Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3) (6 page)

BOOK: Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3)
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ended up waiting a few hours before we could have Daniel discharged.
Unfortunately, we had to wait for Dr. I-get-paid-every-time-a-baby-goes-into-the-NICU
before we could leave. I paced the entire length of the NICU while Bennett got
Daniel all ready to go home. We were elated and I seriously thought Bennett was
going to break out in song and dance any minute now. That moment didn't last
long. We ended up in a huge fight with the doctor and he all but flat out said
no to us taking him home. This was the moment that Bennett decided to unleash
her wrath. After thirty minutes of cussing out the entire staff, we were
finally signing the discharge papers, against medical advice of course, but we
were still leaving.

It took
us almost forty-five minutes to get home. Bennett was being beyond over
protective, but I decided to give her a break given the circumstances.
Although, I found it quite entertaining watching Bennett give Daniel a pep
talk, warning him to not even think about getting sick and proving that asshole
doctor right. I couldn't help but smile at the amazingly strong woman I
married, give a five-day-old baby a warning. Damn she was fucking sexy. The
next six weeks, I guess now five were going to be pure torture. Just looking at
her through the rear view mirror was getting me hard.

I shook
the dirty thoughts from my head just as we pulled into our driveway. It was
starting to get dark outside and a cool breeze was all around us. I pulled the
car into the garage and quickly closed it before getting out to help Bennett
get Daniel out. Bennett was holding her hand out waiting for me to help her up.
Before I had any time to
second guess
myself, I pulled
her up and into my arms as I wrapped her legs securely around my waist. I knew
she would be able to feel my excitement pressing against her and that only
excited me more. My hand pushed back through her hair, giving it a gentle tug.
I knew exactly what to do to get my girl going and by the moan she just let out
as our lips collided together, I knew I was doing my job.

you know we can't have sex. Why are you torturing me?" Her voice was
strangled with desire, which only fed my hunger for her.

are plenty of other things we can do." I started leaving a trail of kisses
down her neck, and just as my wet lips reached her collarbone, her legs began
to loosen their grip. "Where are you going?"

I can't, we can't."

I could protest and draw her back into me, Daniel decided to make his presence
well known with a blood-curdling scream. "Looks like he agrees with you
too." My lips fell on hers one last time, before I slowly slid her down my
body so she was standing.



smacked her ass, catching her off guard just before leaning in and pulling out
the car seat that held our baby boy. As we made our way into the kitchen, I
caught sight of the cutest little girl patiently waiting for her parents to get
home. As soon as she saw my face, she came barreling into the kitchen. I
snatched her up and spun her in a circle making her giggle.

After I
was done smothering Charlie with love, I set her down and introduced her to her
brand new little brother. The smile on her face could've lit up an entire room.
I helped Bennett get comfortable on the couch so she could feed Daniel and so
Charlie could get a better look, before I headed into the front room to check
on Hannah and Theo.

guys, how are things?" Judging by the deafening silence in the room, not
so good.

think Hannah is going to head home now. I know it's your first night home with
the little one, but is it cool if I just crash on your couch out here for

glanced back and forth between him and Hannah, knowing exactly what had
happened. "Yeah man, that's totally fine. I'm sure Bennett won't mind. Why
don't you go upstairs and grab some blankets and a pillow."

I watched as Theo looked at Hannah with pleading eyes. This wasn't his
was positive about.

Theo disappeared upstairs, I took my chance to see how Hannah was doing.
"Hey Hannah, I'm not exactly sure what happened, but are you going to be

a word, Hannah turned and flung herself into my arms. I held her tight and
rubbed her back, as I noticed that she had started to cry. "It'll be okay,
Han. You know we're here for you. Whatever you need, day or night." I felt
her nod her head against my chest and my heart broke a little for her.

honestly thought he was the one. I wanted him to be the one more than anything
I have ever wanted. There's just so much he doesn't know."

do you mean, Han?"

She pushed back from me and wiped away the remaining tears. "I'm going to
go say goodnight to Bennett. Thank you, Gray."

welcome?" I was confused as all hell and not exactly sure what to say. I
would leave that to Bennett.

couple minutes later, Theo was coming down the stairs and the look on his face
wasn't a happy one. Actually, it was the complete opposite. He looked pissed.
"What's going on, Theo?"

just talked to Jason." He threw the blankets and pillow he had gathered
from upstairs onto the couch. "He says he has some stuff that I should

you need to let this go. You guys are over now. There's no reason to make
anyone feel worse about it."

is when he says he has pictures of Hannah picking up something from the
pharmacy with Ryan in tow. Now do you want to tell me that I don't want to

I could
practically see the smoke coming out of his ears.

now I'm extremely confused. What does Hannah being at the pharmacy with Ryan
have to do with anything?"

let Jason explain when he gets here. He should be her in ten."

I let
out an annoying breath. "Theo, you do realize that
mind. Let me know when he gets here."

walked into living room fully expecting the girls to be in a very in-depth
conversation, but Bennett had already passed out along with both of our kids. I
didn't see Hannah in the living room, but caught sight of her as I glanced
towards the kitchen. She was sitting at the breakfast bar, her head propped up
in her hands. I didn't want to be rude and ask her to go, but I knew the minute
Jason showed up, World War III would ensue in my house. Begrudgingly I made my
way over to Hannah, stopping to grab two bottles of water from the fridge.

you want to tell me what's really going on?"

really. Sorry Gray, but I think I'm just going to head home. Can you tell
Bennett I'll be over first thing tomorrow to help out and finally hold that
adorable new baby?" A small smile touched her lips. How could I deny her
the one thing that seemed to make her smile?

If you need anything between now and then, just call."

Hannah pressed a small kiss to my cheek and then she was gone.

rubbed my hands down my face a few times, trying to wake myself up enough to
get my family in bed and then have the small pow wow Theo had planned with
Jason. I enlisted Theo to help me get them all to bed. He took Charlie and laid
her down in her room, while I took Daniel and placed him in his bassinet on the
side of our bed. Just as I hit the top step while carrying Bennett to bed, I
heard a small knock at the front door. I quickly tucked Bennett in bed, made
Daniel a fresh bottle and set it on Bennett's nightstand before I made my way
downstairs. Apparently, I had taken five minutes too long. I could practically
hear every word coming out of Theo's angry mouth as I closed my bedroom door.

Theo, I love you man, but if you wake up any one of those people upstairs, so
help me god I will kick your fucking ass."


Jason. So, please tell me
all this
amazing scoop that
couldn't wait until morning. Oh and by the way, super creepy that you offered
to follow Hannah. Just sayin'." I let out a small chuckle as Jason and I
shook hands.

partner in crime here all but made me do
it. I
kind of had no choice. But, that's not the point here. Look at these."

shit, Theo. You had him take pictures? How long has he been following

a few months."

a few months? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

don't know, Gray. I wish I fucking knew, but the girl fucking drives me crazy.
I was all set to propose to her and then I see this shit." He pointed at
the stack of pictures on the coffee table.

You were going to ask her to marry you?" Jason and I both spoke in unison.

I bought the ring and everything."

why have her followed then?"

had been acting so weird over the last three months. She was being a bitch and
going off on me for anything and everything. She accused me of cheating on her
first, and wouldn't let it go when I tried to tell her about the case I was
currently working. She was so adamant that I was cheating, that I started to
think maybe she was the one cheating. Her and that Ryan fuck, literally talk
almost every day. Do you know how frustrating it is to have your girl talking
to another guy more than she talks to you? And she was always so fucking sweet
to him, but as soon as she got off the phone, she was back in full on bitch

pushed Theo down onto the couch and sat across from him, grabbing the stack of
pictures on my way. I started fingering through the pictures and stopped when I
got to a picture that could probably clear up the entire argument.

Theo, did you happen to look at what Hannah was buying?"

course. Why do you think I'm so pissed? Not only has she been cheating on me,
but she's fucking PREGNANT with his fucking kid."

I shook
my head in disbelief and at the fact that Theo is a fucking idiot. "Theo,
don't you think maybe she's pregnant with

likely. I mean there was a night about three months back when-"

I sat
back and watched as realization crossed over Theo's face. Jason and I looked
between each other and almost started busting up laughing. Theo was taking a
tad bit too long to come to the full conclusion, but we waited. About ten
minutes later, Theo finally looked up at us.

think I might have fucked up."


shit guys. What am I going to do? She knows that Jason has been following her.
That was part of what our fight was about. That's why she broke up with

it's getting late. Give her a night to think about things and you sleep on it.
There's no reason to rush over and try to win her back." Jason's rational
thinking surprised me sometimes. Especially given the fact that he had ruined
almost every relationship he had ever had, including his most recent with the

has she tried to tell you about the baby at all?"

why?" Theo was now looking at me for answers, but I honestly had none.
This was the first I was hearing about any of this.

reason. She's coming over in the morning; you guys can talk about it then. I'm
beat though, so I'm headed off to bed. Newborns don't sleep real well, just a
little FYI for ya." I gave him a wink and laughed the entire way up the
stairs. "Oh, and don't forget to set the alarm when Jason leaves. Goodnight

When I
opened the door to my bedroom, I took in the amazingly beautiful sight before
me. My beautiful wife was in the same position I had left her in and she looked
absolutely beautiful all wrapped up in our comforter. Her hair was fanned out on
her pillow and she looked so peaceful. Before checking on Daniel, I kissed her
on her forehead, silently praying I wouldn't wake her. Daniel was also in the
same position. He was perfectly swaddled in his blanket and sound asleep. I
kissed him as well, and then hauled my tired ass over to the other side of the

slipped under the covers quietly, or at least I thought. I felt her hand slide
over my bare chest and pull me down next to her. She wasn't fully awake and it
made her needing me even sexier. I turned and pulled her up onto my chest,
brushing her hair back from her face. When her breathing evened out again, I
finally succumbed to sleep and man did it feel amazing.



I could
feel the suns heat radiating through the half open window. It felt amazing
against my cool skin and I didn't want to move from my comfortable position.
Unfortunately, there would soon be a crying baby wanting to eat, and I wanted
Gray to be able to get some decent sleep. As I rolled onto my back to stretch,
I came to the realization that I was alone. I sat up quickly and checked the
bassinet on my side of the bed. I was shocked to find it empty. I knew that
Gray most likely had Daniel, so I decided to take a quick shower before heading

I let
the hot water fill the bathroom with steam before I undressed and slipped under
the water. My body instantly relaxed under the steady stream and I tipped my
head back just enough to let the waterfall down my hair and onto my backside.
Oh how I had missed warm showers. The shower at the hospital was nice, but I
learned rather quickly not to take too long, because the water went from hot to
ice cold in a matter of minutes.

wasn't supposed to get my bandages soaked, so I didn't stay in as long as I
would have liked to, but the few minutes I had were so well worth it. I shut
the water off and wrapped a towel around my body before I made my way into our
closet. I was still really sore so I opted for a pair of loose fitting yoga
pants and a baggy off the shoulder T-shirt. I ran a brush through my hair and
swiped a small amount of mascara on my lashes and then made my way downstairs.

intoxicating aroma of coffee floated up the stairs, assaulting my nostrils. I
sped up the process of getting down the stairs when I heard voices filtering
through the air. I could make out Hannah's, Theo's and Gray's, but the third
one wasn't one I was familiar with. As I turned the corner to head into the
kitchen, I stopped mid stride taking in the scene playing out before me. The
voice I hadn't recognized belonged to one Ryan Ackerman. And to my utter
disbelief, he was situated between Hannah and Theo at the dining room table.

good morning sleepy head. How did you sleep?" Gray's voice was like velvet
and it did things to me that I sometimes wish it didn't. Only because it always
seemed to make me blush in front of people I didn't know very well. Gray made
his way over to me with Daniel fast asleep in his arms.

slept good. I could've gotten up with him."

okay. My girl needed some rest." Gray kissed me deeply and if we didn't
have to wait six fucking weeks, I would've taken him right then and there.

going on here?" I whispered as I pointed in the direction of the people
gathered around our table.

just wait. I'll let them explain it all to you."


was next to come over and greet me with a kiss on the cheek and big hug. Theo
was right behind her, patiently waiting his turn. After all of the affection, I
made my way over to the table and slowly sipped on the fresh cup of coffee my
husband had made for me.

Nice to see you again.
How are you
feeling?" I had never noticed before how tall Ryan actually was, until I
was standing next to him as he gave me a quick hug.

feeling good. How are you?"

doing great. Just glad Theo is giving me a chance to explain a few

We both
sat down and I'm sure the confused expression on my face wasn't lost on anyone.
"So, does someone want to tell me what's going on? Oh wait, what time is it?
Gray we need to get Daniel to the doctor by nine."

already took him. Dr. Ray says he looks perfect and to come back in a week or
call if there are any issues."

truly are amazing, you know that right?"

course." He laughed.

I guess I'll start." Hannah's voice broke through Gray's laughter. "I
have an announcement to make to everyone, so listen up. I'm pregnant. Three
months along to be exact and yes, it is Theo's."

I sat
back in shock. Hannah had hinted to me that she had been feeling off the last
couple of months, but never in a million years did I think that this was why.
Hannah was the last person who wanted kids of her own and I honestly never
pegged Theo for wanting to be a dad.

know what you're thinking, but I'm happy about this." She made her way
over to Theo and sat on his lap. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but
we were fighting so much and you were barely around. I knew you never really
thought about having kids, hell I didn't think I wanted kids either."

glanced over at Ryan, "So how does
fit into all of this?"

I first found out, I didn't want to go to my regular doctor, mainly because I
wasn't sure I was going to keep it. Now before you freak out, just let me
explain. I knew that Ryan's fiancé was an OB-GYN, so I went to him and asked
that this be kept quiet until I decided what to do. I've been seeing her since
I found out."

engaged?" Theo pointed
right at Ryan.

laughed. "Yeah, for a year now. I tried to tell you that. Hannah even
tried to tell you that, but I get it. It's hard to see past what a picture may
show you."

don't even know what to say. I guess, I'm sorry."

I probably would've thought the same thing. I can see how the situation looked,
you know a good looking guy like me and a great looking girl like Hannah."
We all looked at Ryan in amazement. No one had ever talked to Theo the way he
was. "I'm just joking man. It was never like that. We were only talking so
much because Sarah, my fiancé, was having me relay information about tests and
what not."

like you, Ryan. You're a cool guy and anyone who can talk to Theo like that is
always welcome in my house."

gave Gray a cross look, but then shortly broke into laughter right along with
him and Ryan. I was slowly starting to realize that Ryan and his fiancé might
become a permanent fixture in this group.

so now that we have all of that sorted out, I think. Hannah what are you going
to do?" I was worried about my best friend. I knew how she felt about being
a mom, especially given the fact that her mom wasn't the best around.

glanced up at Theo and kissed him on the cheek before answering me. "I'm
going to take my boyfriend home and talk to him about it. We're going to figure
this out

arm snaked around my waist, pulling my chair right next to his. I smiled up at
him feeling like the luckiest girl in the world. Although we had been through
our fair share of shit over the last couple of years, I found myself being
grateful for where we were at now. We all focused on Theo waiting for him to
respond, but he was
busy making googily eyes

think my work here is done. Thanks for letting me come over to explain, or at
least be part of the explanation." Ryan stood and shook Theo's hand and
then Gray's. "Congrats again, man. As soon as Bennett is feeling up to it,
come by my new restaurant. Dinner is on me."

good to me, man. Thanks again for your help. And we would love to meet your
fiancé, so feel free to bring her by anytime."

I'll see you guys soon."

walked Ryan to the door and I followed so I could get the chance to hold my
son. When I approached Gray, he turned his body so I couldn't reach for Daniel.
"You have to pay the toll first, Button."

My hand
slid down the front of his jeans. I cupped his most prized possession and gave
it a gentle squeeze. "How about you give me my son, and then I'll do
something nice for you later."

I'm liking that idea."

My lips
grazed his and just as he was going in for a kiss, I quickly pulled back.
"Hand over my son, Mr. Weston." My hand tightened over his semi hard

lips moved excruciatingly slow over to my earlobe, "You don't play fair,
Mrs. Weston."

never have." I smiled against his neck before playfully biting the side of

He whispered as he placed Daniel in my arms.

know it." I smiled as I walked into the living room to join my daughter on
the couch where she was happily watching some cartoons.

was home, my home. This was my family, and it was the best family a girl could
ask for. I glanced over the back of the couch at Theo and Hannah still wrapped
up in each other, and I just knew that they would make great parents, if that's
what they chose to do. They could both fight it as much as they wanted to, but
I knew they both wanted this.

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