Unbearable Passion - Exposed: Billionaire Erotica Romance (Unbearable Passion series Book 3) (4 page)

BOOK: Unbearable Passion - Exposed: Billionaire Erotica Romance (Unbearable Passion series Book 3)
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Todd gives me the details of my meeting and informs me he’s going to mail me a check for the money Bryce left to cover the two days he was supposed to be away.

I’m so upset with myself for having to do this again, but I have to keep in mind that two weeks from now, I’ll have a lot more money than I do now.

How complicated is it to have sex with a seventy-five-year-old? They most likely require very little work to get excited and they must come really fast. Well, unless he takes Viagra or Cialis—then I might be in big trouble.

I meet Dennis Covey at six thirty at a private room at Boqueria, a Barcelona-inspired tapas bar in Soho. I thought of wearing one of the suits Bryce had bought for me in Paris, but decided against it because I can’t deal with another man touching the fabric.

Todd was right. Dennis doesn’t look at all like a man in his seventies. He’s very tall, fit and he looks incredibly handsome. He looks like he could have been a model or athlete in his younger years.

After an hour of conversation, he lays out his South American takeover plans and explains how he envisions my role. His itinerary includes Costa Rica, El Salvador, Colombia, Argentina and we’ll end our trip in Puerto Rico, where Dennis has set his South American headquarters. After confirming I’m free to travel for two weeks he moves on to the terms of our

“I asked Todd not to talk about the details of our arrangement. I wanted to do this personally.”

I brace myself for the worst because he looks down at his hands when he says that and I can only imagine what kind of perverted and twisted kinks he’ll ask me to satisfy.

“Amanda, we’re going into machismo land and South Americans do business differently than us. I want to be respectful of their customs and more importantly expectations. No one would imagine that the head of one of the most successful mobile communication companies in America would be a seventy-five-year old gay man, but that’s the truth and I want to protect my privacy.”

My eyes bulge open at the news and he obviously notices my reaction.

“You’re quite surprised by the news. Are you offended?”

“No, I’m not offended,” I reply, fumbling my words. “I’m just a little confused as to why a gay man would hire an female escort for two weeks.” I feel so relieved and grateful that I’m not going to have sex with Dennis, but I’m still perplexed by how I fit in his plan.

“Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I came out at sixty-nine and being gay is still new to me. I don’t know how to conduct myself in public as a gay man, since I’ve been straight to the outside world my entire life. My six children and three ex-wives have accepted my coming out, but I still worry about how people will react. I’m not going to lie, it took my four sons a few years to finally accept things and I can’t imagine how strangers might react to my newly-found sexual orientation.”

I nod because I fully understand and I can sympathize with keeping secrets from the outside world, since I’m keeping a big one from my own family.

“I don’t want people to focus on my sexual orientation, but rather on my business. By bringing a sexy woman who fluently speaks Spanish, I take the pressure of off me. My male life partner won’t be joining us because I don’t want to raise any suspicions. As you can imagine, I won’t be having sex with you, but I want things to be clear between us before you accept.”

I’m so relieved by his words and I’m elated at the fact that I’ll be making gobs of money for two weeks while traveling to South America and I don’t have to have sex with Dennis.

“Do we have an arrangement, Amanda? Are you okay with the terms?”

“We do, Dennis, and I’m perfectly okay with the terms.”


Chapter 3


Two days after my meeting with Dennis, I’m sitting next to him in private jet on my way to Costa Rica. This trip is so different from my last business trip with a client. No matter how much I try, I can’t get Bryce out of my head and even though Dennis is paying me an obscene amount of money, I’d give it all up to be sitting next to Bryce.

I’ve got it bad for this guy and that ain’t good.

Before I leave for South America, I try contacting Bryce a few times. I desperately want to get in touch with him. I know better than to call him, so I send him a few text messages to try to catch his attention, but I have a feeling he’s trying to dig his company’s reputation out of this hot mess and he most likely doesn’t have much time for me.

I brought my work
phone with me so I can contact him the minute we land, but it’s a challenge to find the proper sim card in Costa Rica and when I do, the reception is not great. Not to mention Bryce won’t recognize my new South American number. I brace myself for Bryce’s tempestuous reaction since my text messages are coming from a new number and that will probably send him into a frenzy of worry.

What a nightmare.

“It’s no wonder you’re trying to develop the South American market, Dennis. I haven’t been able to get my phone to work properly since we landed in Costa Rica,” I complain, as I realize in dismay that I might not be able to get in touch with Bryce at all during the next few weeks.

“Amanda, you should have said something earlier. I have a few spare phones my team designed specifically for travellers to South America. Our phones take into consideration the variation in the networking systems in this part of the world.”

Everything Dennis says sounds way too scientific for me to fully understand. My only concern is getting in touch with Bryce.

While we’re in Colombia, I receive a text from Todd on my work phone letting me know he’s informed Bryce of my whereabouts. Bryce was apparently quite upset when he found out I was with another man, but Todd was bound by privacy agreements with his clients and he couldn’t let Bryce know I wasn’t going to have sex with Dennis because Dennis is gay. I try to reply from my work phone, but I’ve been consistently getting an error message. I don’t want to use the phone Dennis gave me for personal calls because I don’t want to fuel Bryce’s anger.

The two weeks in South America make the negotiations in Paris look like child’s play. Dennis is a smart and astute businessman. Just like Bryce, he might not speak the language, but he understands exactly what’s happening before I even have to translate.

When we get to Buenos Aires, I’m finally able to get my work phone to function properly. When I turn it on, Bryce has texted me numerous times. His messages are cold and short. I send a reply, but it remains unanswered. I respond to Todd and he immediately responds back.


Bryce has totally fallen for you, Amanda. He’s been inquiring about your return daily and I keep having the same conversation with him. I don’t know what spell you cast on the man, but you’ve got him. Call me when you’re back in NYC.


After Todd’s revealing text, I simply can’t allow Bryce to think I might be intimate with another man. I send a new message to let him know that the arrangement with this new client excludes sex. He finally texts me back, but his message crushes my heart.


Don’t take me for a fool, Sofia. Silly me. Do I call you Amanda? Should I continue to use your working girl’s name? You’re lying and we both know it. It makes no sense whatsoever for a man to hire an escort for such a long period time without having any sexual expectations.


After a series of exasperating messages, I finally blurt that he can either trust me or not, but as far as I remember, I’m an escort and it’s not as if we’re dating. I don’t hear back from him after that message.

God, have I lost him?

When we arrive in San Juan, Puerto Rico, I’m able to finally breathe. It’s been a grueling, but lucrative trip for Dennis. He’s pleased with my contribution and other than my worries over the fact that I might have lost Bryce forever, I actually enjoyed the trip, the new adventure and Dennis’ company.

Dennis has planned one day of sight seen in Old San Juan. The city’s narrow blue cobblestone streets dating back to the sixteenth and seventieth century, when Spaniards ruled Puerto Rico, characterize this historic area. The streets are lined with brightly colored houses that contrast so much what I'm used to seeing in New York. This charming city it the ideal place to shop for touristy trinkets to bring home, eat delicious meals and soak in the architectural essence of the island. After hours of combing the streets we retreat to Marmalade Restaurant & Wine Bar to enjoy a traditional Puerto Rican meal and indulge in refreshing cocktails. The meal was spectacular, but the desert left me speechless—the
was the best chocolate mousse I have ever had.

Dennis wants to spend our second day on the island debriefing his team and wants me to be part of the conversation. In the middle of an important meeting with Dennis’ team, I receive a new text from Bryce on my work phone.


I don’t know what you and Todd are concocting, but you’re both trying to convince me you didn’t have sex with this client while you were on a business trip with him.


I’m too mentally exhausted to get into a text fight with Bryce. I excuse myself from the meeting on the pretext that I have to deal with an urgent personal matter and walk out of the building to avoid anyone hearing my conversation.

“Bryce, it’s me. You seem to be incredibly upset at me and you don’t seem to believe my explanation.”

“Sofia, I get it. I understand you’re an escort and I got trapped in Silicon Valley dealing with this PR fiasco and you need to keep earning a living.” He nearly slaps me across the face with his words.

“Is that it, Bryce?”

“Well, what more is there?” His voice is so cold and detached.

“Listen, I can’t argue with you like this. I’ll be back in New York City late tomorrow night, but I can call you the following morning and we can talk. Would that be fair? I don’t want you to be upset at me like this.”

“You’re back in New York in two days?” His voice softens.

“Technically, yes. I’ll be in tomorrow, but we’re taking a late flight out and by the time I get home it will be close to midnight. I’m going to be far too exhausted to have this sort of conversation with you, but I’ll be able to tackle anything after a good night’s sleep.”

“Let’s leave it then. I look forward to hearing what you have to say in person,” he responds in a much warmer tone.

“Great. I’m happy you’re okay with this. All right, so I’ll speak to you let’s say nine o’clock in the morning? Is six o’clock too early for you in Silicon Valley?”

“I most likely will be up all night. So nine o’clock your time works.”

I feel much better after hanging up with Bryce and hope he’ll be more willing to listen and accept the facts over the phone than via text.

Dennis and I part ways at the airport after he hands me a sizable check that’s going to make a huge difference in helping me with my financial debacle. We hug and we agree to remain friends because we genuinely like each other. I arrive back at my home in New York a little after one am and I crash from my whirlwind trip.




Chapter 4


I wake up early and jump in the shower to get ready for my day. I want to hit the bank early and put the money Dennis gave me to good use as quickly as humanly possible.

I’m still in my bathroom towel-drying my hair when the doorbell rings. The unexpected ring startles me.

Who is it at eight am in the morning? I’m not expecting a delivery.

I approach my door and get on my toes to find out the identity of my early-morning intruder through the peephole.

Bryce? How can it be Bryce?

I can’t believe my eyes. The guy standing at my door looks exactly like Bryce, but that would be impossible since Bryce is dealing with a major business catastrophe on the other side of the country.

“Sofia, I see your shadow. It’s Bryce. Aren’t you going to let me in?”

God, it’s really Bryce.

“Oh, Bryce, of course, let me open the door,” I mumble as I nervously try to unlock my door. Ciara thought I overdid it with the number of locks I have on my door, but they make me feel safer. The only problem is that it takes me forever to open my door.

“What are you doing here? I thought you were in Silicon Valley?”

“Well, a few days ago, you said you’d be back in New York and ready to talk and I felt that a face-to-face trumps a phone call any day of the week.”

“You’re right. It’s hard to communicate certain things via text or phone. I’m so happy to see you.”

I’ve missed him so much more than I’m willing to admit to myself. All of a sudden it hits me.

“How do you know where I live? Did Todd say anything?”

“God, no. Todd would never breach any privacy rules. When I left New York, I’d hired a car to drive you home. I simply called them and asked for the last dropoff address on my account. When you said you were coming back, I missed you so much that I decided to fly all night to be with you.” His deep blue eyes lock into mine and I nearly faint from the intensity of his gaze.

“You flew all night to be here this morning?” I’m stunned by his actions and I can’t believe a man would do that just to be with me. This is the sort of thing that happens to Ciara all the time, but men never go out of their way for me like this.

“I need to be close to your curvy body.” He pulls me closer to him before crushing my mouth with his sensual and perfectly shaped lips.

“Really?” I ask suggestively.

I have to force myself away from Bryce because he’s so hard to resist and my nipples are already getting hard from his passionate kiss, but I really want to explain the arrangement with Dennis.

“You must be hungry.”

He looks surprised by my question and seems only now to realize he hasn’t eaten for several hours.

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