Trigger Happy (Girls with Guns, #2) (13 page)

Read Trigger Happy (Girls with Guns, #2) Online

Authors: Ashley Bostock

Tags: #girls with guns, #finance, #credit union, #dance competition, #Silver Slippers Saloon, #CEO, #Gun shy, #trigger happy, #handguns, #series, #sexy series, #concealed weapon, #contemporary romance, #accounting, #collections

BOOK: Trigger Happy (Girls with Guns, #2)
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“Are you teasing me? You’ve really never done this before?”

Her blue doe-like eyes bored into his, her bottom lip shined in the light from her incessant worrying, “I’ve never done this before.”

He was rock hard from the anticipation – from the mere conversation of it all. “You’ll like it. Try it. When I’m between your legs, I enjoy it just as much as you do. This is the same kind of thing. You will enjoy how good it will make me feel.”

She slowly wrapped her hand around the base of his cock. She situated herself on the bed, her bottom coming up in the air, “Like this?”

He might die from the excitement of knowing it was finally going to happen. It had been years since he’d experienced this. Years. He nodded his head, “Mmm-hmmm.”

He watched her, much too slowly, stick her tongue out and lick it. She looked into his eyes and then licked it again. Even slower, she opened her mouth and lowered it down onto his dick. Her warm mouth rode up and down his dick like a horse on a carousel. He knew it would be over rather quickly – it felt too good. That saying about forgetting what you were missing or forgetting how great something was until you experienced it again held true for him at this moment in time. He had clearly forgotten how amazing this felt.

Gage was brought out of his daydream by one of the auditors, Sara, knocking on his doorjamb. He casually tried adjusting his rising hard-on as inconspicuously as possible.

“Hey Gage, do you have a second?”

“Sure. What’s up?”

“You know all of those files we requested in the letter we sent for you guys to get ready? Well there are two in particular that caught my attention. Can I show you?”

Fucking great, “Sure, sit down.” Because there was nothing he would rather do than go through loan files.

“It was actually easy to miss,” she began, “when we were in here last year none of us noticed anything.”

She pulled open the documents, laying them on his desk for him to look over. He was familiar with these documents – they were from accounting. But they weren't what he expected to see. These were accounting’s actual accounting records for the credit union. Not loan files. These were documents of things that had been purchased from within. Gage took a deep breath and settled into his chair, dreading the conversation they were about to have.

“I see here where the credit union purchased computer equipment last year and where you guys expensed it. See.” She pointed to the entry to show Gage.

“Yes, I see that.”

“But then there are a number of entries throughout the year where other IT related purchases were capitalized. It's a little unclear why accounting is expensing some of the computer equipment and why they are capitalizing some.”

The first thing that came to Gage’s mind was what the amounts of these purchases were for. “How much are they all for? Because we don’t capitalize anything less than twenty-five hundred dollars.”

“Well, let's see.” Sara turned the page to check out the entries. “There’s at least,” she counted quickly, “twenty-one purchases that are between four thousand but no more than five. I see a few that are around three grand and then a few more under three. So in total we’re talking around eighty, ninety thousand. And that's within the past eleven, twelve months. Oddly enough, almost all the purchases are less than five thousand and wouldn't require your approval per your internal purchasing policies. But they are all over twenty-five hundred, which according to you, they should be capitalized. Correct?”

“That is correct. Brian, our IT Director doesn't have to get approval for purchases less than five thousand. But something isn't making sense here.” Gage leaned back in his chair.

“Those are my thoughts exactly. That is why I came to speak with you about it.”


inished with her Tiny Tots class, Amber headed home. As she walked inside she reflected on how she felt. Amber felt good. She actually felt very good. Mother Nature had been good to her lately. She had been harboring so many demons from the deaths of her parents, that somehow, winning that competition made her feel content in ways she hadn't since they had passed away. She knew she was being silly. It wasn't like
had won that contest. Her girls won it and they deserved it. But selfishly, winning it gave her a sense of freedom. She actually felt like her parents would be proud of her. This was what she had worked so hard for the past few years and it had finally paid off. They won! In Amber’s mind, this was the least she could do to make them happy –make them proud of her. After all, it was her fault they had gotten killed anyway. Had she not been so selfish in the first place, they would still be around.

This was the first time in a long time that she had thought about them and hadn’t begun to cry. That was a step, she thought. She brought her yoga mat out onto the patio and began with a few simple poses. Her mind began to wander to Gage.

Gage. If she could get her hands on him, that would seal her contentment. She wondered if she could just go into his office and tell him how much she wanted him and this time, she wouldn't turn him away. Would he listen to her? Would he think she was being a tease yet again? If his actions from the festival were any indication, he must not be too mad at her. You don't twirl someone around in a congratulatory fashion if you were pissed at them, did you? She didn't think so. But how good that had felt. His strong arms around her waist and his body pressed into hers while she could feel his breath on her ear. That had been thirty seconds of heaven before she went on stage. It had almost felt like he cared about her. That he wanted her to be happy.

She didn't care anymore about Gabriella’s warning speech about Gage. She hoped it wasn’t too late to change his mind. She had to have him. She had to feel his hard body all over hers. She had to enjoy the look in his eyes while she devoured him. She mostly had to have him inside of her, pronto.

Surly he would be okay with that, right? He was ready to do naughty things with her the other night. He was a guy – could he possibly change his mind that quickly? She desperately wanted to find him. Hopefully, he would be at work and she could proposition him there. Invite him to her house tonight. Would he accept? Maybe he would be so worked up by the idea he would shut his door and take her right there, right along the edge of his desk.

She squeezed her legs together in anticipation, enjoying the unmistakable feeling of arousal. If only Gage were here now. She began touching herself, her mind consumed with thoughts of only him. Lying on her patio soaking up the heat from the sunlight, she moaned in ecstasy as she brought herself to climax.

“I'm here to see Gage, is he available?”

“Let me check.” The young lady picked up her phone, mumbled something Amber was unable to make out and quickly hung up. “He is in his office.”


Amber made her way to his office, slightly nervous. She hoped her skinny jeans and flared gold tank top looked appealing enough for him to agree to come over tonight. The closer she got to his office, the faster her breathing became. Why was she this nervous? It wasn't like this was going to be a surprise to him. She slowed down as she reached his office. She rolled her eyes at the fact that she was so nervous, when only a short while ago she had waltzed in here like she owned the place – same goal in mind.

She walked inside his office. His back was to her. He was wearing grey slacks with a grey and white pinstriped shirt. The light color of his pants highlighted his amazing butt. For a moment, she couldn't speak. He turned toward her and for a moment they simply stared at each other. His heavy gaze bored into her. It was desire. This look she knew. There was that unmistakable feeling again between her legs. Dear God, how could this man do this to her without touching her?

“Hi,” she managed, “do you have a minute?”

“Sure. Come in. Why don't you shut the door behind you.” It was more of a statement than a question. Amber stepped inside and shut the door.

“Thanks. We can have a little privacy at least.” He sat down in his chair.

Privacy? Images of Gage taking off her skinny jeans and bending her over his desk, fluttered around in her head. Would he do that to her here? Right now? She could feel her cheeks flushing from her naughty thoughts. She sat down in the chair closest to his door.

“Look, about the other night at my were completely right. I was being a tease.” She took a deep breath, “Not intentionally. But ultimately. I am sorry about that.”

Gage didn't say anything. Please say something, she willed. They sat in silence longer than Amber cared for before Gage finally spoke.

“I’m sorry I called you a tease. That was a shitty thing to say. I have no idea what is on your mind or what you’re going through, so my apologies.”

“Where does this leave us?” she whispered.

“Amber, I'm not sure where this leaves us. What exactly do you want from me?” He picked up a nearby pen and began tapping it on his desk.

Before she could rationalize she blurted it out, “I want you. Just for tonight. All night. Will you come to my house after work? Would you be interested in that?” There. She said it exactly how she wanted it. She held her breath.

“I know you want more than just one night. Don't you, Amber?”

She did. She didn't want to admit it though for fear he’d turn her down. “This one night will do me just fine. What do you say?”

Gage studied Amber. He wanted her more than anything. He knew she wanted him, too. But beyond tonight, he wasn't sure what more he could give her. He knew if he let himself, he could easily give her everything she wanted. What was holding him back?

“What time do you want me to be there?” he asked.

“Seven. Come at seven.” She got up to leave.

“Amber? Please don't plan on this going any farther than tonight.” Gage stood up and went to her before she opened the door. He grabbed her hips and gently pushed her up against his door. “If it weren't for the auditors, I would take you right here, right now, and fuck you the way you deserve to be had.” He lowered his gaze to her tank top, presumably to her breasts and looked back into her eyes. He moved in and kissed her. Her head banged against the door and Gage Alexander, CEO’s tongue found its way into her mouth and left his mark of promise before he ushered her out.


age had had enough. It was 6:25 and he had agreed to be at Amber's house by seven. He had been so busy the rest of the day, he barely had time to think about her. Then when he did, he wasn't sure what to think. He knew if he gave in to her too much, he’d be toast. He knew that their interlude tonight would be great.  He just wasn't sure if he was ready to give her all the things most women wanted. Love. Relationship. Cuddles. He had done that before with his ex-wife and what had that netted him? He had been left high and dry with a lonesome heart. It was in his best interest to follow the whole one and done scenario just like before.

He couldn't wait to get his hands on her. Every time he was close to her, the intoxicating smell of her skin left him wanting more. Even when they were in the midst of conflict, his desire for her was too much. When she had basically called him an asshole, he had still wanted to ram himself inside of her and give her what she needed. He was somewhat proud of himself for showing so much restraint where she was concerned. But on the inside, he was far from restrained. No, on the inside he was...wishy-washy. Gage had learned from the military that having the right mindset to begin with, worked wonders. So as long as he told himself this wasn't going any further between them, despite what she wanted, it would go no further. Mentally prepare yourself for any surprises and the element of surprise wouldn't be so unexpected.

Instead of going home, he ran to the post office and stopped by the florist and headed straight to Amber’s. Just as he raised his hand to knock, her door swung open. Her blond hair was down, fanned around her shoulders. Instead of the denim jeans she had on earlier, she wore a black skin hugging mini skirt. She still wore the same shimmery gold tank top. Her feet were bare.

“Hi.” She was nervous; he could sense it immediately.


She smiled her megawatt smile, “No. Are you?”

“You can't lie to me. I can read you pretty well. Am I nervous?” he paused and thought about it. “A little. Can I come in? Here,” he thrust the flowers into her hand, “these are for you.”

A light shade of pink rose to her cheeks, “For me?” She tilted the bouquet to her nose, “they smell heavenly. Thank you so much. No one has ever-” She stopped what she was about to say and stepped aside and allowed him to enter. He brushed against her as he passed.

“You are welcome. I'm surprised you live in this big home all by yourself.” He gazed at the coffered ceilings and fancy woodwork that made up the entertainment center.

“The stars were aligned correctly that day. My horoscope was right-on the day I saw it. I couldn't live without it.”

Gage frowned, “You believe in that stuff? It holds no merit to anything. What does that kind of stuff do for you? What good does it do?”

“Here, please sit.” She pulled a barstool out at the kitchen counter. “You must be starved.”

She began taking plates down from the cupboard while she answered his questions. “Well I don't live my life exactly the way my horoscope reads but I do believe that our bodies are in tune with nature and therefore I believe Astrology holds some truth to matters. For example, now hear me out,” she warned as he began to speak, “imagine if at your job you knew someone based on their traits. Like Lisa, she is clearly a Libra. She is definitely a team player. She works well with others, right? She probably isn't manipulative or indecisive. She knows what she wants to get done and does it without conflict. If you knew that about people, dealing with them and getting what you want out of them, would make life much more simple. As with Lisa though, this is only what I've seen of her when she is dealing with my paperwork, mind you. But you would obviously know her better than I would.”

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