Truth vs Falsehood (30 page)

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Authors: David Hawkins

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It took another whole century before civil rights were established and even longer for them to be actually socially implemented. The downside of the whole era was the consequence of the dominance of the survival emotions of hate and fear coming from the old animal brain of the evolutionary ego.

The social emancipation of blacks in America took almost a century and finally emerged victorious under President Lyndon Johnson in the 1960s, energized by Martin Luther King’s peaceful demonstrations. From there, equality in the workplace evolved, and now blacks are at the top of government, academic, and military posts, and in an advisory capacity to the President. The Oprah Winfrey Show is the most popular in America, as was the Bill Cosby Show. It would appear that reverse discrimination and racial quota systems have been supplanted by the public recognition of integrity and performance, irrespective of race. (The ‘racial card’ play calibrates at 185.)

Some moral restitution due to the Native Americans has emerged at last in the Smithsonian Institution’s Museum of the American Indian in Washington, DC, which, at calibration level 460, is an integrous recognition of their great culture. The five-story building covers ten thousand years of history. At one time of Western expansion, there were approximately six to nine million natives whose number diminished to 250,000 by the year 1900. The population has since risen to 2.5 million (
Arizona Republic
, 9/19/04).

The unfolding of the evolutionary process to observation appears to be sequential and due to local causes. Actually, it is the spontaneous, impersonal field effect in which everyone is potentiated to play a role. Evolution appears as change, which is merely the emergence of evolution because creation and evolution are one and the same thing.

Appearance is not essence, perception is not reality, and the cover is not the book. Error is quite often convincing, which is an unpleasant fact to consider and accept. Everyone secretly believes that their own personal view of the world is ‘real’, factual and true.

Anti- (“Hate”) America (cal. 90-190)

This phenomenon demonstrates the negative effect of memes that calibrate below 200 (135-185). In this case, the contagious spread of the meme/virus of disinformation stemmed from several origins simultaneously:

  1. Envy of power and success—endemic in France after their poor showing in World War II; fueled by the pomposity of Gen. Charles de Gaulle.
  2. Islamic Fundamentalism—Wahhabism, al-Qaeda, etc.
  3. Duplicitous members of the United Nations (‘food for oil’, etc.)
  4. Rivalry of European Union nations.
  5. Anti-American propaganda of the U. S. Far Left.
  6. Dissemination of the French-published book
9/11: The Big Lie
, by Thierry Meyssan (2002).
  7. Anti-Israel political positions and anti-Semitism of Protestant church organizations.
  8. Pro-Palestine, revolutionary, and terrorist organizations.
  9. Islamic fundamentalist recruits, terrorists, and sympathizers (mosques in the U. S. and Europe funded from Iran, Saudi Arabia, et al.)
10. Academic leftists—Chomsky, et al.
11. Leftist columnists and media in the United States.
12. al-Jazeera television in Arab countries.
13. Anti-United States memes (e.g., “America is evil”) in Canada and secular countries (40% of Canadian schoolchildren).
14. Hollywood and celebrity ‘cultural elite’ and moviemakers.
15. Ultra-rich benefactors of Far Left organizations and propaganda.
16. Secular, “anti-God,” and “anti-Christian” Circuit Court activist judicial rulings by legislation from the bench.
17. Narcissistic personality disorders (“bite the hand that feeds you,” cal. 160).
18. The “vilify the leader” syndrome (discussed elsewhere). The Anti-America syndrome has been well-covered in the literature by writers Coulter, Timmerman, Frum, Gartz, Goldberg, Ravel, Gibson, et al., and was the subject of a four-part series (
Hating America)
on the Fox News Channel (November 23-26, 2004). It was discussed by many television guests.
19. Naïveté and the lack of development of consciousness of 78 percent of the world’s population (49 percent in the U. S.) who are prone to “hating the rich uncle on the hill.”
20. Fear of the world’s most powerful nation arising from international rivalry and power politics.
21. Rivalry of political leaders and political systems, e.g., democracy vs. socialism, imperialism, theocracies, dictatorships, and feudal/tribal underdeveloped nations and societies.
22. Greed for and envy of power and success.
23. Unresolved psychological problems in poorly parented people with repressed hostility, envy, and hatred of all authority figures, which are viewed as authoritarian, repressive, and tyrannical rather than as integrous, protective, and supportive.
25. Shame and guilt of lesser-developed cultures that are confronted by the more advanced culture and overall level of consciousness of the United States.
26. Persistence of instinctual animal behaviors in populations below consciousness level 200 (as described in Section I), such as wolf-pack rivalry for Alpha-male position to be the reigning ‘beach master’.
27. Lack of dominance of positive motives in the less evolved world population, e.g., altruism, loyalty, integrity, truth, compassionate humanitarianism, etc.
28. Readiness of naïve intellects to be programmed by propaganda or memes, especially when propagated via the media—a lack of intellectual critical function.
29. Class rivalry.
30. The inner excitement of the spectator and participant (politics as a spectator sport).
31. Outlet for personal narcissistic frustrations and projected blame.
32. Satisfaction from perverse contrariness and faultfinding.
33. Intolerance of any defect in idealized father figures.
34. The persistence of Marxist ideology in disguised form (perpetrator/victim).
35. Overt religious hatred and bigotry.
36. The overall preponderance of ignorance and naïveté in the human population.
37. The pattern exhibited by the anti-Semitic impact of the infamous
Protocol of the Elders of Zion
(cal. 90) on spreading anti-Semitic hatred that fueled Nazi Germany and World War II, the concentration camps, and genocide of six million people. The infectious falsity even affected Henry Ford and thereby numerous Americans. The seeds that were dormant are again being fertilized.
38. Freud’s “Thanatos”—the deeply repressed death instinct that triggers self-destruction, suicide, and the seduction of the thrill of danger and mayhem, especially if there is mass participation and its implied approval.
39. Denial of the obvious (an elephant is in the living room) because it would elicit fear.
40. Conspiracy theories (cal. 165).
41. The preponderance of the collective ignorance of mankind, which only very recently moved collectively from consciousness level 190 to the current 207.
42. Envy of praise starts from the illusion that criticalness indicates intelligence and from the fear that recognition of the excellence of others diminishes one’s own stature.

Conflicting observations are resolved by an understanding of a quote from
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
(cal. 590) that says:

I sent my soul into the afterlife,
Some glimpse of the truth to tell,
and my soul returned to me and said,
‘I myself am heaven and hell.’

It is difficult for integrous people to feel compassion or forgiveness for the dark forces in the world and for their obvious seeming destructiveness. This becomes possible if that which is negative is recontextualized and thereby seen differently as useful. Proven from worldwide experience of millions of people is this quote paraphrased from the famous Chapter 5 of the book
Alcoholics Anonymous
(cal. 540), as follows:

Rarely have we seen persons fail except people who are constitutionally incapable of being honest with themselves. There are such unfortunates, and they are not at fault, for they seem to have been born that way. They are naturally incapable of vigorous honesty. Some, too, suffer from grave emotional and mental disorders, but even some of them do recover if they still have the capacity to be honest.

Use of the consciousness calibration technique helps to clarify the nature and purposes of this seemingly puzzling earthly life. Research reveals the astonishing fact (which calibrates at consciousness level 998) that the circumstances of our birth and life are precisely karmically perfect. All that we face and endure—the obstacles, the challenges—serves the evolution of consciousness in which we simultaneously undo the negative consequences of the past and derive advancement for spiritually positive choices.

This discovery—that we are all passengers on an evolutionary train—recontextualizes life in that all that we suffer, endure, and ultimately transcend serves our individual and collective ultimate goal. This understanding brings gratitude and peace to our life. The realization allows us to transcend self-pity and resentment and to dedicate our life to love and to God, thus sanctifying it. In so doing, we coalesce the ultimate goals of all religions. The spiritual love with which this commitment is made coalesces the commitments of life. We are then ready for the pathway of devotional nonduality in which the teachings of the world’s greatest avatars merge—Jesus, the Christ; Buddha, the Enlightened; Krishna, the Supreme; Allah, the All Merciful; Brahma; and all the other nominal denotations of Divinity. Thus, we, the living, plus all those who have ever lived, are equally part of Creation, and in knowing this, we derive the peace of coexistence that arises out of compassion.


The Downside of Society


Although the consciousness level of America is currently at 421, approximately 49 percent of the population calibrates below 200. The 51 percent above 200 represents the solution, and the 49 percent 200 represents the problem. To facilitate a discussion of the downside, calibrations have been roughly grouped as antisocial/behavioral, criminal, and espionage, although it is obvious that there is considerable overlap among all three.



Corporate Fraud
Drug Traffickers (street)
Homeless Street People
Inner-city Street Gangs
Internet Hackers
Internet Porn (Adult)
Internet Porn (Child)
Laser Beam Blinding of Pilots
Motorcycle Outlaw Gangs

Perpetrators of Internet Worms and Viruses

Petty Thievery
Racist Hate Groups

Many in this group derive a sense of importance through deviant behaviors. However, their cost to society is enormous, as in the case of Internet hackers and those who plant destructive Internet viruses that cost the economy millions of dollars as a consequence of their self-indulgence.

The subcultures of street and motorcycle outlaw gangs are well-studied sociologically and represent a subculture in which status is derived from being perceived as being ‘bad’. They achieve additional status from media depictions of them as glamorized folk symbols, e.g., “the wild and free,” devil-may-care stereotype. This follows the macho image that courage means the capacity to flirt with danger and thus demonstrate courage.

Racist hate groups, including anti-Semitic, anti-Black, and white supremacist groups have a long history in the United States, of which the Ku Klux Klan is the most flagrant example. They demonstrate a dualistic split in the psyche and the projection of self-hatred onto subgroups. This is also based on inner inferiority. People with adequate self-esteem have no need to hate others.

Slavery can be understood only in its historical context. For thousands of years, it was an accepted worldwide lifestyle, and in the days of ancient Rome, slaves outnumbered free men by ten to one. Slaves from that culture entered all levels of society. The caste system in India prevailed for thousands of years and was an established way of life there as well as in North Africa (Arabic Sudan until the present time [Deng, 2004]).

Historically, the west coast of Africa lacked any marketable commodity or basis upon which to build an economy. The tribal chieftains raided other tribes, and the captured people were then marketed at seaports for an already active slave trade. Paradoxically, this was an evolutionary improvement because, prior to that, they were simply slaughtered. All the barbarian groups that invaded Europe for centuries, such as the Vikings, made the same discovery and also sold off some of the captured instead of massacring them. Consequently, slavery was worldwide and constitutes part of the cultural background of all ethnic groups alive today. It slowly lost impetus and died out with the end of colonialization, and in America, it came to a dramatic end with the Civil War. Only very recently, in 1962, did the very last country make slavery illegal (at the urging of President John F. Kennedy).

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