Unbind My Heart (21 page)

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Authors: Maddie Taylor

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm

BOOK: Unbind My Heart
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Nodding, with a grim expression, he stepped closer to her side and took a seat in a chair adjacent to Cap’s. Beyond them, on the far side of the restrained and writhing Megan, Rick was in a similar position. The Doms, although looking calm and businesslike, were intently supervising the punishment, watching carefully, gauging every nuance of their submissive’s reaction, overseeing their safety and ensuring none of the long line of enthusiastic Doms injured their precious charges.

Swat after swat landed, with pauses in between. Lexie imagined it was a handoff, similar to a relay race; in this case, the baton was a paddle. She occasionally heard a murmured question and Jonas’ firm voice state, “no more than five,” before the swats landed. Her butt was on fire, although not all of the swats were blisteringly hard; some were barely there brushes that earned a small nod of approval from Jonas. 

One particularly hard whack brought a screech from her lips and had Jonas practically leaping from his chair. With a barked ‘watch her for me’, he moved quickly out of sight. Lexie was unnerved and looked to Cap, who stood nearby. 

“Easy, Lexie, your Master has the matter quite firmly in hand. He’ll be back as soon as he kicks some disrespectful Dom ass.” 

Lexie puzzled over that remark for a moment while she waited and wondered what was going on behind her. She heard Megan, moaning ecstatically by her side, enjoying another spectacular orgasm and a Domme behind Regan land a brisk thwack with the flogger tails. The whole scene seemed outrageously surreal, and surprisingly arousing. 

She was startled by a warm hand touching her bottom. Her eyes flew to Cap, but he was out of his seat, interacting with a limp and pleading Megan. She stiffened as the fingers caressed her intimately and she cried out in alarm, “Yellow. Jonas! Yellow!”

His deep voice instantly responded in reassurance. “It’s only me, baby.” She breathed a long exhalation as her anxiety level immediately diminished. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.  When I called your name, you must not have heard, being engrossed in the scenes around you as you were. I was just checking to see if that asshole did any damage.”

“I’m okay, Sir. It hurt more than the others but it has eased off now.”

Warm lips brushed across the offended cheek, grazing her skin softly. She gave a soft moan, wondering how much longer she had on her sentence. She was hot and horny and needed Jonas to take care of her in the best way possible.

A pat, followed by the brief graze of fingers across her barely covered pussy, and he reappeared at her side. 

“You have my assurance, that won’t happen again. Jerry will be suspended for his behavior and be banned from further participation in public chastisements. He will not be allowed to return to the floor until he has repeated the Dom training course to Master Dex’s and my satisfaction. I may still recommend cancellation of his membership, depending how contrite he is later.”

“Later, hm?” Cap, who had once again resumed his seat, laughed at Jonas’ words. “Do you mean when he regains consciousness? You had him in a chokehold so hard he passed out, half pint. Remind me not to piss you off.”

“Call me half pint again and you just might do that, Cap.”

This made Lexie blanch. Was he crazy, threatening Cap like that?  A mountain of a man, he scared the crap out of her no little bit.

“Sorry, my friend, I’ll erase that little nickname from my memory banks. I wasn’t kidding though, bud. Your technique is truly inspiring, Jonas, if not terrifying.”

“Your apology, of course, is accepted. As for the hold, I’d be happy to teach it to you anytime.” Jonas’ voice was back to its usual calm even tone. “Lexie, are you ready to resume? You’ve got about ten minutes left.”

Lexie was numb. Jonas had incapacitated a man in the brief time he’d been away?  

“Lexie? Where are you?”

“Hm? Oh, I’m green, Sir.”

“You’re sure?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good.” Jonas said as he looked at the next Dom in line. “Master Sean is next, Lexie.  I guarantee his swats will be well within guidelines. Sean, if you would be so good as to avoid the mark that asshole left on her left cheek.”

“Certainly, Jonas, and let me say that I witnessed the whole disgusting scene and can say that I will be recommending cancellation of his membership when the owners convene this month. This is not the first time Jerry has overstepped his bounds. That being said, I’d like to compliment you on your new submissive. She is doing extremely well considering she’s a newbie. I know more experienced subs who would be crying rivers of tears by now or cussing and screaming the place down around our ears. Your Lexie is beautifully calm and controlled—a perfect match for our cool-headed rope master—tonight’s justifiable reaction aside.” That said, he swatted her uninjured cheek with what Lexie could only call a love pat, giving her just one before moving on.

Jonas smiled after his friend before turning and addressing the next dominant in line. “Mistress Diane, she is at five strokes.”

When Jonas helped her from the bench ten minutes later, he wrapped her in a soft sub blanket and carried her to a nearby couch where they were soon joined by the other two couples. Lexie considered herself lucky because after the swat from Jerry the Asshole (as he was called by all the dominants thereafter), the other Doms and Dommes had been surprisingly gentle. Sean seemed to have set the tone for the rest of her punishment. In fact, her bottom only stung in the one place, and she wasn’t really in need of aftercare, although she enjoyed being held close, feeling warm and nurtured anyway. Her eyes swept over an exhausted Megan, whose face was damp with sweat.  She was flushed from her multiple and unrelenting climaxes courtesy of Mr. Hitachi—a girl’s best friend, in Meg’s case tonight also her worst enemy. She noticed that the hand that held the water bottle she was trying to drink from was trembling. Tony finally had to help her, holding it to her mouth when she couldn’t seem to find the rim herself.

Regan, on her other side, sat on her big husband’s lap as he rocked her gently, stroking her back as she sniffled and gulped, trying to get control of her tears and regain her composure. Both Doms were entirely focused on the aftercare, nurturing and supporting their subs in a soft, tender manner. It was a beautiful moment. Lexie’s eyes lifted and met her own Dom’s. She found him looking at her through eyes snapping with heat.

He lowered his head and captured her lips in a deep, passionate kiss. “I have a private room reserved upstairs, but I think I’d rather take you home. Would you be disappointed?”

“Hm….” she hummed thoughtfully. “ A warm bed upstairs where we would have instant gratification, although we’d have to crawl out of it later.  Or go directly home, climb in our own warm bed where we can find uninterrupted gratification without all the location changes. Hm…decisions, decisions.” She giggled when he squeezed her around the middle, tickling her secret spots. “Let’s go home, Sir.”

“Excellent idea, because once I get you in bed, I doubt I’ll want to leave it ‘til morning.

Chapter Thirteen


Cool air brushed the hot flesh between her legs as she revolved slowly.  She felt exposed, yet secure in the beautifully elaborate ties he had created on the canvas that was her naked body.  Her head arched delicately, held back by the hair corset he had skillfully tied and cinched to the suspension rigging.  She wasn’t going anywhere. 


She was completely and utterly under his control.  As he approached, she eagerly opened in anticipation of his large cock sliding between her lips. The thought of his hard length gliding blissfully over her tongue and sinking into the warm recesses of her mouth was driving her mad.


A deep, insistent voice kept nagging at her, pulling her away from her very pleasant and highly erotic dream.  Trying to recapture the fading remnants of her fantasy, she rolled away from the unrelenting intruder and burrowed deeper under the covers.   If she could go back to sleep right now, she could recapture the moment when—

“Alexis Suzanne Berry!”  The dominant, male voice penetrated her sleepy brain.  Still, she resisted.  The covers slipping from her naked form and the chilled air against her body did the trick.  Goosebumps broke out on her skin, the cold caused her eyes to fly open as she looked over her shoulder and found Jonas fully dressed.  With an amused grin he warned, “Up and at ‘em baby, unless you want me to give you something to grumble about.”

Noticing the room was still cloaked in shadows, she asked, “Why are you dressed?” A glance at the clock had her groaning.  “It’s 6 a.m., Jonas.  I’m don’t have to go in until late today.   Come back to bed.”

“Sorry, Sunshine.  I didn’t get a chance to tell you last night, but we have a new lead in the Mendoza case and I have to go out of town.  I’ll be back in time for our class tomorrow.”

Still groggy with sleep, she frowned as his words slowly sank in. “You’re leaving?”

“Kyle will be with you and I’ll call you tonight.”  Smiling, he put one knee into the mattress and leaned in for a kiss.  “You make such a sexy picture, all snuggly warm and naked in my bed, sleepy-eyed, your gorgeous hair falling over your bare shoulders.” His fingers played with a springy curl that lay across her breasts. “Your beautiful round tits peeking out between your curls.”  Jonas traced a taut rosy nipple with his fingertip and groaned as it tightened further.  “What I wouldn’t give to crawl back into bed, spread those sweet thighs, and sink deep inside you for the rest of the day.”  Shaking himself visibly, he stood. 

She wrapped a sheet around her chilled body as she watched him adjust his suddenly too-tight jeans. That he was hard and wanted her were only small consolations to her rising disappointment.  She’d planned to spend the day with him.  Although she knew how important his work was, she pouted anyway.  

“I don’t want you to go.”

“I know, but I have to.  Come give me a kiss good-bye.  Lil T will be here any minute.”

Feeling the residual arousal from her dream, she had a wicked thought.  Sliding the sheet off slowly, she teased him with her nakedness. With a fake yawn, she pretended to stretch from sleep, arching her back and rolling slightly toward him, taunting him with her up-thrust breasts. Impishly, she parted her thighs, giving him more than a glimpse as she curled seductively in the bed. “No. I’m too comfortable. If you want a kiss good-bye, you’ll have to come back to bed.”

Her ankles flying over her head made her squeal with alarm.  “Jonas!”

Ignoring her cries, he easily lifted her legs and folded them back upon her body, her feet near her head.  The position forced her bare butt skyward and he immediately began swatting it. 

“You naughty little tease. Taunting me with your hot body when you know I have to leave. Telling me no. You’re trying to control the situation, Lex. That’s what we call topping from the bottom, which is something I won’t tolerate from my submissive.”

“Ow, Jonas, that stings.  I’m sorry for teasing.”

She automatically reached to protect her tender exposed bottom.  Too late, she realized her mistake. 

“Hands above your head.  Grab onto the spindles and if you let go, so help me…”

“I’m sorry, Jonas.  Don’t be harsh with me.  I woke up wanting you.  I was dreaming—”

“Doesn’t matter.  I’m in charge, and your butt is going to be very sore until you figure that out.”

His hand continued to slap against her taut cheeks.  In this position, her entire butt and slit, from clit to anus, were exposed.  Every few slaps, his fingers would catch her pussy lips or the inside of her spread cleft.  Despite the sting, he was arousing her further and she gasped and moaned wildly.

“Please, Jonas, don’t spank me.  Fuck me instead.”

Whether it was the erotic position, the exhilaration of the spanking, her pretty begging or her vulgar use of the word “fuck,” whatever it was, something made him stop. Holding her legs aloft with one hand, he climbed on the bed. Wedging his thighs beneath her upturned bottom, he held her in place as he released his fully erect cock. He dragged his length through her steamy wetness and down to her tight bottom hole, nudging it firmly with the head.  She stiffened; no one had taken her there before.  Her body hummed with anticipation, wanting him there so badly.

Jonas plunged into her heat once, gathering more moisture, then returned to press against her tightness.  Her fingers gripped the spindles as she eagerly accepted his possession. She was open and hot and didn’t utter a word of protest willing to give all to him.  With just a bit of pressure, the head of his cock slipped inside.  She watched in fascination as he leaned back, using two fingers to scoop up her cream, and spread it around her tightly stretched hole and the remaining length of his cock.

“Master, that feels so good.  Please fuck me!”

His head came up and his eyes—darker and bluer than usual with the force of his passion—burned into her.  She could tell the little control he had left was hanging by a thread.  She in turn had never felt as needy and ready for him. Whether from the sound of her own voice begging to be fucked in the ass or the fact that she had succumbed to the overwhelming urge to call him Master, or maybe it was the fact that his cock was stretching her virgin ass right now, she couldn’t say for sure, but she was wild with desire.  Desperately wanting him, she repeated her plea.  At last, he thrust slowly into her.  In one long, steady thrust, he sank fully into her tight forbidden channel until she fully engulfed him.  Pressing forward, he pinned her legs with his body as his hands moved to her head and sank into her hair

“You feel like heaven, so fuckin’ tight.  Does it feel good, baby?”

“Yes, but I need you to move.”

“I will, just like you’ve been begging for, I’m going to fuck your ass.” 

As he spoke, he reared back and then plunged deep once more.  When her groan turned into a whimpering sigh, his grin became positively wicked. “Holy hell, Lex. You take everything I give you. It’s like having the sex toy of my dreams.”

“And just think… no batteries.”

They both laughed amidst the pleasure, but the next plunge had them groaning as one. He began stroking slowly in and out, deep, blissful, forbidden strokes that caused her to spiral rapidly toward fulfillment. 

Groaning, he picked up speed. “I can’t begin to describe how wonderful this feels.”

Lexie was amazed by how exquisite it felt.  Again, they were in perfect accord as she matched him kink for kink, craving for craving. A deep, guttural groan prevented her from saying more as he thrust harder, driving repeatedly into her ass from above.

“I need my hands, baby.  Reach down and rub your clit.  Rub it fast and hard for me while I fuck you the same way.  I need you to come.  Lil T will be here soon.”

A door slamming below made Jonas ride her faster. 

“Half-pint!  If you’re fucking your woman while I’m bored off my ass in the car, I’m gonna kick your’s, karate king or not.”

“Oh my God!  He won’t come up here looking for you, will he?”

“He will, but right now, I don’t care.”  Jonas continued to plunge rapidly into her.  “I told you I had to go, but you teased me anyway.  If he comes up and sees us, it’s on you. I’m not stopping.”  He groaned, his head arching backward, getting closer to coming by the second.  “If he sees you getting fucked in the ass, so be it.  Maybe that will be a lesson not to tease your man.”

“Jonas!”  Footsteps on the stairs ramped her excitement higher.  The thrill of discovery was making her hotter—un-freaking-believable.

His boots thudded louder against the treads as he moved closer to the door.  Lexie arched, pushing them both, lifting her ass to meet Jonas stroke for stroke.  His incessant pounding into her, along with her fingers furiously working her clit, sent her over the edge, and she convulsed around him as she came violently.  The grip her delicate muscles exerted on his cock launched him into his own orgasm and he shouted as he came.

The door slammed open as they both twitched and jerked involuntarily, their bodies out of control with pleasure.

“Dammit, Jonas!  Unfair.  I’m cooling my heels, pre-coffee, pre-breakfast, pre-everything and you’re up here getting your rocks off.”

While mumbling something about T fucking up a wet dream, Jonas covered her with what little sheet wasn’t pinned beneath them.  He then sent a death glare over his shoulder.  “Get out.  I’ll get my pants on and be right down.”

Grinning from ear to ear, Lil T ignored him and leaned on shoulder against the doorjamb, getting comfortable.  “Morning, Lexie.  Poor baby, did this horny bastard wake you for a quickie at this ungodly hour?”

Lexie whimpered.  She’d hoped he’d be nice and ignore her.  It would have been the polite thing to do.  She realized how ridiculous that thought was.  Her heels were hooked over Jonas’ broad shoulders while his still rigid cock impaled her ass, and the whole while his friend stood in the doorway grinning at them like a fool.  There was absolutely nothing polite or proper about the situation. She would have laughed at the absurdity of it all if she hadn’t been so mortified.

Blushing furiously, she hid her heated face against Jonas’ chest.  “Please make him go away.”

Squinching her eyes tight for a moment, she concentrated hard before opening one eye and peeking at him.  Nope, Lil T was still there.

“What are you doing, baby?” Jonas asked, obviously amused.

“Making a wish, but he didn’t vanish in a puff of smoke nor is this a deserted island.”

He chuckled, as did Lil T.

The humiliation of her position, and the fact that she’d instigated and contributed to him finding her like this, was almost too much to bear.  Frantically pushing against him, she pleaded, “Jonas, please.”

“Getting up will show him more than he’s seeing right now, Sunshine.”  He leaned forward and pressed sweetly contented kisses against what part of her face he could find.  “Ignore him.  Like any other pest, he’ll eventually take the hint and go away.”

“I’m leaving, Lex, for your sake, not pretty boy’s.  Besides, I saw more last night when I paddled your delicious ass.  Damn, I love newbies.” 

T laughed as he launched that final salvo and walked out the door.  A trail of groans from Lex and shouts of “Fuck off
, Minelli” followed in his wake

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