Twin Flames: Soul Memory (12 page)

Read Twin Flames: Soul Memory Online

Authors: Alix Richards

Tags: #romance, #fantasy, #paranormal, #soul mates, #eternal love

BOOK: Twin Flames: Soul Memory
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Joy grabbed the phone and inhaled, redialing Jezzaray’s
number. She’d travel to this place called Calanthia and do whatever
she needed to for Jairo.

After he was healthy…well, she’d think about that

* * *

You’re seriously going to fly to a strange country to save
Jairo?” With arms crossed watching her pack, Stacy leaned against
the doorframe to her bedroom.

I am.” Joy folded the clothes and set them in the case. A
sense of deja vu encircled her. This time she wasn’t running

You’re passport? You’ve never left the States.” She stepped
into the room. “Hell, are you sure this is the right thing to

I am.” She turned to the closet and removed an

What about your mom?”

She froze. What about her? Once she made the decision to save
Jairo the words her mother used to keep her confused weren’t as

I have to do what’s right for me, Stace.”
Joy folded the piece she held and laid it with the others. “My
mother can live her life the way she wants to. She married my dad,
but chooses to ignore what he is. He loves and accepts her the way
she is, like your dad does your mom. I want to be accepted for who

I bet the Ancient Gods are laughing their asses off at our
family right now.” Stacy nudged a shoulder into hers and

I’m sure they are.” She chuckled, closed the case, and
grabbed another.

Stacy stopped and faced her. “You’re awfully calm about all of

Joy stepped over to the dresser and removed what she wanted
and dropped them in the open bag. Her hand remained and she

I don’t sense a major urgency. It’s strange, I can feel and
see Jairo. But he’s behind a glass wall. I just can’t reach out and
touch him. There’s no danger to his health.”

So you remember everything now?” Stacy’s brows shot up. “No
more holes?”

Joy turned back to the bag and rearranged the clothing

I still have blank spots, but I recall
bits of what I didn’t before.” She added a pair of jeans and
shorts, along with a couple of T-shirts lying outside the bag, and
adjusted them. “We’ve talked about
Twin Flames
all our lives, Stace, listening to our
grandparents recount the tales. As for the gaps, many are small,
mostly pertaining to my childhood and teen years. Like when your
mother and mine got together and ganged up on our dads concerning
their parents?”

I remember. They went about it the wrong way.” Her cousin
gave a little shiver and wrapped her arms around her mid section.
“It was horrible.”

Exactly, I only get a spotted view now.” Joy zipped the bag
closed. “I know the why, but the smaller details I don’t have. The
doctor’s say I may never regain them. Which is fine, I got the gist
of it and that’s what matters.”

So you’re flying off to save the world, huh?”

She laughed and hugged her cousin.

Not to save the world per se.” She chuckled when Stacy
returned the motion. “Only a certain stubborn male with whom I
share a soul.”

Isn’t it the same thing?” Stacy stepped back and

I guess, huh?”

Was that what she was doing? She swallowed. Some things were
just too over the top for her to be able to wrap her wounded mind
around at the moment.

An evaluation could come later, after she remembered every
detail, and hopefully, a visit with Jairo would prompt both of
their recoveries.




About the Author


First a storyteller, Alix
Richards didn’t get around to recording her stories on paper until
she was ten. The creative worlds grew with time and experience in
her imagination. Finding her own ‘twin flame’ inspired her to look
again at those worlds and characters she’d set aside when life
demanded her full attention. Between plotting, chatting writer
friends off their balconies, love stories and meeting new people,
Alix spends time with her family and friends, happy to share her
real life with the ones who mean the most to her. She’s friendly,
stubborn, and outspoken but still enjoys laughing and crying while
reading a good book. She’s a romantic with a harsh realistic twist,
because some things just don’t happen in everyday life. However, it
doesn’t stop her from believing anything is possible. Alix would
love to hear from you, [email protected]




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