Unbind My Heart (30 page)

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Authors: Maddie Taylor

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm

BOOK: Unbind My Heart
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“It was my pleasure, believe me.  Thank Lexie for me.  I have to admit, buddy, I’m jealous as hell.  You two have unbelievable chemistry.  I’ve never seen a more beautiful and responsive rope slave.  This book is gonna kick ass.” 

“Good night, Seth,” Jonas said dismissively, clearly not inviting chit chat.   

Turning her head, Lexie watched him walk away, muttering, “Damn, if that’s the quality of sub they’re attracting these days, I’ve got to get back to The Club.”

Jonas hugged her tighter.  With a hand to her jaw, he turned her face back to him.  It lingered there, his thumb softly stroking her cheek. 

“Have you come back to me, Sunshine?”

“Yes, Master, but I’m still floating.”

“I imagine you are.  You were in pretty deep.”  His hands began to work on the binding around her wrists as he spoke.  She opened her eyes, still dazed while she watched.  Were they done? 

“Please, don’t take them off.”

His eyes lifted to hers, and she knew he saw the disappointment she felt.  He lifted a long finger and brushed it over her forehead, smoothing the skin between her brows before his fingertip glided down her nose.  He tapped the end gently.

“Are you frowning at me?”  He asked, quirking his brow in question.  “Is that a good idea, especially for a girl asking for a reward?”

“It’s just your ropes feels so good against my skin.  It seems like forever since you last bound me.”

“Baby, did you forget being tied to my headboard only yesterday?”

“Like I said, forever.”

He chuckled as he continued to work.  “I think I’ve created a Shibari junky.”  Once both wrists were free, he began to massage her gently, her wrists, hands and upward to her shoulders.  “Tell me how you felt posing in front of Seth.”

“Except for the sounds of his camera, I barely noticed him. Until the end, I forgot he was here.”

“You reacted to his voice.  He was supposed to be silent.”

“Yes, but you touched me, then you spoke and lulled me right back in.  Your voice is so undeniable, I believe you could have told me to come, and I would have, on the spot.” 

“Mm…interesting. That gives us something to explore the next time. I’ll look forward to it.”  They lapsed into silence as he continued to caress her, his hand sliding down to the scar on her chest.  She looked down, watching him.  He had tied a knot over the still-reddened mark so that it was barely visible with just the edges showing around the knotted rope.  

“Seth found you beautiful.  He was patently aroused the whole time.  I couldn’t help noticing when he paused every other minute to adjust himself.”  Jonas’ fingers trailed lower, returning to play at her breast as he spoke.  With the tip of one finger, he traced the outer edge of her nipple, watching as it wrinkled and peaked.  “He didn’t notice any flaws or imperfections. I can promise you that.”

“You were right as usual, Master.”

“Maybe in the future, you will trust me to know what is best for you, dorei.”

She flushed at his gentle scolding.

“Can you stand for me?”  Jonas assisted her to her feet.  “Turn.”

Obeying his commands without question, she turned her back and felt him slipping the satin robe from her body.  Next would come the body harness he had tied so beautifully.  She sighed, disappointment obvious in the exhalation.  

His large hand connected with her bare bottom and she jerked in surprise.  Not so much from the sting, which was considerable, but the unexpectedness of the swat. 

“Stop sighing, Lexie.  I’m not going to leave you wanting.”


“Yes, it shows your impatience and isn’t respectful.”

“Not that part, the part about not leaving me wanting.  I’m wanting pretty bad, Master.”

Jonas made an odd noise, and when she glanced at him over her shoulder, she saw he was trying to stifle a laugh. 

“What’s funny?”

“I was just thinking how bratty and bossy you’ve gotten since you’ve been sidelined with your injuries.  Must I remind you who is the top and who is the bottom?  Just who is the Sensei here, Lexie?”

“You are my Master, of course.”

“Yet, you’ve frowned, interrupted, complained when I untied you, well, not in so many words but the sounds of your disappointment were clear.  We’ll have to do some re-training when I get you to The Club. You can watch the other subs and learn proper behavior.”

Retraining and club play sounded heavenly to Lexie.  “Yes, please, Master.” 

Her eagerness had him chuckling again.  “Turn again and straddle me.  I think it’s time I fuck my beautiful slave girl while she’s wearing my ropes.”

   Lexie spun, and wearing only the karada, climbed astride him.  His strong hands steadied her at the hips as she settled into the intimate position. 

“Absolutely beautiful,” he murmured as his hands glided over her body.  “Lean back while I play.”  Offering herself freely, she reached behind to where her butt perched on his thighs, finding and gripping him just above his knees. 

“Tilt your head back.”  Again, she did as he bade her, her obedience rewarded by the warm glide of his hands from her hips up to her breasts. He played there at length, tweaking and rolling her already tight nipples until she was moaning and writhing on his lap.  His touch reignited the simmering flame inside her and she hungered for more.  Restless with longing, she opened her mouth to beg for release, but her breath caught in her throat. In that instant, a finger slipped into the slick folds of her pussy, spread wide by her splayed position. 

“You’re dripping wet.”

Unsure if a response was required; she remained silent, delighting in his hands upon her. 

“Any more reservations about posing for me?” 


“So I won’t hear any more derogatory comments about not being good enough, or beautiful enough to pose for me?”

“Never, Master.” 

“That’s my good girl.”

His arm slipped around her waist as he pulled her in closer, his mouth picking up were his hands had left off, teasing, sucking and gently biting her nipple.

“Raise up a bit.”  Responding instantly to his urgent demands, she rose up on her knees, watching as he unzipped his fly and released his cock.  He aligned himself with her and impaled her weeping hot center, growling as she sank onto him.  “Damn, you feel good, Lex.  Ride me now, baby.”

Jonas’ mouth recaptured a nipple as his hands guided her hips into a fast-paced rhythm.  Her hands flew up to grip his shoulders as he began to glide her up and down his shaft. 

“I have no control with you, Lex.  Are you with me?  I want to feel you come as your pussy weeps for me.”  As he spoke, the fingers of one hand hooked into the knotted ropes at her hip, anchoring her close but also giving him leverage to keep the rhythm going.  With his free hand, he sought her clit.  His thumb connected with the humming nerve bundle and he worked it, flicking back and forth, just as she liked it. 

“I’m so with you and ready to come.”  Her head fell back as she spiraled toward that beckoning peak.  Her body undulated against him as he directed her movements, driving up into her with each downward glide on his cock.  “Please—let me—” She couldn’t continue, robbed of speech as he adjusted the angle and the pressure. Each plunge now grazed her sweet spot, the one sure to make her mindless with pleasure. 

“Come all over me, sweet Sunshine.  Let me feel your pussy clamp down like you’ll never let go.”

She cried out as her body let go, convulsing helplessly as she flew apart in his arms.  A gush of wetness surged forth as she gripped him tightly.  His groan signaled his body’s release.  He stiffened while deep inside, then pumped into her once, twice, three times more before his hot come splashed within her. 

Lexie collapsed against him, breathing heavily, totally zapped of energy.

“Fucking you is so beautiful, baby,” he whispered in her ear, “like nothing else.”

Chapter Twenty-Two


She rushed into the dojo and practically ran up the steps to the studio, her bodyguard’s long strides easily matching hers. As she glanced at her phone, she noticed she was twenty minutes late. This was not a good way to come back after a seven-week long hiatus. Already pulling off her jacket, she pushed through the studio door and paused mid-stride.  She stopped so abruptly that Kyle’s big body slammed into her from behind, knocking her gracelessly into the room, drawing everyone’s attention.  Fortunately, Kyle’s quick hands kept her from face planting into the floor and losing a couple of teeth. 

“Sheesh, Lex.  Give a guy a warning before you slam on the brakes next time.  Are you all right?”

“Fine, sorry,” she said quietly.  Her eyes widened as she took in the scene before her.  The women were topless and in the process of being bound by their masters.  It wasn’t the array of bare breasts that startled her most; it was the sight of Jonas tying up another woman.  Jealousy raced through her from the tips of her toes, up her rigid spine, ending with a flood of heat in her cheeks.  An irrational response—yes—she realized it straightaway. He was the sensei, his model was late, and the class must go on, but that didn’t ease Lexie’s hurt and anger. 

She tried to look at the scene with rational intelligence as she attempted to get her emotions under control. Jonas’ face was impassive as his nimble fingers worked the ropes expertly around the woman’s bare upper body. All under the watchful eyes of her stand-in’s Dom, who stood only inches away. Still, the resentment and possessiveness flared, both shocking in their intensity.  Good God, Lexie!  He is in a room full of people, all there for the same purpose.  Nothing sexual was happening.  She had seen a lot more than bare boobs at The Club, what was wrong with her? 

Forcing herself to snap out of it, she moved into the room and set down her belongings.  “I’ll join Sandra now, Lex,” Kyle said in a low voice, “since Jonas has you covered here.”

Nodding absently, she watched as he walked over to his wife. It was their first class. She’d forgotten and felt bad for having kept him. Her eyes swept the group who had returned to their lesson unperturbed by the interruption.  Lexie was unsure of what to do next.  The planning meeting for the new clinic had run longer than expected, and her tardiness couldn’t be helped.  Kyle had made sure to keep Jonas up to speed on their ETA.  Had she expected everyone to wait for her?  Of course not, she hadn’t expected to see someone else in Jonas’ ropes either. It was disturbing; this was theirs, or so she thought.

She stood on the sidelines, waiting.  His deep voice, although soft in volume, carried well within the space as he talked the group through the
breast tie. 

“When you have the tie completed, get comfortable while I demonstrate how it can start as a base for some very creative and more advanced Shibari.”

Lex heard that and fumed.  He hadn’t even acknowledged her presence yet.  Was he planning to get creative and advanced with someone other than her?  If that were the case, she’d just head on home now.  She was hungry, tired and irritable.  She’d been released to return to work part-time, but with the clinic nearly destroyed, there hadn’t been much to do except attend planning meetings. They were draining and although she’d never let on to Jonas, she still tired easily. She couldn’t believe how much she’d missed her afternoon nap.  Fatigue, in part, was the reason for her irrational thinking she was certain.  She wanted to brush it aside, but she couldn’t.

“Lexie?  Are you planning to join us or just stand there glaring daggers through my back?” 

All eyes flew to her and she flushed again, this time with embarrassment.  She was also surprised.  Did he have eyes in the back of his head?  She crossed the room, quickly arriving at his side.

“My meeting ran late, Master.  I’m sorry.”

“Kyle told me.  That’s fine.”  He still hadn’t looked at her.  In fact, his eyes were fixed on the other side of the room.  She followed his gaze until she saw what was fascinating him.  He was watching her reflection in the mirror on the far wall.  Had that always been there? At last, he turned to look down at her.  “What has gotten you in such a snit this evening, Sunshine?”

“Nothing important.”

“I doubt that’s the truth, because you looked ready to storm out a few minutes ago.”

Aware of their audience, Lexie bowed her head and whispered, “I’m a little out of sorts, I suppose.”

His hand came up to her chin, and he lifted her face for his study.  “You look a bit tired.  I should have Kyle take you home.  I can continue with Emily as my model.”

“No!”  Her emphatic denial surprised him and he raised a brow in question.  “I’m fine, really. I think this actually might help me relax a bit.  I’m rather tense.”

His shrewd gaze searched hers and his brow furrowed.  “I think it is something more, but you are right.  A little rope space might just be the trick.”  Leaning forward, he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead before ordering, “Strip to your panties.  For what I have in mind, I need you free of obstruction.”

Quickly, she obeyed, setting her clothes with her other belongings to the side and returning to him clad in only a skimpy pair of black lace panties.  She felt the others’ eyes on her but didn’t meet anyone else’s gaze, keeping her eyes glued to her Sensei.  She couldn’t help but wonder what they saw.  She was pale and much thinner than before, actually finding her hipbones for the first time in years.  Self-consciously, she folded her arms across her chest.

“My dorei is quite beautiful, isn’t she class?”  The class all murmured their agreement as he took her by the hands and turned her toward his students.  Lexie knew Jonas had already identified that her self-doubts were resurfacing.  He could read her so easily. “We thank you for all the flowers, cards and emails.  She still has a bit to go but is expected to make a full recovery.” 

Michelle spoke up at that point.  “You’re as beautiful as ever Lexie, but the stories of how you saved that little boy’s life have us in awe of your bravery.  We all prayed for you and are so happy that you have returned to our little group.”  She was kneeling before her husband, who was lending her his support with his hands gripping her shoulders and nodding his agreement.  The others joined in with similar sentiments, and she was overwhelmed by their outpouring of kindness and well wishes. 

They didn’t seem to see the scarred Lexie, who laboriously rubbed Mederma on her scars twice a day.  Instead, they were focused on their friend and group member, now a heroine of some notoriety.  She was touched and felt tears well up. Fearing she’d turn into Lexie the watering pot as she had so often recently, she took a few deep breaths before murmuring her thanks.

Once again, Jonas stepped in to rescue her as he wrapped a supportive arm around her waist and squeezed.  “We both thank you.  But it’s getting late, so let’s get on with our class.”

He turned her so her back was to the students and bent to pick up a length of jute.  When he stood, she was wiping tears from her cheeks. 

“I’ll always be here for you, Lexie, whether you’re afraid, insecure, angry or seething with jealousy.”

She gasped, her misty eyes flying to his. 

“It’s that expressive face that gives you away every time.”  Leaning forward he whispered in her ear, “Emily is a beautiful woman, Lex, but she doesn’t brighten up the room like sunshine.  She doesn’t scent the air with sweetness.  Her breasts don’t respond to my slightest touch nor do they rise and fall as her breath quickens when I’m near.  I could have been tying a mannequin for all the excitement she brought me.”

That brought a lift to her lips and she looked up at him. He brought her such happiness.

She placed her hand flat against his chest and said earnestly, “I’m sorry, Jonas.  When I came in, I was grumpy and irritable.  When I saw you tying up another woman—a very beautiful woman—well, let’s just say you won’t have to worry about me being late again.”

“You were jealous, that’s a very human response.  Just remember, Sunshine that it’s you I love.  You’re the one I want to bind with my ropes, and it’s you I want to create beauty with, like we did the other night.  You believe that, don’t you?”

“Yes, I was being silly.  I love and trust you, always.”

“Good, you are my dorei, no one else.  Besides, no one gets my dick hard like you do, Sunshine.”

Startled, she burst into laughter.  “Jonas!  They’ll hear you.”

“I don’t care.”  He kissed her deeply, giving her another squeeze.  When he lifted his head, she surprised him by speaking in Japanese, loud enough for everyone to hear.  “
, Sensei.” 

Chuckling, his approval clearly evident, he turned back to his students who were murmuring with curiosity and clued them in.  “My dorei has asked me to tie her up tonight.  I am very happy to make her wish come true.  That she said it in Japanese humbles me. That she asked it of me pleases me greatly.  It conveys her trust and consent.  Submissives, you may want to commit it to memory because it’s something your master will be pleased to hear from you as well.” 

As he began to tie her in the simple base
, Lexie relaxed beneath his hands. In the background, she heard the women whispering the foreign word, their voices melding into a low buzzing noise.  Soon all she heard was Jonas’ voice lowered to the deep tone she found so soothing.  She responded readily to each low command, her movements purposeful although she barely noticed as she drifted toward the blissful state of euphoria that was becoming so familiar.  Imagining the ropes as an extension of Jonas, hugging and caressing her skin, holding her tight, it was freeing but at the same time she felt utterly restricted and under his control.

She heard his commands: bend, turn, wiggle your fingers. The words penetrated her mind, but did not detract from her intoxicated state.  Distantly, she felt Jonas’ powerful hands lower her body to the floor and roll her to the side.

“Open your eyes, dorei.”

Obediently, she complied.  She focused on the mirror across the way. The image reflected was of a woman clad only in black lace panties.  Lying on her side, her top leg was bent backward until her heel touched her bottom and bound in undyed rope.  Held up at an up angle from her body, she watched as her Master attached it to a length of rope hanging from the ceiling.  Her lower leg was free of restraint and lay relaxed in a soft line. The asymmetrical pose was different, but still very beautiful.  Her eyes drifted to the widespread V at the apex of her thighs.  Black lace covered her and protected her modesty. 

She continued her lethargic perusal of the figure in the mirror, taking in the ropes encircling her waist and wrapping her chest in a figure eight, causing her breasts to round voluptuously.
With her arms folded behind her back, her upper body tilted slightly forward, revealing twisted ropes connecting her at three points to another rope suspended from the ceiling.

Her eyes rose to the face of the woman in bondage.  Cheeks flushed, green eyes luminous in her aroused state, her lips were swollen and parted as she took in shallow breaths of air in her aroused state.  Lexie knew it was her own reflection, but it was hard to take in.  A tremor vibrated through her frame as she looked at the uninhibited expression on her face and finally accepted what Jonas had been saying for weeks.  She
beautiful, and once bound and submitting wholly to the man she loved, she felt beautiful, too.

“I can’t wait to find out what you’re thinking, baby.”   

A flood of heat and moisture surged through her core, and her already erect nipples tightened painfully in arousal as she became aware of Jonas’ hands on her.  One methodically stroked her side, sliding around her waist and across her belly while the other hand gently brushed the tendrils of hair back from her cheek and forehead.  Her eyes rose to meet his and she saw the intense arousal in his deep blue eyes.  Without breaking eye contact, he lowered his head.  She eagerly awaited a kiss; instead, his husky voice whispered in her ear, “You are exquisite in your submission to me.  Thank you for the gift, my love.”

The moment was so moving, the link between them so strong, it was as if they were connected by more than ropes and physical touch, as if the link encompassed their hearts and spirits, too.  An electrical charge flowed from one to the other along an invisible tether, chaining them together.  The links of the chain were like the finest gold, beautiful and delicate in its artistry, yet as strong as high-tensile steel. 

Distantly, she heard soft voices around her, some feminine, others deep and masculine.  She felt Jonas rise to his knees behind her, his hands maintaining their physical connection, while attending to his class.

“Is her reaction usual?” a woman asked openly.  “It’s like she goes into a trance when you tie her.”

“Not many practitioners enjoy this level of euphoria when tied.  Lexie is one of those fortunate enough to fly easily within the ropes.  Her body responds with a flood of natural chemicals. It’s an intoxicating feeling.  Her relaxed state is accompanied by a decreased response to pain and stress, often heightened sexual response, and a feeling of exhilaration.”

“She is stunning.  I’ve never seen anything quite like it,” another woman gushed. 

“What can we do to even come close to this level, Sensei?”

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