Twenty Tones of Red (34 page)

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Authors: Pauline Montford

BOOK: Twenty Tones of Red
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The kitchen was full of rich spicy sme
lls and she could see that he’d already done the bulk of the preparation for one of her favourite meals. He just needed to drop the pasta into the simmering water and he would soon be serving her a crab linguine with chilli. He poured her a heavily chilled glass of Pinot Grigio then escorted her into the rarely-used front dining room. Every surface was decorated with candles and he had set a real log fire in the grate. He sat in an armchair by the fire and positioned her on a footstool near his legs in such a way that she was sitting straight backed with her legs wide open. A casual observer who saw only her top half would see an elegant formally-dressed lady sipping wine with her lover. Only by entering the room and lowering their gaze would they notice her exposed loins and the cuffs and discreet collar that marked her out as a slave.

For a while the two of them
sat drinking and speaking quite naturally and freely. The only rules were that she was not to move an inch from her position except to take a sip. He of course was free to do whatever he pleased and when she was in the middle of speaking or describing something in a particularly detailed way he would occasionally lean forward and slowly caress the lips of her sex.

By the time she’d finished her fist glass
of wine she was feeling warm, tingly and aroused. Everything about the occasion was stimulating. She loved the glamour, she liked the fact that both of them had dressed up and made the house like something from
Dangerous Liaisons
or a Jane Austen novel. Best of all was that in the middle of all this setting she was still reminded that she was a slave. He could touch her between the legs and squeeze and fondle her breasts whenever he liked. She was not allowed to react or cover herself and this fired erotic triggers deep inside her.

James must have been keeping track of
the time because he suddenly cut off the conversation and put down his drink. Without speaking he took away her glass and put a hand on her shoulder and manoeuvred her firmly off her stool and down onto the floor. Gentle pressure on the back of her head told her that she was to bow it and she found herself looking meekly at the patch of rug in front of her. He made sure that her legs were as wide open as possible then pulled her hands down to her pussy and positioned her fingers so that she was holding open her intimate lips. She was instantly reminded of their first hours together; a powerful flash back transporting her to when he had made her display herself to him in the back of his car on the journey to his country house.

For a while she was left like this. Her skin b
lushed warm with her desire and the heat from the nearby fire and the faint sound of crockery being moved echoed from the other side of the house and she was just slipping into subspace when James returned with a large silver tray and laid out their dinner. With a single command he brought her to the table and they began the meal. She was given no further commands and was free to enjoy the delicious pasta with its fresh crab meat and the spicy tang of chopped chillies.

When they’d
finished he moved her back to the fireside and placed her down onto the rug into her position of exposure and obedience. This time he slipped a blindfold over her head and she was left in total darkness. He cleared the table then returned a few minutes later and sat in the armchair next to her. His warm strong hands cradled her head and turned her face towards him. His lips met hers and they kissed passionately. She gave herself completely to his mouth and tongue and she was reminded of the simple but primal joy of snogging. It was something that had quickly been lost in her other relationships but with James was that they still had all the energy and passion of fiery hormonal teenagers. Her body responded vigorously and she found herself longing to be touched, stroked and stimulated.

Her next
experience was more sensory than sexual. He pulled away then put a spoon to her mouth. She took the offering and discovered that it was a small piece of chocolate truffle. For the second time that evening she was reminded of the treats she’d been served whilst tied onto the saddle in the garden his country house. She savoured both the taste and the memory; allowing the bitter sweetness to melt on her tongue for as long as she could before swallowing it down.

Next came a spoon of ice cream and then a sip of the familiar sweet desert wine. As her pudding progressed he stopped holding the wine glass to her mouth and instead pressed his lips to hers and allowed the delicious liquid to trickle into her mouth. There was something d
elightfully naughty about receiving the drink in this way and each of the sensual delights put her further into a dreamy blissful state.

When the desert finally came to an end he did something quite unexpected. He removed her blindfold then sat himself on the rug next to her in almost an identical kneeling position. He kiss
ed her a few times on the jaw and neck and they sat for a while silently gazing into the fire and listening to their favourite aria from
. It was the most perfect moment, she was full and content and feeling entirely in tune with her lover and master.

He finally broke the silence by producing a small box from his jacket pocket and pressing it into her hand.
“This is the latest piece of slave gear for you,” he said. “As with the collar don’t hurry to answer. Take as long as you like to tell me if you’ll agree to wear it.” She nodded and looked down at the box. It was too small to contain anything other than some studs or some very delicate chains and she wondered if perhaps he was asking her to wear little tags on her outer lips to mark her pussy as his property.

As she wasn’t sure if
she would agree to the intimate piercing she decided to open the box to see if examining the jewellery would help clarify her thoughts. It contained a circle of metal; a single silver ring with a diamond sparking in its centre. As she stared its significance became real then he spoke and his words echoed the thought that was spinning in her head. “I’d like to ask you to marry me.”

She felt her
mouth drop open and a tide of emotion start to rise from deep in her chest. For a few moments she was too stunned to do anything then she managed to reply with her typical response to shock, a kind of gruff humour. “I wasn’t expecting that form of slavery!”

No.” He nodded, taking the joke well but keeping his eyes locked on her. “Take your time. I know it’s a big thing to ask.”

She swallowed hard and
the tears rose quickly and unexpectedly. She hadn’t realised how much she’d wanted it until that moment. It had been fear and doubt that had pushed the thought aside but of course she wanted to be his wife. She was devoted to him.

odding rapidly she leant forward so that they could kiss. Their lips met and she mumbled her answer. “Of course. Of course. Yes, yes, yes, I will.” Glowing inside she leaned back and watched the smile grow on his face. For a while they rocked backwards and forward in front of the fire, both hugging and kissing and crying then he took her by the hand and led her upstairs to the bedroom. A new chapter of their life was about to begin and she couldn’t wait.





©Pauline Montford 2013


Edition April 2013



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