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Authors: Terry Towers

Trust (14 page)

BOOK: Trust
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“That’s a good girl
,” he groaned, sinking a couple fingers into me.

I had to think of something else, somewhere else. Anywhere. I closed my eyes tight and I left my body and wa
s transported back to the state cheer competition. That was such a wonderful day. I squealed in delight as Jared and Theo hoisted me up onto their shoulders and I held our trophy high above my head.

The feel of his cock pressing at my entrance jarred the fantasy for a brief moment, but then the pressure was gone.

“Get the fuck off of her or I’ll blow your fucking brains all over this cell.” The voice was so familiar I began to cry in earnest now, not caring if I woke any of the other girls.

Connor didn’t move
; his body was stiff over me.

“I said, slowly, get the fuck off of her. I won’t warn you again.” Lance’s voice was so menacing, so filled with rage it made me cringe inside. He’d do it. The sound of a gun being cocked echoed through the room. “Last chance.”

Connor’s weight slowly moved off of mine and I immediately scrambled out from under him and cowered in the corner, pulling my legs up to my chest, and began rocking. It had been close to a week since I’d had a panic attack, but I felt one coming on.

e, I gotta breathe
, I kept reminding myself. My breaths started becoming short, quick and ragged and the room began to spin. My stomach churned again.
I rocked harder, placing my forehead onto my knees. The feeling began to pass and my breathing started to slow to normal.

My head jerked upward when I heard the loud thud and groan. A trickle of blood seeped down Connor’s temple and his body slammed backward against the brick wall beside me. I watched in shock as Lance began to beat on Connor using the butt of the gun as a weapon until Connor was a semiconscious blood
y, moaning mess on the floor beside the cot. What shocked me even more was the look of pure rage on Lance’s face and cold fury in his blue eyes.

For a moment I didn’t think he was going to stop until Connor was dead, but finally he stepped back and stuffed the bloody gun into the back of his jeans.

“You okay, baby? Did he hurt you?” Lance leaned down and began touching my cheek as his eyes examined every part of me, the rage in his eyes softening to anger.

I shook my head. “No. You stopped him before…”

“I’ll get you out of here in a minute.” His eyes refocused on Connor. “Time to teach this fucker a lesson.”

My brow furrowed as I watched Lance undress Connor.
What the fuck?

Ummm. Lance?” Feeling eyes on me, I noticed Becca had woken and was watching Lance. She had an odd expression on her face that I’m sure was identical to the one I had.

Once Connor was stripped
and his clothing tossed into a heap by the entrance, with a bit of effort Lance managed to string him up from the top of the cage. Connor was so groggy that he didn’t put up a fight, simply allowed it to happen. Leaving my cell, Lance grabbed a ball gag from the rack beside the door and re-entered my cell, stuffing it into Connor’s mouth and securing it behind his head.

Once done Lance took a step back and
nodded. “Let him stay like that for a while.”

Getting up from my spot on the cot, I stood beside Lance and eyed Connor, not sure what to think. I suppose
d this was one way to humiliate Connor. Connor seemed to regain a little more of his consciousness and his eyes widened as he struggled against the binds, his face growing red with anger.

Connor’s struggles awoke Jenny
, who was immediately on her feet, taunting Connor. He turned to Jenny and glared at her. No doubt she would regret her actions, but for now, she had the privilege of being on the other side of the binds and she was making the most of it.

“Come on.” Grabbing my elbow, Lance locked my cell up with Connor struggling in it, led me from the dungeon without as much as a look back at Connor. He didn’t bother with a leash, but grabbed my hand and led me down the hallway and up the first set of stairs. We walked past the BDSM room
, which was usually the room he took me to, and headed for the elevator to take us to the main floor of the compound.

“Where are we going?” I wasn’t allowed on the main floor,
was I? Why was he taking me up?

“My room.”

“But I’m not allowed…”

“I was told nothing would happen to you while I was gone and it appears that was an empty promise, so you’re staying with me until this is settled. Did he fuck you while I was gone?”


Lance punched in the code to the elevator then turned to me. “Did any of them fuck you?”

“No. This was the first time any tried. They all ignored me.”

His jaw clenched as the elevator doors slid open and he ushered me in. “If I hadn’t gotten there… I should have fucking killed him and gotten it over with.”

“Wouldn’t The Boss kill you if you did?”

Lance punched the button to take us up a floor and the doors slid closed. “Considering
the deals I just set up for him I doubt he’ll do a damned thing.”

My brow furrowed. What did he mean by that? He didn’t select girls.
Or hadn’t up until that point. As I searched my brain I was hard pressed to think of what he actually
do for his father. I looked up at him with questions in my eyes, hoping he’d elaborate. He didn’t. He met my stare, but refused to comment further.



Chapter 15


Lance had understated when he said he was taking me to his room, which was actually an apartment at one end of the top floor of the compound. The apartment contained one bedroom, a living room, bathroom and small kitchen, all humbly furnished.

“Do all the guys get rooms like this?” I asked as my fingers grazed the back of the suede sofa. I looked up at him and caught his gaze. All anger had left his eyes and expression and he was the Lance I’d grown fond of again – caring and concerned.

“No. Most have little studio apartment
-style rooms on this floor. My father, of course, has the entire main floor.”

It felt like I’d walked into a different reality. My eyes caught sight of a window and I rushed to it
, a wide smile on my face. It was the dead of the night, but I didn’t care. It was just nice to see the outside world, even if it was through a barred window.

“Wow!” I breathed the word, not even realizing I actually said anything until I felt him behind me, his hands on my shoulders, running up and down my upper arms. I look
ed up and noticed it was a clear night; a large full moon illuminated the sky with thousands of stars dancing around it. “It’s beautiful.”

Brushing my hair to one side, he undid my collar and removed it from my neck and tossed it onto the floor. I’d gotten so used to the collar, I barely noticed it anymore.

Tears sprang to my eyes and I leaned back into him. I’d missed the comfort of his arms so much over the past several days. I seriously doubted I would have been able to hang on long had he not come back. “The sky. The world outside these walls.”

His arms slipped around my waist and he kissed my temple. “Go get a bath and when you’re done I have a surprise for you.”

Not sure I heard him right, I look
ed over my shoulder at him. “A surprise?”

Yeah, a surprise. Now come on.” Stepping away from me, he took my hand and led me into the bathroom. The bathroom was plain, a deep tub with shower, toilet and one-sink vanity. Nothing fancy, but considering what I’d become accustomed to the past couple of weeks or so, it felt like the Ritz-Carlton. My eyes immediately spotted the toothbrush and toothpaste and it made me realize how much you can miss and take for granted such small things.

Giving me a little hip bump out of the way, Lance opened the cabinet under the vanity and produced a toothbrush and passed it to me. “Be my guest.”

I squealed and hugged him tight, grabbing the toothbrush and dousing it with toothpaste. It hadn’t even occurred to me until now how horrid my breath must smell. I flushed slightly; how on earth could he even have kissed me after my not brushing my teeth since I was abducted?

While I brushed my teeth, he ran a bath, even adding bubble bath! The bathroom immediately took on the smell of lavender. Tears formed in my eyes again. This was heaven. Surely Connor had killed me and I was in heaven or I was dreaming. I’d wake in a moment and be back in my cell realizing it was all a dream.

Turning to the sink I spit out the toothpaste and rinsed my mouth, placing my toothbrush next to his in the holder. I actually giggled, seeing our toothbrushes side by side, like this was the most normal situation in the world. The comment Lance had made before he left about me nagging like a worried wife came to mind, making the giggle turn to a snort of laughter.

“You okay?”

My laughter simmered, but the grin remained. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking.”

Looking up
, I caught my reflection in the mirror and gasped, the smile completely wiped from my face. I looked horrid. Dark circles lay under my eyes and my once heart-shaped face was taking on a long narrow look, my already slender frame had lost even more weight and I was becoming sickly thin. After a minute of staring at myself in the mirror, a part of me mourning the loss of the girl I used to be and was beginning to doubt I’d ever be again, I turned to see him staring at me, but not saying a word.

“I look bad.”

He took a deep breath in and slowly released it. “Life is rough here and it takes a toll on the bodies of the women, which is part of the reason why we try to get you guys in and out quick. But you still look beautiful.”

“Yeah, sure.” I didn’t feel beautiful. I’d always considered myself cute
; after seeing my reflection in the mirror I no longer thought that. I was beginning to look like a drug addict. It made me thankful they didn’t have mirrors anywhere in the dungeon or training rooms of the compound. It took every ounce of willpower in me to turn to the side and see the thick gashes on my back, which were beginning to turn to scars.

“Come on, in the bath; it’ll make you feel better.” Taking my hand he led me to the ba
th and with a hand on my elbow helped me into the tub of warm water. He knelt by the tub watching me with an unreadable expression as I settled in until the suds came up to my chin. He was right, the soothing warm water felt good engulfing me in its embrace.

Lifting my leg with the tracking device in the air, I pointed to it. “I’m not going to get a shock from the water on this am I?”

“Waterproof. They have to be so we can shower the slaves without bothering to take them off.” 

I t
ook a deep breath in and slowly released it, reclining back on the cool porcelain. Turning my head I gave Lance a smile. “Thank you.”

He cocked his head to the side, eyeing me. “For what?”

“For saving me, again.”

“Of course. I wanted to be back sooner, but I had a lot to take care of.” Grabbing the bottle of shampoo he flipped it open.

Dunking my head under the water I emerged, sputtering and laughing, then extended my hand for a glob of shampoo. After he squirted it into my hand I began to lather up. “What did you have to take care of?”

“Business stuff.”
His body tensed. Seeing the tension in his body I realized the topic wasn’t open to discussion, not that I expected it to be in the first place. “I got everything I needed to get done, done. So…” he stood and grabbed a bottle from under the sink and passed it to me.

Ohmygod!” My concerns on what he had done over the past few days evaporated seeing the conditioner. Rinsing the shampoo from my hair I accepted the conditioner and was hit by a huge bout of guilt. I was with him enjoying a warm bubble bath and getting to shampoo and condition my hair and Becca and the other girls were suffering. It made the experience bittersweet to say the least.

“Call to me when you want towels.” Lance rose to his feet and left me to finish up.

I think I spent more time in the bath than I ever had; by the time I called out to Lance for towels my fingers and toes had become shrivelled prunes. I vowed to myself I wouldn’t tell the girls about being here with him, I’d downplay my time here, there was no point in making them feel bad and envious, which I knew it would do because I knew I’d feel that way.

Lance placed a mat on the floor and then held a fluffy blue towel up as I stepped out, wrapping it around my body and then passing another one to me for my hair. I quickly wrapped the spare
towel around my hair, turban-style.

“There’s something we need to do before I take you to your surprise.”


Grabbing my hips he lifted me and helped me up and onto the countertop and then bent, opened the cabinet under the sink and produced some shaving cream and a razor. My brow furrowed, curious on what he planned on doing. When he tugged my towel open and stepped between my legs, parting them wide
, I inhaled sharply knowing exactly what he hand in mind.

I let out an unsteady breath, my fingers
clutching the counter under me as my pussy immediately began to throb with need.

“I won’t hurt you.” Mistaking my sharp intake of breath as fear he looked up to catch my gaze, as he shook the can and sprayed some of the cream into his hand. 

“I know.” I watched as he spread the cream over my mound and lips, coating the blonde stubble that had begun to grow, I spread my legs wider and leaned back against the mirror on the wall giving him better access, exposing myself fully to him. I let out another unsteady breath. The last time I had this done I’d cringed and thought I would die from humiliation, but this time, I don’t think I could have been more turned on.

He slipped his index finger between my folds and took a moment to stroke my clit, sending a tremor through me and I moaned softly. Chuckling he removed his finger from me and I groaned my protest. “Later, pet.”

  Picking up the razor, Lance started with the top of my mound and began to strip away the cream and the stubble with it. With each stroke of the razor my excitement built until I could feel my juices slipping from me and slipping down my ass and I began to grind against the razor.

“Stop moving or I’ll end up cutting you baby,” he chastised with a grin on his lips.

“My God, I can’t help it, you’re getting me worked up. It’s your fault I want you.” I did my best to remain still, despite every nerve in my body being on edge and the urge to have him fucking me was nearly unbearable.

He worked silently and if it wasn’t for the large bulge pressing against the front of his jeans I would have thought that per
forming such an intimate act wasn’t effecting him.

“Beautiful,” he whispered as he finished and straightened. Dropping the razor into the sink, he grabbed a facecloth, dampened it and began to wipe me down, removing all traces of hair and cream that remained.
Once done, he bent and brushed his lips across my mouth, kissing me lightly between my legs.

“Oh Yea,” I breathed, closing my eyes and preparing for the delicious assault of his tongue. It never came.

“All done,” Lance said straightening before me.

“What?” My eyes fly and I gawk
ed at him, in disbelief. Hell no! Grabbing the front of his shirt I pulled him down to me, guiding his head between my legs.

He chuckled again, as he allowed himself to be guided back down and to his knees before me. Looking up he caught my gaze, a cocky grin on his lips. “Has your pussy missed me that much?”

“Yes!” I didn’t even have to think about the question.

Kissing the top of my mound, he stroke
d my slit with two fingers from my anus to my clit and back again as I bucked against his hand, needing more.

“Please, Lance.” I wasn’t too proud to beg, not when the tension between my legs was nearing an unbearable state.

Spreading my pussy lips I watched him lower his mouth to my clit and began to flick and tease it with his tongue, circling the engorged nub and sending me into a fit of moans. He thrust a couple of fingers into my core, stroking me in just the right spot to send me into a state of pure ecstasy. Just when I thought I was going to explode, he slipped his fingers from me and replaced it with his tongue.

“Oh fuck!” I cried out, closing my eyes and letting my head fall back against the mirror behind me.

“Oh baby, don’t worry. Your greedy pussy will have my cock a number of times tonight,” he murmured before plunging his tongue deep into me.

My fingers dug into his skull, as I bucked against his tongue and hand. “Oh yes, I need your cock,” I groaned out, my head thrashing from side to side. The pleasure was so good, wave upon wave washed over me taking me to the point where the only thing that existed was the pleasure and tension and the need to release.

“Oh fuck later,” he growled the sound low and feral, pulling away from me, and before I had a chance to open my eyes the sound of his zipper coming undone echoed throughout the room and his thick member speared me roughly.

Grabbing desperately to his shoulders, I screamed out as his cock sent me over the edge. My pussy clenched around his frantically thrusting cock, begging it for his seed. His lips came crashing down onto mine, claiming me and stifling the moans. The taste of my juices assaulted my senses reminding me that it had just explored my most intimate of places.

Holding tight to him I allowed myself to be swept up in the pleasure and tension once more. His cock’s thrusts were powerful and relentless; he wasn’t making love, he wasn’t cherishing the moment, he was fucking me hard and fast like it was the first and last time he’d ever fuck me. His breathing became laboured pants and when his lips left mine and I opened my eyes all I saw was pure lust, it sent a tremble through me and that tremble was his undoing.

Groaning loud, Lance slammed into me a final time, unloading into me. As the third and final spurt of semen filled my greedy core I came, my juices mixing with his, surrounding his entrenched manhood. I fell against his body, holding tight to him and attempting to regain my sanity.

“Mmmm, fuck you’re pussy is so greedy,” he whispered into my ear and then brushed his lips against my temple. “I could spend days doing nothing but fucking you.”

“Only for you,” I whisper and meant it.

He held me a few minutes, keeping his dick inside of me as the mixture of our fluids seeped past his cock and dripped onto the countertop; neither of us noticed or cared.

“Alright, let’s get you into the kitchen so you can have your surprise, I suspect you’ll be wanting it more than ever now. He pulled out of me and I immediately regretted the loss of him in me. Helping me down from the counter, he pulled the towel around my shoulders. “Come on.”

BOOK: Trust
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