Twelve Days - The Beginning (24 page)

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“Yes.....yes” she replied and locked her eyes onto his as he released himself and slowly began to push into her. She stilled momentarily as she adjusted to his size and he paused to allow her to do so, and then he gently pushed in a little bit further. Suddenly, as if he couldn’t wait any longer, he thrust himself the rest of the way until he was buried to the hilt.

He let out an almost agonised groan.”Fuucckkk.... Elise – you have no idea how good that feels...Shit, I’m not going to last long – I hope you’re ready for me baby.”

He began to move and she joined with him, meeting him thrust for thrust as they writhed together on the bed. Vaughn kissed her deeply, wetly and their tongues met, thrusting in time with their bodies. Wet skin slapped against wet skin and time stood still as Elise felt herself falling deeper with this man. He did things to her that she had never imagined possible and she could hardly believe that this was happening to her. She felt a burning and tingling starting at her core and she knew that she was going to find her release again.

Vaughn had increased the speed and he lifted his head to look at her, hair flopping over his face. “Look at me Elise – I need you to keep your eyes open. I need to see you when you come.”

Obligingly, she locked her eyes on his; she couldn’t have looked away if she’d tried. The sensations built, the tingling began to spread throughout her body and she felt her inner muscles tightening against his cock. She could feel him all the way inside of her, pounding relentlessly and she watched as his face twisted almost in agony, and his pupils dilated.

“Shit, Elise...I need you to come with me.... now!” he implored and as if on command she let go, screaming as the overwhelming sensations took over; crying his name and feeling the warmth of his seed as he pumped everything that he had into her. Thrusting until he had nothing left to give, calling out to her, groaning as he drew out the last of his release, circling inside her, pushing one final time.

Their eyes remained locked, open, their emotions raw for each other to see, neither of them willing to look away, to break the moment. Watching each other, cataloguing their every feature as they began to calm, and come down from a high unlike anything Elise had ever experienced before. She had no idea what that had just meant for Vaughn but for her, it had meant everything. More than everything - more than she had ever believed possible.

In that moment, in that space of time, in that hotel room, in that man’s bed, in that man’s arms, she knew with absolute clarity that from here on in, whatever happened and whichever path she followed, nothing in her life would ever be the same again.

Chapter Twenty-Five

The conference was in full swing and having already spoken to a number of potential client’s, Elise took a moment to catch up with her paperwork and gather her thoughts.

After experiencing the most mind-blowing sex of her life, she had fallen asleep wrapped in Vaughn’s arms feeling the safest and most content that she had ever felt in her life. He had continued to whisper words into her ear as they had both come back down to earth and then he had tucked her against him, her back to his front and pulled the covers over them, urging her to get some rest.

She had woken some time during the night aware that Vaughn was moving restlessly beside her. He appeared to be in the grips of a nightmare again although this time it was nothing like the previous one she had witnessed. He fidgeted and mumbled a lot but then eventually quietened down and went back to sleep.

Elise had lain awake for a good while after that, realising that she had given so much of herself to this man about whom she knew very little. She knew that most relationships started with a physical attraction and there was no doubt that they were
physically compatible, but if his nightmares were any indication then it would seem that he had some stuff going on too. She wasn’t sure whether or not they would be strong enough together to deal with both of their issues. They needed to talk things through, to work out where they were going to go from here but their time alone was limited, and once she broke the news to Dale, who knew where she would end up?

She had dropped back into a troubled sleep eventually, almost relieved when the alarm call came through as it meant that she could get up and focus on work, instead of endlessly trying to sort through the mess that was the rest of her life. She had returned to her room to shower and change, putting on the trouser suit and flat shoes that she had packed for the day of the conference and had opened her door to Vaughn’s knock a short while later. Immediately he had grabbed her and manoeuvred her back inside the room, pushing her not altogether gently against the wall where he had proceeded to kiss her thoroughly before releasing her and gently tracing his fingers down the side of her face.

She smiled as she remembered his words. He had told her that last night had been just the beginning for them and that there was no way it could ever be a one-off. He desired her, he wanted her and he needed her and he was willing to do whatever it took to keep whatever this was, alive. He had held her tenderly for a while and then they had headed downstairs to breakfast together hand-in-hand until they had reached the dining room and Vaughn had been forced to release her.

“Hey, Elise. You made any contacts yet?” It was Celeste speaking from directly behind her and Elise jumped, so deep in her thoughts that she hadn’t heard her friend approach.

Hastily she composed herself and turned round to Celeste, a ready smile on her face. In the near distance she could see Roger, Tilly and Sam by the exhibition stand, stopping conference goers on their way in and out and handing out leaflets. The plan was to get as
many leaflets out as possible in the first wave in the hope that some of them would have a look at them during the first session. That way, if anyone was interested, they could approach the Andrews & Andrews staff during the coffee or lunch interval and further advice could be given as required. Roger was the least senior member of staff so he was going to be pretty much sticking to leaflets and promotional material all day but all of the others were well qualified to conduct interviews and take further details. Elise herself had spoken to a couple of people first thing who she was fairly certain would come back later so she had been busily updating her client records – and daydreaming – when Celeste had approached.

“Yeah, a couple of promising ones.” Elise replied to her friend’s question. “How about you?”

“Nah, nothing much yet – although one bloke did talk to my breasts for ages. You should have seen Roger’s face. I thought he was going to blow a gasket!” She laughed.

“So, where did you and boss-man get to last night then? One minute you were at the table all loved up and the next you’d both disappeared. Please tell me you did the really indecent thing and spent the night in his room.” Celeste pleaded.

“Sssshhhhhhh.......” Elise hissed, terrified of being overheard again. Celeste just grinned and held her hands up in a ‘what?’ type innocent gesture.

“Yes, we spent the evening together and it was – nice.” Elise allowed, reluctant to expand any further and certainly not wanting to admit to it being a hell of a lot more than just the evening. Typically though her body gave her away and she blushed furiously, causing Celeste’s eyes to widen.

“You did, didn’t you? You did the down and dirty with the boss-man last night, didn’t you? Jesus, Elise, you lucky bitch – I hate you. How was it? Shit, I bet he’s good, isn’t he?”

“’Leste, will you
keep your voice down?” Elise pleaded, knowing that it was only a matter of time before someone tuned into their conversation. “I don’t want to talk about it right now.”

“You know you do – who else can you share all your sordid secrets with? Just tell me; is that body as good as it looks?”

“That body is better than it looks.” Elise replied, reluctantly finding herself drawn into the conversation.

“Shit! You lucky bitch.”

“And for the record,” Elise continued, keen to get as much information out as quickly as she could in order to end this embarrassing conversation, “It was hot – seriously hot. The most erotic experience of my life. He doesn’t want that to be the end for us; I don’t know what that means long-term but at least I know he felt something too.”

“Jeez, Elise, you’re such an idiot sometimes. Anyone with eyes can see he feels something too. I’m pleased for you even if I am just little bit envious. I shall have to get my Vaughn-fix vicariously so lady, full details please as soon as we get a chance!”

Elise rolled her eyes at her friend. “There really isn’t much to tell, besides, it is way beyond complicated. I have to sort out my marriage first and talk to Dale about what’s going to happen. I made up my mind yesterday that I am going to leave him but I’ve not told Vaughn yet as I don’t want him to think that the break-up of my marriage has anything to do with him. It would have happened sooner or later; it’s just that Vaughn coming along has made things a whole lot clearer for me. There are things that need to be said and done before I can consider any kind of future with anyone else.”

“Makes sense,” Celeste agreed “and don’t worry - I won’t say anything to anyone. I’m here if you need me, you know that.”

Elise gave her friend a quick hug. “Thanks.”

“So anyway, what happened with you and Roger then? You weren’t exactly taking much notice of anyone else yourself last night?” Elise asked and then watched startled as a dreamy look came across her friend’s face, something that she had never witnessed before.

“Let’s just say we had our fair share of down and dirty too...and boy, does that man do dirty!”

“Eugghh, ‘Leste – too much information!” protested Elise.

“Well you did ask!” defended Celeste. “He may not have the body of boss-man but he has some pretty tidy moves going on and I just feel this weird kind of connection with him. It’s odd but we both feel it so I guess we’ll just see where it takes us. Hopefully to many more horizontal – and vertical – parties!” And with a wink she sauntered off, leaving Elise open-mouthed in her wake. She still struggled with her friend’s crassness sometimes but it was all part of her charm and at least you always knew where you stood with Celeste. There was certainly a lot to be said for that.

By the time Elise had finished updating her client records, the conference had broken for coffee break and she found herself approached by a number of people keen to get some more information. Most of the questions were standard and she answered them automatically, providing them with all of the literature that she could as a back up. She knew that they were unlikely to get any commitments today as most of them would need to discuss any change in their accountancy practices with their client’s but by the end of the break, she had at least half a dozen that she would be able to chase up over the next few weeks.

The majority of the delegates had returned to the conference room after their coffee when Elise found herself cornered on one side, just slightly away from the stand and by an older gentleman. He was mid-fifties, grey and balding with a slight paunch and wearing the trademark high street pinstriped suit.

“Can I help you at all?” Elise asked professionally, starting to edge back towards the stand to grab some literature.

The man looked her up and down and then blocked her way and Elise glanced over his shoulder, trying to see if she could get the attention of one of the others who were stood only a few feet away.

“Well...” he said, his voice rough and raspy, like he had smoked one too many, “You can start by telling me how much you charge.”

Elise tried to get around him again without success. “Well, Sir,” she replied, “If you wouldn’t mind letting me just squeeze past, then I can pick up a leaflet for you which details all of our services and charges. I think that you will find the rates competitive, particularly when you consider that we are a one-stop shop for all of your client’s accounting needs.”

Instead of obliging, the man moved closer to her, invading her personal space and forcing her to move back towards the wall. Helplessly she glanced across at the others again but was alarmed to see that only Sam remained at the stand and he had his back to her talking to another delegate. Shit. She was on her own.

“I don’t need a leaflet, darlin’” the man continued, his breath now close enough for Elise to smell the slight stench of alcohol. “I just need to know what your rates are - for your services – simple as that.”

Stay calm, remain professional. Stay calm, remain professional. She chanted the mantra in her head, briefly wondering where Vaughn was. She hadn’t seen him in a while; perhaps he was in the main conference room?

“As I said, Sir,” she tried again, “there are leaflets with all the information that you need on the stand just over there. If you’ll let me get past then I can get whatever it is that you are interested in. Excuse me.”

She pushed against him slightly, indicating her intention to pass to his left and to get to the relative safety of the stand, hopefully alerting Sam at the same time. Elise wasn’t entirely sure what this guy’s problem was but she was starting to feel a little nervous and needed him out of her personal space.

Unfortunately, pushing against him had the exact opposite effect and he moved back against her, blocking her way even more and screening her from the view of anyone passing by – including Sam on the stand.

She weighed up her options. She could scream. That would certainly work although it would put a negative slant on the conference if she caused a scene and at the moment, the man hadn’t technically done anything wrong. She could try pushing him away again but he was substantially bigger than her and she had already realised that touching him was not going to achieve the response that she required. The only other option she could come up with was to try to talk to him, reason with him and work out exactly what it was that he wanted – maybe this could still have a positive outcome. She had reasoned with a very drunk Dale on a number of occasions, maybe she could employ the same skills here.

“So, if it’s not the information that you are looking for, perhaps you would like me to book you an appointment with one of our advisors who will be more than happy to go through all
of your requirements with you? I can check our diary for availability right now.” Elise was amazed at how calm and patient her voice sounded considering how much she was trembling inside.

“Now we’re talking,” the man said and Elise immediately felt relieved. She had got through to him and all she needed to do now was edge past him to grab the diary.

Unfortunately he hadn’t finished.

“Not that diary,” he said and grabbed her arm as she went to move past him, “Your diary – your own personal diary.”

The penny finally dropped and Elise belatedly realised that there was no easy way out of this situation. She was stuck, she was on her own and she had to toughen it out.

“Look Sir, I need you to let go of my arm. If you continue to cause me difficulties then I will have no option but to scream for help and arrange for the police to be called. Neither of us wants that to happen so please, just let go of me and we can both go about our day, forgetting that this ever happened.”

The man tightened his grip. “Lady, you can call the police, you can call the whole friggin’ army for all I care; I’ve already lost everything anyway. Before I go down, I decided that I wanted a last little bit of fun and it turns out you’re the one that does it for me.” His voice lowered to a menacing level and he pulled her closer to him. “So, I’ll ask you again; how much do
charge for

Suddenly the foyer area erupted into a mass of activity as Elise caught sight of someone sprinting towards them. Vaughn – and he was beyond furious. His eyes were fixed on the man holding her, his expression one of pure anger as he headed in their direction. The man had his back to the activity and his senses must have been dulled by the alcohol, as he didn’t appear to be aware of what was about to happen. As soon as Vaughn got to within a few steps of them he lunged at the man, tackling him to the ground and Elise was ripped out his hold, stumbling to the side where Sam had now materialised, catching her before she fell.

She looked down to the scene on the floor to see Vaughn laying into the delegate like a man possessed. She owed no loyalty to the man but she didn’t want to see Vaughn get into trouble and the way he was going he wasn’t going to stop until the man was dead. She looked to Sam, imploring him to help and to get Vaughn to stop but he looked as shell-shocked and helpless as her.

A small gathering had by now assembled in the foyer and Elise became aware of voices, people shouting, other men getting involved, trying to stop the fight. She heard the Receptionist on the phone to the police and realised that if she didn’t do something quickly, this was going to go very bad, very quickly.

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