Torn (20 page)

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Authors: C.J. Fallowfield

BOOK: Torn
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“I’m Saunders, I play for the
Rebels with Hudson. Sorry, we call each other by our last names, let’s start
again. I’m Nate’s friend, Bryce.” He smiled and held out his hand.

“Hey, Bryce, I thought I
recognized you,” I confirmed, as I took his hand and shook it. “Is Nate around?”

“He asked me to give you a lift
home. His cousin wasn’t feeling so great, so he’s just left with him.”

“They’re gone?” I blinked up at
him a few times, surprised as hell.

“Nate didn’t want to embarrass
Billy any more than he already was, but he asked me to look after you.”

“Oh, ok.” I bit my lower lip as I
tried to decide what to do. Bryce might well be one of Nate’s friends, but I
didn’t know him from Adam. Pops would be furious if I told him that I’d gotten
into a car with a virtual stranger. “Don’t worry about a lift, I’ll call my
parents. I don’t want to put you out.”

“Honestly, it’s no problem, but even
though Nate ordered me to offer, he said you’d refuse,” Bryce chuckled. “How
about you call your dad and I’ll play a few games with you until he arrives?
Can’t have you going home with it being the worst date ever, can we?”

“I’m not sure it would be
possible to have a worse one,” I laughed, then nodded my agreement to his
suggestion and made the call. Pops told me he’d be here by eighty forty-five,
and I offered Billy’s Coke to Bryce, who accepted it and took Billy’s turn on
the lane.

“Got to say I can see why
Hudson’s got it so bad for you,” he grinned as we swapped places.

“You don’t need to try and boost my
ego in addition to keeping me company.”

“I’m not. I can see the
attraction, that’s all. You’ve got him acting completely out of character. He’s
even nervous about Saturday. That guy has nerves of steel, never once seen him
phased out on the field, but the thought of a date with you, and of you going
on a date with his little brother, has him tied up in knots.”

“Are you being serious?” I asked,
as the pink ball remained suspended from my fingers. I knew Nate liked me, that
much was obvious, but tied up in knots? Jealous of his own brother’s
relationship with me?

“I’ve known him a long time, Sky.
We met in junior high, when I joined the baseball team. I know he’s told you
about his past, about his reputation with women, but I’ve got to say he’s even
surprised me. I never thought he’d change, but he has. For you.”

“Even if that were true, and I’m
really flattered if it is, I hope he’s also changed because he wants to,
because it feels like it’s the right thing for him. I don’t want his interest
if he only sees me as a challenge, if it’s just because I haven’t thrown myself
at his feet and worshipped him. Where would that leave me when he got what he
wanted and went back to his old ways?” It hurt to vocalize. I so wanted to
believe that he wouldn’t, but three months in a person’s life was a short
period of time, not enough to show that they’d changed the habits of a
lifetime, or at least his sexually active lifetime.

“I get that you’re wary, but he’s
a good guy, who goes above and beyond for everyone around him, to his own
detriment as well. Does that sound like the kind of guy who’d screw you over
when he’s been upfront about what he wants?”

“I thought you were a player on
the team, not a cheerleader,” I joked, seriously touched at his words, at what
he was saying Nate felt.

“You have no idea how good I’d
look in one of those little skirts,” he chuckled. “Seriously though, Sky, he’s
got it bad. I’m just saying give him a chance, I think he’ll surprise you. But
I can guarantee he’d never intentionally hurt you.”

“Thank you, Bryce, I appreciate

“Ok, show me what you’ve got.
Bowling-wise, that is. Christ, Nate would kill me if he thought I’d
propositioned you,” he groaned. I laughed and focused my attention on the pins
up ahead of me. When it was Bryce’s turn, I sent Billy a text to say I was
sorry he wasn’t feeling well and hoped he’d be better soon. Then I sent Nate
one to thank him for taking care of his cousin, and me via his best friend, and
finally an apology to Liam, asking if we could pick this up when I got home. I
huffed out a long, slow breath. Oh well, however the evening had panned out,
that was it. Date one down. Two to go.



Friday Night


“You look so beautiful. It’s no wonder
you have three men fighting over you,” Pops sighed as he kissed my cheek.

“Pops,” I giggled.

“Well, you are. You always look
beautiful to me, but I’ve never seen you dressed up like this. When you and
Liam refused to go to prom, you deprived me of my proud father moment.”

“I know, I’m sorry.”

“I’ll see you later. Since it’s
Friday night and I can sleep in tomorrow, you’re fine to call me anytime up to
midnight, ok?”

“Thanks, I really appreciate it.”
I planted a kiss on his cheek and shot out of the truck before he got even more
emotional at the sight of me in a dress. It wasn’t often that I wore them,
always preferring my jeans and sneakers or flip-flops. It was three-quarter
sleeved, closely fitted, and stopped just above my knees. It continued my black
and white theme, as it was a houndstooth pattern. I’d put on a pair of tight, knee-high,
black suede boots. They had a good heel on them, making me a lot taller, which
I needed on a date with Josh. I was only five-six barefoot, and Josh was six
feet, one inch shorter than Nate. Tonight I was at least five-ten and, for the
first time in my life, I felt feminine and sexy. I’d even put on some eyeliner
and used my straighteners to give my hair some large, voluminous waves. Mom had
almost cried when I’d gone upstairs to do a twirl.

I smiled as I saw Josh waiting
for me, leaning back against one of the brick pillars that separated the panes
of glass of the Italian restaurant he was taking me to for dinner. I’d
chastised him over the phone when he called to tell me where to meet him, as I
knew it wasn’t cheap here. It was where he waited tables. But he insisted that
his manager had told him that since he worked so hard, he’d let us eat for
free, as long as we paid for our drinks. That had reassured me immediately, and
I was pleased we were eating, because Josh knew how much I loved my food. My
appetite was nowhere near as big as his, but I could eat most girls under the
table. He straightened up and his jaw dropped as he saw me, making me blush. He
looked amazing. He was in a pair of really dark blue jeans, with a pale blue
dress shirt and a navy double-breasted jacket. He’d even put some gel in his
hair, trying to tame and coax his unruly locks into some kind of neater style.
I’d never say, but I preferred his natural wild-haired look. That was the Josh
I knew. Regardless, there was no denying how handsome he looked.

“You look gorgeous,” he breathed
as he gave me a quick once over. I smiled. If that had been Nate, it would have
been a slow, lustful inspection. Josh was fast and respectful.

“So do you, I like this on you,”
I grinned, as I grabbed his jacket lapels and gave them a gentle tug. “Hey,” I
greeted as I kissed his cheek.

“Hey,” he responded, giving me
one in return, a gentle sigh brushing across my cheek as he pulled back. “Hungry?”

“Please, this is me you’re
talking to. I’m so glad you knew to put food at the top of the agenda tonight.”

“Great. When you say agenda, it
sounds like you’re viewing this as a business transaction.”

“Sorry,” I smiled, linking my arm
through his. “But in fairness, I have no idea what the plan is. All you told me
was to dress up for dinner. I didn’t even know where until you texted me the
name of the restaurant when we were ready to leave, and you refused to tell me
what we’re doing after.”

“A man has to have some secrets,”
he grinned as we walked the few steps to the door, then he swept it open for
me. I let go of his arm and stepped in, breathing in the delicious aromas.
I thought as I looked around while we waited for the maître d’ to finish his
call. This wasn’t your usual Italian bistro that the family might pop into
mid-week. There were no green, red, and white checked tablecloths in sight. The
ceilings and tablecloths were a stark, dazzling white, almost as reflective as
snow. The deep, rich scarlet walls were a total contrast, adding a sense of
warmth to the modern interior. Plush padded fabric chairs were in alternating
shades of red and white, and each table was separated from the next by a
shimmering string of warm white LED lights that formed a curtain, giving each
set of diners a sense of privacy.

“Mr. Hudson and Miss Torres,
welcome to Rossi et Bianchi. Please follow me to your table.”

Josh just smiled when I gave him
an impressed look. This was the sort of restaurant I’d expect in San Francisco,
not Boulder City. Josh insisted on taking over from the maître d’ as we reached
our table for two, set with sparkling glasses and mirror-shine silver cutlery,
and held my chair out for me, then flicked my white napkin over my lap. He took
his seat and I took a deep breath, a little taken aback at how lovely this all
was. There was a small glass bowl in the middle of the table, filled with red
water, which had white orchid petals floating on it and a solitary flickering tea
light candle.

“Josh, this is just beautiful,” I
exclaimed softly, reaching over the table to squeeze his hand. “I don’t know
what to say. I mean, you know me, I’d have been happy with a juicy cheeseburger
from the drive-thru,” I stated, making him laugh. My love of the heart attack
burger, fries, and ice cream milkshakes there was already legendary. “But this
is … wow. I feel so special.”

special, Sky. I
wanted to show you how you deserve to be treated.”

“You’re too sweet.” I let go of
his hand and fidgeted with my napkin.

“What would you like to drink?
Ricardo will be over in a minute to take our drink order and give us some bread
and dipping oils to eat while we look at the menu.”

“Hmmm, I think champagne, to
celebrate the day I met the wonderful Hudson boys and somehow ended up here,” I
grinned. He laughed, knowing I was teasing him. Even if the legal age to drink
wasn’t twenty-one, neither of us would want it. “Why don’t you order my drink?”
I suggested.

“You’re trying to test me. I’ll
pass, I know it will be an apple juice with ice,” he stated correctly.

“And yours will be a chilled
with no ice.”

“Who’s trying to impress who here?”

“So, I guess we can skip the
whole getting-to-know-each-other part of the date.”

“We can,” he agreed. “I think we
know each other better than most married couples.”

“We get along better than most,

“I say we skip to the baby-making
part of the relationship then.”

“Josh Hudson!” It was my turn for
my mouth to drop open. Of all the things I’d expected out of his mouth, it had
never been that. Nate saying something like that, yes, but Josh? Hell no. He
burst out laughing and crossed his arms over his chest.

“Just wanted to show you that I
can still surprise you, no matter how well we might know each other.”

“Oh, you surprised me alright.
You’ve been hanging out with Nate too much.”

“Or maybe I’m just growing up and
discovering who I am. I’ve always been Nate Hudson’s kid brother. It’s time
people started seeing me for me, Josh Hudson, in my own right.”

“You’ve always been that to me,
Josh. I told you that some time ago. You’re in no way inferior, and it makes me
so happy that you’re finally starting to realize that and come out of your

“There was no incentive to before,”
he replied, giving me a poignant look. Our conversation was cut short as
Ricardo came to deliver the menus and took our drink order, then returned with
a wooden platter with different types of freshly baked bread and little white
pots of flavored oils, that Josh talked me through as our conversation turned
to our vacation plans.


“Please tell me you didn’t book
the Bootleg Canyon skyline trip?” I groaned, as we stepped out of the
restaurant into the cool night air. I was stuffed. I’d had calamari for my
starter, seafood pasta for my main, and the most divine raspberry panna cotta,
not to mention about half a loaf of bread before the meal.

“No, despite knowing you’ve been
wanting to go on that forever. I don’t have a car. There was no way I was going
to ask Nate to drive us up there on our date, and a taxi there and back was too
expensive, and so were the tickets!”

“I’m so glad you’ve been sensible
and not stretched yourself. I told you all it wasn’t about trying to impress me.”
I looped my arm through his as we started to walk.

“I have to try now?” He quirked
an eyebrow at me, his deep dimple coming into play.

“Never. Listen, Josh, I know
we’re on our date, but I can’t not ask any longer. Is Billy ok? I haven’t heard
from him all day.” I chewed my lower lip as Josh sighed and went to run his
hand through his hair, then quickly dropped it to his side when he remembered
it was styled.

“He’s having a bad day. Nate’s
got him at our house, so he can watch him and Ma at the same time.”

“I can’t believe what the two of
you do for your mom and Billy. Does Billy ever help you guys out? Offer to
watch your mom, or … or give you any money to help around the house, or with
Nate’s gas?” I may have promised not to divulge the fact that he had money to
spare, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t test the water to see if he repaid all
of the kindness Josh and Nate showed to him.

“No, he has enough on his plate
without the added hassle of a drunken aunt. And even if he had spare money to
offer, which he doesn’t, it’s not like we’d accept it. He’s family. There are
no repayable favors when it comes to family.”

“Is he dying?” I felt a lump in
my throat. Angry as I felt about Billy’s selfishness, worried as I was that he
seemed to have quite an aggressive side to him, I didn’t want to hear that he
was on borrowed time.

“No, he’s not, unless he pushes
Nate’s buttons too far tonight,” Josh laughed. “Why would you ask that?”

“Well, no one tells me what’s
wrong with him, and there’s obviously something
wrong. I’ve come to
the conclusion that he has brain tumors, which cause the headaches and mood
swings, and they can be fatal. The thought worries me sick.”

“Oh Sky!” Josh came to a
standstill, moved in front of me, and clasped my face as he shook his head. “Sometimes
I think I know you so well, it’s like you’re a part of me. Then you go and say
something like that and surprise me. I had no idea you were worrying about him.”

“Of course I am. I worry about
all three of you. You must know how much I care about you all.” My eyes moved
back and forth across his face as a sad expression settled on it.

“Yeah, I know how much you care.
of us. But you care for one of us more than the others, don’t

“I … I don’t know what you’re
trying to say,” I whispered, trying to stop my bottom lip from trembling at the
realization that this was it. He was asking for confirmation. And once he got
it, there’d be no going back. Maybe I didn’t know him as well as I thought, because
I hadn’t expected this tonight. I thought I’d be allowed to finish my date
tomorrow before I had to say it.

“Yes, you do, Sky.”

I felt a strange
sensation in my eyes and blinked, wondering what was happening. They were
prickling and burning. As he gazed down at me, a depth of emotion in his moist
eyes, I suddenly realized that this strange sensation was me fighting tears. I
didn’t cry. Sky Torres was
a crier. Except for now. Did this moment
really rank up there with the pain of seeing my beloved teddy bear being

“It’s ok,” he said softly. “I
already knew. I think I’ve always known, but I tried to deny it, to hope that
it wasn’t true.”

“How?” I choked, quickly gritting
my teeth as I battled to stop the salt water from leeching down my cheeks at
the thought of the pain I was causing him, and me.

“I know how much you care for me,
Sky, but the way you look at Nate, it’s obvious. You look at him and it’s like
you’re looking at the love of your life. When you look at me,” he shrugged with
a sad smile, “it’s like you’re looking at the little brother you love and want
to take care of.”

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