Torn (23 page)

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Authors: C.J. Fallowfield

BOOK: Torn
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“Holy fuck,” he growled as he
broke away, leaving me gasping for air and clinging to his arms for dear life,
my bruised and swollen lips still parted, my eyes still shut as I tried to
regain my sense of self and not crumple into an over aroused heap on the floor.
I felt the warmth of his breath as he brushed his lips against mine again, but
tenderly this time. “Are you ok?”

“Yeah … great … peachy,” I
whispered breathlessly with a slight nod.

“I’ve wanted to do that from the
moment I met you,” he murmured as his lips moved across my cheek, feeling like
silk trailing across my skin. “I know technically I’ve cheated, again, but
fuck! I couldn’t wait any longer. I hated the thought of you telling me you’d
picked Josh and I’d never gotten to taste you. What the hell have you done to
me, Sky? I’m being ripped to shreds by my need for you.” His arms circled me,
giving me some much needed support as I slowly opened my eyes, my heart
blooming to hear that he wanted me just as much as I wanted him. I could hardly
believe it.

“You did cheat, twice,” I
reminded him when I’d caught my breath. “But so did I.” I felt him stiffen up immediately,
his breath hitching as his heart started pounding in his chest.

“You kissed Josh too?” he
growled, suddenly releasing his hold on me and stepping back with a look of
fury on his face. I reached out to palm the nearest strut to hold myself up,
hardly able to believe his anger was a sign of his passion for me.

“No,” I said, slowly shaking my
head as I drank in the glorious sight of him, enraged at the thought of me
betraying him when we weren’t even an item. “I’d already chosen you before I
went on the date with Billy. It’s
, Ace,” I whispered, my cheeks
coloring up at my admission. “It’s always been you, I just … I needed to know
that you felt the same about me, that I wasn’t just another in a long line of–”
I didn’t even have a chance to finish my sentence, to voice my concerns, before
his lips were on mine again, his hands grabbing my ass to haul me up his body
as he kissed me even more passionately than our first time.

I flung my arms around his neck,
my fingers pulling at the soft strands of his hair, as sparks flew from where
our lips were joined. My legs hooked around his hips, my ankles locking as I
clung to him, never wanting him to let me go. I responded to his kiss with as
much power and passion as he was giving me, and his fingers dug into the cheeks
of my ass as my heart threatened to explode, it was beating so fast. I was
surrounded by him, and not just his body.
His scent
. There was something
so intoxicating about the way Nate smelled. It spoke to me on some primal level
and, when combined with his kisses, stirred sensations in my body I’d never even
experienced when I was masturbating. Suddenly I was acutely aware of my body,
of how my nipples had hardened to sharp points, how swollen and wet I felt, my
panties damp and warm from my arousal and …
holy crap
… Nate was hard. I
could feel the swelling of his cock pressing against my aching pussy, feel it
writhing in the confines of his jeans. I started to tremble in his arms, unsure
if it was from pleasure overload or an impending panic attack, and he
immediately broke our lip lock. We both panted for air, our lips red and
swollen, eyes heavy lidded.

“I swear you taste as sweet as
cotton candy and
, I’ve never been so hard,” he uttered, trying to
catch his breath and allowing his forehead to drop onto mine as I tried to gulp
in some air and calm myself down.

“Nate, I …” I swallowed hard,
worried what his reaction would be when I told him, but more terrified of what
might happen right now if I didn’t. He must have sensed my hesitation, that or
felt the way my body was trembling against his, heard the erratic way I was
breathing, or maybe he just knew?

“What is it, baby? What’s wrong?”
He lay a trail of kisses up the side of my neck, making me mewl with pleasure
until he nipped it, making me wince, then laving the spot with his tongue.
Sweet baby Jesus, the things he was doing to me just from some kisses.

“I’m scared.” I said it so
quietly, I wasn’t even sure if he’d heard me until he stilled, his lips
hovering over my neck mid-kiss.

“Of me?” he asked, pulling up to
face me with a look of hurt on his face.

“No,” I mumbled, dropping my
head, unable to look him in the eyes as my cheeks flamed. “Of …” I took a deep
breath, it was now or never. “I’m not sure I’m ready to have sex.”

“I’ve got protection.” He held me
up with one hand and used the fingers of his other to lift my chin to force me
to look at him. “Do you need lube? Do you have a problem getting wet during sex?”
He looked so concerned that I couldn’t stop myself from bursting out laughing.
His worried face turned to one of surprise as I did some proper belly laughs
that brought tears to my eyes.

“No,” I giggled, finally calming
down. “Trust me, wetness won’t be a problem with you. Don’t you get it, Ace?
I’m scared because you’ll be my first. I’m nearly nineteen and I’m a virgin.”

“You’re what?!” His face was a
picture, complete and utter shock, which suddenly gave way to something else,
something I couldn’t quite read, but I just knew I didn’t have to fear. “Oh
baby, are you for real?” he whispered, reaching up to brush my hair out of my

“You think I’d lie about
something like that?” Had he just called me baby? For the second time? Oh my
God, I just wanted to die of happiness. He wasn’t dropping me like a hot stone
and backing away. He was still holding me up, one-armed for Christ’s sake, and
calling me baby. “You’re not mad?” I questioned.

“Why the hell would I be mad,
Sky? The thought that you’ve never been with anyone else, that I’ll be your
first? Fuck, you’ve just made an already perfect night even better.” His chest
puffed with pride as I giggled again and let out a sigh of relief, resting my
forehead back on his.

“I thought you’d be turned off. I
know you’re experienced and I know you probably aren’t used to waiting, but I
don’t want to rush this.”

“You’re right,” he responded,
making me hold my breath again in case I’d gotten him so wrong. “I am
experienced, and no, I don’t want to wait, but hell, Sky …” He huffed out a
deep breath and ran his knuckles gently down my cheek. “It’s
,” he
said softly. “I think I’d wait forever for you. You’ve bewitched me, you’re all
I can think about, you’re all I want. As much as I can’t wait to fuck you, I
will wait, until you’re ready. As long as I know you’re mine, I’ll wait.”

“Thank you,” I uttered, wrapping
my arms tightly around his neck and squeezing hard. “
Thank you

don’t make me wait for too long, because right now I’m so damn hard I’m in
agony. If you’re gonna keep kissing me like that, I may need a few timeouts
after,” he added with a serious tone in his voice.

“What happened to you’d wait
forever?” I laughed as I pulled back to study his face. He winked with a
twinkle in his eye. “I promise. I don’t think I’ll be able to wait much longer
either,” I confessed, as I ran my hands down his chest and he quickly planted
his other hand on my ass to support me. “You’re all I can think about as well,
I just … I kind of want to savor this, to take it slow and enjoy it. I haven’t
held off dating guys for it to be a quick wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am kind of deal.”

“Hello? Do you know me and my
reputation?” he chuckled. “Nate Hudson here. Master of stamina both on and off
the field. Trust me, there’ll be nothing quick about it at all. But I get that
you want your first time to mean something. If it’s important to you, it is to
me. So, we’re doing this? I can tell everyone that you’re my girl?” He lay a
tender kiss on my nose, making me close my eyes and smile. I swear if it was
possible for your body to smile too, mine was right now.

“I guess, just … Josh already

“What?!” His face turned from one
of happiness to immediate concern.

“He told me last night that he
knew I’d pick you, that he’d known for weeks you were the one I wanted. He’s
bummed, but he doesn’t begrudge you being happy, Ace. Just don’t rub it in his
face until he’s had time to adjust, ok?”

“He said he’d be ok with it?

“Seriously, Nate. He said you
light up around me, that he’s never seen you as happy as you are when you’re
looking at me,” I teased. Nate muttered something I didn’t catch, but it was
adorable that his face turned a little pink. “Talk to him when you’re ready,
but I owe it to Billy to tell him myself, face to face, if that’s ok?”

“Sure,” he agreed. “Probably best
you do it Monday at college, or take the bus so you can do it while I’m not
around, as it’s not going to go down well. Both of them are gonna need some
time to handle it.”

“You’re not giving us a lift on
Monday like normal?” I asked, feeling disappointed.

“Baby, you think I can drop you
all off and not kiss you goodbye in case I upset them? I’d rather not see you
at all than not be able to touch you in one form or another. Do you not get how
fucking pussy whipped you have me? I’m gonna be shredded when the guys on the
team find out I’ve got a girlfriend and we’re not even having sex yet!”

“You really feel so strongly
about me?” I asked, hardly daring to hope we were in the same place.

“I’d fucking kill for you, Sky,
that’s how strongly I feel about you, and despite that damn erection that’s not
going down anytime soon with you pressed up against it, it’s not all about sex.
It’s you. It’s just …
, baby,” he sighed. My stomach turned to liquid
at his declaration, as our lips magnetized together again, but this time he
wasn’t so rough. It was still a powerful kiss, a kiss of a man who knew exactly
what he was doing, but this time I could feel the tenderness in it as well, and
hell, if that didn’t turn me on just as much as his aggressive kisses earlier.
He spun us around and gently lowered me onto the bed, flat on my back, then lay
down next to me, propped up on one elbow. “You have no idea how hard I would
have taken it if you hadn’t picked me.”

“Nate.” I smoothed his hair back
with both hands and let my lips linger on his forehead, so happy that I wasn’t
in this alone.

“So, the way I see it,
got two choices before I get you home, Sky Torres.”

“Enlighten me,” I smiled, wanting
to drown in his green eyes and lose myself in those lips for hours more.

“We go get that burger you were
craving so badly and I drive you home, before your dad bans me from ever taking
you out again, or we spend the rest of what little time we have left, before it
becomes obscenely late to take you home after a first date, to just lie here
and make out. What’s it going to be?” He arched his eyebrows as he waited for
my response.

“I am kind of hungry,” I
grimaced, then burst out laughing at the look of disappointment on his face.
Hungry as I’d been for that burger on the way back to Boulder City, it was the
last thing on my mind right now. I reached up and grabbed the collar of his
leather bomber with both of my hands, then yanked him down until he was half-lying
on me. “For you, Ace.”

“Thank fuck!” he uttered,
silencing my laugh with another expert sweep of his tongue around my mouth and making
my toes curl as he kissed me into a dreamy oblivion. “I don’t get it,” he
exhaled when we eventually came up for a proper break and some air. I swear we
must have been kissing for over half an hour, and I could tell how hard he was
finding it to not take it further. He was writhing and groaning, his hand kept
moving to my breast to squeeze it, and I knew if I didn’t stop him soon, no
matter how amazing sex with him might be, I’d regret going all the way on our
first date.

“Get what?” I asked as I kissed
the side of his neck, making him groan as I found a particular spot of soft
skin under his ear.

“How the hell a guy could date
you and kiss you and not end up taking your virginity.”

“There’s nothing to get, Ace,” I
confirmed. “You’re my number one.”

“You’re shitting me,” he gasped,
shoving himself upright as his hands tore through his hair.

“I shit you not,” I shrugged,
propping myself up on my elbows. I knew I had no reason to be ashamed or
embarrassed now. Nate would probably be even happier at this confirmation. “I’ve
never kissed anyone before.” I squealed with laughter as he launched himself at
me, gathering me in his arms as we rolled across the bed in a tangle of limbs.

“I swear, winning the World
Series one day isn’t gonna top this fucking news! Jesus, Sky, you just made my
night, baby.”

“And you’ve made mine. I couldn’t
have wished for a better real first date,” I laughed, pecking his lips when he
offered them to me.

“Christ, if you kiss like that the
first time out, I’m gonna need
to keep me going when you get even
better, because I damn near came in my jeans before.”

“I did ok?” I bit my lower lip,
feeling silly for needing his verbal confirmation, when the fact we’d nearly
removed a few layers of skin off each other’s lips through friction and his
erection hadn’t deflated at all should tell me I did more than ok. But hey, a virginal
late-teen girl still needed to be told.

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