Read Topping the Domme (Crime and Punishment) Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #contemporary romance

Topping the Domme (Crime and Punishment) (11 page)

BOOK: Topping the Domme (Crime and Punishment)
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“Try again, kitten.”

“Yes…morbid sadist.”

She had no idea why she did it. It just came out.

“Damn it, Karina,” Brayden growled as he stood, bringing her to her feet.

He shoved her forward, facedown onto the table in front of them. Karina cursed and tried to squirm out from under him, but his hand between her shoulder blades kept her down. His palm slapped across her ass, and she cried out in surprise at the sharp sting.

“Damn it, Brayden!” She screamed. “Can’t you take a fucking joke?”


He slapped her again, this time harder. She whined and bit her tongue. Damn, that hurt. Okay, maybe she’d gone a little too far, but the whole Master thing just pissed her off.

“Brayden. Stop!”

He slanted his palm across her ass again, hitting her in exactly the same spot. God, he knew exactly how to hit to get her attention, and he definitely had it.

“Okay,” she conceded. “Master. Yes, Master.”

He slapped her once more, Karina was sure, just for the hell of it. Damn sadist was right. With a jerk, he pulled her back up and settled her on his lap in the same position she was in before.

“Now,” he growled in her ear. “What do you call me?”

She sighed and winced at the feel of his thighs pressing into her sore behind. “Master.”

“And are you going to behave this time?” he asked as he settled her hands back around his neck.

“Yes, Master.”

For now anyway.

As far as Karina was concerned, the high-handed way he jerked her around actually sent her hormones through the roof. She’d never been this turned on before. Flogging guys or punishing them didn’t get her nearly this hot. But was it the submission? Or was it Brayden?

Oh, God. Please don’t let it be Brayden.

Chapter Twelve

Brayden smiled slightly at his little wildcat. She could be so damn stubborn, and he knew the whole Master thing pissed her off. Sir would’ve been fine, but he’d stick with Master for now just to rile her.

Another crack of the whip and the sub’s scream of pleasure floated through the club. It sounded as though the girl was close to having a mind-blowing orgasm. One more flick of the whip and she probably would.

He could see Delacroix through the crowd as he walked over and kissed the sub. She moaned and wiggled between the poles, her skin flushed, her eyes glassy and smoldering.

He wanted to see that look on Karina’s face, but right now he just wanted to get her used to letting him be the one in control. That would be the toughest part for her, especially considering her past.

She was doing well. At first, the confinement had startled her, making her nervous, but he’d been able to calm her down easily. Her folds were so wet, her body so pliant and warm against him. He flicked the pad of his finger over her swollen clit and smiled at the soft moan that slipped past her lips.

He buried his face in her neck, nibbling softly along the column of her throat. He could feel her heartbeat pounding under his lips, and he sucked at the pulse point. Karina hissed and arched her back. She liked that.

Let’s see what else she likes.

Dipping his other hand into her top, he cupped her breast and pulled it free of her top where he could pluck her pink nipple to his heart’s content. He liked her breasts. They were firm and full, filling his hands just past overflowing.

“Brayden,” she breathed.

He pinched her nipple hard. “Who?”

“Master,” she groaned.

Brayden grinned at the husky sound to her voice. She was close. He could feel it in the way she struggled to keep her hips still, the way she panted softly—little whimpers escaping every few breaths.

He changed the pattern of his fingers, working them in a figure eight he knew would drive her insane. He was careful not to fully touch her clit, just let his finger graze the nub enough to make her go crazy, but not enough to send her over.

Her breaths became shorter, faster, and her pussy got wetter. Her arms tightened around his neck, and her thighs trembled.

“Master…please,” she whined.

“Now, that was pretty,” he whispered just before imprisoning her clit between his thumb and forefinger and squeezing.

With a scream, Karina arched her back and erupted in an orgasm that made Brayden’s cock feel as though it would explode at any second. God, he loved watching her.

She sagged against him, and he reached up and pulled her arms from around his neck. Holding onto her wrists, he wrapped their arms around her. She tried to sit up, but he held her down.

“Be still, kitten,” he murmured.

“Brayden, I—”

“Karina,” he growled. “This is part of being a sub. Be still, relax, and let me take care of you.”

She swallowed and nodded just barely enough that he could see. This seemed to bother her more than anything. “Does this make you feel weak, Kay?” he asked.

“A little.”

“You’re not weak, kitten.” He softly kissed her cheek. “You’re one of the strongest women I’ve ever met.”

“I never used to need this,” she whispered, her voice tired and husky. The voice of a sated submissive. “I don’t want to need this.”

Brayden tightened his arms around her and kissed her temple. “I know.”

arina sat on her knees at Brayden’s feet while he talked to the Doms around him. Her mind was still on what had happened earlier. She knew she would be playing with Brayden, had accepted it, but she still couldn’t get over how well he’d brought her to orgasm.

Damn the man had talented fingers. She could still feel them now, feathering through her folds, teasing, tormenting. A warm flush moved over her cheeks, and she swallowed down her growing lust. She was supposed to be paying attention.

She frowned. Paying attention to what? How were they going to pull this off? What were they looking for exactly? Suspicious behavior? What the hell was suspicious behavior in a BDSM club?

Just watching wasn’t going to catch this guy. They would have to do something bolder. They needed bait.

Could she do that? Could she offer herself up as bait?

Brayden had told her earlier all the subs had been sassy. She could be sassy. Could she push Brayden often enough that their unsub took notice? Could she stand the constant punishment Brayden would dish out? Her ass still burned from the spanking he’d given her tonight.

Her lips twisted. She wasn’t sure if she was mad at him or herself. Why did she do that? Why didn’t she just call him Master and be done with it? Deep down, did she want him to spank her? She snorted softly.

I’m losing my mind. I’m bored. I’m confused. I’m attracted to Brayden. Yep. That’s it. I’m losing it.

Delacroix strolled over, a very relaxed and happy looking Janie curled in his arms, and took the empty seat on the right side of Brayden, which put her between them. After he’d whipped Janie, he’d taken her to a table, laid her on her stomach, administered ointment to her back and hips, then fucked her doggie style. Karina had counted three orgasms before he’d finally finished himself.

Karina covertly watched them as Delacroix settled Janie on his lap. Her head nestled contentedly against his shoulder. Delacroix kissed her brow and whispered something in her ear that made Janie smile softly.

Did she look that dreamy when she curled onto Brayden’s lap?

Karina moved her gaze back to the floor a few feet in front of her. She’d heard a lot of the subs talk about Delacroix. How good he was, how patient, but at the same time hard and dominating. Despite his good looks, his charm, his downright sex appeal, he didn’t make her stomach flip the way Brayden did. God, what did that mean? What kind of mess was she getting herself into emotionally?

Brayden lightly tugged at her hair, getting her attention. She turned to peer up at him, and he watched her with a look of concern. He leaned down and whispered, “You okay? You seem a little lost.”

“I think I am.” She sighed heavily. “I’m fine, Bray…I mean Master. Maybe I should go mingle. Get back in focus.”

She gave him a pointed look she hoped he understood. She needed to get her head back in the case and off the new feelings that were swirling through her.

Brayden studied her with those dark, intense eyes that seemed to be able to see straight through to a sub’s soul. “You may,” he murmured with a tight nod. “But stay where I can see you.”

She raised an eyebrow and opened her mouth to say something smart, then changed her mind. One punishment a night was enough. Besides, he’d probably only said that for the other Dom’s benefit.

“Yes, Master,” she murmured. “Thank you, Master.”

Brayden’s lips twitched, and Karina got the impression she was being played. She frowned, watching him warily as she stood to leave. She glanced down at Delacroix, who still cradled Janie on his lap. He’d lifted her chin and kissed the corner of her mouth, murmuring something softly that made her blush, then nodded as she smiled.

“Karina,” Delacroix said just as she turned to leave. “Would you mind letting Janie accompany you? I would like to talk with Brayden for a few minutes.”

“Of course,” Karina said, with a soft smile toward Janie.

Karina liked the blonde who barely came to five foot four. She had a heavy Southern accent, a vibrant personality, and when Karina saw the red marks over her back and ass, she realized the girl also apparently had a penchant for pain.

Karina grinned down at Delacroix. “Nice stripe job.”

Delacroix’s lips twitched, but he didn’t say anything. Brayden’s leg nudged hers in an attempt to get her attention, but she rolled her eyes and ignored him, and then walked with Janie to the other side of the room where several other submissives gathered.

Brayden watched her go and shook his head. “Did she just ignore me?” he asked.

Delacroix snickered and scratched behind his ear, his eyes crinkling with amusement. “Yeah, Brayden. I think she did.”

“Damn brat,” he grumbled, but wasn’t really mad.

Delacroix chuckled. “That makes things entertaining.”

Brayden raised an eyebrow.

“In some things, yeah, I’m a pushover,” Delacroix elaborated. “In others, not so much.”

“What’s an absolute no for you?”

“Deliberately lying to my face,” he said, then added. “And vane women.”

Brayden nodded once. He would agree with that. He didn’t like vane women either. “Where the hell did you learn to use a whip like that?”

“Practice,” he replied as he hit his knuckles against the arm of the chair. “Lots of practice.”

“Do you ever break the skin?”

Delacroix shrugged one shoulder. “In the beginning I did, even when I didn’t want to. Now I have more control and only break the skin when I know the sub can take it. Janie likes pain, but not that much.” He smiled slightly at Brayden. “Don’t use a whip?”

Brayden shook his head. “Don’t like inflicting that much pain.”

Delacroix nodded. “Everybody’s different. I heard Karina cry out when I was playing with Janie. Her voice carries. How’s she holding up?”

Brayden frowned slightly. Damn the man was astute. “Seems to be okay. Why?”

“I saw the scars on her stomach and back earlier as the fringe moved.”

“Jeez, Delacroix. Is there anything you don’t notice?”

“Sorry. Years in the FBI have a tendency to do that to you.” He leveled his stare at Brayden. “What happened to her?”

Brayden sighed. “Rape, but don’t—”

Delacroix waved his hand in dismissal. “I won’t say anything. Have you ever worked with a rape survivor?”

“Yes,” Brayden replied. “You?”

“One.” He remained silent for a few seconds, his brow creased as though deep in thought. “Can you and Karina meet me for a late breakfast tomorrow?”

Brayden frowned. “I suppose, but I thought you wanted to meet for lunch one day next week.”

Delacroix’s ever observant gaze scanned the crowd. “I decided to move it up.”

“Want to explain why?” Brayden asked, wondering why Delacroix suddenly looked so concerned.

He turned his gaze back to Brayden. “What you said about Karina gave me an idea. Tomorrow at eleven. Here.”

Delacroix left, leaving Brayden scowling after him. He liked Delacroix, but sometimes there was something about him that put Brayden on edge. It was like Delacroix knew something no one else did and only released that information in small tidbits.

BOOK: Topping the Domme (Crime and Punishment)
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