Trapped in Time-Extinction (4 page)

Read Trapped in Time-Extinction Online

Authors: Saxon Andrew

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Alien Invasion, #First Contact, #Galactic Empire, #Genetic Engineering, #Hard Science Fiction, #Military, #Space Fleet, #Time Travel, #Teen & Young Adult, #General

BOOK: Trapped in Time-Extinction
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“We’re going to make sails out of them and cover the front and the rear of the ship in them. The only way they can be seen is from the sides. The plan is to sail the ship with what’s left of the Westerly wind just before it shifts. The ship will be sailed north of the Destroyers main city and the fliers will launch from there.”

“Andy, how are they going to land, grab this slave, and get out without being seen? You have no idea what kind of air currents exist around that city.”

“We’re going to send them with the new prop system our scientists have developed.”

“Is that wise? What if they’re captured?”

“Their glider packs have a self-destruct on them. They know the importance of not allowing that technology to fall into the destroyer’s hands.”

“And you’re comfortable with this?”

“No, I’m not. But Zeck has earned the right to try and we really need to know what we’re going to face when we attack. I don’t know if they’ll succeed but it’s worth the effort.”

Harvey stared at Andy for a long moment and said, “This won’t make Ophelia like him.”

“You’re probably right. But he says it is worth doing even if she doesn’t.”

“When are they leaving?”

“As soon as this storm clears.”

“I though those two said there was going to be another storm?”

“They did and they do expect another one in about three weeks. They hope to use it to get through the ships the Destroyers have out at sea. If they can get close enough before the next storm hits, the pickets will be called in to shore to ride out the storm and they’ll have a clear route.”

“There are a lot of ifs here. What if there isn’t another storm and what if it’s as bad as the last one?”

“They know the risks.” Andy shrugged, “They probably know them better than either of us but they think this is the best way to find out what’s going on.”

“Has Tamara agreed to this?”

“She’s not happy about it but she realizes that Rory has an incredible memory.” Harvey tilted his head and nodded. “Whatever he sees he’ll be able to remember and draw for us when he returns.”

“If he returns.”

“There is that.”

• • •

Ophelia ran down the pier and jumped over the ship’s gunwale. She looked around and rushed around the main deck. She heard someone yelling orders and she saw Zeck on the rear deck. She ran up the steps and grabbed Zeck by the shoulder and turned him around, “What is this I hear you’re doing?”

Zeck stared at Ophelia and saw she was angry, “I’m going to assist the community to scout out the defenses the Commandant is building to use against us.”

Ophelia stared at him for a long moment and then said, “So this rumor that you’re going to extract my younger sister isn’t true.” Zeck stared at her and remained silent. “IS IT TRUE!?”

“Ophelia, Steve tells us that when we invade, the slaves are going to be rounded up and placed in front of the Destroyer’s lines. There is a high probability that most of them will die.”

“What are you saying?”

“This mission is my idea and I’m going to make an effort to get her out before we invade.”


Zeck turned away from her and said, “I have work to do. We’re leaving shortly and you should go back on shore.”

“No, I’m going with you.”

Zeck turned around and Ophelia saw the sadness in his eyes, “No you’re not.”

Ophelia stared at him and then she understood what he wasn’t saying. “You don’t think you’ll survive this mission.”

“Ophelia, I don’t want the guards to be forced to carry you off this ship. You should leave.”

“Just tell me why you’re doing this and I’ll go.”

Zeck looked into her eyes and said, “I owe it to you. Now please go.” Zeck turned around and walked off the rear deck and went below ship. Ophelia watched him until he disappeared and she turned and ran to the main deck and off the ship. When Zeck emerged from below deck, Rory said, “She went back onshore.” Zeck nodded and went back to the rear deck. Rory shook his head and went to inspect the new glider packs. They were heavier than normal due to the electric motors used to power the small propeller. The three fliers had been practicing with them for a week in bad weather and needed more time but that was something they didn’t have. Rory saw Zeck’s expression and felt sorry for him. He really didn’t deserve Ophelia’s scorn.

• • •

Two hours later, the large ship moved away from the pier and headed out to sea. The rain was still falling but the worst of the storm had passed and the large ship followed it as it moved toward the east. Zeck realized that this was the first time he hoped another storm was coming. This was a different emotion for him. The ship set its sails and sped away from the pier. It chased the storm like a Raptor after a Cursor. They would come close but just couldn’t match the Cursor’s speed. Zeck set out after the storm but saw it pulling away.

Ophelia sat on the cliff and felt rain soaking her. She stared at the small figure at the steering wheel on the rear of the ship and felt a range of emotions. She wanted to hate him, she longed to hate him for what he had done to her…but she couldn’t drag it out. He had saved her life, but that didn’t excuse what he had done to her. Did it? She wept and felt despair followed by depression. He was going to die. She knew how dangerous the waters around the Destroyer’s City were and there was no chance he would live.

She hated and adored him simultaneously. She stayed at the cliff watching the ship until it disappeared. She was too weak to stand and continued to sit in the pouring rain. The community accepted her but kept their distance. Her brutality to him had made her a pariah. Everyone was nice and civil but they kept their distance. The only one that seemed to care about her had just sailed off trying to save her younger sister. She shook her head for an hour and then realized that he had done more than save her life. He had treated her better than he knew how. She forced herself to her feet and wished she had been able to thank him for all he had done. She stumbled up the hill and went to her quarters…alone.

• • •

The ship was flying and Zeck had several sails lowered to prevent the ship from catching up with the storm. The new sails were lighter than the cloth they replaced and they held the breeze better as well. The crew kept the sails trimmed and Zeck held the ship in the wind’s grip. He felt alive again. Sailing was something he did exceptionally well and he loved it. He was four weeks away from the land ruled by the Destroyers and soon the storm had out run them. The sky remained overcast with patches of blue peeking through occasionally and he kept looking for the next storm and one night it dawned on him: what if the next storm was also a violent one? If there had been five, why couldn’t there be seven? He began to worry that this voyage may be a big mistake. The ship continued heading east and he woke on the first day of the fourth week and saw the dark skies to the west. The next storm was approaching and it was coming fast. He rang the ships bell and roused the crew to the deck. “Get every sail out! We have to get close to land before this storm blows over!”

He looked at the horizon and saw the storm was not gaining on him once he had every sail out. The ship was flying over the water at a speed he had never approached before. He looked to the east and saw the sun moving above the horizon. He squinted and saw a large cloud rising high into the air. He shook his head and knew it had to be the volcano fifty miles to the east of the Destroyer’s main city. He turned the ship’s wheel and turned the vessel north. They had made the trip much faster than normal. They would be moving in close to land within twenty four to thirty six hours. He had to slow down and allow the storm to pass him. “Lower two sails.”

Rory came up on the deck and saw the dark skies in the west, “What’s going on?”

Zeck nodded behind Rory and said, “That cloud you see rising in the distance is a volcano fifty miles inland from the coast.”

Rory stared at it and said, “We’re almost there.”

“Yes we are and if we don’t wait for that storm behind us to pass, we may run into the pickets the Destroyers have anchored out from their domain. We also need to start moving north so we won’t be directly out from their city.” Rory stared at him and Zeck tilted his head, “I’ve never made this trip this fast. The new sails make a huge difference in speed.”

Rory nodded and leaned against the back rail. The ship slowed to eight miles an hour and the dark skies behind them began moving closer. The first black clouds were rushing overhead and they could hear thunder in the distance. Zeck kept glancing over his shoulder and watched for lightning. He began seeing occasional flashes lighting up the skies…but they weren’t as numerous as they would have been in a really violent storm. Thank the Creator this storm wasn’t going to be as bad.

The storm gained on them and it seemed it was on them faster than they expected. Zeck ordered the storm sails up as the first squalls blew up on them. The ship leaned but continued moving northeast. The downpour arrived and Zeck blew out a breath. He knew the pickets wouldn’t take a chance of remaining out to sea. They would move to the harbor and wait for the storm to pass. Rory stood up to move below deck and looked at Zeck, “Does this ship have a name?”

Zeck smiled, “Her name is ‘Storm Chaser.’”

Rory chuckled, “Now that’s an appropriate name for her.”

Zeck laughed and steered the ship north. He felt incredibly alive. He kept the ship in the mist of the storm and rode the waves. The crew stared at their ship commander and saw the gleam in his eye and the determined smile. The ship rolled and rode a new wave as it crashed over the bow.

The Storm Chaser moved inexorably forward while the Destroyer picket ships ran for the safety of their harbor. Zeck moved through the rough waters like he owned them. He finally saw the distant cliffs and yelled for the sea anchors to be dropped. He whipped the ship around and had the rear facing land as the second anchor was dropped and played out. The storm blew over and past the ship that was rolling on the waves. Night fell and the winds continued to blow into the next morning. The next evening the winds diminished and the Destroyer picket ships moved out of their harbor. The picket headed north passed the stern of the ship and never saw its camouflaged rear deck. Zeck finally turned the wheel over to Jamison and told Rory he should start his scouting quickly. The winds were going to shift out of the east soon after the storm blew over. Getting their gliders over the Destroyer city was going to become difficult once that shift happened.

Rory nodded and said, “We’ll be leaving at nightfall, Captain.”

Zeck nodded and stumbled into his quarters and was asleep before he managed to get out of his soaked clothes. Three members of the crew put dry clothes on him and allowed him to sleep. Jamison knew he had to keep the Storm Chaser’s stern pointed toward the northern Picket. He had the rear anchor pulled and used the storm sail to keep the stern pointed toward the distant cliffs.

• • •

Rory called Johnathan and Tyler over, “We don’t know what defenses the Destroyers have set up.” He looked at Tyler, “You have directions to the house of the slave?”

“I do.”

“Do not land inside the city’s buildings.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t know that this is something to worry about but there is a possibility that they may have determined that we attacked their fleets from the air.”

Johnathan’s eyes narrowed, “You think there might be structures above the city to stop us?”

“I don’t know, John. But we don’t know what we’re going to find. Just don’t take any chances.” Rory looked at Tyler, “You don’t need to worry about scouting. Get in and try to take the slave out. If it can’t be done, so be it. Johnathan and I will scout out the enemy’s positions.”

Tyler nodded, looked at John who nodded, and turned back to Rory, “How long do I have to make this happen. “We’ll be leaving in forty-eight hours. Do not allow the Destroyers access to your glider pack!”

“I understand, Sir.”

“Tyler, this is critical.”

“I’ll prevent it, no matter what the cost, Rory.”

Rory put his hand on Tyler’s shoulder and smiled, “I know you will. Let’s get moving.”

• • •

Tyler watched Rory and Johnathan lift off the stern deck and he waited for them to rise above the ship. He smiled and ran at his fastest speed toward the rail on the opposite side of the rear deck. He jumped and pushed off it with his right leg. He released his glider as he jumped and immediately began rising as he felt the wind blowing in his face.

Tyler weighed a hundred and fifty pounds and the powered glider was larger than the standard gliders. He rose quickly and saw he was rising faster than both Rory and Johnathan. He spiraled upward and turned toward the cliffs. He could see the lights in the distance from his altitude and he moved toward the lights at the north end of the city. He had the map Zeck had drawn taped to the wing above him and picked up speed as he flew toward the huge city. He hoped this slave wouldn’t prove to be a problem. He really liked and respected Zeck and decided that he wasn’t going to let him down. He turned back into the wind to gain altitude and turned back toward the city. There were low-level clouds passing under him as the storm played out and he flew below them to keep the north side of the city in view.

He looked at the map and saw the edge of the forest ran along the city’s eastern perimeter. He turned slightly and flew toward the northern most lights. The slave was located a mile south of those lights. He shook his head and corrected the glider’s path. The larger glider slowly turned and Tyler forced it back on course; it wasn’t as maneuverable as a standard glider. He made another correction and saw the cliffs moving quickly below him. The Storm Chaser was at the edge of the horizon as seen from the top of the cliffs and the five miles quickly passed. He arrived at the city and banked back out to sea. The winds had pushed him a quarter of a mile too far south and he worked his way higher until he was a half mile out from the buildings that marked the end of the city. He looked down at the sprawling city that expanded to the south and focused on the lights.

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