Twenty Tones of Red (24 page)

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Authors: Pauline Montford

BOOK: Twenty Tones of Red
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With her new kinky purchases safe in her weekend bag she waited excitedly for James to co
me and pick her up. As soon as the office clock clicked past five everybody left their desks and moved to the kitchen area to crack open the beers and wine and start preparing for the weekend. She joined them and of course was immediately quizzed by Jen and Amy who were intrigued by the fact that she was going to spend a weekend at this wealthy and successful man’s home for the first time.

Just before six
James sent a very apologetic text explaining that he was running late, but then he managed to catch up some time and less than an hour later she received another message announcing that he was waiting outside. By then the whole gang had left the office and were drinking in the pub round the corner. Picking up her bag she wished them all a good weekend and left them making crude jokes about the size of James’s erection (pretending to refer to his house). As she pushed through the heavy swing door into the cool air she smiled inwardly at the simplicity of their crude jokes. If only they knew what she and James had already done together or had any idea just how kinky their weekend was going to be.

As was their custom James pecked her on the cheek when she’d got into the car. It was odd but they had never kissed each other properly at all. There were lots of reasons for it. It had been banned in their
master and slave weekend and since then they had been having a very chaste and normal ‘courtship’. There was also the unspoken possibility that the sexual chemistry between them was so strong that they were actually afraid of kicking things off. Now that she’d been given control she guessed that she had the option to change that. When she had absolute power over him she’d be able to command him to kiss her as often and as passionately as she desired.

All these thoughts ran through her head as they crawled through the busy London traffic towards his home. It had also occ
urred to her that although the weekend had been designed as a counterbalance to her time with him as a slave there were a lot of significant differences. When David had sent her away he had carefully ruled out any kind of intimate touching or contact. Now things were very different. Both she and James were single and they were free to do whatever they wanted.

s they got nearer to Chiswick she felt increasingly nervous. She had already drunk at least three glasses of wine and although she was tipsy she had an underlying anxiety about what it would be like to be truly open and sexual with James. She decided she just had to push away her niggles and fears. The role of dominatrix had come to her and she knew enough about being submissive to know that to be effective she had to be absolutely clear, confident and in control. Fumbling and bumbling dominants were hopelessly un-sexy and she was determined not to be like that.

The traffic was absolutely terrible and this gave her plenty of time in the final stage of the journey to quiz James on some basics about his ho
use and the weekend. She double checked that he lived entirely on his own and that they would not be interrupted at any stage. She also got him to confirm that there was plenty of food in the kitchen and that he was prepared to cook for her and wait on her hand and foot. He nodded soberly and informed her that he had probably a good week’s worth of fresh food and a large chest freezer that would keep them going for another couple of weeks if needed. He reassured her that he was completely committed to fulfilling her every wish and desire and reminded her once again that it was only fair after her two days of submission to him.

By turning off the main routes and weaving their way through some of the back
streets they finally got to his house. He parked right in front of the end of a row of very impressive mansions and she was amazed to see him open the gate and usher her towards the first of the big houses. It wasn’t just big it was also stunningly beautiful. She could see three floors and three rows of beautifully ornate Georgian windows leading to more bedrooms then she could imagine. The path ran down the side of a well-kept front garden that was perhaps the size of a tennis court. When they reached its end he unlocked the imposing front door then flicked on a light and stepped aside to let her enter. The first thing she noticed was the fragrant smell and the stunning black and white tiled design on the floor of the hallway. She was about to get carried away with an awestruck inspection of the property when she remembered her role. It simply wouldn’t do to wander around with her mouth open touching all the fixtures and fittings. She was there as a dominant mistress and she needed to get on with it.

he’d closed and locked the door behind him she pointed to the floor at her feet and gave him a loud command. “Kneel and strip.”

He dropped to the ground and started to unbutton his shirt with his head bowed.
It was amazing to have such instant authority. He was doing exactly as she had said and the feeling of power gave her an undeniable rush of excitement.

As she stood and watched him undress she re
alised her first mistake. She’d wanted him to be on the floor but she could now see that taking his trousers off was going to be difficult with his legs bent. She took a couple of steps further into the house and decided to bluff it out. She now had to pretend that she’d
to make it difficult for him.

e worked very efficiently and after ripping off his shoes and socks he soon had his trousers and then his pants off. She was delighted to see that he was already excited and fully erect. He wasn’t as monstrously well-endowed as she’d made him in her mind but she was thankful for that. In the secret night-time world of her fantasies everything was allowed to be wildly exaggerated but she’d made him so big it would have simply been uncomfortable. In real life he had long broad and beautiful smooth penis that was already twitching with arousal. She restrained herself from sinking to her knees to grab hold of it and instead just stuck with her plan.

Reaching into her bag she pulled out the apron that
she’d bought for him and tossed it onto the tiles. “Put that on then crawl on your hands and knees to the kitchen.”

Once again he did i
mmediately as he’d been told, quickly slipping the apron over his head and tying the waist strings. It was a tiny frilly thing designed for women and she had intended it to humiliate him. In fact he looked pretty good in it. The thin feminine straps around his neck only served to accentuate the size and definition of his musculature and his cock was making the dainty skirt stand up like a tent under a tall tent-pole.

He moved along the long monochrome
hallway on his hands and knees and she followed. When he passed her she noticed a tattoo of a black panther on the top of his back. It was big bold design that showed the wild cat leaping onto his right shoulder and it looked incredibly sexy with his muscles rippling underneath.

Still moving like an animal he led
her along the corridor and through a doorway into an enormous open-plan living space. There was a kitchen at one end of the long room with an island counter separating it from a lounge area.

crawled right up to the cooker then stopped with his head bowed. She went and stood behind him, walking as slowly and sexily as she could whilst making sure that her heels were producing a clear clicking sound. It was a tip that she’d read on a female domination website and she was determined to play her role as erotically as she could. When she got close to him she nudged his buttocks with the tip of her shoe. “So what are you going to cook for me?”

spicy prawn stir-fry madam,” he replied in a humble voice.

ood.” she made her voice as commanding as she could. “Get on with it with your head bowed and your mouth shut. When it’s ready bring mine to the table and put yours in a bowl on the floor near my feet. I am going to inspect the house and when I come back you’ll get your next command.” He nodded and mumbled an agreement and she turned on her heels and walked away as slowly and seductively as she could.

s soon as she was back out in the hallway she let out a sigh of relief and smiled. What an amazing situation to be in. She could now snoop around the house on her own while her very own naked slave prepared dinner.

The ground floor had
several more treats and surprises in store for her. The next living space she came to was a formal drawing room that looked out onto a stretch of lawn at the rear. The doors along the left of the corridor opened into a study, a downstairs bathroom and then a library and music room. There was also a small cloakroom and utility space and an entrance under the stairs that looked like it led to a basement. She left that and moved up to start snooping around on the first floor.

he got lost. It was an entire level of sumptuous bedrooms and bathrooms and they were all so beautifully neat and well-kept that she felt like she was exploring a museum or a hotel. The stairs continued up to another floor and after a quick peak that confirmed that there were even more bedrooms up there she decided to return to the kitchen. Even her brief inspection of the house had probably taken the best part of ten minutes and she could already smell delicious aromas floating up from the kitchen.

She timed it well and could
see that her gorgeous naked slave was spooning the meal onto a plate when she arrived. He’d laid the table while she’d been gone and there was an elegant row of candles and a place setting with a glass of chilled white wine waiting for her.

he sat and took sips while he served her meal then knelt beside her with his bowl in front of him. She was hungry and, reminding herself that she needed to be as dominant as possible, decided to start eating and ignore him. As she devoured the delicious meal she kept glancing sideways to check that the front of his little apron was still held like a tent. It was, and she was pleased that just being naked around her was keeping him so excited.

He waited
obediently with his food going cold in front of him and she was able to relate to his position very closely. She’d found it very arousing and wondered what the experience was like for him. As he’d never expressed any interest in being submissive she decided to give them a little extra stimulation. When she’d finished her own meal she sat back with a glass of wine and ordered him to pass up his food. With the bowl between her legs she wriggled herself back in the chair then hitched up her dress. She commanded him to eat then added that he should raise his eyes.

He took a large mouthful
of food and she sat back and sipped her wine while he sucked and hooked the rice into his mouth. She could see that his eyes were not fixed inside the bowl; he was staring straight at the tiny pair of sheer black panties that she was wearing above her stockings. She felt like she had a kind of muscular man-beast grunting obediently between her legs and the primal animalistic nature of the experience made it a total turn on. Best of all occasionally he would breathe so deeply that a faint warm draft of air would caress the inside of her upper thighs and bring a distant heat to her pussy.

Glancing down she
could see that he was now so hard that his erection had completely broken free of the apron and was twitching and throbbing in the open air. The end of his impressive cock was moist with his own excitement and her tummy began to flutter with the anticipation of soon being able to play with him.

The idea presented something of a dilemma though
. Traditionally in dominant relationships the submissive is denied orgasms for as long as possible and she knew that to control him properly she needed to make sure that he didn’t cum. The problem was that she very much wanted to make him cum and was longing to feel him inside her. There was no simple solution to the paradox so she decided to go with the flow and see what would happen when things got a little steamier.


When he’d finished eating she told him to clear the table then watched his firm round buttocks swivel as he walked away from her in the tiny apron. While he worked in the kitchen she sipped at her wine and tried to plan the next scene. It was much harder being dominant then she thought. The submissive might be doing the physical labour but the person giving the commands needed to keep thinking things through. It was very important that the orders were clear and didn’t involve any contradictions.

He had just finished putting the last of the cutlery in the dishwas
her when she pulled together the fragments of her plan. She needed to look relaxed and in control and with this in mind the second he’d finished she ordered him to fetch her some rope. She had a few small coils in her bag as back up but was fairly certain that he’d have a supply of the good hemp stuff somewhere in the house.

He did and just a few minutes later he ret
urned and laid out several braids on the kitchen table. Putting down her glass she stood and started to tie him. Working as quickly as she could she looped his wrists together behind his back then put several wraps across the top of his arms and under his impressive pecs. He was now fairly helpless but she was determined to make him even more of a slave.

r turning him she sat down and tucked the skirt of the apron into the belt. She was almost face-to-face with his solid and wonderfully impressive cock. A big part of her wanted to squeeze it then slip her mouth round the moist purple glans but she resisted. She could always do that later, for now the scene was about bondage and control. Taking hold of another length of cord she lifted his balls and tied the rope tightly around the base of his cock. She worked as steadily as she could but her hands were shaking with excitement and anticipation. He moaned and shivered at her touch and she was thrilled at the level of control she had. Taking the other end like a lead she gave him a gentle tug and commanded him to give her a tour of the house.

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