Two Knights of Indulgence (15 page)

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Authors: Alexandra O'Hurley

BOOK: Two Knights of Indulgence
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Matthias bit his tongue, his balls tightening to his
body already.
It had been so long since
he’d had a woman, he wasn’t sure how long he could hold back.
He stood on the precipice, and he
instinctively knew she would need much from them to overcome the evil within.

Nicolas slid his hands between Matthias and Britt and
captured her breasts, kneading them as Matthias had envisioned doing moments
Matthias watched those hands
move and pressed a finger into her depths.
A deep moan came from Britt’s throat as she arched into the touch.

She was tight, not virginal, but close to it.
It had been some time since she’d had a
partner, and Matthias smiled at that.
He’d never considered asking her if there were a man in her life, not
that it mattered now.
She was his.

She was

The thought made him frown.
Somehow it didn’t sound quite as bad as he’d
imagined it would be moments ago.
there was any man he had to share her with, Nicolas was the only one he could
Any other man would be laying
down his life with the first touch.
Matthias saw Nicolas squeezing her breasts, and it was like an extension
of his own caress.
The thought floored
him, but allowed him to continue, his displeasure dissipating.

Britt’s hips languidly moved over his finger, her
breathing shortening.
Her light grew
with each stroke.
He added another
finger, and she cried out, her body becoming more feverish, her motion growing
Matthias lowered his head to
hers and captured her lips for a heated kiss.
He tongue danced along his as she returned his fervor.

Her black gaze glistened, light shining off the onyx
A flicker of blue began to
invade the black before she closed her eyes in abandon.
Matthias added another finger, stretching her
tight channel.
His fingers plunged into
her deeply, caressing the walls of her sex.
More of her cream slid from her, readying her for his cock.

Nicolas began to move a finger to her core, gathering
the cream and pulling it behind her opening.
Her body stiffened momentarily as he assumed Nicolas had begun to press
a finger to her tight bud.
continued to thrust his fingers within her, allowing her to associate desire
with Nicolas’ foreign touch.
breathing caught in her chest, and she slowly arched into the touch.
A mew of pleasure was dragged from her throat
as she began to relax against Nicolas, her breathing still tight, coming in
short pants.

Matthias drew his fingers from her.
She pressed against him, her face contorted
in frustration.
He reached between them
and covered his cock with the condom Nicolas handed him then brought the head
to her opening, squeezing a few inches into her.
Britt cried out as she angled her hips for
his invasion.
Her light brightened
considerably as she demanded he complete her.
Matthias thrust forward, only gaining a few inches into her tight
He moved within her again,
pressing forward another few inches.

Once he was finally seated within her, he rolled to
his back with her atop him.
Her hips
settled over his lap, and she began to move of her own accord, taking his
entire length within her.
She moved above
him like a woman possessed.
He had to
chuckle, because it seemed that was exactly what she was.

Nicolas moved behind her, plastering his front to her
Britt paused in her motions, and
he felt the tightening of her pussy around him as Nicolas invaded her ass.
The pressure of the dual penetration made him
clench his jaw as she constricted around him.
He had already been hanging from the edge.
The added sensation of Nicolas within her
body was almost more than he could handle.

Matthias moved tentatively once he gathered his
As the pair of them began to
thrust within her, her light strengthened, almost at full brilliance.
With each thrust, it grew, soon making Matthias
close his eyes.
Without the power of
sight, he focused on the sensations running through him.
Between her touch, Nicolas’ cock rubbing
along his through the thin membrane, and the energy that was slowly beginning
to pour from him into her, he was overwhelmed.

Her thoughts and sensations began to flow into him as
He felt her desire, sensed her on
the brink of release herself.
He could
also feel her pleasure at Nicolas’ touch.
On the fringes, he could also feel Nicolas’ pleasure, as if the three of
them were becoming one entity.
raced together toward release, their bodies moving as one.

Matthias felt Britt reach the precipice first, her
orgasm rushing through her and spreading through her energy, which they
It was enough to push him off as
well, his release running down the base of his spine before shooting down the
length of his cock.
His cum jetted from
his body, filling the condom he wore.
Part of him wished the barrier wasn’t there, so he could feel his seed
splash within her.

Nicolas followed seconds later, his groan of pleasure
echoing in the static air, energy gathering around them.
The light intensified as Britt gulped for
air, sweat already cooling on her body.
Nicolas pulled from her body and helped to turn her on her side.
He rose from the bed and discarded the condom
before turning back to them.

“Get back behind her.” Matthias drew from her body and
discarded his condom as well.
shuttered his eyes, barely able to see anything.

“Are you sure you want me to do that?”

“She still needs you.
Can’t you feel it?”

Matthias gathered the covers and drew them up around
She lay with her eyes closed, her
breathing finally back to normal.
shivered and then snuggled into the blankets as Matthias covered them both,
hiding some of her light.
He opened the
covers at her back and looked toward Nicolas.
“Get in.”


swallowed deep as he stretched back along Britt, a lump forming in his throat
with Matthias’ acceptance of him at her side.
He’d felt a connection to his brother during their lovemaking, as if
he’d felt Matthias’ pleasure.
It was a
tie they had never shared before, and it had been overwhelming to say the
They had all fed one another’s
desires and needs.

Their experience had touched him in a way he hadn’t
He’d walked into it knowing he
would have to turn his back on her afterward, no matter how hard it was.
Now, he saw just how hard it was going to be
and knew it would destroy him.

As he sensed Matthias fall into a light slumber, he
snuggled closer to Britt, amazed he was still able to hold her.
Destroy him or not, he would turn his back on
them both.
It was the least he could
Matthias had been the man who’d
saved his back more times than he could count.
He’d been his mentor and his friend.
Britt had sacrificed herself to save him, and that alone deserved every
ounce of pain he endured.

But for now, he would languish in the bed at their
side, drinking in the luxury of Britt’s touch.
Her glow was lessening, and he could finally see her skin once
The dark tentacles of evil were
slowly retreating and withering.
He felt
relief as he watched them shrink.
appeared their touch had healed her, just as hers had healed them.

Nicolas closed his eyes and let sleep overtake him,
knowing she would improve.
No thanks to


Britt’s eyes opened,
bright sunlight filtering into the window of the bedroom she’d occupied in the
The last thing she remembered was
being in the woods, tackling Nicolas in her efforts to save him.
A heaviness
in her chest, and she stretched her limbs, fatigue a deep sensation in her

As she stretched, she realized she wasn’t alone.
She reared back, the heavy weight on her
chest holding her in place.
She fought,
hysteria settling in quick.

“Britt …
… it’s
You’re safe.”

Matthias’ voice came to rest over her, and her
hysteria abated slightly.
He lifted his
arm, and she rose slightly, to see she was in bed with him.
And Nicolas.
Heat suffused her face as she realized they
were all nude and her body ached in all the right places.
She felt well used, satiation roiling through
her along with mortification.

How had they gone from fighting in the woods to
fucking in her bed?

“There’s nothing to be ashamed of.
Gaia told us it was the only way to give you
the energy to fight the evil you removed from Nicolas.”

She had removed evil from Nicolas?
Memories began to swirl in her addled
She had.
She’d pushed Matthias away and sacrificed
herself to save Nicolas.
It was the last
coherent thought she’d had, but whispers of their lovemaking filtered in as

“Sexual healing?
That sounds like a bad

“You draw your energy from touch.
Sex is the most intimate form of
We had to give you the power
to fight.
And as your eyes are no longer
black, I’d say you won.”
Matthias drew
back the blankets to bare her nude body.
She shivered and crossed her arms over her intimate areas.

He looked over her body, intent on staring at every
“I no longer see the mark on you.”

“Can you please cover me?
I’m naked.
And cold.”

“Darling, I saw my fill last night.
There is no reason to hide.”
Matthias chuckled as Nicolas awakened.

Nicolas took one look at her, and his eyes raked over
her body.
“It’s gone?”

“Seems so.
I don’t see any marks upon
her flesh.”

Matthias drew the covers back over her, and she yanked
them around her throat, embarrassment filling her.

“Gaia told us it was the only way to help you.
We didn’t do it to take advantage of
You understand that, don’t
Nicolas eyed her, his features
showing his uneasiness with her potential response.

“Gaia was … here?”

“Without her help, I’m not sure you would have
She told us we needed to touch
you, intimately, together, to give you the strength to fight off what you’d
taken within.
It’s the only reason I’m
here with you.”

“Are you saying the only reason you made love to me
was to fight off the evil?
You wouldn’t
touch me otherwise?”

Nicolas’ gaze moved to Matthias and then back to
“I didn’t quite mean it like that.”

His words inflamed her.
Her embarrassment forgotten, she was angered
by his claims to not having wanted to be there.
“Then, what did you mean?
Do you
not find me attractive?”

“Of course I find you attractive.”

“Then why would you say you wouldn’t touch me?”

“I would only touch you if you wanted me to, is what I
We were given no choice last
There was no asking you if you
wanted us to save you, you were out cold.
I don’t want you to think we typically take advantage of women at their

“I don’t think that.
I’ve seen within your souls.
know what kind of men you are.”

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