Read Topping the Domme (Crime and Punishment) Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #contemporary romance

Topping the Domme (Crime and Punishment) (24 page)

BOOK: Topping the Domme (Crime and Punishment)
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He placed the small nub at the base against her clit, then spread her labia wider, making sure to get a good fit. Karina wanted to rub herself against it. She could already feel the stirring of her release just below the surface. She bit her lip to keep from saying the words he wanted to hear. She knew it was stupid to try and prolong it. He would get what he wanted, but still… Pride was sometimes a hard thing to overcome.

Her fingers tightened, digging into her palms, as he used a remote to start the rabbit. When the vibrations stimulated her clit, she jerked so hard, the weighted ball began to swing and tug at her nipples. The sudden movement sent a jolt of pain through her breasts, which, in turn, zinged straight to her pussy, making her walls tighten around the toy.

She groaned and shut her eyes. She tried to work her hips, but couldn’t. The miniscule movements just weren’t enough. She growled in frustration and received a satisfied chuckle from Brayden.

“See what you get for misbehaving?” he murmured, as he picked up another flogger.

Karina frantically shook her head. She knew the second he started hitting her with that, she’d probably explode.

“Still not ready to beg?” he teased.

He turned off the rabbit, and Karina breathed a slight sigh of relief, then squealed when he slapped the back of her legs with the flogger. Twice more, he flicked the leather against her sensitive flesh before turning the rabbit back on.

Karina arched her back slightly, which jiggled the weight, adding another layer of pleasure-pain to the already overloading sensations cursing through her. She was so close, her release just beyond her reach, when Brayden stopped everything. Her body quieted; the lust swimming through her lessened slightly. But it was only a short reprieve.

He began again with the flogger, slowly working it up the back of her legs, then over the sensitive crease where her ass met her leg. Hard, then soft, then hard again, he kept the rhythm up until she was panting. Every slap jarred the weight; every swing of the ball tugged at her nipples. The fullness inside her only added to the sensations and the need barreling through her.

Then suddenly it stopped.

“No,” she screamed. “Please.”

Her eyes widened at the plea in her voice and the satisfied sound of Brayden’s deep chuckle. Damn him.

“Please, what?” he asked.

Karina tightened her lips and stared up at the ceiling ignoring him.

“Stubborn kitten,” he murmured, then began the process again, this time turning on the rabbit.

Karina’s eyes rolled back in her head as she loudly moaned in pleasure. Her clit felt swollen, her nipples felt hot and tingly. Her stomach was tight, her thighs trembling as she struggled against the rising tide of her orgasm. Just as she was about to crest, he stopped again.

Karina sobbed and tried to lift her hips against the straps. “No. Don’t.”

“Don’t what?”

“Don’t stop.”

She didn’t care anymore that she was giving in. She wanted to come. She was so close.

“Do you want to come, kitten?” he murmured.

“Yes. Yes, Master. Please. I want to come.”

Shocked at her pleas, at her begging, Karina felt a single tear slip from the corner of her eye. He’d won. He’d made her beg. She realized that no matter how hard she fought him, Brayden would probably always win.

He turned the rabbit back on and began to once again flog the back of her legs and ass. Harder this time, more insistent. Karina moaned with every flick of the leather across her skin, with every vibration of the rabbit over her clit.

Her womb tensed. Her body trembled and every nerve began to tingle. Her release slammed through her, forcing her back to arch as much as it could. The weighted ball pulled at her nipples, sending shards of pain through her breasts. It only intensified her orgasm, leaving her panting and screaming as it coursed through her body in wave after wave of incredible rapture.

Her body still humming from her release, she was barely aware of Brayden as he lifted the weight, taking the pressure off her nipples. The second he removed the clamps, blood rushed back into them and the pain sent her careening over the edge again in a shocking orgasm.

Karina’s eyes went wide as the pulsing walls of her vagina tightened around the rabbit and dildo. Wow was her only thought as her vision began to blur and fade.

She lay limp, unable to move as Brayden removed the toys, and then loosened the straps. As he lowered her legs, he gently rubbed them. She sighed at the feel of his fingers working her tight muscles. When he brushed over some of the sore spots from the flogger she groaned in pain, but that pain soon changed to a pleasurable sting.

“Put your arms around my neck,” Brayden murmured, as he bent to pick her up in his arms.

In the beginning, Karina fought this, but now she wanted nothing more than to curl up on his lap and let him hold her.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Brayden dropped into one of the overstuffed chairs in the far corner. Karina wiggled, trying to find a more comfortable position. She rubbed the backs of her legs against his and winced softly. They were pretty striped, so he was sure they were sore. He had to admit, he liked seeing her that way. Those stripes around her legs and ass were his doing, and he took pride in the fact they gave her pleasure.

Despite her stubbornness.

He grinned and tightened his arm around her as she settled her head on his chest and shoulder. Her ass rested enticingly against his aching balls and his cock got even harder, if that was possible. He was tempted to help her straddle his lap so she could ride him, but right now she just needed to relax. It was early yet. Another quiet scene wasn’t out of the question.

“That was just wrong,” she murmured. “You realize that, right?”

He snickered. “Wrong or not, you enjoyed it. Besides, you did exactly as he wanted you to do.”

“That’s beside the point,” she grumbled. “Do you see Delacroix?”

Brayden frowned slightly. “Is your mind always on work?”

Her body tensed and there was a slight pause. “No.”

“If Delacroix sensed anything, he’ll come to us. Relax and try not to think about it for now. How are you holding up?”

“I’m okay. Weak, but okay.”

Brayden looked out across the floor. The cleaning crew had finished up with the scene area, and another couple moved in. He glanced over the crowd, but didn’t see Delacroix. He spotted Josh talking with a group of submissives. Josh caught his stare and then shook his head slightly. He’d caught nothing.

Brayden sighed and rested his chin on the top of Karina’s head. Did they just do that scene for nothing? Well, he wouldn’t believe for nothing. The more he played with Karina, the more he felt her coming into her own. He believed she was submissive, whether she wanted to admit it or not. He also believed they belonged together. They were good together. Unfortunately, convincing her of that fact might be harder than he would like.

She’d been through a lot, and he could understand her hesitancy. That didn’t stop him from wanting her.

He glanced down at his chest and her hand as it rested against his beating heart. His mother’s ring caught the light. He touched her hand and rubbed his fingers over the ring, which looked perfect around her finger. It was just the right size, the right color, the right fit. It was as though it was made for her—that they were made for each other.

“See? I haven’t lost it,” she whispered.

Brayden smiled softly. “I never doubted you. It suits you.”

“I never thought that I would ever marry.”


“Because I could never sleep with a man. How many husbands want to sleep in separate beds from their wives?”

“You might be surprised,” he drawled in amusement.

“It’s weird that I can sleep with you.”

“You feel comfortable with me. Maybe that was all you needed. To learn to trust someone enough to be able to sleep with them.”

“Maybe,” she whispered.

“No maybes, and from here on out, no separate rooms.”


“Hush, sub,” he murmured, and to his surprise, she remained quiet.

For about a second.

“You’re so damn bossy,” she grumbled.

He chuckled softly. “You like it. Admit it.”

“I admit nothing.”

“I know it’s been hard for you—” he whispered, “—being submissive. But I believe it suits you. I like how you submit to me.”

“I must admit,” she said softly, her words barely heard above the noise of the club. “Submitting to you was easier than I thought it would be. I couldn’t have done this with someone I didn’t know.” She looked up at him with sleepy eyes. Brayden brushed his thumb over her cheek, enjoying the feel of her soft skin beneath his touch.

“I’m glad it was you,” she whispered.

“Me too, kitten.”

She looked as though she wanted to say something, before biting her lower lip and dropping her head back to his shoulder. Brayden lowered his hand and let it rest on her thigh. She struggled with her emotions—with what she believed she should be.

He wouldn’t push her. Not yet anyway.

Staring across the floor of the club, he spotted Delacroix by the bar. He had his hands on his hips, his eyes narrowed, an angry, firm set to his jaw. Submissives took a wide path around him, as though they knew something had pissed him off and they wanted to keep their distance. Brayden didn’t blame them.

Was Delacroix angry because he felt their unsub or because he didn’t?

He waited for the club owner to notice him and make eye contact. When he did, Delacroix shook his head. Brayden growled softly. This wasn’t working.

They needed the unsub to make a move, but how? What would it take? Putting Karina in harm’s way? Brayden stomach knotted at the thought. Unfortunately, she was already in harm’s way. If anything happened to her, he would never forgive himself.

Could he put her even further out there? Leave her unprotected and see if the unsub made a move? Would that be wise?

No, that would be insane.

What if they missed something? What if the unsub got her, and they somehow lost him?

Brayden buried his fingers in her hair and held her head to his shoulder. It was too risky. He couldn’t lose her.

Not now.

“Brayden?” she murmured softly.

“Yes, kitten.”

“You’re squishing my head. What are you thinking about?”

He loosened his grip, unaware that he’d even been holding her that tight.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I think this case is just starting to get to me.”

getting to me,” she mumbled, and readjusted her head on his shoulder. “It’s about time you caught up.”

Brayden chuckled.

Karina sat at the table the next morning, picking at her food with the tip of her fork. She wasn’t hungry at all, so she had no idea why she even cooked it. All she could do was push it around her plate like a sulking child.

In a way, she was sulking. Their scene last night had been for naught. Delacroix hadn’t felt a thing. Either their unsub wasn’t there, or he’d gotten better at hiding his emotions. Karina preferred the first. She would rather believe he just wasn’t there than to believe he could get the better of them.

But isn’t that what he’d been doing all this time? They hadn’t caught him yet, so in a sense, he was getting the better of them.

“Kay, you have to eat something,” Brayden said softly.

Karina raised her gaze to stare at him. He watched her silently from across the table, concern darkening his eyes. He was worried about her…about how she was holding up. Just knowing that sent tingles through her stomach. She’d never really had anyone care for her the way Brayden did. Not even her parents.

Her uncle had tried. She knew he loved her in his own way, but her uncle was a lot like her. Damaged emotionally. But Brayden had shoveled through that damage and found her heart. To her surprise, it was still whole and still able to love.

“I’m trying to eat,” she said as she sat back. “I guess I’ve just got too much on my mind.”

“Stop worrying about it.”

“He wasn’t there. I can’t help but wonder if maybe they’ll find another body somewhere today.”

“Don’t think like that.” He shrugged one shoulder. “Maybe he just took the night off. Perhaps he wanted to stay home and watch TV.”

She curled her lip. “Funny.”

Brayden smiled and her stomach did a little flip. God, she had it bad. She wanted to ask him what would happen when all this was over. Would they still keep playing? Would they become a couple? Or would things return to normal?

She knew she didn’t want to be a Domme anymore, but at the same time, she wasn’t sure she could play with a Dom other than Brayden. It was Brayden she trusted. She didn’t believe she could trust anyone else this way.

“You okay?” he asked.

She nodded and took a bite of eggs, but they tasted bland and rubbery. It wasn’t his cooking. It was her. Nothing tasted right. Nothing felt right and probably wouldn’t until this case was done and over with.

“I hate sitting around. I should be out there, studying the crime scene, talking to people. Not this. I just want this to end,” she grumbled.

BOOK: Topping the Domme (Crime and Punishment)
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