Twin Flames: Soul Memory (6 page)

Read Twin Flames: Soul Memory Online

Authors: Alix Richards

Tags: #romance, #fantasy, #paranormal, #soul mates, #eternal love

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No matter how hard she tried, the door that kept her memories
locked away would not budge. Only when she slept and was unaware
did those past lives peek out and tease her with what had been at
one time.

Was it possible to sleep forever? At least until she
who she was

Sighing, she closed her eyes as tears flooded her vision.
Burying her face in her bent knees, she let the soft blanket soak
up her sadness and heartache.

* * *

Stop worrying. His transfer went smoothly, Jezzaray. The
nurse’s comments while in flight indicate nothing out of the
ordinary occurred in his brain activity.”

The shuffle of papers caught Jairo’s attention, drawing him
away from the sadness he sensed.

As I said before, there is no reason for your brother to
remain comatose. Every test we have run since his arrival came back
normal. His brain wave patterns show when he’s dreaming and when he
is actually asleep.”

So where does that leave us, Dr. Newland?” The bed jostled as
Jezzaray spoke.

The silence was deafening. If he’d been awake he could have
done something to end it, but he remained helpless, unable to move
or speak. Something he detested.

Have you considered this may have nothing to do with him
physically and everything to do with his other half?”

The cats?” his sister’s voice dropped in octaves as she spoke
the single word that was the difference between them and the rest
of the human race.

No, the feline side isn’t affected by his
concussion.” Soles squeaked on the floor and the door clicked. “I
am talking about his
Twin Flame

He’s met her.”

Have you spoken with her?”

Not since Jay’s accident, no. She hasn’t returned my calls.

Now, this is just a possibility, but it
could be
is the reason behind him not waking.”

I’m not sure I understand?” Confusion laced Jezzaray’s words,
an abnormal state when it came to his sister.

Let’s say, she’s suffered a concussion. If so, whatever she
deals with, your brother will also. On a slightly different level,
of course, it would explain why he hasn’t woke up.”

So, it’s similar to one of them losing their temper and the
other being taken along?” The lightness of her tone said she was
refraining from laughing. Jairo didn’t blame her.

Could it be as easy as that? No wonder the foreign doctor had
found nothing.

Pretty much. There is not a whole lot
known about
Twin Flames
. Many people have their own views concerning them, but
with a hybrid, we fall under the most ancient of laws. Like those
who are blood bound and one dies, the other will

Was that what happened with him? Had the other half of his
soul suffered a similar injury and that is why he can’t seem to
climb out of his mind?

Did she lose her memory? He hadn’t, he recognized most of the
voices, knew himself and his family. Jairo just couldn’t recall
this Joy person. Could she remember him?

It was slowly starting to make sense, in an odd

What is illogical to everyone else is logical to

She’d said those words to him once. The exact time lost on
him, but they were familiar in a way everything else was that
revolved around her.

Again, he drifted along on a wave of oblivion.

* * *

He couldn’t get enough by just touching her. Jairo
to claim her to
soothe the agony that threatened to drown him. This tiny slip of a
female filled him completely and he overflowed with emotion he
hadn’t known he was capable of feeling. He slowly eased his body
into hers and took her mouth in desperation to appease the

Only this woman gave him peace from his assumed

Each time they met in dreamscape, it was the same. They
would talk or argue about matters unimportant to either of them, to
him it seemed like a struggle. Not just any kind, but a power
struggle. Who
in control?

Then they would almost attack each other trying to get closer
to the heat and skin that tormented them. Tearing at their clothes
until they gave way and in a sexual frenzy, they would collapse
entwined. Finally satisfied after having reached what they hungered
for, bare intimacy.

Her nails raked his back, drawing him in, and he growled.
She was going to kill him with the intensity of pleasure that tore
through his body. He was not close enough. He
to get closer.

He desperately needed her to be a real person and not a

The golden flame that emanated from within her called to
Jairo, teasing him into the more intimate connection. It coaxed him
to release the loneliness, heartache and horror that swamped his
waking life. To let her embrace him and take the sadness that tried
to consume him. He trailed his lips along her jaw to her throat and
scraped his canines against her collarbone. Joy’s gasp surged
through him as if it were his own. She arched her back, thrusting
his dick deeper, a claiming bordering on painful.

Her eyes rolled closed and her jaw slackened as the orgasm
took hold. He loved watching her come undone, a beautiful event
akin to a death and rebirth happening all at once.

Jairo set his jaw to concentrate on the slow pace and not
succumb to the tantalizing siren’s call of release. Awe flooded him
at the realization she belonged to him.

Please, see me—Feel me…” he forced the words out as
unspeakable pleasure ripped through him and his body

The intense sensation of her inner muscles caressing his cock
made him want to pull out. At the same time, he never wanted the
feeling to end. He could die inside her, right then, and not be
bothered with the future. The passion-filled expression on her face
and her breathy moans teased him with the possibility of a longer
ride to the edge of euphoria, but he couldn’t catch his

Please—be real…find me.”

His heart constricted at her cry and his throat

I promise.” Jairo took her lips with his and tasted the
saltiness of tears.

Were they hers or his?






Joy stood in the middle of the room taking stock. Every item
put back in their rightful places among her luggage, but something
was still amiss.

Her memory…

Swallowing, she glanced at the flight schedule in her hand. It
was time.

Unable to connect the dots in her mind while remaining
locked away in an unfamiliar city with nothing of her own
surrounding her had slowed her healing progress. She shouldered the
computer case and purse. The suitcase gripped with her bandaged
hand, Joy grabbed for the other bag with the hand full of the
flight papers.
I can do this. The plane will land in Denver International
and from there I’ll rent a car and drive to Casper. Cheaper and
maybe, the scenery along the way will trigger my memory.

She hadn’t known, didn’t remember, not every state had a major

Part of her wanted to stay right where she stood, while
another wished to move on. Which side did she heed? Taking a deep
breath, she left her safety zone and took the elevator to the entry
floor to sign out.

Thank you, Miss Lyons-Morgan, come again.”

Yes, thank you.” A lump formed in her throat as she stepped
away from the desk. She tried again to pull forth the images of
when she arrived, but it was a black hollow shroud.

Once outside, the doorman hailed a cab for her. She inhaled
the salty air as the wind kicked up, summer in Miami. Why had she
come here?


Joy held her breath and refused to choke up. What was there to
fear in leaving? Nothing, that’s what, she had to take that first
step. Determined to learn what happened and the only way she knew
to succeed was to get out and search.

The cabbie took her bags and placed them in the trunk while
she seated herself in the backseat. He maneuvered the vehicle
through the mid-morning traffic with ease.

Scenery flew by the window as she stared out. The nearer to
the shoreline they got, Joy noted the closed clubs, still too early
for them to open. Something about them tickled her mind.

Fighting the retrieval brought on the migraines she’d dealt
with, so she relaxed.

In her mind’s eye an image came into focus, a building, four
floors high, near a beach. She couldn’t tell where, but it gave her
hope she’d remember more soon.

Parts of her memory returned, not a lot, just enough. The
corner of her lips tilted up and she sighed.

When the cab stopped in the departure parking, she slid out,
paid the man, and grabbed her cases. Joy lifted her chin and
stepped through the automated doors.

She stamped down her recent emotional best friends, doubt and
fear, and let her mind wander at will. One of these times, she
would recognize what she had forgotten.

The articles she found concerning memory loss said force would
cause more damage, she didn’t want that. Therefore, she let it

Joy crossed her fingers in hopes the occurrence was the way
the experts proclaimed.

Her memories would continue to come to the surface and fall
into place.

She could do this.

* * *

Jairo looked around the room. It wasn’t the hospital or any
other place he knew. But it was…familiar at the same

He turned to the furniture and his heart stopped and then

The small petite blonde he’d seen often sat crossed legged on
the sofa. She appeared completely relaxed, dressed in cut jeans and
a tank top.

Did she only ever wear those items?

No, she wore other pieces of clothing for him. Images of the
dance she preformed for him filtered through his mind and his body
hardened. Jairo swallowed and walked toward where she

Who are you?”

Her eyes opened, their paleness struck him in the gut. Her
sun-streaked tresses and golden tanned skin gave her a beautiful
exotic look.

I am Joy.” Her mouth tilted up and her expression brightened.
“You must be Jay. Your sister told me about you. She always
referred to you as ‘Jay.’ But, I know that’s not your birth name.
You are Jairo.”

His body froze at her words, shocked. No one ever called
him by his birth name. Hell, he did not know a person who
his name.
used “Jay.” He didn’t know what to say. She used his
rightful name and the anger that always accompanied the occurrence
was absent. Instead, a sensation of belonging, acceptance…and love
washed over him. Not the kind he received from his family, but the
deep unabated kind, all consuming, yet at the same time

My sister told you about me?” Jairo stepped closer and sat
across from her in the chair.

Yeah, she seems to think we’re alike. Personally, I think
she’s a little odd, but I thought it wouldn’t hurt to see for
myself.” Her tone friendly, without the leery bite most use in
reference to his sister’s strange tendencies.

You knew my name.”

The look that crossed Joy’s features startled him. She gnawed
on her bottom lip as her gaze darted around the room.

A small jolt of anger eased its way along his veins. Why was
he upset?

I know many—things,” her words hesitant, unsure.

Her answer didn’t appease the rush of temper. The moment her
eyes connected with his again, all anger evaporated as if it hadn’t
ever happened.

What about her had him reacting in ways he never had

Jairo controlled his anger, which if he were honest was
nonexistent. Yet, Joy’s refusal to look him in the eye pissed him

Eyes are the window to the soul…

You told me ‘eyes are the window to the soul.’”

Again Joy’s gaze shifted, looking at everything else
him. Once more, the
tazer of anger shot through him. With a quick inhalation, her pale
slivery-blue eyes shot back to his.

Had she felt his fury?

Then a repeat of the moment before filled him, peace. They
were more than
alike as his sister so nicely put it.

I’ve said many things, Jair-Jay.”

Her slip made his pulse race. Who was she to him that her
affect on him was instantaneous and magnified?

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