Two Books in One - Ominous Love and Paradox - The Angels Are Here (13 page)

BOOK: Two Books in One - Ominous Love and Paradox - The Angels Are Here
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Chapter Eighteen


I pull away from him. “I don’t have time, Tom. I have to go.”

He blocks my path. “Come on, Elle, I'm sorry about what happened with Francesca. I'd been drinking.”

“I don't care, tell her your problems.” I push past him.

He grabs my hand. “But we didn't do anything. We stopped after you caught us, then I got plastered and fell asleep. I was sick all night, and on Sunday.”

“Good. It serves you right.” I yank my arm away. “You would’ve kept going if I didn’t catch you.”

“No, I wouldn’t. I don't want Francesca, I want you. If you’ll just give me one more chance, I’ll make it up to you.”

I sigh. “Francesca's not the problem, you are. You're always trying to make me to do things. That’s not very romantic, and you probably don't even have any protection. You could get me pregnant, or give me some horrible disease.”

His jaw drops. “I don’t have a disease. I haven’t even had sex yet, well not properly. And I wouldn’t have forced you to do anything either. I just wanted to look.”

“Look at what?” I belt him over the head with my handbag.

“Ouch.” He puts his hands over his head to protect himself. “I said I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I just had this strong urge.”

“Well, the next time you get a ‘strong urge’, remember to ask the girl for permission.”

“But, Elle, you’re the only girl I want. Please, give me another chance?”


His brows knit together. “What about you? Do you get a ‘strong urge’ for your naked cousin?”

I frown. “What naked cousin?”

He rolls his eyes. “Oh, so he's not your cousin. You lied just like I thought.”

“I don't know what you're talking about, Tom. My cousins live in Perth, and I haven't seen them in years.”

“Oh, come on. What about the dude who's staying with you, the poser who walks around flashing his dong all the time?”

I laugh. “Who in Heaven are you talking about?”

“Don't play games. You know I mean Seal—the creep you're always drooling over.”

“Have you been drinking again? There's no one staying with me and I don't know anyone called Seal, except the Singer. And um, I’m pretty sure
wouldn’t be staying at my house.”

Tom shakes his head. “You're unbelievable, Elle. You know
I mean the pretty white boy you call your cousin, so why are you lying? At least I was honest with you about Francesca.”

I press my lips together. “You call sneaking off in someone's bedroom being honest? You're delusional, Tom, and you're making me late for my first day at work. I have to go.” I run ahead of him. He really has lost the plot. Seal? What's
he on about? I don't know any pretty boy called Seal.

“Hypocrite,” he shouts.

Ignoring him, I jog the rest of the way to the pet shop. When I walk in the door, the supervisor smiles. “Hi, Eloise, I’m Linda. Follow me.” She shows me around and gives me a sheet of paper with my daily duties on it. “You can clean out the guinea pig cages first,” she says.

Though I'm nervous, I enjoy handling the sweet baby animals, and as I change their newspaper and water, they popcorn and squeak around my hands. After cleaning out the bunny cages and dog kennels, I change the kitty-litter for the kittens.

The morning flies by and before long Linda tells me to go to lunch. “See you back in an hour,” she says.

“Thanks.” I grab my bag and walk along the main road to the boutiques to look for a present for Francesca. As I wander around the shops, I sip on a strawberry smoothie. I can’t seem to find anything for Francesca, so I buy her a gift voucher and head back to work.

The afternoon goes as quick as the morning, and at five o'clock, I say goodnight to Linda and dash home to get ready for the party.

I grab a glass of cranberry juice, then have one last check around for my cell phone, but I still can't see it anywhere. Drats, it looks like I’ll have to buy a new one on payday. After showering and changing into tight green pants a
nd a white top, I put on my jacket. As I slip into my shoes, the phone rings. Oh, thank goodness for that. I'd forgotten about Mum calling. Jeez, I would have gone out without thinking, then I'd be in trouble. I glance at the clock. It's already six-thirty. Good timing. I pick up the handset.

“Hi. Mum.”

“Eloise, I've been worried. Where were you on Sunday when I phoned? Did you go out partying with Tom again? I hope you weren't out all night with him?”

“I went to a party with Brooke and Ruby. I'm not dating Tom anymore, Mum, so don't worry. I can't remember what time I got in, but it wasn't late, anyhow, how's Pop?”

“It looks like we'll be here for a while yet, honey, probably another week or more. Anyway, now I know you're okay, I'd better go. Oh, and make sure you're in bed early tonight. You don't want to be late for work. By the way, how was your job?”

“It's great. I love it.”

“That's good. Okay, I'll phone in a few days. Be good, bye.”

“Bye, Mum.”

With a big smile, I hang up.

After checking myself in the mirror, I put my money and lipstick in a tiny leather shoulder bag and pull it over my head. Perfect. At least I can't lose this purse and I don't even have to hold it. I lock up, then drop the keys in the purse and head up the road towards the church hall.


“Aww.” W
hy do I keep getting little electric shocks? I’d better see a doctor about that. Surely it’s not normal.

Zap! Zap!

“Ouch.” What in Heaven is it? Have I damaged a nerve or something? Rubbing my neck, I keep walking. The doctor’s surgery is shut for the night anyway. Inhaling the fresh salty air, I gaze up at the big yellow moon as it smiles at me from above the ocean. It looks so beautiful amongst the twinkling stars in the clear night sky. Then I gasp as a shimmering shooting star disappears into a tiny white cloud. I'm so glad it's not foggy or raining tonight, but I guess if I want to own my own car, I'll have to stop buying clothes and start saving.

As I walk through the car park to the church hall,
‘If Looks Could Kill’
, blasts out of the open doors. Brooke and Ruby dash over to meet me.

“I’m glad you came, Elle,” says Ruby. “I thought you might not after what Francesca did.”

I shrug. “I don’t care about that. I’m over Tom.” I stroll over to the table and place Francesca’s gift with the other presents, then I grab a beaker of orange juice.

“Watch out, Tom's coming over,” whispers Brooke.

“Great.” I roll my eyes.

“Hi, Elle, wanna dance?”

“Why don’t you ask Francesca?” I say, turning away from him.

Brooke nearly chokes on her drink.

One Direction's
Stole My Heart,
booms from the hall speakers
he grabs my hand and twirls me onto the dance floor, but when I turn to pull away, I gulp. It's not Tom. It's Devlin Sulphurous.

Holy smoke! His eyes are like smouldering coal and he's mesmerising me. As he sways me around the dance floor, he sings the words to the song. I’m touched. No one has ever sung to me before and when he pulls me closer, I gaze up at him.

Smiling, he wraps his arms around me and lays my head against his chest. I can feel the beat of his heart and the warmth of his skin through his black silk shirt. I can’t believe I’m dancing like this with a guy I’ve just met. As I breathe in his exotic perfume, it captivates me, making me dizzy. He seems kind of nice, so maybe I misjudged him when I met him at Richie's party. After all, it wasn’t him who went off with Francesca.

we sway to the next song, my eyes meet Tom’s. His fists are clenched and he’s glaring at me. Oh, crap. It looks like trouble.

He strides towards us, pushing through a group of dancers, then he cuts in front of Devlin and grabs his arm. “Get your sleazy hands off my girl,” he yells.

“Tom.” I yell, scowling at him. “I’m not your girl.”

Ignoring me, he narrows his eyes at Devlin and shouts above the music. “Just because Elli and I had an argument, doesn’t mean you can move in on her, so take a hike, pretty boy.”

Oh, crap! I hold my mouth and look at Devlin.

He’s much bigger than Tom and a lot more intimidating. Reaching out, he digs his thumb into the flesh above Tom’s collarbone. “Cheating on your girl is more than an argument, punk.”

Tom’s knees buckle as he cries out in pain.

Holly shit. What’s Devlin doing? I pull at his arm. “Don’t.”

Devlin takes his hand away and grabs mine, then he ushers me outside into the fresh night air. “I’m sorry, Eloise. I had to do something to stop him from making a bigger fool of himself.”

I glance back at the hall, hoping Tom is all right. He’s standing in the doorway, rubbing his shoulder and glowering at Devlin.

I frown at Devlin. “I think you hurt him.”

He looks at Tom, then steers me down the garden towards a sandy track that leads to the beach. “It’s only his pride that’s hurt. I had to stop him before he started a fight because he wouldn’t stand a chance with me, and I didn’t want to harm him. He’s just a fool.”

I guess Devlin’s right but I feel a little nervous going off with him when I don’t really know him. Kicking my shoes off, I glance over my shoulder to make sure Tom sees where I’m going, but he’s not there. Good old Tom, always there when he’s needed. Knowing him, he’s probably gone in search of Francesca.

“It's easier to talk out here,” says Devlin, waiting for me to pick my shoes up.

“I guess so,” I say, wondering what I’m getting myself into.

Taking my hand, he leads me onto the beach.


Whoa! I jerk as electricity shoots through me again.

Devlin stares at me, his eyes wide. “Did you feel that, too?”

I gulp.
felt it?

Wrapping his arm around me, he smiles. “We seem to have a spiritual connection, Eloise.”

I bite my lip. Was I getting zapped in anticipation of seeing Devlin? Do I subconsciously like him? Could
be the boy from my dreams? Maybe he is because I felt a shock of electricity when he took my hand. I take a deep breath and peek up at him.

He gazes into my eyes.
“You look beautiful tonight, Eloise.”

I give him a half smile. What am I thinking? I m
ust be nuts coming down to the beach with him, but it's like he has some sort of hold over me. But I’ll stay for a while just to see if he is my mystery boy.

Taking my hand again, he starts walking towards the reef.
Hmm, I didn’t get zapped just then. Now, I’m starting to get nervous. When we reach the rocks, he sits down on the sand with his back against the bottom of the cliff. He pats the ground next to him. “Sit here, honey, and let me warm you.”

As I plonk down beside him, he wraps his arm aroun
d my shoulders and rubs my arm. “I’m glad you’re giving me a chance to get to know you instead of running off like you did at Richie’s party.”

self-conscious, I look away. Why does he want to get to know me? I’m short and my butt’s too round. Francesca's stunning and tall and she practically threw herself at him.

As if reading my mind, he cups my chin in his hand, then turns me to face him. “I don’t think you realise how gorgeous you are, Eloise. And that’s only one of the things I love about you.”

That’s a bit strong. I look away. I don’t know what to say to him. He seems so mysterious. Brooke's right, he's definitely hot, but there’s something dark about him.

He takes my hand and kissed my fingers. “There's no need to be shy. I won't bite you.”

I gulp. My heart is thumping against my ribs. He's so close, I can smell his exotic perfume again, and though it's intoxicating, there's a desperate intensity to his behaviour that's worrying me. I glance up at him. “I'm not shy. I'm just cautious, and I don’t really know anything about you.”

He smiles, his white teeth gleaming in the moonlight. “You don't have to be nervous with me. You’re so sweet and there’s something so innocent and vulnerable about you. You bring out the protector in me.”

I gulp. Jeez, he doesn’t know me very well. He tries anything and I’ll poke his eyes out. Crap. I should have learned my lesson after what Tom did. Being alone with a boy is just plain stupid. And what happened to the zaps?

Snaking his arm around my waist, he pulls me closer. “The view of the ocean is fantastic under the stars, isn’t it?”

“Yes. It’s lovely around here.”

He kisses my cheek. “Just like you, baby.”

My breathing quickens and I peek at him out the corner of my eye. He's moving way too fast for me, and I don't know him well enough. I don’t think he is the boy from my dreams and I’m starting to feel uncomfortable. I look around to see if there’s anyone on the beach, but it’s deserted. My mouth goes dry and I start to panic.

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