True Fate (32 page)

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Authors: Shayna Varadeaux

BOOK: True Fate
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"Savannah I will try to forgive you. I
really want to. I do love you and I am glad you're here and that you're safe.
I'm happy we're together again.” Avery said with a small smile, "I really
have missed you.” she added.


Savannah sighed in relief, "That's good
enough for me I have truly missed you too little sister.” she said giving Avery
a huge hug.


There was a light knock on the door and Savannah
told Avery, "Its Darragh and Ri... I mean Eric.” she got up and opened the
door, not bothering to look through the peephole.


Avery smiled at Eric and he smiled back,
"Everyone ready?” Eric asked. "I'm not going with you of course and
please take these.” Savannah said manifesting three thin necklaces.


"This will block your thoughts and memories
of me so that Lilith remains unaware of my presence.” she explained to them.
They took the thin iridescent chains and placed them around their necks gasping
as they disappeared immediately.


"Let's go get you introduced to Nia and
Aaron.” Avery said leading the way out the door.




Nia and Aaron were in their room waiting, the
walk had been refreshing and calming or maybe Aaron was sending her those vibes.
Either way she was ready for the meeting with Lilith and whatever would come of
it. There was a light knock on the door and Aaron went and answered it. It was
Avery, Eric, Darragh and a woman they hadn't seen before and Nia looked at them


"Nia this is Savannah, she has abilities
similar to your own and she can train you precisely in the elements. She can
also teach you other things. She is acting on her own so Lilith can't know
she's here.” Darragh quickly explained.


"She's my sister and it's a long story for
another time.” Avery blurted and then sat quietly.


"Okay...” Nia said slowly. She extended her
hand to Savannah and she didn't take it.


"Lesson one kiddo, you're pretty important
and I wouldn't let just anyone touch me that I didn't know or trust. You don't
know what abilities they may possess.” Savannah said then grabbed Nia's hand
and shook it. Releasing it rather quickly.

"Thanks for the info.” Nia replied.


"I'm not going with you to see Lilith we
don’t exactly see eye to eye and these are so that she doesn't know I've been
in contact with you. I will answer any questions you have tomorrow.” Savannah
said handing Aaron and Nia their necklaces.


"Oh, how rude! I'm sorry, this is Aaron he's
my Guardian.” Nia said with her cheeks flushing pink.


"And her boyfriend.” Aaron said finishing
her sentence with a smile.


"Nice to meet you. You're promised?” she
asked noticing the markings circling both of their wrists.


"Yes.", Nia answered simply.


"Interesting.", she responded.


"Well do you think you would mind keeping an
eye on my friends while we're gone?” Nia asked.


"Of course. Though I believe an introduction
would be in order.” Savannah suggested.


"Aaron and I will take you.” Nia said. They
went to Rhea's room and Nia introduced them, they needed to hurry back. It was
time to go see Lilith and she left Savannah with Adam and Rhea.




Chapter 17


Aaron and Nia laid side by side on one bed and
Eric and Avery on the other. Darragh laid on the couch as Eric began to slowly
pull them all into the dreamscape with him.


Nia didn't think she would ever get used to the
feeling associated with dreams now. The world shimmied and wobbled as her skin
began to tingle, while her eyelids fluttered. She grasped Aaron's hand for a
feeling of stability. He gave her hand a small squeeze and she felt gravity
kick in as she opened her eyes. The world spun slightly as she regained her
balance quickly.


Aaron was leaning up against the wall and pulled
her closer to him so she could lean slightly against him. Darragh had his hands
on his knees and shook his head briefly, standing strait up and regaining his
always proper posture.


"That was rough.” Avery said taking deep
breaths. Eric gave a sheepish smile, "Sorry I wasn't sure how hard I needed
to pull. It's been awhile since I've brought so many through at once.” he said
giving Avery's hand an apologetic squeeze. She steadied herself by grasping
Eric's arm and he gave a small laugh, "Everybody okay?” he asked.


He got nods all around as Avery righted herself
and Aaron and Nia stood ready to go.


They were standing inside of a room that looked
like someone's bedroom and Avery spoke up first, "What are we doing
here?", she asked Eric in a tone that was surprisingly hostile.


"Whoa,” he said backing away from her glare.
"I brought us here because I knew we would have a moment alone. We need to
make sure these necklaces Savannah gave us work.


Avery relaxed, "Oh, okay.” she said with
relief in her voice. Eric looked at Darragh, "Probe away and see what you
come up with.” he told him.


Darragh proceeded to sift through thoughts of
everyone in the room and he smiled, "I'm not seeing anything about her at
all.” he informed the group.


"Okay, now for these.” Eric said motioning
to his and Avery's wrists.


He removed a small tin that he had in his pocket
and smeared a salve on his fingers. He then placed his hand around Avery's
wrist and rubbed it into her skin. Her promise marks began to glow a pinkish
hue. Then they disappeared into her skin like they were dissolving, with a
small collective gasp from everyone but Darragh. He then proceeded to do the
same with his own promise marks. "I can't risk Lilith finding out. I don't
know what she would do.", Eric told everyone touching Avery’s cheek gently.
Nia felt embarrassed to be watching the scene, it seemed intimate to her.


She turned to Aaron who she noticed was staring
at her, "What?” she asked.


"You're beautiful, when you blush.” he told
her quietly.


"Oh, hush!” she whispered back.


"Are we ready?” Darragh asked, "She
knows we have arrived. She's waiting.” he said with a slight nod.


Eric was already placing his hand on the wall
opening the door to a now familiar hallway. They rounded the corner and Alana
smiled at all of them, "She's ready for you.” she said with that sugary
sweet tone Nia was used to hearing from Lilith.


"Thank you Alana.” Darragh said sending her
the nod that always seemed to Nia like more than what they were making it out
to be.


"Oh, I am pleased to see you are in good
health Nia my dear.” Lilith cooed crossing her office to meet her. She took
Nia's hands and studied her Promise Marks and her Bond Marks, "This is
exciting indeed! Promise Marks!” she said in a sing song tone that was the
equivalent of nails on a chalkboard to Nia. Lilith released hert wrists and
grabbed Aaron's next.


"Oh, my!” she said as she looked at Aaron's
wrists. "Well? Have you decided if you want to be joined to your Fated,
Nia?” she asked going to stand behind her desk with a superior look on her


Aaron was taken aback a bit by her question. And
he looked at Nia who looked dumbfounded. Eric spoke up before either could
answer. "I think they're trying to take it slow Lilith. There's no need
for them to rush into this. They hardly know each other.” he said glaring at


Nia sighed in relief, "Yes, we are taking it
slow. We haven't decided anything right now we are just trying to get through
everything else we're dealing with.” Nia said quickly.


Aaron smiled at her, 'Please don't take it wrong
Aaron, we really haven't talked much about it and she's pushy.’ Nia sent him
through the bond.


Lilith cleared her throat, "It's rather rude
to mentally communicate in a room full of people but I will overlook that since
you both are new to all of this.", she said sounding cold and giving Nia a
chill down her spine.


"Sorry." she said to Lilith sincerely.


Nia was worried about upsetting Lilith and she
could tell Aaron was too. They may not know exactly who she was to their
"people", but they knew she held power.


"Cut the crap Lilith, what do you want? You
called this meeting, so get on with it." Eric said with his jaw clenching
and unclenching like he was seething on the inside.


"Eric.", she said drawing out his name
irritatingly taking steps towards him. He was not prepared to be patronized by
her and had no idea if he could control himself.


Avery came through the door abruptly shocking
pretty much everyone. "Hello Lilith.” Avery said crossing her arms.


"Avery, how nice of you to join us.” she
said reinstating her sugary sweet tone.


"We need to get back on the road, there have
been attacks and injuries. We need to get Nia to her aunt as quickly and safely
as possible. So if you have things we need to know or that you need to know
let's get this over with.” she said to everyone's shock.


"Well. I certainly don't have anything
pressing, I suppose I merely wanted to check in and give you a bit of news.”
she said sadly as if she had gotten her feelings hurt.


"Alana, could you send her in please?” she
said directing her attention to the door.


"Ahh here she is, this is Isabel.” she said
as a beautiful tanned woman in guardian blacks entered the office. Her dark
hair was pulled tightly into a ponytail, she was tall and lean but Nia could
see a hint of muscle. Her brown eyes looked at them appraisingly.


Darragh came into the room a moment later as if
he’d seen a ghost, "Isabel?” he said sounding a bit bewildered and out of


"Hello Darragh, it's nice to see you again.”
she said in her thick but clear Latin accent, her tone was ice cold without so
much as sparing him a glance.


He stood by the door at attention, clearly trying
not to seem as weirded out as he indeed was. He took up post there trying to
drop whatever had been on his mind.


Eric narrowed his eyes at Lilith while Nia and
Aaron felt the tension in the room spike uncomfortably.


"This is Nia and Aaron.” Lilith said as
Isabel came to stand in front of them with a slight bow.


"This is Avery Madighan, I believe you knew
her sister.” Lilith said with a smirk that Avery wanted to smack right off of
her face.


"Yes, I believe so.", Isabel said
smiling and tapping her chin as if she were trying to recall something from
eons ago.


"Well now that we're all acquainted I am
pleased to inform you that Isabel will be joining you!” she said like she was
announcing that they'd won something.


Nia was ready to go and this was turning into a big
mess. She needed to know why Isabel's very presence had everyone in the room on


"She was the top of her class and she has
been one of my personal guards.” Lilith said as if that would change the tense


Eric's voice echoed through their minds,
'Everyone needs to relax, we can talk about this later. She won't dismiss us unless
everyone clams down.’ he explained mentally trying his best to evenly send out
relaxing vibes to his group.


Darragh left the room abruptly, "I need to
speak with Alana.” he said as he exited.


"The poor dear. His mother has been
ill.", Lilith said quietly watching him go.


Darragh sat on the bench that lined the wall just
outside Lilith’s office and stretched an invisible bubble around himself and
Alana. 'I need to make this quick, She's sending Isabel with us and I brought
in Savannah already.’ He sent as Alana gasped and clutched a hand to her chest.


'Don't worry Lilith is unaware.’ he assured her
as she let out the breath she had begun to hold.


'Oh, thank heavens.’ she responded relieved.


'I'm afraid things are going to go abruptly south
and soon too.’ he frantically sent to her.


She pursed her plump pink lips. On more than one
occasion Darragh had asked her opinion so she wasn't surprised, 'So that's what
she's been cooking up.', Alana sent back to him, 'She's been frantic and
wondering what happened because she's quickly losing control of Rian.’ she
added informatively.


'She's sending Isabel to spy.’ she told Darragh


'Damn. I will have to speak with everyone
telepathically until we figure out what to do. Savannah is going to be irate.’
he said quickly feeling like things were spiraling out of control right now.


'Perhaps you can take Savannah in a separate
vehicle and keep the two of them apart until it's absolutely necessary and deal
with Lilith then.' she quickly suggested.


Darragh nodded sensing the others were coming
out. 'Thank you Alana, you always calm me.', he said sending the warmth of his
love to her.


'Be safe brother. I will tell mother I saw you in
good health, it will lift her spirits.’ she said as she got up and gave him a
small hug quickly returning to her desk.




Nia stood awkwardly wishing for this unnecessary
prolonging to be over. Aaron shifted on his feet ready for anything as Eric
spoke calmly, "If there's nothing more, we will leave now. There's much to
bring Isabel up to speed on.” he said slightly bowing in her direction and
exiting with Avery close behind.


"It was a pleasure, Lilith.” Avery said not
giving her a glance.


Lilith quickly composed her rage that was welling
up at Avery’s clear disrespect. "Nia my darling, do be safe out there. Let
me know if you need anything at all. And you as well dear.” she said in her
grating tone, looking pointedly at each of them in turn.


"Thank you.” Nia said as she plastered a
smile on her face and pulled Aaron along, leaving Lilith writhing at their
sudden departure.


She turned to Isabel, "Let me know anything
at all that is off about this cozy little group,” she said through clenched


"Of course.” Isabel responded.


"I promise you will be rewarded for your
efforts.” Lilith said while Isabel turned and left abruptly, stifling a giggle.


"Got it,” she said over her shoulder.


Lilith was fuming, they were hiding things from
her and she was furious because she felt it had something to do with her
weakening bond with Eric. She was certain Isabel would get to the bottom of it.
She was the most devious woman she had ever met and an amazing hunter. Now all
she had to do was wait.


Isabel stepped into the hall and no one was there
but Alana. "Where are they?” Isabel asked.


"Oh, Darragh had some things to pick up.
They said they would meet you in fifteen minutes in the parlor. Isabel nodded,
"Thank you Alana.” she said.

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