Two Books in One - Ominous Love and Paradox - The Angels Are Here (15 page)

BOOK: Two Books in One - Ominous Love and Paradox - The Angels Are Here
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Chapter Twenty


There’s no time to think about babies right now. I have to try and revive Seal. I wriggle from beneath him as gently as I can, then I turn him onto his back. Oh, God, he looks so young, and he’s so beautiful. Please, don’t let him be dead.

I brush his matted hair from his bloodied face and peer at the small wound on his head. Oh no. Not now. I suck in deep breaths as I start to feel dizzy from the sight of the blood. I can’t faint now, I just can’t.

With trembling hands, I lean over him and tilt his sweet face to the sky. And though my heart is breaking into a million little pieces, I inhale deeply, then I press my open mouth over his and blow out two sharp breaths.

I'm suddenly thrown on top of him as electricity shoots from my lips to my heart. I'm on fire. Oh my god! I’m lying on top of Seal’s body, my face above his. Then his eyes pop wide open and he stares at me. As he starts to breath, I kiss his soft lips. “You’re alive. Thank God, you’re alive.”

He blinks and looks down at our naked bodies. “What’s going on?”

Uh-oh. Don’t tell me he’s got amnesia again. Self-conscious at my nakedness, I scramble off him and sit on the sand with my arms crossed over my breasts. “I … I was just giving you CPR.”

“Where’s the blood from?” He touches the bump on his head, then his eyes grow wide. “What happened?”

“It’s … it’s not what you think. Honestly, I can explain.” I glance around for my clothes, but I can’t see them anywhere. And I’ve no idea how to explain my nakedness to him.

“Aw, come here, babe.” He pulls me into his arms and holds me tight. “I’m so sorry, Eloise. I tried so hard to stop Devlin from hurting you, but Lucifer was guarding him. I had to fight him off first, and when I finally got inside Devlin’s body, I was too late. God forgive me, but I tried to kill him.” He kisses my forehead. “Oh, honey, I should have protected you better.”

I hug him tight, enjoying the feel of his warm body against my cold skin. “Oh, Seal, I struck you with a rock and I could have killed you. I didn’t mean to. I thought I was hitting Devlin. I have to get you to a hospital.”

“Don’t worry. It’s just a small wound. Anyway,
I deserved it.” He holds me against his chest. “I’m never leaving you again, not ever.”

I gaze into his eyes
. “Promise?”

He kisses my forehead.
“I promise, honey.”

I glance around
. “Where did Devlin go?”

body tenses. “Hopefully to Hell, but I think he’s still here on earth as a human. I can still sense him.”

My heart sinks, then I suddenly remember that Seal has no wings. Gee whiz. Surely God wouldn’t have burned them off because he was saving me from Devlin, would he? My eyes wide, I stare at him. “Seal, you’re wings have gone. Were you kissing me?”

He gulps. “Um, well, I couldn’t help it. When I took over Devlin’s body, I took over
he was doing. He already had his tongue in your mouth and … well …um …”

Holding my cheeks, I gasp. “Far out, Seal. You made love to me, didn’t you?”

He shrugs. “I had no choice, honey. It was him or me.”

I stroke his hair. “Oh, Seal.”

Wrapping his arms around me, he kisses me tenderly on the mouth. “I love you so much, Eloise. I couldn’t stand what he was doing to you. I wanted to kill him. Are you okay, baby?”

“I’m fine.
Don’t worry about me. You’re the one that’s hurt.”

“You’re not fine
, Eloise. You need to go to the hospital.”

My brows knit together
. “No, Seal. Imagine what would happen if I did. I couldn’t stand all the questions. They’d think you harmed me and they’d take samples and do tests. I’m okay. I just want to go home.”

“Okay, but where are your clothes?”

I sigh. “On the sand somewhere, I guess.”

He rubs my cold arms. “Hopefully, I’ll make a better husband than a guardian angel.”

A husband? My jaw drops and a thrill runs through me. I’ve surely died and gone to Heaven. As I hug him tight, I whisper in his ear. “I’ll love you forever, Sea ....”

He presses his fingers to my lips. “
You mean Nathaniel.”

Electricity shoots
from my mouth to my heart and I squeeze his hand. “I will love you for ever and ever, Nathaniel.”

Closing his eyes, he holds me tight. “Oh, Eloise, I’ve yearned for you to say those words.”

I melt onto his bare chest. “And I’ve yearned for you in my dreams, mystery boy.” I stare up at him. “Hang on, was it you that was zapping me on the way to the party?”

He rolls his eyes.
“Yes, I was trying to warn you about going out on your own, especially at night. But I had to stop when you started thinking Devlin was your mystery boy. Jeez, Eloise.”

I pout.
“But you erased my memory of you. I got confused.”

“Oh, honey. I’m sorry.” He kisses my eyes, my ears, my cheeks. “I love you, baby, please say you’ll marry me?”

Sitting up, I kiss his sweet mouth. “Of course I'll marry you, Nathaniel. I adore you.”

He smiles. “I can hardly wait, but we’ll have to postpone the wedding until you’ve finished school.


“Yes, honey, you’ll have to leave that job and go back to school. You need an education. I’ll be the one to go to work.”

I frown. “But I’m useless at learning.

“No, you’re not. Anyway, I’ll help you.”

I smile. “It’s a deal.”

“Okay, Miss Beautiful, I think we better get
dressed.” He glances at my figure. “And you really are beautiful, Eloise.”

I peek at his gorgeous physique and giggle. “And so are you, Nathaniel”

A familiar voice shouts out, “You bloody pervert!”

We turn around.

Crap! It’s Tom.

He sneers at Nathaniel. “I knew you were banging her.”

I scrunch myself into a ball to hide my nakedness. “Tom, go away,” I yell. “You’re the pervert for spying on us.”

His hands on his hips, he stares at me. “I guess you got an urge, Elle?”

I scowl at him. “
Yes, I did, and Seal saved me from Devlin, which is more than you did.”

He folds his arms. “I came to s
ee if you were okay, so if I arrived here first, would you have banged me? Or were you just waiting for your posing naked cousin?”

Nathanial shakes his head
. “Don’t push your luck, Tom.”

clenches his fists and glowers at him. “You’ll keep, you bloody Lothario.”

Nathaniel sighs
. “Just shut up and pass Eloise her clothes.”

“Yes, Tom,
can you?” I ask. “My purse, too?”

His lips pressed together, he
gathers my things from the sand dunes and chucks them at me. “I must be crazy helping you two.” He shoves Devlin’s shorts over Nathaniel’s head, then stomps back up the beach towards the church hall. “Bloody kissing cousins, my ass,” he mumbles.

As Nathaniel puts the shorts on, I quickly get dressed, then I put my shoulder bag over my head and grab his hand. “Come on. Let’s go home.”

He wraps his arm around my waist. “Yes, and we’ve got over a week to sort things out before your parents get back.”

I hug him tight. “Does this mean you’re staying on earth with me forever?”

He kisses my cheek. “That’s right.”

“You’re not going back to Heaven?”

He shakes his head. “Nope, not until I die.”

I smile. “That’s not for a long time.”

“Yes, a whole life time.”

“Say you love me again?”

He kisses my lips. “I love you, Eloise.”

“I love you, too, Seal.”

He raises a brow. “It’s Nathaniel.”

I pout. “You’re Seal?”


I snuggle into his neck. “Okay, Nathaniel. I love you with all of my heart.”

As he rocks me in his arms, I gaze up at the sky and pray to God that if I am pregnant, to let it be Nathaniel’s baby, not Devlin’s. Then I notice Devlin’s ring is still on my finger. Holy Crap. I yank it off and throw it in the sand. My stomach clenches and I wonder what’s become of that monster.

“Are you feeling okay, Eloise? You’re trembling.”

I take a deep breath. “I’m just cold.”

He lifts me into
his strong arms. “Come on, little darling. You’ve had a terrible ordeal. I’ll take you home.”

As he carries me along the beach track past the church, Johnny Ruffo’s hit song:
‘Take It Home’
, blasts from the hall speakers.


To be continued in book two of the ‘Ominous Series’: Ominous Angel…………



Also watch out for Fallen Angel
, Ominous series Novella, Prequel to Ominous Love


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Ominous Angel (Volume 2) to by published 2013

Fallen Angel,
Ominous series Novella, Prequel to Ominous Love to be published 2013

Other books by Patricia Puddle

Molly Gumnut Rescues a Bandicoot

Velvet Ball and The Broken Fairy

Star- Crossed Rascals.

Rascals Sing at The Opera House.


Patti Robert’s Book Cover Creations:


Continue to Book Two
: Paradox – The Angels Are Here by Patti Roberts

Paradox – The Angels Are Here



(Book One – A Novella)


By Patti Roberts


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