentarily
he understood perfectly what he meant with his explanation. His sex life and affairs with women were private, left for the reclusive safety of those thick, stately walls
With her not
subtle offer
she fell into the same category, most probably adding
to his already impressive statistics.

Biting into the peach
a mistake. She realized it almost instantly, the ripe fruit bursting with juice that
trickled down her chin and made its way to her throat and to the valley of her cleavage. It happened too fast for her to do anything but gasp as the cool, sticky liquid spread over her skin.

BOOK: Tomorrow Will Be Too Late
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