Twist of Fate (15 page)

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Authors: Jaime Whitley

BOOK: Twist of Fate
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“Turn around.” I slowly turn around, suddenly feeling very self conscious. I know he’s seen me naked before, but that was before I gave birth. My hips look different and I don’t even want to know what my lady part looks like. Silas stares at me as I chew on my lip. “Perfection, your body is just as amazing as I remember, if not better.” I let out a sigh of relief and let a small smile appear on my face. He crooks his finger and I close the little distance there is between us. Bringing his lips to mine, he moves us to the bed and gently lays me down. Opening all the buttons on his shirt, I remove it and throw it on the floor, allowing my hands to trail his body. My fingers trace over every perfectly sculpted muscle and notice he has gotten a few more tattoos since the last time I’ve seen him. As I slide my hands down his six pack, all I can think of is licking and kissing them. I unzip his slacks and shove his pants down and Silas removes them completely, taking his boxers with them.

His cock springs free and I wrap my hand around him, stroking him. He lets out a growl of pleasure that only turns me on more. My skin feels like it’s on fire as he places kisses on every inch of my body, making sure he hasn’t missed a spot. He moves lower, breaking away from my hand. When he finally reaches my center, I feel his tongue slide up and down me and I fist his hair while enjoying the pleasure of his mouth. He works his tongue, giving me more pleasure than I ever imagined could be given there. This man is a God who knows how to use his tongue. No longer being able to control myself, I let go and find my release.

As he slowly climbs up my body, I pull him down to me, crashing my lips onto his. Reaching for the nightstand, I pull out a condom and place it on him. He watches me as I place it on and he wraps his hand around mine and guides himself into me. As soon as he is in, he lets out a hiss and starts to move slowly and gently, soaking in the feel of us. After a couple minutes our pace begins to quicken and our breaths become more frantic. My hands are roaming his entire body, and every time I grab his hair, he lets out a sexy groan that has now become my new favorite sound. Our bodies are smacking together and we are sweaty by the time we both are fully satisfied.

Silas collapses on top of me, kissing my forehead and then my lips. We lay there for a moment in silence and just enjoy the closeness of each other. Silas slowly pulls out and gets up to dispose of the condom. When he comes back, he lies on the bed and pulls me toward him, crashing our naked bodies together.

“That was the fourth most perfect moment in my life,” he utters out of nowhere.

“Fourth, huh? Do I even want to know who was one through three?” I joke, nervously hoping he isn’t comparing me to anyone else.

“They are all you, Lilly. The first was the day in the airport. The second was finding out we share a son together. The third was tonight when you agreed to take my heart, and the fourth well, I can show you again if you would like,” he’s rolling me over and kissing me before I can answer.

We make love two more times before the night is over, and although I’m exhausted, Silas keeps me up talking. He is discussing our past, present and even our future. This all seems too good to be true, but I’m not going to let that ruin a good thing. I have an amazing man in my bed, and for now I’m going to hold onto that and fall asleep in his arms tonight.



Chapter 20


Waking up next to Lilly these past couple weeks has been my new favorite way to start my mornings. It sucks that I have to leave before Ezra wakes up. I feel like I’m a teenager sneaking out of my girlfriend’s house, trying not to get caught by her parents. I understand Lilly’s concern though. This is still fresh and we’re still trying to figure out the kinks and don’t want to confuse Ezra in the process.

Work is going as smooth as it can. I have been using more of my built up vacation days so I can spend more time with Lilly and Ezra. Declan was nice enough to offer up his beach house to us so we use it for weekend getaways. I’ve gotten past wanting to punch him in the face, and to my surprise, he turned out to be a real good guy. We introduced Ezra to his cousins and my sister. They’ve taken to him and Lilly like they have always been part of our family. I noticed a change in my father as well since bringing Ezra around. He seems fuller of life and I know it’s thanks to my son. Like me, he resembles my mother a lot. He has a way of bringing the room to life whenever he is around.

“Hey man, do you want to grab something for lunch before we have to testify today? Or do you have plans with Lilly?” Lucas can never make it through court without his stomach growling.

“Yeah, that sounds good. Lilly is at a signing for the weekend. She left this morning, so Megan is watching Ezra till I get off later.” I grab my coat to head out.

We drive to the diner that Lilly and I first went to when I reconnected with her. Ever since she’s taken me here I find myself coming back more often. I’ll never tell Lilly, but their gravy fries are bangin. Lucas is always willing to accompany me since Kim doesn’t like diner food. How one cannot like diner food is beyond me. Once we arrive, we grab a booth and place our order.

“I don’t know how you eat those disco fries and manage to stay in shape. You should be at least twenty pounds heavier by now,” Lucas places his phone on the table.

“If I had your mentality, I would be twenty pounds heavier; however, after I eat these fries I go to the gym and work it off. Someone needs to be able to keep up with the criminals that run, since we know it’s not you,” I taunt him and his major dislike for running.

“Yeah yeah, just remember who has the better shot.”

“How can I forget, remember that time you shot your wife in the ass with the bb gun? If memory serves me right, the target was the bullseye on the tree. But you were aiming for her ass, right? At least that’s what you told her,” I can’t contain my laugher remembering the look on Kim’s face when she got hit.

“Hey, we were grilling out and drinking. No one’s aim is perfect when they have beer in them,” I laugh even harder at his need to defend his shooting skills.

“Mine is, I hit that target six times, beer and all.” Lucas tosses his spoon at me and I keep laughing.

“So, since you have Ezra this weekend, do you want to bring him over to play with the kids? They have been asking where Uncle Silas and Ezra are.”

“Sounds good. Just let me know which day and we will be there.”

“Do you think Megan would come? I know Lilly isn’t here but Ava has been begging to see Megan.”

“I’ll ask her, she will probably bring Declan with her. Those two are inseparable.”

“The more the merrier” As he takes a sip of his drink, our food comes out.

We take our time eating and bullshit for a little bit afterwards. Court can be long and tedious, so we normally don’t show up until the very last minute. Slipping on my suit jacket, I leave some cash on the table for our bill and we head out. I’m about to get into the car when I hear an all too familiar voice call out my name. I turn around and see Kristin crossing the street, making her way toward me. I haven’t seen or spoken to her since she walked out of my life. I’m not sure how one would handle this but I can only assume it will be fucking awkward. I tell Lucas one minute and he gets in the car, opening the window so he can eavesdrop on the conversation that’s about to take place. She is now standing in front of me and gives Lucas a wave and brings her attention to me.

“Hey, Silas,” she’s reaching in for a hug and I don’t want to be rude so I hug her back, quickly stepping out of it.

“Hey, how have you been?” Stupid question considering I broke her heart.

“I’m okay. I was going to call you.” She’s fidgeting with her hair and looking everywhere else but at me. She had to know our run-in would be awkward, I don’t get why she looks so uneasy. If she wasn’t comfortable with talking to me, then why would she call out to me? It makes no sense.

“It’s okay. Our situation wasn’t ideal and I just wanted to respect your decision and give you space.” She shifts uncomfortably and I can tell she’s nervous. I don’t want her to feel nervous around me but, I need to get to court and don’t have time to do all this right now. “Listen, I don’t want to be rude, but Lucas and I have to be in court any minute.” I go to pull the car keys out of my pocket so she knows I’m in a rush, forgetting that Lucas already has them. Instead, I hold my wrist up and glance at my watch before looking back at her.

“Of course you guys are. You two, I swear, some things will never change.” She lets out a nervous laugh.

“Well, it was great seeing you.” I’m trying to dismiss her in a nice way. I just hope she takes the hint.

“Right, you too.” She’s turning to walk away, so I start to get to my side of the car only to see her stop and turn around. She calls out my name again and begins walking quickly back to me. “I need to talk to you; it’s important. I know you need to get to court, but do you think we can meet later?”

Looking at my watch, I see I’m almost due in court. I don’t have the time right now and I would prefer to talk to Lilly about this before agreeing to meet up with my ex. I made the mistake of going behind Kristin’s back, and I definitely don’t want to repeat that with Lilly.

“I’m sorry, Kristin, but I just don’t have the time right now. Plus, I would like to talk to Lilly about it before I agree to meet up with you later. The last thing I want to do is make her feel uncomfortable. Can I call you in a couple days?”

“I’m pregnant,” she blurts out. If it wasn’t for Lucas spitting out the water that was in his mouth when she said that, I would have thought I was imagining things.

“I’m sorry, come again?” I’m in total disbelief.

“I’m pregnant, Silas, and it’s yours.”

Motherfucker! This cannot be happening. Kristin can’t be pregnant. I just got everything sorted out and back to normal. Everything is going perfectly with Lilly and Ezra. When I told Lilly I wanted forever with her I meant it, I still do. But this, this is something I would have never seen coming. Lilly is going to be crushed and I don’t even know how to go about telling her. I do know one thing, I’m due in court and don’t have time for this shit right now.

“I have to run, I’ll call you.” I avoid making eye contact with Kristin and I get in the car and take off for court, leaving her on the sidewalk.



Chapter 21


I’m finally pulling into my driveway after being away for Friday and Saturday. The signing was great, and I had a pretty big turnout. I couldn’t help but be a little distracted at times wondering what Silas and Ezra were up to. I texted him a couple times but each response was short, and I could tell he wasn’t in the mood to talk.

Megan kept me updated on how Silas was doing with Ezra. I didn’t think he would have too many issues, but you never know. Being a parent can be a hard job at times, especially when you have to say no. I see Silas isn’t here yet, so I take advantage of the extra free time I have and go inside to take a shower and unpack.

About forty-five minutes later, I hear two car doors closing, indicating that Silas and Ezra are back. Excited to see my little man, I open the door and walk down the driveway to greet them.

“Hey, Mommy.” Ezra runs up and hugs my legs. Reaching down, I hug him back, kissing him on top of his head. Looking up, I see Silas is standing back with his hands in his pockets. He has a distant look in his eyes and I wonder if something happened with them while I was gone.

“Hey, kiddo, did you have fun with your daddy?” I ask as we walk back into the house.

“Daddy took me to the Lego museum and look, he bought me more Legos!” Excitement pours out of him as he pulls all the new ones out of his backpack.

Smiling at how happy he looks, I turn my attention to Silas and step toward him for a kiss. He pulls me in placing both hands on my cheeks and grins at me. As his lips touch mine, I taste the familiar minty taste on his tongue. There is something about this kiss that is different. It is softer and slower, not so much filled with hunger. Once the kiss is over, his lips continue to linger on mine. I’m not sure what that is all about, but it almost seems like he is afraid he will never get the chance to kiss me again. His reaction to me is making me worried. I eye him questionably, not wanting to raise any suspicion around Ezra if something is wrong, and he looks away at our son.

“Hey, buddy, why don’t you go out back and play for a little. Your mom and I will be right out.”

Silas goes to sit on the couch without looking back. I pause to make sure Erza closes the door behind him before heading to take a seat. I have spent enough time with Silas these past couple weeks to tell when something is off. Seeing him with his arms resting on his bouncing knees as his hands pull on the ends of his hair I know there is a problem. My stomach sinks as a million scenarios fly through my head. Shit, he’s in over his head; he doesn’t want to do this anymore with Erza and me. I swallow the lump in my throat and take a seat next to him.

“Mind telling me what is going on?”

“Is it that obvious?” He removes his hands from his hair looking to me and stills his legs.

“Well, as much as I love kissing you, and I’m not complaining, but that kiss hello wasn’t like the ones I usually get. It seemed kind of off.” There goes that damn leg again, bouncing up and down so I place my hand, stilling it. A small smile touches my face as I remember him doing this same gesture to me in his car when I was a nervous wreck.

“Look, Lilly, I don’t even know where to start. I don’t even know what to say to even lessen the blow of what I’m about to tell you.” He’s looking at me and I don’t like the look I see in his eyes. It’s a mixture of fear and guilt, leaving me to wonder what could have happened this weekend while I was gone. Hearing him say those words doesn’t help ease my worries either. My mind is all over the place right now, running through any possible scenario that could have happened while I was gone. Silas is still staring at me and not talking. I’m not sure what he is expecting me to say, so I swallow the huge lump in my throat and say the best thing I can think of.

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