Trust (49 page)

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Authors: Sherri Hayes

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Trust
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When he finally pulled back, we were both panting. It was as if I couldn’t get enough air in my lungs, but in a good way. I wanted him to take me. I didn’t care where we were.

He smiled, seeming to be able to read my mind. “Oh no, Brianna. I’m not going to make it that easy, pet. You’ll get your reward, but only after we’ve had some fun first. Remove your panties and hand them to me.”

It took a moment for his request to work through the fog in my brain. I reached down with both hands and, after lifting my hips a little, slid the pink panties down my legs and handed them to him.

Stephan pressed them to his nose and took a deep breath. He smiled that wicked smile again and then stuffed my panties into his pants pocket.

After helping me lower my dress so that my now naked bottom half wasn’t showing, he stepped out of the car and strolled to the passenger side. As he opened my door, a rush of cold air made its way into the vehicle. It floated up under my dress and brushed over my now bare skin.

Instinctively, I reached down with my free hand to make sure my dress didn’t fly up. Stephan chuckled and leaned in to whisper in my ear. “Don’t worry, Brianna. No one can see anything. No one knows you don’t have any panties on underneath your dress but you and me.”

Before he stepped away, he brushed his lips against my neck, sending a tingle of electricity down my spine and right between my legs. I didn’t know if I was going to be able to walk let alone make it all the way to the condo. He might have to carry me.


I was having way too much fun. Brianna was having a good day—we both were.

Last night hadn’t gone as planned after she showed me her “present.” I was still attempting to wrap my mind around her reasons why. Brianna couldn’t even step fully into the room. Why did having my playroom set up in the condo matter if we weren’t going to be able to use it? I had to admit, though, that having my playroom and all my toys at my disposal would be useful . . . even if we didn’t actually set foot inside the room itself.

Once we were back inside our condo, I instructed her to go into my bedroom, remove all her clothes, and wait for me on the bed. I’d left the rope I’d given Brianna upstairs, plus I wanted to get some other items as well.

It took me roughly fifteen minutes to get what I needed out of the playroom. Logan did a good job putting it all back together. Only a few things were out of place, but not by much. He had a good memory.

Once I had everything I needed, I paused only long enough to grab Brianna’s other Christmas present from where I’d stashed it before heading back downstairs. Brianna was waiting for me, and I couldn’t wait to get started. I was hoping this would be a fun and memorable evening for both of us.

When I walked into my bedroom, Brianna was sitting naked on the edge of my bed as I’d asked. She looked up upon my entrance and smiled. Her arousal from earlier had diminished, but that was all right. It was early, and I planned to take my time with her.

I deposited everything I’d brought with me from upstairs onto the dresser right inside the door, with the exception of her remaining Christmas present. Walking over to stand directly in front of her, I concealed the item in my fist as much as possible and held it close to my side. “Are you ready for the rest of what I have planned for tonight?”

“Yes, Sir.”

I smiled and helped her up.

“Close your eyes, Brianna.” I didn’t want her to see what I had in my hand until I was ready.

“I want to give you your second Christmas present.”

Her nose scrunched up a little. I wasn’t sure if it was in concentration or confusion. “Okay.”

I took the pink dildo I’d gotten her and pressed it up against her hand. “Take it.”

She wrapped her hand around the object and looked down.

It was easy to tell the moment she realized what she was seeing because her eyes opened wide, her hand fell open, and she dropped the dildo on the floor.

I chuckled and bent down to retrieve it. “It won’t bite, you know.”

“I didn’t mean . . . I mean, I wasn’t expecting . . .” She lowered her gaze to the floor.

I retrieved the dildo and placed it back in her hand. She didn’t drop it this time. “Does it still frighten you?”

“A little.”

“Tell me why?”

“I remember how they felt. How much they hurt sometimes. I know it’s not the same, but . . .”

I reached out and cupped her cheek, lifting her head so I could see her face. “But the memory remains, right?”


She looked sad, and I didn’t want that. “I want to help you to make happy memories, Brianna—together.”

Brianna nodded. “I want that, too.”

Smiling, I placed a reverent kiss on her lips before taking the dildo from her and putting it on the nightstand. Leaving her to stand by the bed for a few moments, I walked back to the dresser and retrieved the rope.

When I returned to stand in front of her, I held the rope in both my hands and waited to see what she’d do.

It didn’t take long. She glanced up at me, meeting my gaze, and then held out her wrists. There was uncertainty in her eyes, but I also saw determination. I lifted both of her wrists to my mouth and placed a soft kiss to the underside of each one. “You have your numbers, Brianna. Use them. For tonight, if you reach a six, I want you to say yellow, and we will slow things down, understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl.”

Like I had the other night, I started by rubbing the rope gently along her wrist, letting her get familiar with the feel of it, letting it caress her skin. Slowly her eyes began to flutter shut, and I knew she was ready for the next step.

Careful to keep part of the rope touching her at all times, I folded the rope in half and wound it around both her wrists in the same way I had the other night. Once I had everything secure, I told her to open her eyes. “How does it feel? Is the rope too tight?”

“No, Sir. It’s not too tight.”

“Good. Do you remember how to untie yourself if you need to?”


Testing how she would react to being bound, I used the rope to pull her against me. I wasn’t all that rough about it, but there was still a tone of possession in the action.

A shudder ripped through her body, but I didn’t get any indication that it was from fear.

I pressed my cheek against hers and spoke directly in her ear. “Are you ready to continue?”


Giving the rope some slack, I guided her closer to the bed. “Climb on and lie down with your head on the pillows.”

She moved into position much quicker than I thought she’d be able to. It made me wonder how many times she’d had to be mobile while restrained in some fashion in her past. I rapidly pushed the thought aside. If this had any hope of working, I had to pay attention. Tonight we were going into uncharted territory, and I needed to be alert and attentive to Brianna’s needs. She trusted me to take care of her.

I leaned over her and tied the loose ends of the rope to the bed. She looked up at me, watching. Normally I’d blindfold a submissive for this type of sensation play, but given Brianna’s history, I didn’t think that was a good idea. We were pushing enough boundaries tonight as it was.

Leaving her lying there for a minute, I went back to the dresser and picked up the rest of what I’d brought down with me. Bringing them over to the bed, I showed them to Brianna one at a time. The first was a fur glove. She wrinkled her brow, but other than that, she had no reaction. “Has anyone ever used one of these on you?”

She shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

Without putting it on, I placed it close to her hand where she could touch it and feel how soft it was. “It’s made out of rabbit fur.”

“It’s soft.”

I smiled. “Yes.”

The second, however, got a bigger reaction. I’d grabbed a pair of tweezer clamps I wanted to try on her tonight. Brianna loved having her nipples pinched and pulled. I had no doubt she’d like clamps. It was only a matter of getting her past her fear. “Do you know what these are?”


“We’re going to try them tonight, and see what you think of them. If you don’t like them, we can always remove them, all right?”

“Okay.” There was no conviction behind her voice, but she trusted me, and I wouldn’t let her down.

Again, I brought the clamps up near her hands. This time, however, I placed one of the clamps on her index finger. She looked up, watching my movement. “This part here allows me to tighten and loosen the clamp—like this.”

I slowly pushed the clasp up the tweezers to tighten the hold. She furrowed her brow in concentration.

“It should feel like it does when I pinch your nipples, but it will be more of a constant pressure.”

She swallowed. “Okay.”

I knew they were going to be a mental challenge for her because they did cause some level of pain, but I was glad she was willing to try them, at least.

Setting the clamps down beside the bed, I reached for the last item I wanted to use tonight—her new dildo.

Brianna’s eyes opened wide, and her chest moved up and down more rapidly. “We’re going to try to have a little fun with this tonight, too. Do you think you’re ready for that?”

“I . . . I don’t know.”

I bent down and kissed her lips with soft pressure. “Thank you for being honest. We’ll go slowly. I promise.”

She swallowed and nodded, closing her eyes as if she were bracing herself.

Straightening, I removed my shoes, socks, and belt and tossed them on the back of the chair. By the time I turned back around, Brianna was looking at me again.

I smiled at her, brushing the back of my fingers along the side of her cheek. “I love you. Remember that. This isn’t about pain. This is about pleasure.”

“I trust you.”

Taking a step back, I picked up the glove, the clamps, and the dildo and climbed on the bed with Brianna.

Chapter 41


I laid there with my arms secured over my head to the bed as Stephan
positioned himself between my legs. Being naked in front of him didn’t bother me anymore. He’d seen and touched all of me many times. The ropes didn’t bother me either, which surprised me a little. No, it was the items he held in his hands that had my heart thundering in my chest.

“How are you doing, Brianna? What number?”

Taking a deep breath, I met his gaze. “Three.”

He nodded and set the glove, the clamps, and the dildo down on the bed next to my hip. The dildo rolled a few inches into the dip my body made in the mattress until it came to rest against my side. I sucked in a breath and began chanting Stephan’s name in my head. If I remembered it was him, I’d be okay. He wouldn’t hurt me. I knew he wouldn’t.

In a smooth motion, Stephan pulled his shirt over his head, leaving the top half of his body naked. He still had on the khakis he’d worn to Diane and Dr. Cooper’s. They were thicker than his usual dress pants, but they did nothing to hide the bulge of his erection. Whatever Stephan had planned for tonight, he was excited about it. I only hoped I liked it, too. I wanted to like it for him.

Stephan ran his hands up my legs and then back down until he came to my knees. Lifting slightly, he encouraged me to bend them, which only opened me more to him. He placed his hands on the inside of my thighs, holding me in position. “Beautiful.”

I watched as he looked over every inch of me. Last night, when he saw I’d waxed for him, he’d gotten a look in his eyes, and he’d kissed me long and deep to the point where my head was spinning. There was almost that same something in his gaze as he stared down at me now that made me want to squirm. It sent the butterflies in my stomach fluttering like mad. What was he going to do?

A minute later, I got my answer. He reached over and picked up the fur glove, sliding it over his left hand. Out of all the items he wanted to use on me tonight, the glove was the only one that didn’t make me anxious. The fur was soft. I knew it wouldn’t cause me pain.

The first place he touched with the glove was my stomach. He rubbed the fur in all different directions, gradually branching out to my legs, my breasts, my neck, and even my arms. It was relaxing, and I felt my eyelids drifting closed.

“What number, Brianna?” His voice was soft, almost mimicking the feel of the fur.

I sighed. “One.”

As the glove continued to move over my skin, his other hand began touching me as well. He would run the glove over a part of my body, and then his uncovered hand would brush lightly over the same area. The contrast caused me to shiver at times. It felt amazing, and all my nerve endings were on alert waiting to see where he’d go next.

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, Stephan changed things up and added his mouth to the sweet torture. Sometimes he’d kiss a spot on my body. Other times, he’d lick or use his teeth. I nearly jumped off the bed when he ran the fur glove down my side and followed it up by licking the same area with his tongue and then blowing along the wet trail he’d left. It tickled, and made me twist and pull against the ropes. Stephan smiled in response and then grazed his teeth along the same path, sending a much different sensation coursing through my body.

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