Trapped in Time-Extinction (2 page)

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Authors: Saxon Andrew

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Alien Invasion, #First Contact, #Galactic Empire, #Genetic Engineering, #Hard Science Fiction, #Military, #Space Fleet, #Time Travel, #Teen & Young Adult, #General

BOOK: Trapped in Time-Extinction
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The huge ship turned across the wind and began tacking to the south. The roar of the cannons continued but the shells were falling far behind them. The Admiral smiled and could see in his mind what was happening in the Commandant’s chamber.

• • •

“What do you mean his family can’t be found?!”

“The slave at their home said they were visiting some friends in Northwick. They didn’t know the address. I had the defense force move in and every home was visited. They are not anywhere to be found, Sire.”

“Sire, the Admiral has left the harbor and has set sail.”

“How was he able to get a crew so fast?”

“Sire, my source says they moved on the ship while he was still here meeting with you.”

“Who were they?”

“They were the crew and warriors that came back with him.”

“BLAST THAT SHIP OUT OF THE WATER!” No one moved and the Commandant pulled his gun out of his holster and shot the Lead Commander in the head, “NOW, DAMN YOU!”

The Sub-Admiral ran out of the room and ordered the rockets launched. The Commandant sat down in his chair and knew the family was on board that ship. He cursed himself for not executing that Admiral when he returned. He waited and, finally, a Warrior Commander entered and said, “Sire, they were out of cannon range. They upped the charges to get more distance but were still unable to hit the ship. Six of the cannons blew up due to the additional heavy charges. They really tried to carry out your order, Sire.”

The huge warrior lowered his head and stood without fear. The Commandant knew anyone that brought bad news to him usually died. This warrior was not afraid. “What’s your name?”

“Liam, Sire.”

“You are the new Commander of my ground forces. Make sure we’re ready if we’re attacked.”

The warrior looked at the Commandant and lowered his head, “Yes, Sire. It will be done.”

“Everyone get out of here!” The room cleared and he slammed his fist against his chair arm. He was still no closer to finding out what had happened. He slammed the arm again and winced in pain.

• • •

Striker stared ahead as his mate came out of the Captain’s quarters and put her arms around him. She held him and he felt her fear. “Don’t worry, my love.” She looked up at him and he stared into his eyes, “The coming storm is the thing I worry about most. Those that we seek will not be like us.”

“Do you think they will accept us?”

Striker looked up, “They did once. I’m sure they’ll do it again.”

“Why do you now want me to call you Striker instead of Slayer? That’s the name you’ve earned over the years.”

“Striker stared out at the sea and shrugged. After a moment passed he looked at his mate, “I hope the days and events that earned me that name are over. I’m ashamed of it now.”

His mate nodded and put her head on his chest. She had seen a difference in him since he had returned from the last voyage.

• • •

On the fourth day out, the sky grew dark in the west. The Admiral saw multiple lightning flashes and shook his head. The seas were still rough, but not as rough as they were after the third storm. “Furl the sails and get the sea anchors out.”

“Yes, Sire.”

The Admiral watched the crew move to their positions as the bow sailors released the sea anchor. The ship came to a stop and began backing away in the westerly wind. It fell off and the anchor was played out. The ship came to a stop just as the first windblasts arrived. “Tie everything down and lock the hatches. The Admiral moved to his cabin and felt the ship ride the first large wave. His fate was now in the hands of the storm.

• • •

The Commandant looked at his Fleet Admiral and wasn’t happy at what he was saying. “What do you mean you can’t send another ship out after the one that escaped?”

“Sir, the clouds to the west indicate another storm is quickly approaching. It appears to be as bad as the three that preceded it.”

“Do you think the first ship will make it through?”

“I sincerely doubt it, Sire. This storm appears to be the worst one yet.”

The Commandant stared at the Admiral and started to order the next ship to be sent anyway but a wind squall blew against the building and three windows blew open. The wind howled as slaves rushed to close them. The temperature dropped ten degrees in less than five minutes and the Commandant knew the Admiral was right. This storm was going to be trouble. “Hold the ships in port and prepare the fleet for the storm.”

“Yes, Commandant.” The Admiral turned to leave as four more windows blew open. The Commandant knew the ship that escaped would not make it through the storm. He heard a window crash against the wall and he stood to leave for his quarters.

Chapter Two

arvey walked out of the Holy Cave and looked up at the sky. The sun was peaking over the cliff and he could see blue skies mixed in with the quickly moving black clouds. It had been a difficult season. It seemed that as soon as one storm passed, another was on the way. He had reports that more than fifty ships were damaged even though they were anchored in the harbor north of the community. He was thankful Zeck had warned them about the coming storm before the fleet had been launched. He questioned Zeck’s motivations but after the fact, he probably saved thousands of lives with his warning.

Harvey took in a deep breath and saw the warriors were going up in their gliders. Good weather to fly had not been available for several months. He saw Maxius working with Zeck teaching him how to buckle on a glider and release it. Zeck had petitioned the council to allow him to learn how to fly and they had begrudgingly allowed it. Harvey knew Zeck had a mission to save a particular slave in the Destroyer’s city and learning to fly a glider was going to be necessary for him to make that happen. Andy had felt that he would be more help if he remained with the fleets to help command their attack.

Harvey saw Andy and Melody walking up the slope. They stopped and spoke with Maxius and he called over another warrior to work with Zeck. He looked at the gate and saw Mark come through it and start moving up the hill. He sighed and knew Andy was calling the council together to plan something. It was probably the attack on the Destroyers. He knew they had lost the element of surprise and soon they would lose the benefit of the wind. It was due to shift back to the East soon. Melody was showing her pregnancy. That was good news. The community would have a successor if something happened to Andy.

Andy, Melody, and Maxius arrived and Andy said, “Do you have some time to discuss some issues?”

Harvey nodded toward the fire pit, “I want to sit outside if you don’t mind. I’ve missed good weather.”

Andy looked up and smiled, “I think we’re all thankful for a break in the storms.” He took Melody’s hand and turned toward the logs surrounding the fire pit. “Harvey, you don’t look like you want to discuss anything.”

“I don’t. A day like this is rare lately and I want to enjoy it before I’m presented something to cause me to worry.”

Andy tilted his head, “You think the issues will cause you to be stressed?”

“If it were just you and Melody, I wouldn’t be worried. But you’ve called in Maxius and Mark. That tells me it has to do with going to war.”

Andy blew out a breath, “Well, yes and no.”

Harvey’s eyes narrowed, “Oh? How so?”

Mark arrived at that moment and Andy said, “Why don’t we all sit down and enjoy this moment.” Harvey nodded and sat down on the sand and leaned back against a log. Melody opened a bag she was carrying and began passing out some sweetbread she had made. Harvey sent one of his Priests to the cave and he returned with drinks for everyone. The five of them ate the bread and watched the hundreds of warriors circling overhead grow to thousands as the fliers took to the sky. Andy watched them and saw how good they were at maneuvering and avoiding other fliers. None of them were wearing their camosuits so they could be easily seen against the clouds rushing across the sky toward the East.

Finally, Mark looked down and said, “Why did you want this meeting, Andy?”

Andy forced his gaze away from the sky and said, “I expect one more person to arrive. Why don’t we wait for them to get here?”

Harvey started to ask who was coming but saw Annelise come through the gate. She started up the slope and stopped where Zeck was practicing releasing and retracting the glider. She spoke to him and he took off the glider pack and joined her walking up the hill. They arrived and Andy smiled, “Sit down and take a load off your feet.” They nodded and Melody stood and gave them some sweetbread. The Priest gave them a water pouch and they began eating. Andy looked at Harvey, “It looks like the weather has broken and the storms are ending.” He turned to Annelise and Zeck and said, “Am I right about that?”

Annelise shrugged, “Zeck would know more about that than I do. Four storms is the most I’ve ever seen during a Maelstrom.”

Andy’s eyes widened, “What is a Maelstrom?”

Zeck swallowed the bread he was chewing and said, “It’s the term used to describe a series of three or four violent storms that follow each other closely. It doesn’t happen often; usually once every ten years or so. However, they are deadly for anyone caught out on the ocean when they come.”

Andy nodded, “We’ve just had the fourth one to pass. Does that mean it’s over?”

Zeck looked at Annelise and turned back to Andy, “I’ve never seen more than four; however, the last storm was stronger than it should have been if it was the last.”

Annelise nodded, “I thought about that as well, Zeck. The last storm is usually much weaker than those that preceded it.”

Harvey groaned, “Are you saying we will have another storm?”

Zeck shook his head, “I’ve never seen more than four.”

Andy looked at him, “Would you bet your life that there won’t be another?”

Zeck looked at Andy, “I’ve also never seen the fourth storm to be as strong as the one that just passed. I wouldn’t risk that the last storm was the final one.”

Andy nodded and stared at the two former destroyers. “How long will it be before the wind shifts to the East?”

“Less than a month.”

Harvey looked at Andy, “What are you thinking?”

Andy looked at Melody and then turned to Harvey, “All of you know I was determined to get the fleet sailing immediately after we defeated the Destroyer Fleet and ground forces.” He turned to Zeck, “I want to thank you for the warning about the coming storm. I really believe we would have lost every ship along with everyone on board if we had sailed. I was determined to strike quickly because we would have the element of surprise. But we’ve lost that now. The Commandant knows something happened to his fleets and he’s had three months to prepare for an invasion. That coupled with the shift in wind makes me wary of launching an attack now.”

Maxius chuckled, “Now that’s a surprise. I’d have thought nothing would keep you from going to carry out your promise to personally kill that Commandant.”

Andy shook his head, “You have no idea how much I want to do just that. But I won’t place our warriors in that much peril. We don’t know what sort of defenses we’ll have to face, we don’t know if another storm is coming, and the wind will be blowing against us before we arrive. As much as I detest doing it, I really think we should wait until the wind shifts back in our favor.” Everyone at the fire stared at Andy in stunned silence. Andy saw them and said, “Hey, I told you when I developed a plan to save Melody that I wouldn’t put the community in danger without a good plan.”

Harvey smiled, “We all thought you just said that to get us to go along with you to carry out Harmony’s dying request.”

Melody looked at Harvey, “I’m really thankful you agreed.” Harvey smiled and nodded.

Andy tilted his head, “I wouldn’t have taken the warriors if I thought they would have been in danger. I would have gone with a much smaller contingent to stampede the dinosaurs while I saved Melody. I wouldn’t have attacked their forces.” Andy looked at Melody, “If I had to do it alone, I would have made the effort.”

Maxius nodded, “And that’s why we agreed to do it. We all saw you were not going to stay away. However, now I can see that you really wouldn’t have put our fighters in danger if you didn’t have a workable plan. What about the current situation? Do you have a plan?”

“I have a plan but I’m not certain it would work without knowing what sort of defenses we would have to face. I’m concerned that there will be a massive loss of lives among the slaves being held by the Destroyers.”

Zeck said, “Why is that flier coming down so fast?”

Everyone looked up and saw a flier was coming down toward the fire pit at an incredible speed. Melody said, “That looks like Johnathan.” Andy nodded as the flier pushed the front edge of his glider up and furled it to a stop twenty yards from the fire pit.

Johnathan dropped the glider pack off his back and came running toward the group, “There’s a single Destroyer ship moving north along the coast seventy miles south of here.”

Andy looked at Zeck, who said, “The Commandant doesn’t know what happened to his fleet. He has no idea if it was successful in conquering you, losing to you, or being sunk by the storms. That ship must be a scout sent to find out. I’m genuinely surprised he sent it out during a Maelstrom.”

Johnathan nodded, “I think the ship has lost one of its masts. It evidently was caught out on the ocean during the last storm.”

Zeck looked at Johnathan, “Did you notice if the cannons were deployed on deck?”

“They were not.”

Andy looked at Zeck, “Why do you ask that?”

“If I were taking my ship into dangerous waters, I would keep the cannons ready for any eventuality. If they don’t have them deployed on deck, something is going on out of the ordinary.”

Andy nodded, “Thanks for telling me that. I was going to have the Fliers use their red beams to kill everyone on board.”

Harvey looked at Andy, “And what are you going to do now?”

Andy looked at Annelise, “How long will it take you to get a ship moving to meet it?”

Annelise looked at Johnathan, “Did you notice the skies to the West?”

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