Traitorous Heart: #7 (The Traitorous Heart Series) (3 page)

BOOK: Traitorous Heart: #7 (The Traitorous Heart Series)
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“Why don’
you come home with me?” Cage asked as I filled out the paperwork for my release from the hospital.

My first thought was to say no to him. Cage and I had become close but we were nowhere near the moving in together stage. But when I thought about going back to my apartment I got sick. The idea of being alone in the place where Chloe had nearly killed me… it terrified me. Still all my stuff was there. My life. At some point I’d have to face it.

Cage sat on the bed. “I want to be able to take care of you. What if you need help?”

It was true. I couldn’t pull up my underwear after going to the bathroom. My parents had asked me to come stay with them, but I couldn’t. I needed to be here when Birdy got out of jail.

Otherwise everything I’d been through would’ve been for nothing. I had to see her face as a free woman. “I don’t want to be a bother,” I finally said.

Cage patted my hand. “You won’t be.”

“Maybe for a day or two,” I said, grateful for his offer.

“Good.” He pulled out his phone and called to have his driver meet us at the front entrance.

At that moment the doctor came in along with his nurse. She took my paperwork.

“You need to wear this sling until you go see your regular doctor in a couple of weeks. The less you move it, the better.” The doctor carefully cuffed it over my arm and then secured it around my neck. “Here’s a prescription for pain medication. You don’t have any allergies, correct?” His gray eyes peeked over the top of his brown reading glasses.

“That’s right,” I said with a nod.

“Good.” He ripped the paper from the pad and handed me the prescription. “You’ll need to change the bandage on your neck daily. Try not to get the area wet.” As he spoke, he pulled back the bandage, grunted, and then resealed it over my wound. “Everything looks good there.”

The nurse handed be a package filled with white gauze, bandages, and tape.

“Any questions?” the doctor asked.

I tried to think of something, but he’d been thorough. “No, I’ve got it.”

The doctor’s face softened. “You’re going to be fine.” I sensed he wanted to say more, but professional courtesy prevented him from doing so. 

I swallowed back the sudden rush of emotion that’d welled up in my chest. “Thank you.”

He went to the door. “You’re welcome.” He pulled it open and the nurse went out. “We’ll take you to the entrance.”

The nurse returned in with a wheel chair.









We stoppe
by my apartment on the way to his. Cage went up along and collected some clothes. Then we stopped at a pharmacy and he had my prescription filled. After that he stopped at a local café and picked up some soup and croissants. By the time we entered his apartment I was exhausted.

“Want to lie down?” Cage asked.

“Sure.” The truth was I felt like I could close my eyes where I stood and sleep there for a year.

“Come on. I’m going to run a bath first.”

The idea of cleaning my body seemed like it take too much effort. I didn’t have it in me to do anything but sleep.

“I’m so tired,” I said, grabbing hold of the railing for effect.

Cage wrapped an arm around my waist and helped me walk to his bedroom and then into his bathroom. I glanced in the mirror and realized why he wanted me to take a bath. Even from the other side of the room I could see flecks of dried blood on my face and arms.

I realized I did want to get cleaned up.

“You won’t have to do a thing. I’ll do all the work.” His jaw clenched and I realized it was hard for him to see me still covered in blood.

“Okay.” I sighed. Cage helped me over to a chair. I sat and watched while he turned on the water, tested it for temperature, and then poured a vial of something in it.

After several moments I realized he’d put lavender oil in the tub. The aroma was immediately soothing. “How are you such a good guy?” I asked when he came over and began undressing me.

“You bring out the best in me, I think.” He smiled sweetly.

I reached out with my good arm and touched his face. “I’m glad.”

He pulled off my shoes, helped me out of my sling, then my clothes. He folded them and set them on the counter near the sink.

His eyes appraised my naked body and I wondered what he saw. Was I gross? I hadn’t really eaten in a few days. Did the lack of sustenance show on my form?

Cage took my hand and helped me step into the large tub. The water was warm and I sank within happily. “Careful of your stitches,” Cage said.

I stopped when the water reached my armpits. There was a bandage over the place where I’d been shot, just above my breast. I could feel I had an identical bandage on my back as well. The bullet had gone through my back first and come out the front. A memory of the bullet ripping through my skin hit me and I sucked in a breath.

“Mind if I get in with you?” Cage whispered the question softly against my ear. He was a distraction and I was grateful.

“Are you trying to get freaky with the wounded girl?” I asked, teasing, even as my body shivered with anticipation.

He touched the skin along the back of my neck. “It’ll make it easier to wash you if I can get close.”

I shivered again. “Then by all means, get in here.”

I heard him unbutton his shirt, unzip his pants and slide off his shoes. Then he stepped in. I watched, admiring his cut abs and well-defined arms and chest as well as his finely toned thighs and glorious cock. It wasn’t fully hardened, but it was getting there.

I smiled. “You’re hot.”

“So are you,” he said, coming over to me. “Close your eyes. Let me make you feel good.”

I did as he said, listening as he squeezed some body wash on a corral loofah. He started with my right arm, working the soap into a thick lather. Then he moved to my chest, carefully cleaning around my neck and the bullet wound on my shoulder. He was so tender I couldn’t help but relax. When he finished with my chest, he squirted some more body wash and his hands were suddenly on my breasts. I lifted up, pressing into his hands. His thumbs rubbed the tips of my nipples.

I shuddered with pleasure.

He moved down to my stomach and lower. I was sure the soap was gone but he pushed my thighs apart and ran his fingers along the slit of my pussy, his thumb finding my clit and massaging.

I opened my eyes. His gaze was on me. “You feeling relaxed?”

I bit my lip and let out a ragged breath. “Not really.”

“Do you want me to stop?”

I shook my head. “No fucking way.”

He smiled as his thumb continued to massage my clit. His other hand went under the water and he stuck a finger in my pussy.

I pushed against him. He moved in and out slowly. I kept my eyes locked on his as my orgasm built. “You want me come?” I asked.

“Yes, Dandelion. It’ll help you relax even further. Then you can sleep.”

“Can I sit on your lap?” I moved toward him as I spoke.

His seemed to think about it. “I don’t want you to strain yourself.”

“I won’t. You’ll take care of me.” I said the words and meant them.

He growled and pulled me onto his lap, adjusting so that my pussy sheathed his now completely hardened cock.

“God,” I sighed as his cock filled me up. I used my good arm to wrap my hand around his neck. Then I moved slightly, riding him, pressing myself deeper and deeper so that his cock felt like it was in my womb.

“Fuck, you feel good,” I said, watching his eyes.

Cage put his hands on my ass, spreading my cheeks, touching my ass hole, massaging gently.

The small movement sent my building orgasm cresting over the top and my pussy shuddered around him.

He smiled. “That’s my girl.” He started to lift me off, but I held fast.

“I want you to come, Cage.” I pressed a kiss to his lips, moving my pussy back and forth over his cock.

“It’s okay, Dandelion. I’m fine.”

I shook my head. He’d done so much for me I wouldn’t be deterred. I began to move faster and I could feel the tip of his cock rubbing the opening to my uterus.

Cage groaned. “You make it hard to say no, tiger.”

I smiled.

He placed one hand on my waist and helped me rock against his cock. His fingers twined with mine. He groaned again and I felt him orgasm. “Dandelion, I love you,” he whispered.









After ou
bath, Cage helped me dress and tucked me into his bed. I think I was asleep before he turned off the light.

During the night I woke a couple of times looking for Cage and each time I realized I was alone in his bed.

From what I’d learned of Cage I realized he was probably trying to give me space, allow me to take up as much of the bed as I wanted, but I was used to sleeping in a single, and I was worried about him.

“Cage,” I called at six in the morning, climbing out of bed. My shoulder throbbed. I needed another dose of painkiller.

I heard him run up the few short stairs. “You all right?” He nearly ran into me.

“Yes. Are you?”

A quick appraisal of him showed he’d changed into sweatpants and a tee shirt at some point during the night.

“I’m fine. Why are you out of bed? What do you need? I can get it for you.” His face was scruffy and his short hair seemed ruffled.

I smiled at him appreciatively. “I need another pain pill and some water.” There was a glass on the nightstand next to my side of the bed and I picked it up, showing him it was empty.

“Let me get it,” he said, taking the glass from my hand. He left the bedroom and I debated, but finally decided to follow him. I wasn’t an invalid after all.

Cage crossed the living room. I noticed the news was on, but the volume was down. I glanced over just as a picture of Griffin flashed on the screen. A remote sat on the coffee table and I used it to turn up the sound.

“… the lead singer of the hot new band Crushed Velvet was shot in the head yesterday during the filming of their first music video…”

I felt myself sinking to the floor and I couldn’t make myself stop. “Oh my god,” I whispered over and over. “Griffin.” I heard myself moaning. Not him too.

The news anchor went on. “The rocker was rushed to Good Samaritan hospital in critical condition. We’ll keep you updated on his condition.” The blond news woman paused and smiled before going on. “Is Kim Kardashing pregnant again? Find out after the break.” 

“He’s alive,” I said, wiping my face. Relief flooded through my body. He wasn’t dead. She’d said he was in critical condition. That wasn’t good, but it meant he wasn’t dead.

“Griffin.” An irresistible need to go to him overtook me. I couldn’t explain why. Sure he’d saved me, in more ways than one. He’d prevented Chloe from killing me, but he’d also protected me from my doomed relationship with Reid.

I wasn’t naïve. I knew Griffin was an asshole prone to fuck every girl he came in contact with, but at the moment none of that mattered. I had no intention of marrying him or even having a romantic relationship with him again. “I need to see him.” I used the coffee table to help myself stand, forgetting about my shoulder. When the weight of my body pressed against my wound I cried out.

Cage helped me to my feet. “Careful, Dandelion.” He put his arm around my waist and helped me to the couch. “Take these.” He handed me the pain meds and the water.

“Thank you.” I quickly swallowed the pills.

Cage took the glass and placed it in the sink. Then sat beside me. “Are you sure it’s a good idea to travel three thousand miles to see Griffin? With your neck and your shoulder and the bigger issue.”

I gave him a questioning glance.

“Chloe didn’t act alone. The mastermind behind the killings is still out there. It seems like too much of a coincidence that Griffin has been shot suddenly. Someone wants you all dead. I don’t imagine he’s changed his mind about your need to die because Chloe failed.”

“I know,” I agreed. “You’re right.” I turned to face Cage on the couch. “But I have to go anyway.”

Cage’s face fell, but he nodded.

I took his hand in mine. “It isn’t because I want to get back together with him. It doesn’t have to do with anything romantic or sexual.” I shook my head. “I really don’t understand my reasons, but I feel like if Griffin is going to survive this, he needs me to be there.” I laughed bitterly. “That probably sounds narcissistic.”

Cage squeezed my hand. “I won’t pretend to get it, but I meant what I said last night.” He paused and I remembered his words. He’d said he loved me.

We’d been having sex so I hadn’t put much weight into his words. Now though, as he looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes, I realized he meant what he said.

My heart melted.

Cage went on, “I’ll support you. If you feel like you need to go, then that’s what you’ll do.”

I pulled his hand to my mouth and kissed the tips of his fingers. “Thank you,” I said, closing my eyes, wondering how I’d been so lucky to find a man like Cage.

He leaned in, taking my face in his hands and kissing me. It was more urgent than last night, more needy. I responded as forcefully as I could, pushing my tongue in his mouth.

“Dandelion,” he whispered, carefully kissing the bandage on my throat.

Using my good arm, I yanked off his tee shirt, freeing his gorgeous upper body, and ran my fingers along his back.

All I wore was one of his oversized tee shirts and a white thong. The shirt was white with Mets written across the front in navy blue. Cage’s fingers found my nipples. He pinched and teased until I moaned, arching into him. Pain from my shoulder radiated along my left side, but I ignored it. Cage pulled the shirt over my head so that I sat in front of him in only my thong.

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He brushed my bottom lip with his thumb.

I believed him, but still felt a little insecure, especially since the doctor had said the cut on my neck would scar. “Even with all of my war wounds,” I said with a small laugh.

He gave me a serious look. “Yes. In fact you’re even more beautiful now.” He took my hand and we went to his room. Then he helped me step out of my thong. It was easy to see he had a huge hard on. His cock pushed against the gray sweatpants, begging for its release. I obliged, pulling at the elastic band and pushing them off.

His cock was huge and delectable. I wanted to take it in my mouth, suckle and caress until he squirted his orgasm all over me. I stared to bend toward him, but Cage shook his head, pulling me up.

“No. Let me pleasure you.” He helped me lay on the bed so that my ass rested on the edge. Then he spread my legs. “Stunning,” he said, kneeling in front of me.

I tried to lift my head so that I could watch but it hurt my neck too much.

“Relax,” Cage said. He spread my pussy slightly and pressed his lips to my clit.

I gasped at the immediate rush of pleasure. His tongue circled my clit then ran down my slit and pushed inside my pussy. He rocked in and out a few times before running his tongue from my pussy opening to my ass opening and back again. The feeling was new and feral. My body responded to him hungrily. He did that a few more times before his tongue found my opening and he pushed inside once again.

“God, Cage. That feels so good,” I moaned, pinching one nipple between my finger and thumb.

“I know, tiger. That’s what I want. To make you feel good.” His tongue ran up to my clit and his fingers took his tongues place in my pussy. First one finger and then two, three and then four until even his thumb was inside my pussy. He moved his hand in and out, slowly pumping while his tongue worked its magic on my clit. My orgasm erupted hard and fast. I grabbed hold of the covers and moaned, “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”

Cage pulled his hand from my pussy and brought his fingers to his lips, sucking and tasting. “Delicious,” he said, positioning himself so that his cock could slide inside. He grabbed his cock with one hand and pushed inside, pulled out and used the tip to massage my clit. He was huge and wet and the feeling was amazing.

He did that several times: pushing inside, pulling out and massaging my clit. The effect caused my body to tense as another orgasm started to build.

Cage took my legs and put them on his shoulders. Then he pulled me a little more off the bed and more fully onto his cock. With a swirling motion he moved in and out.

It felt so good, so right. “Oh god,” I moaned, glancing at Cage. His eyes held mine. They were full of intensity.

“My sweet Dandelion.” Cage moved faster and I grabbed the covers to hold myself steady. “You ready to come again?”

I barely nodded, my breath coming faster and faster. When I was nearly there Cage pulled out and moved his cock to the opening of my ass.

I opened my eyes, watching. He pressed against the opening but didn’t push inside. Taking his time he moved against the opening slowly. It felt amazing and my body responded, opening to him, until his cock slid in. The feeling was one of pain and exquisite pleasure. He stopped a moment. “Does it hurt?”

“A little,” I admitted. “But don’t stop.”

He nodded and slowly began to push deeper inside. As he went, his thumb massaged my clit.

A guttural moan came out of me. Cage watched my face, the intensity of his gaze held me fast.

“Holy fuck, Dandelion. You are amazing. I’m all the way in.” He held there a moment, allowing me to adjust to his thickness. And then he began massaging my clit with more force as he moved his cock in and out of my ass.

“Fuck, that feels good.”

I closed my eyes, working toward understanding if I thought it felt good or not. The truth was it did. So fucking good I could barely stand it. The feeling was different. More instinctual, more down and dirty.

As he moved his thumb on my clit faster and faster he slammed his cock in my ass faster and faster and something changed. The feeling of kind of good changed to holy fucking hot and my body was suddenly racked with an orgasm so strong it was like nothing I could’ve imagined.

“Oh my god,” I moaned, moving my body against his. I wanted him deeper and deeper.

When his orgasm came he yelled out. I felt his whole body shudder with the force of it. Then he slowed and gradually pulled out. “How was that?” he asked, helping me stand.

“Amazing,” I admitted.

“Good,” he responded. “Now let me help you clean up and then we’ll see about getting you a ticket to Los Angeles.”

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