T'on Ma (22 page)

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Authors: Magnolia Belle

BOOK: T'on Ma
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"I know most men don't understand that, or don't care to. They think a woman is there for them and for what they want. They're missing out on the best part of loving a woman."

"What do you mean?"

"If you take care of your woman in bed and see that she's happy, she will certainly take care of you. There is nothing finer in this world than having her explode in your arms, lying with you, loving you for all she is worth. Nothing. It fills you up with pride and love and a connection that you'll never have with anyone else."

Joshua's candidness amazed Liam. Even if his father
been there, he wouldn't have talked to Liam this way.

"There's something else I'd like to point out," Joshua said. He took a sip and then continued. "We men are providers, but women are multipliers."

"What? I'm not following."

"We provide a bill of groceries. They take that and make a meal. We give them four walls and a roof. They give us a home. We give them our seed. They give us children."

"Oh. I understand."

"But the reverse is also true," Joshua shook his head, one eyebrow raised. "You give them a harsh word or a hard look, and it's gonna come back to you with a lot more potency. So, whatever you want in your marriage, you're gonna have to put it there."

"I'd never thought of it like that before."

"Most people don't. I think that's why we don't seem to figure women out. They surprise and confuse us. I've wondered many a time, 'Now where'd
come from?' when arguing with my wife. But when I thought about it, it was something I'd said or done four days earlier. She'd taken it, multiplied it, and given it back to me, but good!" He chuckled at that.

"Which brings me to Lana. She is very intelligent, which I like to think she gets from me." He grinned. "But she is also extremely stubborn and thinks she already knows most of the answers. You two are going to have some be-u-ti-ful fights."

"Oh, now..."

"I mean it, Liam. Some real humdingers. Whenever you do, though, keep respecting each other during the fights. No name calling or hitting or shoving. Say what you've got to say, and, if you're that mad, go out and cuss the barn. But not each other."

"All right. If that's the case, then I pity the barn."

They both laughed at that and then finished their whiskey.

"Is there anything else?" Liam asked.

"No. Only that I am proud to have you in this family. Real proud." Joshua nodded once at Liam without smiling. "Do you have any questions? After all that I've just said, you know you can ask me anything."

"Not at the moment. You've given me a lot to think about, though. I know who to ask if I do have questions."

"Good." Joshua stood up and they shook hands. "I'll say goodnight, then."

"Goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow."

Once Joshua left, Liam sat at his desk and began writing a letter to his family. After a few lines, he crumpled up the paper and started again. This time, it was a telegram.

Dear family. Am getting married tomorrow to Lana Cooper. Wish you were here. Love, Liam

Even though it was late, he stepped outside and crossed the compound to put his note in the communiqué folder. It would be taken the next morning to the nearest fort with a telegraph, which was several days' journey away. But his news would reach his family quicker this way than by letter.

* * *

When the Quartermaster signed off on the housing Liam and Lana had chosen, the couple moved their few possessions into the triplex the morning of the wedding. The Coopers also packed most of their things so they could make an early getaway the next morning. The wedding would be just before dinner, and then the family would have one last meal together.

As they had planned, the ceremony was simple but beautiful. Christina returned the favor and made Lana a bouquet from wildflowers. Lana had also borrowed Christina's wedding dress, preferring the traditional satin to the blue silk.

Joshua didn't realize how hard it would be when the Chaplain asked, 'Who gives this woman away?' He managed to speak around the lump in his throat. But Joshua realized, when they left in the morning, Lana wasn't going to be with them. For the first time in her life, they were leaving her behind, and they might never see her again. Joshua put his daughter's hand in Liam's and then, through blurred eyes, found his seat next to May. Putting his arm around her shoulders, he could hear her softly crying. In spite of his resolve, tears shimmered in his own eyes. He was going to miss his baby girl.

After the vows were repeated and Liam and Lana were announced to be husband and wife, they led the bridal party to their new home. Liam's friends brought whiskey for a toast. Some of the officer's wives had left a few gifts, along with the potluck supper, much to Lana's undying gratitude. The gifts were all things the newlyweds desperately needed.

During the potluck meal, one of Liam's friends rose and held his glass. "A toast to the new couple," he announced. Looking around the room to make sure all glasses were raised, he continued, "Now we know why Liam kept volunteering for missions due west of here!"

The room filled with laughter and everyone drank to the toast. At May's nod, Lana took Liam by the hand and stood in front of the lemon crumb cake to cut it. After the meal was over and the dishes reclaimed by the wives, people began leaving one or two at a time until only Joshua and May were left.

"We'll say goodnight now," May hugged her daughter.

"All right. We'll see you in the morning before you leave."

"Honey, it's going to be very early."

"I know. We'll be there just the same."

"We certainly will," Liam added as he put his arm around Lana's shoulders.

As her parents left, Liam closed the door behind them and turned to Lana. "So, wife, let's look at those presents."

One by one, Lana set them in front of Liam at the table. "There's a bread bowl. It looks new, too!" Setting that to one side, she reached for the next item. "Two pillows. That is so nice. I'll have to find out who gave us those." Putting the pillows down, she said, "And, last, two coffee mugs."

"Great! Now all we need is coffee and a coffee pot," Liam teased her.

"I'll put that on my list for shopping tomorrow."

As they sat at the table and looked at their gifts, an uneasy silence filled the room, neither knowing what to say next.

"I suppose we ought to turn in," Liam finally spoke. "Especially if we're getting up early to see your folks off."

"All right." They both remained seated, neither moving.

"Lana, I'll tell you, I'm kinda nervous about tonight."

"Are you? I am so glad you said something. I'm beyond nervous."

"Oh, honey! Don't be nervous. Everything is going to be all right." Liam took her hand and pulled her over to sit on his lap. "I might not be real smooth with this at first, but we'll figure it out. Besides, your pa had a good long talk with me last night."

"You talked to
about this?" Lana hid her face in her hands, blushing deeply.

"No. He talked to me. Your pa is a smart man who loves you very much. He was just making sure I don't do anything to hurt you - now or ever." Filling two glasses with the remaining whiskey, he handed one to her.

"Here, drink this. It will help you relax."

Lana took a careful sip, not wanting to choke on the strong liquor. "I guess I should tell you that I talked to Christina yesterday about her first time."

"You did? What'd she have to say?"

"That she liked it." Lana burst out into giggles and then drank more whiskey.

"Why is that so funny?" Liam asked, a smile playing around the corners of his mouth.

"She was afraid she's wicked because she likes it. If that's so, I'm probably going to
it, and then what does that make me?"

"Well, do you want to find out?" he asked, a gleam in his eye.

"Yes, I do." Lana drained her glass, the whiskey taking its effect. "But let me get ready for bed first. Please?"

"Sure. I'll wait right here." He lifted his half-empty glass and kissed her shoulder. "Just don't take too long."

"Yes, sir." She hopped off his lap and walked into the bedroom, carrying the two pillows with her. When she lit the lamp, she stopped. There, on the bed covered with the quilt May insisted that she keep, someone had left her a nightgown and the smallest bottle of perfume she had ever seen. Its sweet aroma filled the room when she dabbed some tentatively behind her ears and on her wrists. She'd never worn perfume before.

Next, she took her hair down and brushed it until it shown. Then, when she was undressed, she slipped the gown on and, with a sly grin, put a small dot of perfume between her breasts. There was no mirror to see her reflection, so she looked down at herself.

The champagne-gold satin gown had elegant lace around the low-cut bodice. Lace formed the shoulder straps and trimmed the empire-waist. The gown's long, full skirt swept and swirled gracefully around her ankles as she walked to the bedroom door.

"Oh, husband," she called softly.

Liam looked over his shoulder at her and then slowly stood up. "I…" He took two steps toward her, wonder in his eyes. "You…" Taking two more steps, he stopped where he stood. "Never in my life have I ever seen anyone more beautiful."

"So, you like it?" She stepped out of the doorway and twirled around once.

Grabbing her up in his arms, he murmured, "Do I
it? Your pa told me to take it slow, but I don't know if I
." He looked down into her shining, blue eyes. "Woman, you are driving me wild. Absolutely wild." With that, he picked her up in his arms and carried her back into the bedroom where he laid her on the bed.

"Don't move. Not one muscle," he ordered as he blew out the lamp. The eager lover took less than a minute to undress and lay down on his side next to her. Looking at her in the moonlit shadows, he laid his hand on her stomach and slid it across the satin, enjoying the fabric's cool smoothness.

"Have you ever done this before?" she finally got the courage to ask.

"Now that I'm here with you, I'm ashamed to admit it," he answered truthfully. "But yes. In college, on weekend leave, I've done this a time or two. No. That's not quite right. I've never done
, making love to
woman. But I've been with women."

Looking seriously at her, he asked, "Does that bother you?"

"Not really. That's in your past." Smiling up at him, she added, "I'm glad at least one of us knows what we're doing."

Liam kissed her, softly. "I love you so much, Lana." He kissed her again, encouraged by her response to him. Sliding his hand to her breast, he looked down at her. "You let me know if I'm hurting you, or if you want me to do anything, or stop doing something, or…"

Lana stopped him. "I trust you, darling. You won't hurt me. You'd never hurt me. Now, please, kiss me some more."

Liam smiled at that and relaxed. Following Joshua's advice, he took his time. His hand caressed her breasts and then slowly moved down her arm, down her hip and across her thighs while he murmured lovers' secrets in her ear. Seductively, he raised her gown higher and higher up her legs until the hem reached her hips.

"This is in the way, isn't it?" she asked as she sat up. "Help me."

He raised the gown above her head and turned to toss it on the floor. When he turned back, she lay beside him, waiting.

"Oh," he moaned, looking at her nude perfection. "I don't think I can breathe."

"Kiss me," she whispered. When he leaned down to do as she asked, she stopped him. "No. Kiss me here." She held her breast, offering it to him. For a second, a question flitted across his mind as he wondered how she knew to ask him to do that. But it was forgotten as soon as he thought of it. Without a word, he began sensuously kissing her breasts, first one, then the other, and then back again, each kiss taking longer than the one before.

Shyly, she began caressing him. Raising his head, he had a surprised, pleased look on his face. This must have been what Joshua meant. She was taking care of him now. Liam gave her an encouraging smile and continued preparing her for him. After a moment, he could hear her breathing change. Still kissing her, he moved on top of her.

"Oh, yes, please," she said breathlessly as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Not able to wait any longer, he took her, rocking gently at first, afraid of hurting her. But her passionate, eager response vanished his concerns. He made love to her with an abandon and forcefulness that pleased them both. To his delight, she exploded in his arms, wrapped tightly around him, moving with him. In a short time, he gave her all that he had, loved her with all that he was.

This was it. This was the passion he had been hoping for in his marriage. She was his heart and he would die for her without even blinking.

"Woman, what you do to me," he gasped as he rolled onto his back. Pulling her to him, he stroked her hair as she lay against his chest, her arm across his stomach. "That was better than I imagined. And I've got a vivid imagination," he chuckled softly.

"That was pretty amazing," she sighed contentedly.

"So, did you like it?"

"No. I
it. I guess that means I'm doubly wicked." She reached up and kissed him. "I guess you'd better hand me my gown now, please."


"No? Why ever not?"

"Because I'm going to want some more of you in a little while and that will just be in the way again."

"Oh, you'll want more, will you?"

"You'd better believe it."

"Good. I want some more, too."

"My goodness," he purred, "you
doubly wicked. What a lucky fellow I am."

Later - much later that night - Liam finally rolled over on his side, falling asleep quickly. Lana turned her head to look out the window that faced west. For the smallest of seconds, she wondered where Two Hawks was.

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